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Hope finals went well for ya'll. At least for the people who have had finals.
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A good third of my family lives in an area that still looks like the wild west.
hey everyone!
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Glaceon! GLACEON!
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I hope you did great in school, then! Make sure you never wind up like this guy. His mental health really took a nosedive after he got expelled, ended up in the circus, then got soloed by Eevee!
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Previous thread for those browsing the archives: >> 55863981
Those are among the only people allowed to say y'all.
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I don't know how I fucked that one up.
Boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff boffboff
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I don't see any teaser; it's just a cute video
I hope no one is so rude as to ever tap on the glass!
But then how am I supposed to help it escape? Congratulations on the get, too
It wants you to tap on the glass. Do it!
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Thoughts on UmBVLLeon?
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Weekly reminder~
I meant it when I said some of y'all gave me a reason to get back to the weekly reminders. I hope everyone has had a better week than last.
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Welcome back! I hope you're doing well.
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Cum dumpsters
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Apologies for not posting my 5-6 daily posts. I got a one day vacation at 1 in the morning and had to rely on a friend posting the OP and Friday Joltanon post. (That was my writing, he just did me a favor.)

You know, I liked the introductory image just because it would work REALLY well for a story.
I did not know what they followed that up with, and I am not sure if I like that they did follow it up with anything, let alone that. Hope the rest of the series is an enjoyable read, for whoever's invested in that.
I should really write down my ideas. Maybe it'll be good?

Mm... I prefer a more caring Pokemon. I think I'll go with Leafeon, even though he'll rock my shit.

Danke fur den beitrag. Your posts are always a sight for sore eyes.
Wish I could say finals week was better than last week. Aaaaaaaaaaaa-

Why are the Pokemon coming to a zoo to see Pokemon? I mean I guess that's an idea. A cultural exchange hub where it's oceanic water types getting to see and communicate with land Pokemon and vice versa.
Tumblrina moment
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Eh, fuck. I just participated in a flamewar. Hopefully I won't get banned but I probably will. See you in a few days.
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That took a direction I wasn't expecting.
Break out the mead...
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Don't see why folks like you would get b&, while I rarely do despite all the shit I get up to. I hope it felt good to let out a lot of nastiness, at least; it's what the site is for.
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Dude I got banned over >>55898695.
And frankly I didn't even do a whole lot with it. I didn't realize what direction it was going until it started going off the rails.
Sadge. If thats the case, we'll see you in a while, eevee frend.
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kek I knew that had to be someone from /ef/! I hope you'll still help clean this place up, though. I was wondering if I was the only one who reported that shartykike in our previous thread.
I'll see you all tomorrow if I'm not fucked over by a consecutive ban.
For some reason, all of the meta data for this file was left intact. 6/7/2007, at 4:24 PM, using Adobe Photoshop CS 2 for Windows. Talk about ancient.
Dammit, I keep forgetting to reply
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I am incredibly embarrassed by the fact I accidentally removed the image I was trying to post.

Yeah, no worries. I didn't report him because I wasn't thinking about it at the time, but a few days later I decided it was time to try it.
It worked, so I'm sure as fuck not stopping now, not while I still have the ability to try to help moderate the board.
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Was it your first time getting banned? They're just sensitive about meta threads and stuff. That thing's really minor compared to all the shit I do, so you probably don't need to worry much about anything else you did.
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I'm sad about that thread, too. I think it got deleted right when I was trying to reply.
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I just woke up, what did I miss?
You're such a rascal!
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Anon's worried about getting banned :( Again though, I wouldn't worry. I deserve a lot worse, even did worse an hour ago, and it's still been a month since I last got b&.
Plus, if you flamed someone, he probably deserved it. It's better to take out anger on tards online, to make room for the love you have for pets/vees
>It's better to take out anger on tards online, to make room for the love you have for pets/vees
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My friend wanted me to inform you all that he has unfortunately been given yet another 1 day suspension.
It was even the post he worried about, but interestingly it was because it was for being off topic, and not because of flame warring.
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He made an edit to commerate the event, and a very bad LeafyIsHere joke.
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I'd say to wear it proudly and/or evade like I do, if you're so inclined. I'm surprised there's such a thing as a one-day ban, though. I've never had less than three lol. It's actually really funny how mine was for egging on Delcattyfag, and not for ranting in https://desuarchive.org/k/thread/61649772/ for example.
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You wouldn't manhandle a gun, you shouldn't manhandle a pokemon. It can be just a deadly.
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Hence the stupid bastard
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Making Umbreon cry is a crime deserving of the death penalty.
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Thank you, anon. It's good to be back; I do hope you're also doing well.

