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Pokémon Unite is a 5v5 MOBA where your objective is to score more points than your opponent. It's focused on quick matches w/ minimal downtime. For Switch, Android, & iOS.

>Test Server (Needs VPN)

- Ceruledge(June 13th)
- Ho-Oh

- Falinks has been released
- Patch notes:https://unite-db.com/patch-notes

Previous: >>55830778
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Balance changes
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Nothingburger patch. Matchmaking changes or EoS next month.
>game has to reset for patch
>recently played with gets reset
>have to guess at when the fucktards from last match will be in a new match before queuing
>buy delphox
>gets nerfed less than a week later
Does clefable suck? I need to buy a supporter and wanna avoid overplayed ones and I like clefairy.
Does its job of being a dedicated healer well and has the option of either absolutely cucking anything that uses dash type moves or having a pretty beefy shield with some minor CC attached.
Be warned: You will be 102% reliant on the competency of your team.

also heal+random move unite move funny
is the gyro ballsack back
I have not touch this game in a while. I stop playing during the Miraidon event. How is the game doing now?
This patch is bitter sweet. One the bright side cram got a major buff. Not only can cram dominate with any variation build between Dive/slash and Dive/Hurricane or Surf/slash and Surf/hurricane, but older cram Mains are getting better. Playing as a CC range assassin was my favorite playstyle.
On the down side, I won't be shocked if timi hotfixes cram as meta sheep start picking up the best bird to play as a range CC assassin hybrid. Resulting in cram getting nerfed and being worse before this new buff for Dive/Hurricane builds.
Basically. Magnet is still metagross best move due to how brain dead it is. The damage to gyro and its unite which has a low CD will dominate since they got damage buffs while still having low CD.
Pretty decent. No EX in masters, draft if everyone is 1200+.
Watch anons demand and cry "Defender needed" and the role won't be filled.
The nerfs to Blastoise isn't as bad since the devs did not nerf surf (thank god) but Blastoise flexibility in its item slot choice is now shit. I never had to run spoon on Blastoise since I prioritize focus, goal specs and resonate guard (spam shields every few secs early game and shields from my unite and surf+). Goal specs alone allowed me solid damage. Now I have to drop resonate guard for spoon if I don't like the numbers on pump.
Muh derufokusu
I'm surprised they didn't touch Goodra at all, ttar buffs should be fun to mess with at least. I already have really good games with leaf owl so those changes are nice too.
>tyranitar buffs only buffs tyranitar
So nothing changes.
Actually the defensive buffs are for the previous forms not tyranitar
Stat buffs are almost nonexistent, Sand Tomb on the other hand...
Has there been a visuals/models update in the last few months? Just started back again after a break and the chantey/blissey in my first match looked different/bigger/more detailed or something?
not in the slightest
Maybe you had skipped downloading the high res pack first time around. Or used lower settings.
In English doc
Wait, this game has graphical settings?
Well yeah. And a bunch of extremely useful gameplay settings.
Go away.
>they still dont give owl a boosted auto on razor leaf
god dammit its so simple to make this move work
it doesnt need cooldown it just needs to give you a boosted auto on activation

>blisseys non egg set gets buffed
meh unless they make blisseys attack animation better this is a nothing boost
the extra second for safeguard is neat though

