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post 'em
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That’s not cosplay, that’s an ethot with a hat.
First of all we call them "whores" now second of all no she did her hair too.
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I don't know who this is but I want to marry her NOW
god she's gorgeous
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For me it's this half-assed Misty costume this camwhore threw together 5 minutes before going online
Babymaking sex with them
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OHNONONONNONONONONO anon, you're so naive

Bro, I've seen her private content and i have to say her tits are fucking massive and gorgeous. (the oiled ones are heavenly)
In some pictures she doesn't even seem to be that fat,but then in others it seems her snatch is butchered due to the fat rolls
that's a guy? yum
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she edits the shit out of her pics m8
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Yeah no shit but I don't care since big booba is still big booba,and I don't even have an ounce of shame since I've fapped to momokun as well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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whatever happened to Yaki? Her Cynthia cosplays were godtier
Got outed for some gay ~toxic friend~ shit, and disappeared. Hopefully she comes back desperate and does proper porn.
She's so beautiful... I wish she was my gf so badly...I want to cuddle with her...
so... do we have any name or something?
judging from her other cosplays, kimonos really do hide a woman's figure well
I think the fig photoshopped into the bg is a nice touch.
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I don't know who the cosplayer is.
>Obsessed with fat tits
>Abhors fat chicks

Which characters have the most low-effort cosplays? Misty is the default. Going to cons after DPP, I always thought Cynthia was in that vein too. Just make some hair balls and you're done.
Are those real
And where can I find them
I’m disappointed nobody drew hentai of her avatar
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Imagine a girl walks up to you like this wdyd?
Is that not just Garchomp's Pokken 3D model?
Nigga what? It is clearly painted plastic.

>inb4 reddit
It's where they were originally posted okay
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The cosplayer herself says its the model.
Oh shit

Well why does it look like ass, then? Does all of Pokken look like that?
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me in the back
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carmine if she real
Who is this? That rear view is insane
who is the fap engine in the pic and does she drink piss
Tell me there's more
do your fucking research first
shes legal btw
May Marmalade for those interested
u can't just post this and not say who REEEEE
Bro who is this? This hit a nerve in my brain and made me super horny
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She's SushiBunniii. Great at a number of pokegirl cosplays but tits are a turnoff sadly...
She's also >>55901821. Have a bunch more buuuut it's late
This has to be fake
Nah, same girl as the Exeggutor cosplay
Some people like to have fun.
Anna Prosser in Pokemon World Japan 2023

She is literaly her
Had to look her up. I have watched her on the WotC D&D playing show about the vampire, "Dice, Camera, Action". I didn't know her from anything else. From her site, seems like she attaches herself to whatever the latest most popular nerd thing is and monetizes it. Smart, and good for her. At least she actually enjoys that stuff, unlike fake-o's like Olivia Mung.
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i have a folder of her. for research purposes.
i love pokewhores
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I love ZinieQ, but man I wished she wore proper open toe heels like Miriam. I want to see her pretty toenails...

Cute, but having Hilda taller and older looking feels odd
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I have more webm-ed that I could go grab and catbox, but I'll leave it at that for now. Thread needs some variety.

Also, have one catbox lewd
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>pedos ruining a thread..again

Every single fucking time, it's either them or the erpfags; both wich need to be threatened for mental illness
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>you are looking for this thread, sir
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cute feet and legs
>3d coomers on /vp/
you don't see that every day
It would be more common if there were actual good cosplayers that put effort in their cosplay and not just throw on random clothes in hopes it resembles a character.
It's like you don't know what PD in 3DPD even stands for.
>Complains about pedo threads
>"Let's tell them to go back to an actual pedo thread, that will show them"
Literal single digit IQ moment
What? Is this a pedo thread? How? There's 95+% adults posted
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I want to play Pokemon, go to cons and cosplay with this girl, also grind her into ecstasy
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>There's 95+% adults posted

