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Ever seen a Gardevoir? Now you have
Gardevoir doesn't look like that
Oh really? YOU show me a Gardevoir
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yep, that's a healthy critter.
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i like gardevoirs
Gardevoir doesn't have breasts.
Like women, gardevoirs come in different sizes.
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Here's a Gardevoir.
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And another!
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Here's a Gardevoir reading a book!
>the rest of that set
>do ho ho ho ho~
And one eating a burger!
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On model, off-model.
Large bust, flat.
Juicy ass, none.
I just like Gardevoir.
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And one paying respects for their partner...!
comfy with my garde
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In a thousand years or so, several pokemon like Gardevoir will go extinct as they are absorbed into the human genepool.
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Do you prefer your garde regular, or mega?
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Mega is just so elegant.
vanilla garde is more comfy.
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I’ll mark it as Seen in my Pokédex now. Thanks!
i am once again asking for inspiration to set pen to paper
Elemental fist gardevoir dealing with the new physical special split.
Dare I ask?
what kind of story do you want to write? Are you the anon who wanted to write about a person turning into a gardevoir?
no you should not and don't saucenao it either.
Can a human impregnate a Gardevoir?
S-surely it can't be that bad...
Yes but you get Ralts eggs, but they may have some humanlike tendencies.
Oh no...
i always think back to those fanfics where a human cannot impregnate a gardevoir no matter how hard they try. They're just too different.
What a horrible concept
It is only correct to be able to make a big happy family with your wife, to deny this is inhuman
Well yeah, she won't get pregnant like a human. She'll find eggs and you can help her hatch them.
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is that...the elusive gamer forme unown?!?
i like to imagine them having little bitty ones under the green "shirt"
how puffy are the nipples?
or are they inverted?
small, perky, and green
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what's that behind your back?
i dont understand. Why's he disgusted
Okay now draw her holding her newborn
gardevoir’s canonically gigantic boobs
I like on model Gardevoir, but not gonna lie, this ones pretty nice.
He's hiding his true feelings
She learned to split her heart spike open so that her trainer can easily hug her now
don't be fooled anon, she's using her psychic powers to make the knife look like something else
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yes, but i couldn't make it feel like the procedure was natural and not just stapled onto the story for fetish material. the victim, Gabriel (who became Gabi afterwards) had to act REALLY fucking stupid for it to have happened the way it did. it had all the sense and depth of a gachi skit. and truthfully the story after the transformation was complete rarely to never relied on him being a human at one point.

probably beyond my skill as a writer. or at least beyond the energy i'm willing to dedicate to it

sounds like a instant loss 2koma idea to me
Reminder Gardevoir has a BMI of 30.25 and that classifies them as Obesity Class 1.
While that's super sexy a lot of her weight it probably in her big giant head
He wants for her to live, not to die
Its interesting that a bunch of Megas got new dex entries about being in pain but Garde didnt
If anything the dame is in more euphoria than a redditor in a fedora.
nooo not her butt
>Off model face
>Off model torso
>Off model legs
>Sprite accurate hands

What the actual fuck??
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whats wrong? afraid she might develop opposable thumbs and conquer you?
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Gardevoir already canonically have thumbs.
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The poke dollars are just yen, which means this dress is only $65 based on modern exchange rates.
Cute smile!
well yeah. it doesn't fit her and it looks like she whipped the girls out and then put it on rather than over her gown
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How do you get abs like that?
i like her three fingered mittenhands
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Gardegrippers are sacred and must be held
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Gardevoir is so heckin cute
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Be careful anon! You don't know what will happen when you call a Gardevoir "cute"!
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The same artist drew this one >>55904800 at some point after. Guess he developed a bit of taste
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What happens
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Oh no
It's the X Unown doing his Colosseum dance, c'mon mate, learn your lore
Gardevoir and Lopunny doing the Goku and Gohain joint Kamehameha against Snorlax
garde mad online that trainers only want sluttymons
god, image what their legs look like
I prefer off model fanart like yours. For non sexual reasons, I swear, I just adore elegant characters
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Now we're baking
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Goths have the best legwear
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Can you post some?
For reasons
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>The Scholar's Folly (Second Autumn)
>The Errant's Hearth
>Hero Worship by Cnote