>metagross gets a attack boost in some moves
gets gooo

>blastoise nerf
it was expected
i run mainly slowbro so this isnt a issue for me

>color fix
about time
>Umbreon lane partner abandons me to go score up top
>Constantly backcaps
blastoise and delphox got shat upon
is this the end of the endless crowd control era?
The game is still built around CC retard. Goss, Trev and Falkins are prime examples.
Now expect Metagross and Cram to join the mix with the CC mons that didn't get nerf.
if the game is built around cc then why is dodrio so broken?
>game has a fucking lagspike as I move to ban Umbreon and I end up banning Mamo instead
It's just ttars with pocket supports all over again, huh
All that needs to be said, this game is a fucking train wreck
don't worry guys the game will be saved by ho-oh where the enemy team gets a full revival every fight while your ho-oh gets you killed with the move that draws damage to its teammates
Stone edge feels better but it seems like dark pulse is still the best option.
>Gyarados wants to Jungle
>also using Potion
Fuck off retard
Because retard, dodrio is a stupid fucking exception just like EXs made by shill timi. People still try to argue Dodrio low pickrate makes it balance to be OP. I mean the mon was literally going toe to toe and out performing Zacian during the sword dog prime years.
The only difference is this current api has Dodrio at a 10% pickrate which is rare because the mon before typically had a pickrate between 3 to 5% at most. So now more players are realizing how Good dodrio is by getting better.
but you can just cc the dodrio and the whole game is built around cc
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>blind pick at 1400+
>AssVest EXP Share Gengar
>instalocks Jungle
>you can just cc the dodrio
Key word is can. Can you CC dodrio if you catch her? No or Majority of the time you won't be able to during a game. Why? Because of its hit/run tactics and she CC you first with jump kick and hits you with Tri-attack or drill peck, then regardless if Dodrio killed you instantly or not, she quickly retreats before you can catch her. It is like you have not played against one and if you have not played against a good dodrio count yourself very lucky.
Jump kick is stupidly broken and its only got buffs from being a 8 sec to a 6.5 sec CD and when jump kick hits a player, it reduces its CD even further.
It's almost insulting how much people underestimate Falinks, it's not even that hard to play
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Don't forget its broken game winning unite. Only way I can fuck over Dodrio and its unite is playing Barrier Mr.mime. Watching a Dodrio run into my barrier is the best feeling ever.
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I've had some stanky runs with no back up but I do wanna play as one of my favorite pokemon.
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Alright which one of you bozos banned Snorlax and Duraludon?
why did mew get shotgunned
Too good of a mon since its so versatile in meta players that know how to use it.
>the red dot for dragon dicking won't go away unless you share the event
a certified unite classic
>40 KO draft game
good god
All I do is lose.
I just won a game. Does that means I'm better?
Unironically yes.
>Sand tomb and Stone Edge vs a CC Team
>Not even having Full Heal
why would anyone use hyperspace hole over shadow ball?
summer is truly here it seems. also the amount of shitters i see obsessed with scoring the first goal only too get killed is crazy
>piss of a team so hard that they all target and solo unite me
>team can't fight without me carrying
to be fair I did 5 man wipe them at bot regi right before fug but it cost me my life and my team was too afraid to rip
When is the anniversary/other big yearly event?
Why do they ban Nothing
To keep their options open. :)
It's great healing as long as you use it early enough (don't wait till your mates have 1 hp), and you're team understands to step on it and use the return function
>won a game with a 0 damage pikachu that spent the entire match stealing our side's farm
feels good to win in adversity and shit on their griefing attempt, feels bad to give them a win
ah yup, we're in the lead so it's time for our slowest ripping teammate(s) to start trying to rip fug instead of helping in the fight
okay cool thanks for the info
Timi broke Metagross again. Its like they cannot balance a mon for their life anytime they buff it. His Unite still whiffs so full heal is recommended but he is back to when Timi 1st buff Gyro ball before they needed to nerf it quickly. All you really need is Weight and Focus. The last item can be anything else but I like Resonant so I can give a mini shield during team fights to an ally.
yippee it's the "tyranitar wins one 1v2 and thinks he can solo the entire enemy" meta again!
How much did Blastoise resented the nerfs?
wtf, Unite is based for once?
Christ what a massacre. Why did quick game lump all the high level people together?!
>get lucario-charizard-dodrio ulted as pikachu
>survive and keep them busy for a bit anyway
>team barely gets leki 4v1
sigh. Of course I lost to some twitch faggot who is soooo funny and edgy with his witty commentary on current events and
If you're in combat and can't wait at the hole, place it, Phantom Force away, then just before it expires use the return button.
>His Unite still whiffs so full heal is recommended
It's not even that, just stand behind any obstacle and his unite will always get canceled on collision
If my jungler and lane partner fuck up and can't just calm down and farm during laning, then start to ping CHECK IT OUT on me trying to fucking evolve and maybe get ult for regi, I'm going to afk farm and backcap. It's really not that deep.
>draft mode
>enemy has tyranitar blastoise metagross umbreon pikachu
>last pick: lane talonflame
-8 good boy points it is
Me. I recognized the tard flailax player from last game.