This gif was so adorable I can shamefully admit I squealed & "aww"'d like a little girl. Thanks for the free serotonin.

Thank you for the kind words, anon. Things like that are why I got back to the weekly reminders. The bonfire of the week to rest at, if you will (I recently started Dark Souls for the first time in my life so it's fresh in my mind).
Dubs say you aced your finals. I believe in you! I myself am soon going to experience the finals frenzy for the first time in 11 years, as I'm finally able to pursue my dream after being on the fence about it for 13 years. I'm genuinely so excited.
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Our sleepy little friend
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And I'm back.
I swear, the mods of /vp/ have it out for me just because I started getting them to do their job.
Ah well, at least they're just one day bans.

Mm, I haven't played Dark Souls yet. I've been meaning to but I'm a coward and a serious sore loser, so I feel like a game like that right now isn't right for me.
I'm a country boy though, so bonfires remind me of marshmellows and the monthly smores night I used to have. I could go for some marshmellows right about now.
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Sorry to hear about the ban, anon. You don't strike me as the type to evade like I do, but just in case, you can always turn your router off and on, or if you're using your phone's mobile data, turn airplane mode off and on there. I still think it's insane for you to get b& though, since you aren't misbehaving on purpose like I do.
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Speaking of which, I could've sworn there were pictures of 'vees enjoying some of those. Weird that I can't find them, since they're also soft and fluffy.
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Yeah, I'm a ragequitter myself, & it's very hard to refrain from ragequitting when you die in a difficult spot & you just know those souls are gone forever, no point in bothering to retrieve them 'cause your ass is grass & the mobs are gonna mow it again. Had a fairly insulting death of a giant skellyboy killing me & I watched the bastard fall to his own death off a bottomless cliff through the "YOU DIED". It's a ragequit crucible.
It's funny you mention s'mores 'cause I got the stuff to make them yesterday, gonna use 'em to break in the new firepit in my backyard. I can't wait to go camping.
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>you can always turn your router off and on
I have a static IP because we've been with AT&T longer than they have offered dynamic IPs.
Also, I plan to host my own image board someday in the near future, so I have no incentive to get my dad to change this arrangement.

Yeah, I feel ya. I recently have been forcing myself to accept losses, so I'm making progress, slowly but surely. Watching the drawn out defeat of my Rimworld colony was very disheartening though.
Mmmhm! Enjoy your smores tonight!
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That's just even more motivation to do better next time, including making sure Eevee's at a much much higher level, since it's never okay to let Eevee faint.
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I've never played Rimworld but one of the streamers I watch does, so I can completely understand that pain. It's one of those "shit you fall asleep to" streams but there have been a few times where I go so invested in his colony.
I, too, am going through the same thing. Forcing myself to roll with the punches & finding the silver lining admist the losses. If anything, it's helped thicken my skin a bit.

& I am absolutely gonna enjoy those s'mores to wind down from my soul-crushing employment 'cause it's the little things in life.