You literally outed yourself pedonigger
All underaged, quick reminder that posting NSFW (lewds are NSFW) of underaged real girls is illegal and can you both perma banned from 4chan and have you jailed irl. And yes faggot, 15-17 year olds (what these girls clearly are) is still underaged
Looking into Exeggutor girl, looks like she let the attention go to her head, lost weight, and ramped up social media presence. Hopefully other only-chubby girls pay attention and follow suit. Hopefully Exeggutor girl keeps herself healthy after she hits the wall and the internet stops paying attention to her.
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>the retards screaming pedo are younger than she is anyways
Nice try retard but i'm 25 which is higher than 22. Can't say about the 2-3 others anons calling you pedos though
>the absolute brainrot to call 22 pedoshit while pornhub has cocksucking 18 year olds on the front page
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What about her tits are a turnoff if you don't mind me asking?
mmkay yea
We are at that point, yes. We've become the Australian government.
Not into big & puffy nips
Hmmmm. Got a catbox link to a pic of them? For science, of course, I want to know what you’re talking about.
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>literal granny tiddies and shit-colored areolas

Ohnonononono pedobros, it's fucking over...
Care to catbox a pic? I’m curious now, but I don’t wanna pay $10 if they’re that bad. She’s smoking hot her nipples cannot be that bad.
an underaged girl isn't stupid enough to post on Onlyfans. And even if they do, they would've been taken down, especially since she's seen being fucked by a random dude in some videos.
At least she commits to looking like the character compared to the hags you probably watch.
These ones are pretty nice, she knows how to look seductive, that’s for sure
You can still pay if you want to support her and hope to see more in the future, but if you need to find it free, look for the party of coomers.
She needs to sit on my face right now

do it yourself. Just google her name + "leaked onlyfans" ,you will find anything at fap>hello?? doesn't seems this difficult ffs
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>pedonigger tryna justify xhis mental illness

I still would.
I was expecting worse, desu. They're not great, or even good, but they're..... serviceable, I guess? Still would, she's cute
Go back
Agreed. I usually cut around them if I grab a vid and want to make a postable version. She's still a cutie

Few examples:
I can’t get those to work on Chrome, Safari, or Firefox :/
Personally I’m fine with her tits in that I don’t need to cut them out or anything to coom. Though her boobs look a lot better in a sexy little bra like the Lillie cosplay posted >>55905239 here.

>get dicked by a 40yo+ slob with with a shitty physique

She literally take her cosplay personification to the core, I'll give her that
But you can watch webms posted in 4chan? Just not catbox?
It says it times out after trying to load the page. I’ve tried on my laptop and phone and nothing
Seriously why can’t I use catbox now? Literally just started today. It won’t connect >Safari can’t open the page because the server stopped responding
>site can’t be reached because the connection timed out
I just want to fap >:(
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All underaged, quick reminder that posting NSFW (lewds are NSFW) of underaged real girls is illegal and can you both perma banned from 4chan and have you jailed irl. And yes faggot, 15-17 year olds (what these girls clearly are) is still underaged
>forgot to greentext
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>Confirmed to be 22
Oh….. it’s retarded……
The 2 pokegirls most beautiful
>Leaked onlyfans on google
Just google coomer.party for all the only fans ever leaks
Eh, not all. I still have to go to leaks for some popular ones like Meg Turney.
They want a bunch of info and shit it takes me to some hookup site scam
Got a source or a name?
They don’t bother me. I have a few of her vids including a custom one.
probably rangeban, try vpn
Fuck, I'm gonna.... ugh...
Or carrier. I have to use Googles DNS because Verizon doesn't let it go through anymore.
Got a link to that full marnie vid? Looks absolutely amazing

For me those tits are negative points, but the rest of her, including the way she moans, is so delicious I can give them a pass. plus something in her reminds me of my ex
Your ex was a good fuck huh
This was happening to me on litterbox, it went like this for months, but started working again in the last few days. Just connect to a vpn, or use one of those proxy sites, and should work.
those were not the type of tits I was expecting at all, kek.
Also her whale bf looks weird fucking her like a mindless dog
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hellooooooo Pokeskanks
*sniff sniff*
hmmmm yes fragrant harlots
i'm pretty 50/50 on stuff like this, one one hand, it's hot to see her get fucked... but on the other hand, it should have been me and I sort of feel like a cuck
same. I don't mind her tits all that much, but I just love how lewd she acts. her feet are also cute.
That's just porn in general. Mentally self-insert as the dude like you're supposed to.
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vorefags get the rope
I respect your bravery James, for taking a breath here, in such a foul place
Not human
almost qt
tranny looking
photoshopped bug
photoshop bug sex
qt sex
piercings ugh
qt bugs