Also TTar bros WW@ our boy finally feels great to play now. Stone edge doesn't feel like a shittier auto attack and allows us to flash farm to 9 better.
Yeah. The only thing metagross has going for its unite is when he scans enemies to make that gigantic wall. It is satisfying seeing squishy fags panicking as they are stuck inside since they do not run x-speed
>haven't played duraludon in awhile so i decide to pick it
>entire enemy team always flanks to get to me
>since they do not run x-speed
Typo I mean eject
I've noticed that despite how the average player acts they're at least smart enough to not let that thing get going, or maybe it's just the appeal of getting to nuke an extremely slow and frail mon.
>Put Scope Lens on Falinks
>Suddenly I'm instbigging squishies with the Iron Head->No Retreat->Iron Head->mobile auto combo
This thing having a 20% Crit Rate by level 10 feels like a bug lmao
It's able to do it without lens, that ridiculous damage overall feels like a bug rather
no idea why it's still allowed
It scares me whenever a blissey says "thanks/"
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Eevees and Eeveefags are a blight.
Better than Sableye fuckers who try to call jungle.
anon that means they're going counter jungle you blithering retard
>Backcapping Mamo
now i've seen everything.
How do I get better at fighting people?
Yeah, counter jungling the guy on my team that originally called it you stupid faggot.
On that topic, what do you guys prefer for the counter jungler to pick? Lane or mid2? No call?
Be less predictable. A well timed wiggle can mean dodging a nasty and living.
Hm, it's safe to say I'm thoroughly tilted right now. My last match was just constant bad decisions from myself.
They keep nerfing Glaceon's most used set but refuse to make the cumbersome other moves more desirable.
Definitely wouldn't mind if they reduced Icy Wind's cooldown so it was more easily spammable even at the cost of a damage nerf I'd be down to use it more.
Hurricane getting buffed tempts me to start stacking with Cram.
>reduce icy wind cooldown
nah man I don't want to relive post-Accelgor nerf glaceon
Make icy wind have a small AOE lower its cd
Stone edge is actually enjoyable to use now, thank you timi. Makes getting to 9 not as miserable.
>Is that a Meowscarada
I play what I want. It's your fault for not picking a counter and killing it if it kills me.
So many brain dead TTars, Holy Fucking Shit
me too, I instalock sableye every game
my girl... insta leglocking me...
>draft game
>enemy team has a known dodrio carry
>team doesn't ban it
>our first pick is dragonite
>they take dodrio and pikachu
>go sylveon to turn my brain off and not rage
>mute everyone's pings right away
>try and help dratini jungle not get stomped out
>get repaid by him feeding doubles to the lane gible
>spend most of the game with the dodrio focusing me down since he knows I'm the only person who knows how to play against him
>ray spawns
>team tries to 3v5
>fuck it I can't get there in time, I'll dunk my 50 on the outer goal
>kill the sableye trying to stop me
>kill the venasaur that splits off to chase me
>dodge garchomp dodrio ult with own ult
>dance around top bushes on 10% health
>gamble on jumping over a wall and kill dodrio
>team has spawned by now
>rip ray
>dunk those 100s
>don't get a single thumbs up
>wonders why he isn't liked
One day Lapras will be competitive again...
They really need to give water pulse/perish song a hindrance effect. Right now those moves only exist to heal you for 2% percent.
>playing MF sylveon
>got 110k damage, 14 kills, and 70k healing
>didn't die once
Still lost cuz we had no objective ripping power for Fug and we couldn't counter-score the enemy Greendent in time.
The mind of retarded eeveeshitters everybody
I hate fighting Perish Lapras because of the execution effect.
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How to determine you as a player based on winrate/profile:
>at least 3000 ranked games played
>more than 10 seasons played
>current season wr is appropriate to evaluate at 300 games atleast
It really grinds my gears that people can open up a new account and inflate their winrate so high because they're up against bots mostly/bad players. Idc about your mon/overall winrate because you can cheat that with bot matches in quick battles. Also I'm mostly talking about SoloQ
>65%/over God. I kneel.
>60-65% Pro. You're very skilled nice, keep it up.
>57.5-60% Great. You get the job done.
>55-57.5% Good. You have potential. Some mistakes in your game you need to clean up.
>52.5-55% Mid. You always bring mediocre results. Not bad by any means but maybe you're not carrying enough when you need to.
>50-52.5% Bad. You're on the edge of negative wr. Please get better.
>45-50% Awful. You 100% have learning disabilities. Please uninstall and go play on your leap frog.
>45%/under ...actually braindead. You have brain damage. I'm sorry your parents didn't love you.
I should've spaced out the bottom greentext my bad oops forgot
Frankly, if you're doing that well as Sylveon and still lose, it's the rest of the team's fault.
Dodrio+Comfey is the most annoying shit in this game.
Dodrio alone I can deal with. It dies when caught...
This is why I ban Comfey every chance I get, which unfortunately isn't often since I'm usually getting first or second pick and the bottom guys just ban whatever they want.
I keep banning Umbreon but Comfey might be a more reasonable choice.
there's just too many mons that need to be banned, every time timi introduces something broken (which is every single patch) people just forget about the previous broken mons and then that new broken standard just becomes the norm, repeat ad infinitum as power creep continues to get higher and higher
Same, I can deal with most brokenmons if they don't have a cockring.
>non-draft match
>enemy has both a metagross and a tyranitar that their comfey switches between
>LITERALLY can't kill either of them even when all five of us are wailing on them
>not to mention they have an espeon and glaceon that comfey can also make nigh uncatchable
>Wigglytuff, Sylveon and Gardevoir
It's like our Scizor wants to die.
Show a solo profile over 65% I get new accounts inflating their winrates but if you have a full 5 stack of 55-50s that played non stop 5 stacks they would be over 65 I have tested this multiple times with some accounts over 10000 games you understand the psychology of solo games right anon you're not brain dead, you are lumped into the same games with people and as soon as you out perform someone typically because they're an autist with their ego linked to pokemon unite they will do anything in their power to throw or disrupt your game because of the psycology of narssism (making others believe you are the best through any means than being actually good) and you have to keep playing with these people with some sort of delusions of supremacy which is crazy even if you were the number 1 unite player you are a loser no one knows or cares about you other than other delusion unite players and most likely in needing of some speech therapy I have heard you guys on mic fix yourself before feeling any sort of delusional thoughts of grandeur you're a loser. This is coming from someone who is reguarly in the top 100
>pick dragapult for the event cause it's the easiest to carry with
>KO with dragon dance requirement
fuck I'm gonna feel so bad throwing by not picking force
Oh yeah, that is today
Full Fury but Dragons
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why did i get stunlocked for 10 seconds by duraludon what is going on
So can we agree that an earlier access to draft will only be positive for the game?