>captcha began with "VP"
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Maybe I should get back into streaming. Big problem with that is A)I can't make an audience and B)I don't think I want to play Pokemon on stream so I can't even talk about it here.
Currently replaying Generals, finally finishing out a game I started 15 years ago...
>soul-crushing employment
Man, it sucks you don't enjoy your current employment. I hope you find a job in the future that you enjoy.
So I have confirmation that /ef/ has been around since 2018(wow, I thought it was a 2020 thread.)
I have no idea why people considered it cancer back then though.
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/ef/ used to have a lot of lewds back then, instead of how it is now being almost all cuteness. That post though looks like it considers generals in general (heh) to be cancer, limiting discussions, and ending up incoherent and random. I'm one of the people who thinks that way, but I'm a hypocrite when it comes to little foxdogess and consider any thread with my little friends to be good.
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Ah, I see. I don't recall any of this, but I also wasn't an active participant of /ef/ in 2018. The quest to find the first one is ongoing...
I don't mind the general threads personally, so long as they're Pokemon related, and not like... fetish threads. The occasional pokephilia thread is fine because we can take the piss out of that, but making it recurring isn't.
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/ef/ has been around since before that.
This is the oldest thread I could find, but I think Eevee Fridays were a thing since at least 2015. I'm not certain though, my memory is faulty and back then I was here mostly for the leak seasons.
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I've been trying to get Archive.moe to support searching /vp/ because they have a far more complete archive that dates back to 2013. No luck on that yet...
Sucks that they don't allow searching, Wish I had the time, patience and autism to manually search those archives.
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Now that I have you, I shall spill the autistic reason that led me to discover archived.moe does not have search enabled. A while ago, I participated in an XY genwar thread. I wanted to know the origin of this picture. The original poster left a date tag on it, which (ironically) tracked back to an /ef/ post(1671237179361, >>52677482.) The timestamp on the /ef/ post piqued my interesting, because it is from 2015, so I went to 4archive.org, since I knew they archived a lot of things. Unfortunately, despite tracking down the exact date, there was a hole in the archives, meaning any further searching was not possible.
I noticed archived.moe has a lot more archived posts in that time period compared to 4archive, so I suspected they had it, but unfortunately, when I went to go use their search feature, it blocked me.
In any case, I am now sad because I still cannot figure out which thread this cute gif came from.
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Sorry to hear about the archive trouble. It took a really long time the few times I didn't even have the original image, and need to look from page to page with a vague memory of the contents of an OP. It's even worse how a lot of archivers are long gone, like the Yotsuba archivers like easymodo and green oval.
I dunno how Yotsuba or FoolFuuka archivers work, but unless they've fucked up really badly, searching really shouldn't strain servers, since those are designed for worse things. I remember reading something about how some of them "aren't indexed" which makes no sense to me, since they save the post numbers. I'd have thought the biggest hurdle would be storage and bandwidth for saving and browsing, which you'd have to worry a lot about if you're planning on hosting your own.
That's not the indexing they refer to. They're referring to a method of ordering the potential results in as efficient of a way as possible to maximize hitting the first result early. Usually this is done by organizing matching key words.
I don't know how it works either but apparently archived.moe is pulling fucking 64 gigabytes of RAM just to scan across 250~ million /b/ posts, which is a bit bizarre. Makes /vp/ not having search even more confusing. However, their searching system appears to be separate to the actual database, so it's probably triple-fucked-up there.
I should write my own archiving software.
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I guess you do need to be able to sort it by things other than post number (same thing as date). I've never actually bothered with anything else though, so I dunno what else they have.
All that about hitting the first result early and separating search are things I only hear about from some Web 2.0 AJAX nightmare where you display things once you fetch them in theory but end up running a lot slower, or something where they try to sort things by relevance, though you don't really need to separate search for that. I try not to have javascript on for most things, especially when browsing the archives, but I didn't see any web 2.0 horrors there.
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It's not AJAX, at least I don't think. Guessing by how the site functions, I guess there's two databases servers. One for search, one for regular. It's the database server that takes so much RAM.
I don't know how this works, it baffles me.
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Yeah that was essentially the same reason I fell off streaming myself, as well as the self-imposed schedule that became too much & I overwhelmed myself. Tried Slay The Spire today & I'm diggin' it.

