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Gingaza Main Story Chapter 2 came out.
Full versions of the songs were released, links here: https://lnk.to/WDS_gameplaylist
Livestream featuring Hatsumi and Xue's seiyuus on November 29th: https://twitter.com/wds_game/status/1724731686334943343
Current event is a Towa/Shigure/Yae event.
Previous thread: >>1225065
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Sirius Chapter 2 has been fully subbed in English.
The event is nearing its end, so remember to read the event story, buy out the shop, and do the highscore challenge.
On a side note: Remember to read Gingaza's second story soon, or you'll miss out on the limited time rewards.
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Best poster
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New event tomorrow, 'Goodbye Gimlet'.
Currently there is a bug when you can claim key mission with only 1 lvl mission
or maybe it's not a bug by itself, but it breaks the game nonetheless https://twitter.com/wds_game/status/1726519271558439194
Did that for Kokona, now I can't even get into the menu anymore
They're fixing it today with an app update.
We are nearly at the end of another event, so remember to read the event story and buy out the shop.
The limited time rewards from reading Gingaza's second story and doing the "Wanna be a Star" songs will also be going away soon, so be sure to get those done in time.
I missed the stream, welp
Bizarre but amazing choice
Not that bizarre considering the Denki story starts with Iroha and Mito watching a Code Geass performance.
>200 rolls
>2 4*
>both off banner
i like to think i can tolerate some bullshit but this one is getting me a bit tense
Another event is nearing its end, so be sure to read the event story and buy everything from the shop.
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Gingaza Chapter 2 translations.
The event is nearly over, so remember to to read the story, do the high score challenge, and buy everything from the shop.
We are at the end of another event, so remember to read the story and buy everything.
thanks for your hard work reminderanon
We are almost at the end of this event, so remember to read the story, buy everything from the event shop and to grab the rewards from the campaign and the pulls.
The current campaign also lets you train twice a day until the 10th, so don't forget about the second time.
We are nearing the end of yet another event, so don't forget to read the story, do the high score challenge, and to buy everything from the shop.
I realise that I'm probably in the 0.5% overlap between this game's players and fake type. fans, but I sure do appreciate them getting a song in any game (Even though I don't care much about this one in particular, but turns out it's their most popular one in the last year by a lot)
Someone on /u/ requesting a summary of the story so far, cross posting here for anyone interested.

So far it's mostly been introducing the troupes, the characters and their back stories and overarching plots. Sirius and Gingaza have had their second chapters so far and (datamine spoilers) Gekidan Denki is getting their second chapter next week.

The main overarching plots are that an elite troupe named Olympus are sniffing around and trying to scout various people and buy out less successful troupes, with the implication that the work environment is brutal and they burn all the enjoyment of acting out of their actors, and that Hiiragi is secretly planning to create synergy between the four main troupes so far to boost everyone's abilities and create a bunch of World Dai Stars.

I'm not going to summarise the 15 non-Sirius characters back stories, but for the main 4 troupe's stories:
In Eden, it starts off showing an island girl named Nikako being recruited by the current leader of the Eden troupe Hatsumi and the owner of the troupe, an old woman named Tetra, while they're holidaying on the island.

Nikako goes to Tokyo and adjusts to the troupe well even though she's extremely pure hearted and nice and sensitive and the rest of the troupe are edgy and/or mentally ill. Hatsumi is also a raging lesbian who's in an open relationship with a Finnish nudist girl from the Gingaza troupe whose mother is a supermodel, and she drives around town picking up random girls to date every day.

Nikako finds out that Hatsumi is extremely controlling when it comes to theatre and that she basically took over Eden by force and chased off everyone who wouldn't bend to her will. Tetra was fine with this, because Eden had become stale after she'd given control of it to someone else after she was diagnosed with a serious blood/circulation disorder, which is slowly killing her.
One day Nikako is accosted by an ex-member of Eden who was scared off by Hatsumi and now spends her time writing nasty reviews about Eden's plays online. Since Nikako is so pure, this freaks her out badly and Hatsumi bans her from looking at social media from then on.

Not long afterwards Nikako performs her first play, and the anti finds that she's incapable of slandering the performance. Nikako's Sense turns out to be one that forces anyone who watches a play she's in to give their completely honest opinions.

Later, Tetra collapses from her disease. Since she might not have much time left, she wants to teach them everything she can while she still has the chance, and to do so they'll be staging The Phantom of the Opera. Nikako has trouble with playing Raoul since she's never experienced jealousy or rage before, but her fellow troupe member Daikoku helps her understand the role by being mentally ill at her. They stage the play even though Tetra is too sick to attend until the final performance. After, an Olympus scout from America tries to scout Hatsumi, but she tells him she would never join a troupe unless she had total control over it and he leaves. Tetra recovers from her relapse.