The game feels more competitive than ever (for me). And yes, I didnt play a single draft game last season. I'm pretty casual but now I feel like I have to give it my all from the beginning (counterpicking mons and items). I dunno I'm enjoying it more like this
my winrate in masters is a solid 10% higher than my winrate from ultra to master so i'll agree
how long till we get Korrina's spats
the game literally forces 50% win rate on players at best you will get 55% most of /pug/ are there and the best way to play this game is 5 stacks, but most people wouldn't admit
Ah yes the goodra wins game mode is out.

Stealth rocks stun.
>regidrago is finally in the game
>shitty quick match mode
Before you waste your time like I did, CPUs do not count towards the dragon event goals so just doing bot quick matches won't work
I genuinely think an all attacker team is the most powerful thing in SoloQ just because it forces the team to work as a unit or get blown up all the time. Even if I'm a mon that eats attacker ass, I can't do much when they're a tight-knit deathball and my team is off doing whatever random shit they are
>keep getting the exact same instalock one trick top lane gamer with less than 200 games played
>even with queue dodging
matchmaking pls
Looks like you have to play a lot for the free holowear.
>This is coming from someone who is reguarly in the top 100
unrivaled shapely smoothness...
Just because i no-life it at the beginning of every season and quickly fall out of top 100 doesn't mean it doesnt count!!!! I AM GOOD I AM GOOOD
Solo Challenge works if you have access to the mons you picked.
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I need a friend for the challenge points and quick battles for event. I play mostly at night PST.
deep but not raw
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That's cute. I'm not going to get better because having a lower winrate helps me climb to 1600 faster
It's funny how you're too much of a wuss to even post your own stats
Worrying about winrates is for nerds and you should honestly just suck my dick
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Good to know the Glaceon "nerfs" meant nothing AGAIN & Eevees continue to be the most insufferable cumslut retard cancer in this dogshit game
nta but man you made me realize I played this game way too much
Anyone know what holowear you can choose from in the dragon carnival box?
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That's alright. 10,000 battles is actually reasonable if you play this game on a regular basis.
Since I split my time between Unite, a gacha game, and whatever Switch game I actually want to play at the moment, I just do the bare minimum to reach 1600, usually near the end of each season. I'm actually pretty proud of this statistic, all things considered. I don't love this game nearly enough to play it that much.
Although, I'm really jealous of your 23 winstreak record...
i bet she pulsates real nice
>had an afk on our team
>still winning hard even before we got fug
I think I just used up all my good luck for the day.
What about leon solo battle challenge?
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>Enemy team has 2 Goodras/Dragonites
So I picked dragons I don't own for the selection screen because I thought they would give them to you, and now I'm locked out of the challenges unless I buy them because the challenges are species locked to the chosen dragons. Lol
>draft mode
>fight guy sees we already have two attackers
I hate these kinds of people.
>pick Dura and Goodra as my favorites
>their challenge mission are hard as shit
What the fuck man, killing people with Dragon Pulse is damn near frame perfect due to the insane amount of burst and getting fucking ANYONE to stay still next to a teammate when all of their dashes are on 2~ second cooldowns is literally fucking impossible
>tfw i almost had a full speedster meme team
>the last guy wouldn't move off the fucking rabbit
always the rabbits and eevees that ruin things
Honestly what's the point of choosing anything other than Goodra unless you just want to fuck around?
I got really lucky on that one because I was doing some rng manipulation back at season 13 I think
What's the Goodra one? I picked Garchomp and Dragapult, it's get 30 kills with boosted autos (kill me) and 15 KOs with Dragon Dance respectively.
Hit two foes at once with Power Whip's sweetspot 5 times over. I can't even get it once and I've been at it for hours
>playing dodrio
>the enemy has a lot of bulk and many stuns i can't do anything, literally zero kills right now
>enemy cindergayce ALWAYS has his bodyguards wiggly and trevenant with him so i can almost never actually get to him
>managed to catch him out and kill him after fug spawned so he's out for 35 seconds
>snowballs into us wiping out two more guys and getting fug to win the game
Imagine carrying the match super hard then dying -once- to an absolute shitter to lose the game.
Every Glaceon I've been paired with, feel as though they don't have any impact. There's no way the nerfs were that bad.
nah eeveeshitters are just bad players, once you get one on the enemy team you'll realise it's still a bitch
>tyranitar buffed
Time to stop playing melee mons, I guess.
>can only ban four mons
>like 1/3 of the roster is ban-worthy
Someone a few threads ago asked why anyone thought gyarados was good.
Here's an example of his potential. Personally I think he's fun but a bit too squishy to hard carry games reliably.