& in regards to hating my job, I'm hoping to change that soon since I've finally got the option to pursue my dream, so I'm hoping to end the lifelong trend of hating my job. I'm sick of having to be miserable to make money.
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I guess it's vaguely Eevee-related, but one thing I miss in Generals compared to the Red Alert series is the dogs. Just felt a lot better to make one, even if he just hangs around in your base and occasionally gets to maul someone who wasn't expecting it.
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I kinda miss the dogs, but at the same time, SO MANY more things can detect stealth in Generals that it's basically useless for surprise attacks unless you're in the middle of the field. If a defensive structure so much as SNEEZES in your general direction, your stealth disappears. Makes it useless in multiplayer and skirmish modes, especially since anywhere can be a defensive position.
It surprises me to no end that there aren't many Pokemon strategy fangames. Not even mods. Pokemon Conquest proved it was viable, so why can't we have Arcanine in the W3D engine, or have a brigade of Pokemon fighting in Nintendo Wars?

Yeah, streaming is pretty intensive. It's only gotten worse in recent years. There's too many streamers, not enough viewers on Twitch. It results in most streams never seeing a singular viewer outside of the mandatory moderator that watches your first stream. Audiences are exceptionally hard to cultivate as a result.
Glad to hear about your opportunity! Hope that goes well!
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My quest? Finally brought to an end on both fronts.
The first Eevee Friday was on May 26th, 2016. I looked around for a hot minute. Looks like the post, >>26487104, was totally unprompted. Unless anyone else can show otherwise, I think that's the end of this search. A shame that the OP image didn't archived, but the image that's mocking people for enjoying Eevee did. Ah well.
The other mystery, Flareon, is mostly resolved. The origin post was a reply to someone's favorite Pokemon being Flareon(the original post was some guy being flustered about his Japanese girlfriend going to a Pokemon store and asking him what he wanted, except he couldn't come up with a favorite Pokemon.) That post is here. >>23148079. It seems he got it from the Favorite Pokemon Picker, and the origin post was from Tumblr. I'm not gonna dig further because there's no way in hell that I'm going to dig through Tumblr to find the very first posting of it, so this'll have to do.
Many thanks to the random anon on archived.moe that pointed out that archive.palanq.win was kickin' ass and had search enabled.

Anyways, have the very first Eeveelution image saved from /ef/. I may dig for some of the other Eevees later, since they still have Deviantart tags on them.
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There are a bunch of posts like >>26493577 and >>26502984 that mention older threads, though maybe they aren't exactly /ef/, in case it'll help you not stay up too late looking for more! Makes me sad that I didn't go to /vp/ until much later, despite getting back into Pokemon and Eeveelutions in particular years before.
Oh yeah, dunno how I missed them. Thanks anon.
Same here, although I at least had an excuse. My first post on 4chan was leaking a project I was a part of, because I was a shit stirrer.
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Alright, last post of mine for a while. I'll see you all tomorrow afternoon PT.
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It's nice that they had this picture https://arch.b4k.co/vp/search/image/qRINee6WpT6Q-VvJ5H4EFw/ kinda sad that it didn't get archived
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Genwars and shilling are relatively tame, at least. The reason I have that gif saved is for my Sieg Heil collection.
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Damn, Weekly Reminder anon had a rough time even back then.
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I was there trying to cheer him up with lots of Espeon pics!
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And now for my confession, too: I was also looking through the archive, since I remembered seeing a picture on /tv/ about Hitler's dogs. I get b& pretty fast on Showdown when naming Jolteon Blondi, so now I wanna use all the other names to see how long until someone catches on.
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Haven't lurked the archives to refresh my memory, but I definitely remember requesting Espy pics to cheer me up at some point. Pretty sure I've got most of them saved in a folder somewhere, assuming they survived the harddrive corruption of 2021.
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I like posting requested Eeveelutions pics whenever I can. It cheers people up and increases the chances those images get saved and preserved too.
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Man, if only oekakis(?) were more common on 4chan. Imagine an /ef/ oekaki.
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Jolteon x Flareon fanbook free releases
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It looks heterosexual to me
Flareon's a female
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cuddles with veevee on a rainy day!
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Don't forget to walk your fish on rainy days though
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So many genwar threads popping up, not enough power from me to remove them...
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A lot of times, all those threads are just the result of one single kike samefagging. Sometimes he can call on other judeo-bolsheviks from the same site and discord, but most of the time, you can expose what he is, and you will be astonished at how he recoils.
Said site explicitly targets /vp/ for the usual judeo-bolshevik playbook of subverting and sabotaging communities. I know the old, pre-glavset wisdom was to ignore the troll who "just wants attention". You need to understand though that this is what allows him to samefag without interruption. It's true that serious replies to expose his judeo-bolshevik lies and shilling aren't going to work on someone who was hired to argue in bad faith. It simply takes less effort to just snap out some "racist" "anti-semitic" comments to repel his kind. This also has the added bonus of letting out a lot of anger, leaving more comfy room for your love for pets and/or 'vees.
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I only engage in serious responses when I think I can learn from it. I wanna be good at getting rid of people who rely on circular arguments and such. Most of the time though, I prefer the report button... which isn't enough sometimes.
I know I've been banned several times but I'm honestly considering applying to be a janny anyways. Who the fuck hasn't been banned on this site at least once?
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And now we see an example of why I want to be a janny.
Your husband?
Your wife?
I'll be anything you want me to be.
I'm waiting for you here whenever you're ready to come meet me.
Don't keep me waiting too long though!
Hey, is it just me or is Shauns' shit still here despite the fact the report button says it's gone?
Oh hey it's gone now. Beautiful software.
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I can't imagine how much of a bother would be to janny this shithole of a board. The autism here is through the roof and I wouldn't want to clean that up for free.
Considering I want to host my own image board, it'd help to have some experience with some level of moderation in a true cesspit.