Future storylines set up in key stories are that Iruru, a girl with a Sense that allows her to get a passing grade in any role but to never excel, wants to surpass her limitations in the lead role of a performance of Salome, and Shigure, the 10 year old who has a Sense that brute forces people who she can initially get to become normal fans into becoming her devoted fans, has neglectful rich parents who leave her alone all the time, don't care about her acting, and say she has to quit acting if she hasn't become a Dai Star by middle school.
Gingaza is one of the biggest and most prestigious acting troupes around. All of their actors are high quality and can only join after passing rigorous screening. They scout actors from all over the world and have a high number of members, but the way it operates makes it so that many members get few or even no roles and drop out rates and stress levels are high. Barely anyone is friends with anyone else.

The current leading light in the troupe is Senju Koyomi, the eldest daughter of a very rich and prestigious acting family. In addition to high level normal acting abilities, she has a Sense which allows her to copy any other Sense. Her acting ability and family and troupe circumstances put her apart from everyone else, and after an incident where a friend who wasn't getting parts dropped out of the troupe to go and look after her father and then ghosted her, and then the future troupe leader of Gingaza, who was her only friend at that point and the only actor who could rival her got into a fight with the directors and left, also without keeping in contact with her, she shut herself off and stopped believing in the need for friendship.

At the beginning of the Gingaza chapter, a German girl named Ramona Wolf leaves Hamburg for Japan. She was in the same troupe as Kathrina and wanted to help her after the Cinderella incident, but couldn't. It's implied over time that she mainly went to Japan because she was chasing after Kathrina. She has a Sense that lets her sense people's weaknesses on stage, and she places extreme importance on friendship and camaraderie.

When she arrives in Japan and starts living in the Gingaza dorms, she's horrified to find out that hardly anyone wants to be friends with each other and starts obsessively trying to convert them to the magic of friendship.
She meets Kathrina shortly before the Kaguyahime play, but Kathrina wants nothing to do with her. She decides to become stronger somehow so she can help her properly this time, but ends up not helping her before Kokona and the others did, for various reasons.

She has little luck making Gingaza more friendly, but then the only girl who was friends with her leaves after not getting a role yet again. She hammers away at the more receptive people in Gingaza until she befriends them via hotpot parties and nudity, but Koyomi continually rejects her. Ramona ends up starring against her in a play and realises that Koyomi is burnt out and doesn't enjoy acting properly anymore. The audience, but not Ramona, learns that Koyomi has insomnia and uses sleeping pills to sleep. Ramona declares to Koyomi that she's going to save her from her burn out by becoming the leading light of Gingaza herself and starts trying to befriend her even more aggressively, even though she had been declared a stalker by everyone already. Koyomi and Ramona are both shown to find each other physically attractive, despite everything.

Then chapter 2 happens and it's revealed that Koyomi is basically crazy and is burning herself out and guzzling sleeping pills on purpose because she thinks that sacrificing herself to elevate Gingaza and her family name is a great idea, even though no one asked her to go so far, including her family. It also shows that her level of fame and workload is so stifling that even her home relationship with her sister Iroha is stiff and awkward despite how much they love each other. She co-stars in a performance of Night on the Galactic Railroad as Campanella, with Wang Xue as the lead Giovanni, and she starts romanticising self immolation and comparing herself to Campanella and the scorpion who self immolates over and over again for other's sakes.
Xue finds out about her issues after Koyomi accidentally overdoses on sleeping pills and is hospitalised but lies about what happened, and tries to talk sense into her, but by the time the chapter ends Koyomi is still determined to sacrifice herself. Ramona has no idea because Koyomi deliberately avoids her Sense.

In Gekidan Denki's chapter, Koyomi's sister Iroha, who has no Sense and quit acting in elementary school as a result, and Iroha's best friend Mito, see a staging of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion performed by Gekidan Denki and becomes inspired to join them and start acting again. Gekidan Denki is a troupe that specialises in 2.5D performances, such as anime adaptation plays. Iroha and Mito are huge nerds and cosplay their favourite magical girl show together. Iroha has a good relationship with Koyomi and the rest of her family (Koyomi is her number one fan), but it's implied that she was previously depressed due to her lack of Sense and being compared to the rest of her family and Koyomi in particular.