>Not even the Support Blissey will retreat to defend a goal despite the fact that they have no shield anymore
Please just come back....
nobody asked that, he's had the highest winrate for months.
Even a target itself getting briefly simply thrown interrupts Metagross' ult, what the fuck were they thinking
genuinely impressed this shitshow of a general is still going, god bless you autists
hope you can move on soon and stop this self harm
I'm self-destructive by nature, so I'm not gonna stop anytime soon.
how long does it take to get the free dragon unite license
I fucking hate how people leave the Espeon alove every fucking time they go to rip it. every fucking time it ends up getting stolen by psybeam.
People don't know how to play it after a few damage nerfs making it so you have to actually ramp up and be aware of your shards. It's not meant to be the instant burst of damage at the start of the fight, it's meant to be the sustained "jesus fuck why am I getting shredded still?" pokemon. If people want an instant unstoppable no aim nuke they should play espeon.
>last pick
>team needs an attacker
>he locks in greedent
>enemy has falinks blastoise sylveon pikachu scizor
one that new valve moba comes out im outta here for good
>RFS / Muscle Band Delphox
>31% out of 19 games played with Delpox
At some point, you just have to realize
I wish I didn't put dragonite and duraludon as favorites because the last few matches I've been for event have been an awful massacre and I had one teammate who just fucking afk'd the entire thing.
Goodra just has such a huge monopoly on healing for the dragon quick battle event, it's not fun to play against, not much counter play. Nothing beats 4 goodra , just need to hurry and finish my duraldon quest so I can leave
All the dragons are selectable in the event mode.
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same here. I just wish the afk shitters were on the opposite team.
I feel like this is offensive...
They really should have had an alternate costume for female like Clair or Drasna or Iris or something.
dem creamies
>Masters 1800
>still getting first pick lane talonflames
>still getting last pick lane greninjas
>still getting instalock zoroark into clefable-pikachu-trev
What's the fucking point.
Ahh, thanks, has anyone tried to see if completing the event objectives work in other modes? Has anyone tried the leon npc event and see it it still counts for the dragon missions?
neither deep nor raw
The Head gear should be optional, , and there should be boobs poking out on the female version
Anyone know th optimal farming method for dragon carnival rewards?
So how's the dragon carnival event work? I heard you should pick mons you do own or something to complete missions, but you can also get a free mon somehow?
You need to go to quick battles, and play the dragon event, you can choose any dragon free. You might be able to farm the achievements in the other game modes if you do own the dragon already. I haven't tested it, because I don't have the dragons that I picked . But anyone can complete it if they do the dragon mode
The Goodra "pull 3+ dudes" quest is bullshit. Like, there are 4 people on the map in total, fighting 3 at all is a rare sight. And then they need to be bundled together.
Do you not understand that your teammates are getting balanced against you? If you're 1800 they'll probably all be only 1200 or 1300 with one or two 1600s
You're doing too well, so you get shit teammates to "balance" things out.
Should I be worried that I'm getting more kills as a Wigglytuff than my teammates
Depends if you're also doing more damage than them.
You have to buy all the playable dragons to unlock the dragon eyes cosmetic?
>you can also get a free mon somehow?
I'd like to know that too, I didn't see a real reward for participating in this shit. Is this event worth anything at all? I got bored after 2 quick matches
>Metagross, Tyranitar, Blissey, Trevenant and Espeon
>Mmmh YES, Volt Tackle and Electro Ball is an good play here
They weren't even on the same lane as the Espeon
I'm going to instalock Delphox every single time to deal with the return of Ttar/Support duos.
Even if it means we have no defenders, I just can't deal with that shit running rampant.
Bro, your ghost chandelier?
Yeah, I got it instantly, as I have all the mons.

Dragon gym leader outfit and background, dragon eyes, a dragon license, a holowear.
why are you black
They probably didn't play test these, I thought getting duraldon d pulse kills was difficult, but that goodra mission is ridiculous
>get caught alone farming as delphox
>enemy gengar, with comfey attached, ambushes me with dream eater
>somehow fails to kill and then petty unites to secure the KO
>somehow fails again then misses both skill shots
>gets itself and the comfey killed
>this was right before fug
I would be so fucking pissed if I was that Comfey god damn
Scizor.... there's a pikachu and Tyranitar in their Jungle.... why did you Ult them alone at 2:10........ Why?
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THEN WHY IS THE OTHER TEAM GETTING THE FUCKING ZORO-COMFEY DUOS OR NOW BLISSEY-TYRANITAR WHILE IM STUCK WITH LANE SPEEDSTER DUOS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA i'm not even that good i just play pikachu or tank/support as needed it's not like im a hyper carry jungler or something fuck
jesus fucking christ every single game but one tonight I've had to put up with a pikachu in my lane and that one game had an early surrender
>don't wanna exchange for the raihan outfit or sticker
>the funny red dot stays permanently until you do
fuck you timi
Should've recorded that. Sounds amusing enough.