On an aside, I wonder if poster IDs would turn people off. I know they did when 4chan enforced them, but I think that may be because they were universal across all posts. I want to implement IDs in such a way that they're unique only to each thread.

(Sorry, no Eevee, I wanna save the last remaining slots for someone who actually deserves it.)
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Being a 4chan janny is probably a good way to get some tard-wrangling experience. God knows you'll need it when running your own stuff.
>Sorry, no Eevee, I wanna save the last remaining slots for someone who actually deserves it
But you deserve it! Post Vees to your heart's content!
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Sorry I didn't post this before, but glad I was able to squeeze this in.
Our resident complete failure above is very minor compared to the planned subversion and sabotage of this community. He gets banned every time, and doesn't have a website dedicated to making the internet uglier, and you may notice (((them))) complaining about eeveelutions in other threads, parallel to (((their))) attempts to make mass media uglier. It may disturb you to have the resident failure post here for the first time, but there's a greater, deliberate subversion and sabotage of /vp/ in particular. What matters is that this thread in particular will always remain a shining beacon of cute and cool pictures, no matter how ugly things get outside.
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>poster IDs
Useful on /qst/. Less so elsewhere. Consider the kind of people/community you want to build
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Thanks... I'll post the capstone to this thread. It's been a while since I've had the honor.

Eh, conspiratorial, but I understand. Doesn't take a conspiracy when motives align.

>Consider the kind of people/community you want to build
One that's like 2000s 4chan(lol there's literally no way that's ever going to happen,) and preferably with a lot less samefagging(which didn't really happen in 2000s 4chan, at least not on the scale it happens now.)
Besides the anonymity thing, the thing with poster IDs and flags is that the most jewish nation in the world, even more jewish than israel (in fact, more than 10% of israel's population is made up of those snowniggers), despite making itself into an international pariah, still maintains embassies all over the world. These embassies, along with shit like (((their))) office near the One World Trade Center, not to mention random computers that are just compromised with backdoors and viruses, are used as VPNs and proxies to samefag, falseflag, and otherwise get around IDs and flags.
The boards that do have IDs already have them only for each thread. It may be a nice programming puzzle, and it does force ((them))) to expose what their embassies and offices really are. What does help the most, however, is identifying posting styles, and most importantly, what (((they))) shill for. You might, for example, notice something about the ones who complain about Eeveelutions.
Samefagging back then was a lot less malicious, but there was quite a bit of it going on, according to some funny stories by the jannies or mods from /cgl/ for example. Even if IDs get those, the actual malicious agents mentioned above are the ones with the most resources to get around them, and in fact make the most out of samefagging and falseflagging. Conversely, I find my ID changing even when it's not supposed to, because of how often my IP address changes (without me doing anything, I swear) and because I don't save cookies.
With all due respect, broaden your scopes some. It's not just the big noses after us, the CIA, FSB, and MSS at LEAST are involved too, and god knows how many private individuals there are. Who even put all of the backdoors in Intel's Management Engine?

