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>try out cs2 a few weeks ago after 13 year hiatus
>have a lot of fun despite cheaters
>buy prime and want to get better at game
>still only play casual for now because i am one too
>first game today i killed some random enemy at my spawn during warm-up in an unspectacular way
>he immediately calls me a cheater and account buyer
>ignore at first, he continues being a faggot
>look at his profile
>9k hours in css, 6k in cs2
>200 commends, 70 for being friendly
>call him out for being a mentally ill faggot
>keeps being aggressive and calls me a cheater and account buyer for the whole game
>also he immediately sets his profile to private
thanks for reading my blog
how is your multiplayer experience going today?
>Come back after 4 years or so
>Was Nova 3 last time
>Calibrate 7500 (silver 4 approx.)
>players rated 6000 now are EASILY stronger than high novas were 4 years ago
>Everyone pre-aiming angles, tons of smokes in bombsite executions, etc.

Boring as fuck and depressing. I'm not going to tryhard learn all this strategic shit like proper jiggle peaking to get from silver 4 to silver 5.
Maybe the matchmaking isn't as honest as people think. In reality the playerbase is so big that a middle of the road ranked level shouldn't be anything like this.
Call of Duty for example plain lies to the players about the ranked progression and employs just b.s. disguised as ranked play.
Valve could've easily changed something in order to increase engagement (i.e. their potential profits).
I think they actually created disincentives. If you look at the percentiles, 7500 is right where silver 4 used to be after the times they re-adjusted the ranks (i.e., 2016). ~15th percentile.

I see how skilled players are at the 15th percentile and want to quit the game immediately. It's demoralizing. Feels like I would have to grind for at least 100-200 hours to get to the 50th percentile.
They recalibrated the ratings like ten times towards the end of GO, I used to be around dmg/le 7-8 years ago and I plateaued at mg1 when I played it again last summer
mg1 would get you to LE/LEM at the end of csgo when they finally fixed the ranks

lol you are complaining about spending 200 hours to be average at cs??? when the games been around for 25 years
200 hours on top of the 900 or whatever that I already have.

It's awful coming back after a few years and finding out the community got that much better at it. You need to be at the absolute bottom to play the old style of casual cs in competitive mode.
This is such a dumb complaint
You play the game because the game is fun.
ouch.... i have 1300 hours spanned across the past 8 years and i am 17k rating
Nah matchmaking/premier isnt set up well enough, I have around 660 hours on my main with about 500-700 on previous alts and I consider myself very good at the game, though I cba'd to really grind shit out, got LE in 2020 I think, then I stopped grinding after that, now, on map ranks I am silver 4 dust 2 gn1 mirage, and its literally impossible to climb lol, chances are you are playing against good players that dont belong in that elo
Valve fucked the game up really hard but they can still salvage it
Though the cheater problem isnt as bad as it was its still a major problem that needs to be solved
The economy needs to be fixed, if T's start snowballing a little, and you need to eco on CT, chances are you are fucked hardcore for the next few rounds
M12 is too short in my opinion and M15 is better
The new loadout system is a little gay, the idea of having to choose between a4 and m4s was kinda cool and it feels a little cheap to have both equipped, and the new system makes niche underused weapons already more obsolete cause people will choose the better versions, I doubt you'll ever see weapons like pp bizon or mp7 again
Subtick is a lot better than what it once was, but for some reason I dont know if its the hitreg or something but I cant shake the feeling that something is still up with the gunplay and the movement, it feels very wonky, sometimes I hit some shots that would've never registered on csgo
Running and gunning is a major problem still that HAS to be solved, im getting killed by m4s players who dont even counter strafe, just a-d spam lol
Maps are still missing, and new ones should've been added already
Maybe add an option to revert the graphics or something, as the new ones are kinda shit and looking back at csgo gameplay makes me realize that even more, the new ones are too cartoony and fortnite-like and doesnt suit CS
More QoL stuff like that smoke camera would be cool, something like options for favourite crosshairs
Yeah thats about all I can remember, CS2 source code will come in useful but the state of the game is fucked up hard and it'll take some few years knowing valve to get back at it
Thanks for reading
Premier doesn't have the same problems, and 7500 rating which is the equivalent of Silver 4 is still very difficult.

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