Funny, I've also taken Dura and Goodra. Dura isn't *that* hard, just needs some suboptimal gameplay or a bot game. Goodra, on the other hand...
yeah give the exact same instalock duo with less than 10 games played on both their mons again yes please I love waiting 5 minutes to dodge queue just to get them a fucking gain yes please
Does True Damage ignore ATK Debuffs like Slowbro's Scald? Most places just say it ignores DEF.
>blissey ult at 92% charge
>ray spawns
>tyrantiar and crustle jump in 2v5 and waste ult
>enemy doesn't even bother dropping garde ult
yeahhh not grinding this dogshit gamemode for a month to unlock a shitty holowear, sorry timi.
>Our Tyranitar (Ancient Power / Dark Pulse) and Blissey (Safeguard / Helping Hand) vs their own (Complete opposite movesets)
>Our Ttar - 5 / 5 KOs and Assists (X-Speed)
>Theirs: 8 Kos and 9 Assists (Full Heal)
>Our Blissey thinks it's a great time to backcap at 1:10 despite the fact that 2 enemies have been revived.
It was interesting to spectate from the dead, the dynamic of those 4.
>finally get a match
>blind pick
>go slowbro since everyone instalocked speedsters and attackers
>enemy team has comfey-tyranitar-blissey with A9 and delphox
>waste 10 minutes because the absol-talonflame-owl-duraldon think we can totally win you guys!!!!!
Because it does only ignore defenses and shields, not attack debuffs
Which is why I'd still go Surf
>wiped out most of the enemy team so we start ripping fug
>enemy umbreon swoops in with knock off to steal it
>other four enemies respawned -just- time to all get shields
fuck this game
>>waste 10 minutes because the absol-talonflame-owl-duraldon think we can totally win you guys!!!!!
Good. Serves you right.
>The classic Fight over jungle between a Larvitar and Scyther (Scizor)
You'd be surprised, I've been on both sides of it.
>Do excellent the first 8 minutes,
>Lose spectacularly the last 2
>Play horribly the first 8 minutes
>Win in the fog of war and devastate the better team
>Cinderace with Curse Incense
Might wanna read the fine print there, little rabbit.
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>2 games in a row I can't play the game because I get stunlocked to death
I feel like I NEED full heal now more than ever.
Too bad the only changes it ever gets are nerfs, lol.
Are you hardstuck and not able to climb? Do you think you deserve to be higher ranked than you are? Why are others able to do it and not you? What's the difference?
No. Kys pathetic shill.
>Float Stone Machamp
Oh no
>Submission after Jungle clear
Oh no
>Now's our chance to score
why is draft causing so many retards to join or is because it's the weekends?
>garchomp in dragon mode
What a sad mistake.
Funny how you never get banned for this shit, it's almost as if...
Being the 1st or 2nd pick makes me fucking panic and I hate it.
I pick whoever still, love me some challenge
Fuck you and fuck this EoS game
Everlastingly optimal Shapeliness...
Played this game like 2 times in the past. Should I get into it? It's either this or Smite
This game will only hold you hostage 10 minutes at a time.
Game is shutting down soon so this may be your last chance to play it
Just stay playing Smite anon, this game is not worth it.
I quit playing Smite when I started playing this, fuck getting held hostage, 10 minute max matches are far better.
With Unite you're only trapped in Hell for ten minutes.
>20k damage mew
Unlike most fuckers who get that low of damage through not fighting the enemy and fucking around the map, I actually saw this guy miss damn every Solar Beam he threw out.
The enemy was also often bundled one place, so he had ample opportunity to actually hit someone.
How can you even be hardstuck in this game anyway. I downloaded this game for my 6yo nephew and he reached masters within the month
The only real barrier is going from 1600-1800 since you actually do need a positive winrate to proceed, any 50wr shitter will get filtered here.
>Teammate switches his Leafeon with another teammate
>2 KOs and 1 Assist
One of the worst ones I've ever seen and of course it was on my team.
I just go for mobility in this case. Like, yeah, you'll try to counter me, but at worst you'll be chasing me for ages.
Did they nerf Surging Strikes Urshifu? Or perhaps I'm just better at playing around with Wicked Blow?
It got nerfed hard, but still good. Dont believe the faggots saying its unplayable just because you cant 1v3 including the enemy jungler in the second goal zone at 8min into the game anymore.
Because by the time my shitty switch has loaded in, there's 5 seconds left, I'm trying to filter categories so I can actually pick a ban, but someone's message of "ban request" is physically blocking the filter button.
>ban phase ridiculously short
>thing i want to ban is near the bottom of the roster
>can't just press up to immediately jump to the bottom of the list, have to manually scroll to the bottom which eats up precious time due to how laggy the scrolling is
>or if i do try to use filters shit like this >>55910406 happens
How to earn a free license from the dragon event? Also Can you get more than one,?
You need to clear the event battle pass thing, I think the license was at 6000 points. Play the dragon mode a bit each day, then do whatever.