Fair enough... I dunno how I'm going to get around this. Maybe I won't do IDs. I just don't want people to maliciously samefag and I'm not sure how to stop that. I know the moment I make it public, the bots are gonna come.
Funny that you should mention the fsb, since that was the main thing I was talking about, if you'll pardon me for going about it in a roundabout way. Remember who made sharty, after all. Everything about the JIDF is part and parcel of the playbook from glavset, and outsourced to third-world shitholes (i.e. the ones complaining about Eeveelutions and beloved pets in general). Compromised hardware, however, is what companies get for doing business with malicious nations just to save a few shekels.
Every day I thank God I never fell into the "it was all the Jews!" sinkhole. It looks tiring, and I also straight up don't believe that a religion is capable of more-extensive and better-hidden subversion than several govt agencies designed specifically to do extensive and hidden subversions.

>I'm not sure how to stop that
The only way to do that is to require accounts, and even that won't stop people using throwaway emails (though displaying account age and post count helps spot obvious ones, like BBCode fora do).
Aside from that, you basically just have to go for quality through obscurity. Humans like their small little communities, so if they feel more like a member than a visitor, they'll be more polite. And if you don't get big, the only bots you attract will be obvious and poorly-made.
Having a lot of space for logs will go a long way. If it's automation you worry about, bots tend to do a lot of probing before they begin posting. Malicious samefagging though is still largely done by human, or rather subhuman, agents.
If it's just posting quality you're after, however, it's better to think about blocking entire countries, or even better, entire continents. It's not just 4chan that suffered a massive drop in quality in that time you mentioned - it's internet access becoming widespread in the countries that caused those problems. Now embassies and VPNs can be used to get around this, but those are much easier to target through specific bans.
Actually, the FBI threatened AMD to put a backdoor in their CPUs, so it's pretty reasonable to assume that the FBI is responsible for the Intel Management Engine backdoors as well.

>quality through obscurity
I want my cake and to eat it too. I want quality AND quantity... such a dilemma. Oh well, I suppose I'll try to approach quality through obscurity then. It'd help if the internet wasn't full of shitbags. I swear to god, 2013 mindbroke everyone and 2016 made it obvious...
I like how this almost IMMEDIATELY spiraled out of control the MOMENT we hit the image limit.

I suppose so, but it could also just be lurkers. That's the big issue with bots.
And yeah, pretty much every major site took a hit. However, the world's connectivity seemed to peak years before 4chan's spiral so I don't know if that's really the same case.
>space for logs
Seconding. Text is really lightweight, and logs are one of those things that it's always better to have and not need than need and not have

