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>The Fresh Snow Pokemon
>It can control its body temperature at will. This enables it to freeze the moisture in the atmosphere, creating flurries of diamond dust.
>doesn't get Snow Warning
Careful anon, by making a Glaceon thread you will attract both the sharty and literal RPing trannies and your thread will get flooded with shit tier posts
Because ice types aren't allowed to be good, especially not the only eeveelution I l don't dislike.
Consider how Game Freak shills the the eeveelutions, its weird how they're all complete shitmons.
If she still had freeze frost I think glaceon would be okay.
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Frostbite should be a status condition
Most of the people who like them don't give a shit about competitive play. Heck, many don't even play the games.
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>glaceonfag thread
>mentioning of ice type pokemon not being good
>suggestion for frostbite being a status condition to replace freeze
This thread's going to be a wild one.
>8 replies in 13 hours
>holy shit guys this thread is going to be insane
special version of burn would be neat
>posting colbert
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Give her an ice form. With snow warning
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Was it rape?
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There should be an icy terrain
>creating flurries of diamond dust.
Diamond dust is a weather condition separate from snow or hail, and doesn't trigger any in-battle weather. Glaceon can create as much diamond dust as it wants, it's not going to create snow.
>17 replies in 2 days
If there's a mon that should get Snow Warning it's Articuno
Actually makes sense unlike Glaceon.
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>the FRESH SNOW Pokemon
Articuno is already guaranteed to get some other broken buff due to KANTOOOOOOOOOOOO privilege
Why is it staring like that
Remember this is Game Freak where they like to subvert expectations so it's not.
Wait till the Glaceon RP fag get unbanned and this thread will be the most active thread on the board with him mass replying to himself
your small penis displeases her
I want them to molest me next
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there are at least three different glaceon posters actually
and ain't nobody got time for rp every single thread
It's been a shitmon since gen 2 anon. If they were going to buff it they've had literal decades to do so
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Glaceon fag got exposed being a janny tranny breaking rules and talking to himself. now he can't samefag anymore
Wait? A janny is a glaceonfag? This explains so much
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Nice narrative your pushing bucko but it's obvious that your walnut sized brains is in full coping mode over my superiority
You can trash like a little baby in a crib all you want and cry about me but the truth is and always will be that im not a moderator of this basket weaving forum
I'm just popular with the boys here is all and you are just envious of me
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I love this little shit like you wouldn't believe
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you aint shit
Glaceon will never have Snow Warning.
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Glaceon WILL get Snow Warning in the next game. Kalos was the first time they changed pokemon so ZA will change some too. We're due for the Sound-type anyway and some buffs will be par the course
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What were they thinking!?
>the Slut type pokemon
>we want another useless ice shitmon that nobody will use except Reddit lesbians
dilate, miserable little shit
you are not wrong
Why are icemons always shit?
She's cool to the touch but feels so warm inside
Because gf keeps trying to make them defensive but the ice type is best for hyper offense
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Weird way to spell "Irida food"
Meme magic will never be in your side since you only like Glaceon sexually and not genuinely.
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>a well designed pokemon mocking an overdesigned nugen shitmon

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My beautiful glaceon wife!
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literally who?
We should summon Shaun.
>playing competitive
>getting sweaty over a game made for the most retarded of children
Nah, I just beat my meat to the porn.
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Cute glaceon
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I buy all the Glaceon cards at my local TCG stores just so Glaceonfags like you can’t have them, literally binders full of them.

I hate the kemono hentai waifu culture bullshit this thing spawned
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I dont care about cardboard rectangles LMAO
Okay be a retard and spend money just to spite me lmao
I don't even collect Pokémon merch
fluffy slut
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I miss culo poster
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I wish I was licked by an Eevee.
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Look at Glaceon's facial expression kek
>pokemon is weak, gets constantly shitted on by the community and very few people like it
>pokemon is weak, is popular and many people like it
Flareon & Glaceon, a prime example of the community's double standards.
That Grooky touched her butt, look at his hand
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Give her avalanche
Don't play dumb retard, we know you are the faggot who roleplays all the time in Glaceon threads and that got banned for pretending to be a janny, no need to lie
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That was another glaceon poster!
I wish I was licked by a glaceon
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Glaceon needs a special Ice Shard. Maybe give her Refrigerate
meds and obsessed
Glaceon needs an actual movepool.
All eeveelutions have a decent movepool. It's just the stats and abilities that are lacking
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Glaceon should learn Ice Punch
I want some of glaceon's freezing wind in my face
Silly goy. You're increasing profit and demand thus creating more Glaceon in the long run.

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