>daily missions for dragon mode
>repeat missions for "play ranked", "play casual", "win dragon mode" etc.

You get one license from this.
Thanks, Ill do that
>Wise Glasses Tsareena
Granny Tsareena needs her glasses, unfortunately, it didn't help.
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>Entire Team lays a siege on Bot T2 at 2:50
Idkw, we didn't even break it, they just wanted to fight for some reason.
>facetank a Machamp Ult from less than half health as Falinks due to Focus Band+No Retreat Formation's front-facing damage reduction
cute sylveon back tattoo!
>Cowardly Tyranitar
Can't exactly blame him, it's very kiteable
>Owl immediately fires Ult at the Start of Rayquaza, at the Bushes......
>Literally hits nobody
Retarded Owl
>won hard despite having an AFK from the start
Welp, there goes all my good luck for the day.
Just this once I'll thank whoever denied the early surrender.
Game mode is surprisingly well balanced, unless you want to win 100% of the time and pick 4 dragonite that it.
Funnily the only mon that gets countered by frail auto-attackers like Greninja and Cinder
>blastoise teammate keeps pushing the enemy out of the way with hydro pump, then surfing and not using any autos in between
jesus fucking christ you have the potential to stun for 3 years and all you're doing is saving the enemy over and over fucking never touch a defender again
>make shitty event
>have players go to quick matches to do it
>game sees the stomping/wins in quick matches and punishes you with even worse matchmaking than usual
every fucking god damn time
>just got a "long-term consecutive log-in bonus"
kek. They've caught on to the fact that people are only popping in for a new season, getting to masters, and then dropping until the next so they can farm the Welcome Back bonuses
sensuous... deepulous...
how long have you been active for and what are the rewards?
>coins (useless for anyone who has actively played
>really small holowear discount
>shitty stickers
woo... thanks timi....
>not already having 80% winrate
Went to sleep right after posting that, but I'm pretty sure it was just 2,000 coins.
Funnily enough, I only really came back for the new season myself and already claimed the welcome back rewards.. The message said that I got it for logging in every month for 6 months straight.
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my loyalty... is rewarded... thank u my timi overlords...
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GG's, bruddah.
GGs mate.
Sorry for the sloppy Falinks play, I'm still learning. I need to get better at positioning No Retreat Formation, getting shredded from behind was the reason behind like half of my deaths past the 5 minute mark
Yeah, same.
I tend to go with Beat Up when there's that many squishies, but yeah I also fuck up No Retreat's positioning a lot and have to either use it again or use Iron Head again to reposition myself.
Just make some bro
>enemy has a streamer
>make sure to target him every chance i get
>wipe out his team at fug and he fails a snipe, netting us the win
>go to his channel
>he's actually live right now
>he doesn't keep vods of his past streams, only clips, so i can't go back and watch his side of the match
I keep forgetting Bounce Gyarados exist because all I see are Waterfall ones.
I wish you could ban more than four mons at a time.
There's too much broken shit running around.
i got this too
and i always got the return events
>Dreepy lane partner who goes Phantom Force
>0 KOs and 7 assists
It was an AWFUL experience
Dragon full fury feels surprisingly balanced.

Shoutouts to the retard toilet pinging me with flash cannon.
I take it back, Garchomp has his uses in dragon mode as having the strongest level1-4.
>2 Miraidons and a Garchomp
>Oh look an Eldegoss, guess I'll go mud-
>He went Leaf Tornado
Fuck me I guess, why do I even try to play Muddy Water.
>Dragon full fury feels surprisingly balanced.
Balanced? You basically just pick Goodra Pulse/Whip and cuck the enemy team. Whoever has more Goodras win when they pick Pulse/Whip.
If your team has a goodra and the enemy team has none they lose due to how unkillable she is.
>pick dragonite
>outrage > auto > repeat
>goodra is stunlocked and cannot heal
simple as
>pick dragonite
>outrage > auto > repeat
> enemy Goodra pops full heal
>Whip/Pulse spam killing bitch dragonite since they can't escape whip/pulse.
Simple as that bitch. If you do it in grass, Goo gets even better.
>we have a team of four goodras
I don't got any Holowear except for Garchomp's Stakeout outfit and the one here is a recolor..... so
1-2: Goodra Holo
3-4: Dragonite Holo
5-6: Duraludon Holo
7-8: Dragapult Holo
9-0: Or the Tickets, lmao
You can buy holowear but is it worth it at this point when we know China is working on Unite 2.0
we'll never get to play it so that's irrelevant
have a sauce for this claim?
Is the only way to get the higher cost items is blowing cash shop currency?
Isn't the dragon holowears part of the dragon festival reward?
You can get them all for 10 dragona coins each.
Just skip the Raihan costume if you're running low lmao
It keeps happening.
>Eleki goes in, our Gyarados dunks his Hundo and gets killed, our team is refusing to go back and heal because of overconfidence
Again and Again.
Man I'm glad people don't know the real cancer setup for the dragon mode, lets me get free wins.
Playing in a 4 stack?
It's just a trainer card background. Set your expectations too high.
Guess which pug star got wrecked
look at every other chinese moba
fuck, you're right.
I thought the license was costumes.
>it's another gtmaster goes machamp and fails at splitpushing game
>it's another charizard gets banned so finalgutz basically doesn't exist game
>it's another team doesn't ban zoroark versus xavy game
>it's another team doesn't ban dodrio against vinyl game
>it's another kelosaurus duo queueing with a pocket support and getting sucked off by twitch and twitter game
Being in OCE sucks but at least I don't have to worry about crisheroes I guess
Decides to play agajn and immediately got reminded why this game is shit