>world's connectivity seemed to peak years before 4chan's spiral
I think they're talking more generally than just 4chan, but I also recall a graphic correlating % traffic from mobile phones with perceived post quality decline. If nothing else, it made it far more palatable to make shorter posts without the aid of a full keyboard.
...he says, posting from a phone.
No matter how much anyone claims the jews control in the """west""", they aren't the absolute dictators in real countries. Manipulation is also never as precise as its users would like, especially since the "leaders" that are supposedly controlled don't have absolute power.
There is one "country" however that kvetches about muh zog all the time. It's a nation famous for projection and for inventing the word vranyo to describe its compulsive lying. This nation already has a website explicitly for spreading ugliness throughout the internet, with a page explicitly for /vp/. Hence the supposed playbook for the JIDF turned out to be the exact agenda of the Internet Research Agency, based in Olgino, and now outsourced to india.
I forgot to go on more about how jewish oligarchs *do* control much more in that country, all the way up to Shelomov himself being half-jewish, but you guys are smart enough to make your own site and logs, so you probably get all this already without me having to ramble on.
Bots can be separated from lurkers by what they try to access, and a lot of times, there are things in your logs like the headers and theye use, among other things. I dunno how much jannyhood will help you with admin experience, but it might help you identify the patterns you need, or at least give you a solid idea of how you want things to work.
As gently as I can, what the fuck is it with conspiracy theorists and being allergic to saying things directly?
>certain people at certain organizations spelled with a letter that looks like a W
>I won't go into it here but there's more info if you know where to find it
>of course we all know what the end goal is... [refuses to elaborate]
>"leaders" and "highers-up" are "advancing" with "material"
It's like cockney rhyming slang and legalese had a one night stand and then whoever the mother was drank heavily for nine months. And I appreciate the easy tell that I'm reading the ramblings of an unserious madman, but it's also annoying.
Filters and bots, buddy. A lot of people have bots that are actively looking for specific keywords to start trying to mislead or to inflame things. Even if they don't, certain words are traditionally blocked(notably, onions.) It's also against the rules to try to circumvent these filters, or generally talk about these on /vp/ because "Pokemon?", although I'm not gonna report them because they meant well and were just discussing something I brought up.
Earlier in this thread, we already had one of our finest get banned for a "meta" thread just this week. Whether "off-topic" or not, that thread was necessary because there IS a lot of shitposting on this board. It's been going on for years, and has only gotten worse.
Yup, that's me. T'was very annoying, especially the double 1-day ban.
Here let's start attaching links to Newgrounds and shit so we're still posting eevees whenever we communicate.

/vp/ isn't popular and is /v/ adjacent. The site is already largely on autopilot. I'm surprised there's genuine threads left at all.
>/vp/ isn't popular
It's infinitely more active than /vst/, my other stomping ground.
Besides >>55932485 it's also to prevent this general from getting spammed in a "shut it down" raid the way other Eeveelution threads get targetted for. Surely some annoyance when it comes to deciphering my ranting can be forgiven, for a cause like that.
Haven't been paying attention to that. How the hell are the shut it down raids happening? Are they SJP's fault or someone else's?
Whether you approve of the topic or not, this has got to be the /ef/ with the most discussion, easily!
It was, yes, the Glaceon (and maybe Sylveon) threads had someone crying about the larpers, and eventually spammed one of them. He then made a falseflag thread, and even posted a few times in the previous /ef/ thread, which is what set me off on my own crusade. Well, that and their activity on other boards, but cutemon threads need the most protection.
Ah, I see. That is... very annoying.
Was he the one that posted the pissin' Vaporeon fountain?

Indeed it has been. And we have after-hours Eevee posting too.
I forgot about that one, but at least it was just once. The pet abuse kike was the one who actually posted more.
[s]I also never managed to spoiler before, so testing[/s]
actually had to look it up
Ah, I see. Yeah, he was an ass too. I dunno what makes people want those images... but to be fair, call me Snacks because what the butts I saved some of those images despite my revulsion to them.
By the ways, a cool little keybind on the reply post: Control+S. It'll spoiler whatever you've selected.
Oh huh, thanks! Probably doesn't work on mine, since it'd just try to save the page. Someone in the falseflag thread just pointed out that they were just regular cute pictures, whether because it wasn't actually his machine, or to avoid getting banned. They might have been just thumbnails, since there are larger ones available, if you want them.
>probably doesn't work on mine
If you have any Chromium browser, it should work. It needs to be the pop-out reply box though, and you need to have the text area active.
>if I want them
To be honest I don't, and I've gotten rid of them directly after I mentioned having them. I don't know what compelled me to save them... I mean, at least it's not child porn.
I wonder if W.T. Snacks exists as an Eevee?
I'm kinda glad the image limit has been reached now. Lets the thread end on a high note.
I'm still impressed by how much discussion there was! That was long before the image limit, even. I had no idea you still had it in you!

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