They do well in the troupe and end up inspiring their friend Kamira to join as well. The fortune telling member of the troupe, Tsubomi, who may or may not be schizophrenic, thinks things look great for Denki and decides to tell the groups fortune, but keeps on getting bad results for reasons she can't understand. Another member of the troupe, Towa, is a young ex-Olympus member, who is implied to have suffered burn out from being overworked by them and now takes it easy
Later, they receive the news that since while Denki has no actual financial troubles it's not making as much money anymore, the owner is selling it to Olympus, and they will be doing restructuring, which Towa says will just wreck the troupe. Everyone is extremely upset, but after a few days Iroha decides that they have to fight for Denki by putting on a great show and bringing in lots of new customers. They perform Aladdin with Iroha in the lead role and it's successful enough that Denki's owner backs off from the sale.

In Sirius chapter 2 Kathrina is upset about not getting lead roles for so long, when she overhears that Kokona is being scouted by Olympus. Kokona turns them down. Kathrina lands the lead role in The Little Mermaid and is desperate to make it a success, but she becomes so stressed that she starts to mentally unravel, and her Sense starts malfunctioning, which makes her go blind and deaf when she uses it. She reveals that a lot of her issues come from how much she idolises her mother and wants to be like her.

She almost drops out of the role, but Panda and the others manage to keep her going and she plays the role even though her Sense still wasn't working when she went on stage. She performs so well in the role that her mental state recovers and her Sense not only starts working again but evolves as well.
Livestream in 30 minutes.
hopium for an ongeki/CHUNITHM collab
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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime collab next month.
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Denki Chapter 2 on the 27th, with Iroha and Towa Alice in Wonderland fes banner cards.
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Denki Chapter 2 trailer.
We are once again near the end of an event.
Remember to buy every reward from the shop and to read the event story.
So they did a circle-requirement event in the first month and then never repeated this type of event ever again.
And now, after 80% of circles died, they've made them an important mechanic
hope you ranked well friends
It's that time again.
Remember to read the event story and buy everything from the shop.
Also, don't forget to read Denki's second main story before it's too late to get the limited time rewards.
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Valentine's Day event translation.
You can get Valentine's Day chocolates from whoever is set as the main character on your home screen if you log in today.
>iroha gets the collab poster again
i sleep
We are almost at the end of the event so remember to do the high-score challenge, read the story, and buy everything from the shop.
There also isn't too much time left to obtain the limited time rewards from Denki's second main story so be sure to read it soon if you haven't already.
You can do training multiple times today to make up for the days where it was broken.
There isn't much time left to take advantage of this, so get it done quickly.
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Tensura collab started today.
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>Collab after collab
are we d4dj now
could be good
I won. expecting CHUNITHM too later
One day left until the end of the end, so remember to read the story and get everything from the shop.
This is also your last chance to get the extra rewards from Denki's second main story, so read the story if you haven't done so yet.
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Less then a day until the end of the event, so remember to read the event story and grab everything from the store.
31 days of being the only active player in the /vmg/ circle (I am not the creator)
Sorry anon, I try to come back every now and then...
I forgot to ever join it
The event is nearly over, so remember to read the story and grab all the stuff from the store.
Transcend Light's OLIVIER really does recreate the tech-y pattern chorus of ongeki's LUNATIC chart...
Thanks anon.

That's pretty neat.
Eden Chapter 1 subbed, turn on closed captions for the subs.
A bit late, but remember to read the event story, get all rewards from the shop and to do the high-score challenge.
There are problems with logging in, so don't try to wait for the last moment.
Is this game as yuri as the anime?
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Much more so.
We have once again reached the final day of an event, so make sure to read the story and buy everything.
>another sirius event
thanks i hate it
I'm a bit late, but remember to read the event story and get all the rewards.
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We are nearing the end of the event, so remember to read the story, buy everything from the shop, and to do the high-score challenge.
Cutest Daikoku yet
The event is almost over, so remember to read the story and buy all the rewards if you haven't yet.
>yet another sirius event
fuck off
I hate Shizuka's skill gimmick. Why she can't have a good one like Iroha's.
>4 whole days until internet yamero
can't come soon enough
We are once again nearing the end of an event. Remember to do the high-score challenge, buy everything from the shop, and to read the story.
daikoku the secret main character
yet another excellent cover
It's the last day of the event, so make sure to buy all the rewards and read the story.
The limited time rewards from Eden's second story will also soon be unavailable, so be sure to read through the story if you haven't yet.
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What did they mean by this
I thought this game had a self-insert male MC.Was it /u/ fearmongering again?
I can't imagine how they thought that
You sure you aren't confusing this game with another?
Maybe I had it with confused with BR or something;I don't actively keep up with gachas but all I remember was a few people in the WDS saying that the gacha would have a male MC,but they never showed sources.
She's an alcoholic.

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