Doesn't matter how much better your game sense or technique is when aby little faggot gets the luxury of always winning because they're champ is a special EX and should be stronger than everything else in the game by default
Why aren't you playing ranked
He's probably still in Veteran or Ultra where EX mons are still allowed.
The issue isn't exmons you retard, and has never been
Base debunk. Timi may keep nerfing full heal but retards still forget how good it is only bulky mons that can do insane damage like goodra fury or Master rank T-tar if the enemy team doesn't ban T-tar. If they do, I just nuke them with Leafeon, the next beat option since I instant ban Falkins lol.
>the next beat
The next best option. Stupid auto correct.
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I know what you are
bro wtf
>do everything you can to give your team an advantage
>teammate breaks T1 goal at 7:30
>teammates feed the opponents levels
>teammates prioritize leki and gwt wiped teying to push it in
>teammates push T2 goals at 2:30 and blow ults
>backcap at 2:00
>wait in the bush for le epic steal while team dies
>no consequences for griefers
>no significant update in over a year
>fake ranked mode

Yes this game is shit. Don't stress out trying to rank up, it's meaningless. Just play a few games each session for fun
>break all the enemy's goals
>wipe them out in their jungle so the third eleki gets in their base goal and we dunk all our points in
>team gets too cocky and continues fighting on the enemy base goal, leading to four of us getting wiped out right before 2:00
>by the time we get back the enemy's already gotten fug
>enemy scores a shit-ton of points
>spend the rest of the match trying to defend against anymore dunks until it ends
Damn. Welp, better luck next ti-
>turns out we had such a HUGE LEAD that the enemy scoring over 500 points literally didn't matter
Why is every Eevee named player and Goodra player I come across always sub 45% wr players? I have seen a cpuple of nigh-sub 42% wr masters at points with these people what the fuck.
player means their name got censored so that sounds right for an Eevee player, Goodra is just a retarded damage sponge for waifus that people think is good because they spend one fight living forever while the rest of their team is getting fucked and lol you can get to masters with 28% winrate
Playing Goodra means watching your health bar go on a rollercoaster ride.
>can still move while using it
>are unstoppable during it
>slows for the duration
>has an AoE knock up at the end
>slows again after said knock-up
>chunks you for a lot
>a sure hit that doesn't break if you move out of the lock on range
My god what the fuck is Psystrike? This shit is ridiculously overloaded like how tf am I expect to play any Melee Mon like Shifu against a Mewtwo Y when he has shit like this and 2 teleports
I'm getting really tempted to buy the Cherry Blossom set from the shop with my coupon.

I wanna match with Urshifu and I feel like Kimino girl matches the Ninja bear
Half eevee players are shit but the other half are good with their eevee mains. It is why they are always around the 50 to 48 ranges due to shit players dropping the winrate which is good so eevees won't be nerfed too much unless an eevee shows to be extremely useful in a tournament like what Espeon did in the last one . It is also why anons keep bitching about Espeon or Leafeon since the eevee mains who are good those 2 are monsters because the Unite fandom bitchs and cry about how Leafeon deletes you with Solar blade/leaf blade and Espeon hit/run tactic with stored power while nuking you with psybeam.
Sylveon is in a fine spot now. Umbreon is only good with Foul because mean look is majority picked by the retards who do not go after the correct targets with mean look.
Glaceon deserve the multiple nerfs, its way too easy even more taste as an eevee.
Finally got to the sticker.
This has been the most fun but also the most hardstuck-at-1550 season for me.
Breezed to Masters in like 13 matches; stuck in the 1500's for most of the season.
Also I'm tired of being first pick, I wanna counter-pick someone for once.
Was the opposite for me. Took 70 games to go from ultra 3 to masters, but then I barely lost at all from 1200-1600.
Someone make a new thread, I'm too busy getting fukt by Tyranitar and Comfey to do anything right now.

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