that is all
good word
HARD sniff
Post physique
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Pika Libre cosplayers have the sexiest bellybuttons
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>that underwear
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Anons i am deeply sorry to destroy your bisque-doll like perverted fantasies but,if you peel off all that plastic she has on her face and remove the tectonic plaque-sc stratuses of makeup,she will look like your average philipino street food vendor. Not even joking,i will never forget some of THOSE "un-masking" videos because they were utterly disgusting
Her dad's a lucky guy
That is what cosplay is, skip
>bf is an ugly bastard with bigger tits then her
It’s not fair, it should’ve been me
Start normalizing that all women under 35 are children, you sick fuck
desu the best pussy I ever had was with a girl that had a fat pussy. She herself wasn't fat, but she had like that kind of pussy you see on fat chicks where the sides have like rolls almost. Her pussy sucked me in like Miroku's Wind Tunnel, it was like my dick was being hugged by the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
hey dumb ignorant child: There is no age for clothed females.
>reminds me if my ex
Me too, until the drugs ruin her

>met her on /vp/ around XY was new
>short, skinny, and 80lbs
>said being with me was too safe and boring
>grew out of of gaming and started partying
>she currently fat, ugly, gone through rehab, and looks like a man now
This world is evil
>Pokegirl cosplay
>It's a bug girl who doesn't look anything like said Pokegirl
It's all so tiresome
>wanting to normalize geriatric pregnancy
>wanting a high chance of retard babies
The fear of God shouldn't have been wiped from collective thought
I haven't even looked at her face though.
women are grotesque by default, i don't need to see a clown take off its makeup to know it's an even bigger clown underneath
Why just a forehead....?

>on theme underwear
>fantastic wig
Nice effort, appreciated
>women are grotesque by default

Your opinion on any subject is now meaningless.
I second this.
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6/10, doesn't even show feet, why even bother?
God I need to lick her bellybutton....
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I want a Penny gf so badly. she's so freaking cute bros...
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Jap or amerifat
how amerifat are the thighs & butt
right is cuter.
fucking ruined.
Would fuck the one on the left in the ass and make right watch.
It's literally Red and Leaf lol. Who are they?
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Ehh, it's mid at best anon, edits the fuck out and uses a filter
>T. downloaded the 1gb bootleg leak
me as a lil kid putting my ear up to mom & dad's bedroom door
I put mine on my sister's bedroom while she touched herself
God I wish that were me...
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Are you a girl anon?
Some autist that used to post here that /vp/ users used to bully despite the fact that most of them were as pathetic as he was if not more
looks like my ex from around 2013 except skinnier ;)
your ex sounds hot
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Serena cosplays really are the best. Helps that the little skirt and thigh high socks look so hot.
Wasn't he pretending to be more autistic than he really was to trol /vp/?
Biblically accurate Misty
The best Misty cosplayer. 100/10, nothing beats it. those long slender legs, that tight butt, those sexy high heels and cute toes. literally who can compete? no seriously, show me another Misty cosplayer, nothing will top this.
Anon, you know girls don't exist on 4chan.
Not true, a femanon showed me her boobs once
You only get bragging points if she was underage.
I'm not a paedophile, anon.
cute saber in the background
proof? and they better have a paper next to it saying /vp/ cause otherwise they probably just grabbed the image from google or something.
I-... I might actually need sauce, this shit seems funny as fuck.
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>You can be flappy and ugly and still pull cute girls if you’re tall
>I worked my ass off and got in shape, caring for my appearance, and I only have a shot with hogs and whales because I’m a turbo manlet
I have no doubt that killing myself is a better option than anything life can offer
What a load of bs
Napoleon conquered Italy at age 26.
Yuri Gagarin nade history as the first Person In Outer Space at age 27.
Quentin Tarantino debuts his first film eeservoir dogs at age 28.
Jesus gave his famous sermon on the mount at age 29.
yes please
>no ass
>fake tits
you can have her
thanks, more legs for me.
Figure it out yourself.
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Show her feet
t. lesbian
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I hate these types of cosplayers, they look so shit. I wish they actually took their time to make a convincing cosplay and act like the character.
Hot take: White girls do the best cosplays.
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I agree, but when done right. 7 times out of 10 most white girls cosplays look half assed, let alone the NSFW ones
All cosplays are inherently half assed.
The only "cosplays" that can be good are high budget productions, even then a lot of times they suck.
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I want high budget cosplay porn...
Points for the fact Misty was originally footfag bait
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Base couple cosplayer
that's common sense
man I miss when they used to draw the toenails on girls toes like how they did with Misty...
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PL makes me excited to find my wife some day

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