Hero Worship is the one that starts with the Garde burying her dead eggs. Either Errant's Hearth or Scholar's Folly is the one where the scientist fucks the Gardevoir and she freaks out because she doesn't get pregnant until he explains that he can't do that for her.
he got surgery
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on model garde... erotic...
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humanshape gardes > vanilla

literally the only character i prefer off model
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Gardevoir are already human shaped enough.
Gardevoir only became human shaped in gen 8.
All the effort finally paid off.
That one coomer made a difference. Like that kid that released a bunch of lapras
The little beautymarks on her tiddy and next to her navel are sexo
God I wish this art style was still around. It’s not fair only Rakkuguy can still do it
Hey wait a moment, if Gardevoir got a navel that means she was a baby, not an egg
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I need moar dorkevoir
What if gardevoir originally had a much more amorphous form, and their current humanoid shape is the result of interacting and intermixing with prehistoric man?
i always read these as a step father trying to convince people he didn't want to plow his step daughter. but human/pokemon instead

this is why i prefer coomers. because at least they are honest
Probably. You don't change egg groups like that without reason.
As much as I enjoy Garde porn, I enjoy it more when they have a personality to go with the porn.
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given how quickly pokemon can reproduce, how advanced pokemon tech seems to be and the people of the pokemon world seem pretty open minded, the chances of their being a subspecies of ralts that evolves into a hourglassy gardevoir with a submissive temperament being bred approaches 1 in a very short time

gardevoir/human breeding compatibility even? a ditto could probably facilitate but thats just lewd
They haven't reproduced with humans, but they have the ability to collectively guide their own evolution (as in Darwinian evolution), and they're making themselves more humanlike because they enjoy humans and want to appear more approachable to them.
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They live in the forest, they sing to animals, they can use magic manipulate others into finding them attractive, they're associated with the color green. Pointing bits on the sides of their heads.
They're fucking elves.
>the reason future paradox mons are all robots is that all pokemon are extinct
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>even in a world of perfect companions, humans are still short-sighted and greedy and ruin everything good in the world
I always figured humans were extinct too and the future paradoxes were all that's left

>but... but.... its not time travel!
Yeha, well, if anything were to drive humans to extinction, it would be ourselves.
Alway remember to never get a head of yourself.
No! Bad anon
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drawing this. Opinions?
Why does Gardevoir's girlfriend have huge boobs?
not sexy enough. 0/10 no boobs

she's constructed pretty well, but her arms would be slightly longer if you're going for on model. if you're going to give her a navel, should have her dress part a little bit so that it indicates its on her and isn't a decoration of the dress. though on closer inspection it looks to me like her gown is unusually tight and form fitting

i also want to complement the knights hands and posture.

as i don't know the context of the picture i can't say what i think of the content. but to me it looks like she's saying 'hold up, i got this' at the appearance of a threat. it kinda looks like the knight is holding my leash though. dunno what i think about that
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Cute Gardevoirs>Sexual Gardevoirs
Thanks for the suggestions. Will make her arm a bit longer. And her dress is just very form fitting, just like you said. Splitting it would be a bit too unmodest in thos pic imo. I still want to to imply the navel later on with an indentation in her dress.
beautiful and a cute timmy
Is that the knights name?
i meant tummy...................................
eating the potato
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Playing hide and seek with garde in the hedge maze
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Where'd the egg come from
She found it.
aww raising a little lost egg as their baby
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>pic related
Does anyone have the original link to the thread
whatcha talking about?
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The guy in the birthday pic requested and posted an irl photo of himself to be drawn with both Lopunny and Gardevoir at his side some time ago on this board.
Was curious if anyone happened to have the link to the original thread.
or at least a screencap of it
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little boobs
and those hips...
They're called loveHANDLES for a reason
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>that blush
>Those heart-pupils
The fact that she's enjoys being reduced to a beast of burden is the best part. She's probably due for a milking too considering how swollen her boobs are. Other Gardevoir are probably mortified by her perversion.
Synchro machine is neat and all, but we need a feature that allows you to ride on any Pokemon given that it's large enough and has someplace it can carry you.
this pic is amazing
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What's the most beautiful Gardevoir picture you've got?
t. gardevoirs with humiliation fetishes
That looks nice
I like the idea of giving her a piggyback ride more
gaint teets OVERFLOWING with garde milk
but little bitty ones though so they're swollen with milk
what say you now, equalityfriends?
Gardevoir doesn't look like this and wouldn't wear this.
Yes she does.
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anon, you have to understand. more people like being given orders than giving them. and the vast majority of the time if a person is wearing a collar they themselves picked it out and put it on.

its actually exhausting to have a girlfriend like that
sorry anon, gardevoir canonically has giant boobies
Gardevoir aren't people, they're superior beings who watch over humans out of altruism and love, not out of submission.
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praise be gardeboobs
>Gardevoir aren't people

trips of truth
gardevoirs are critters
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now draw her using Misty Explosion
gardevoir’s STORED POWER…
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I had an idea of a different kind of gardevoir protector.
Rude, EVERY Gardevoir picture is beautiful
this one especially so
>Still here
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>Posting the low res
every once in a while i see gardes drawn with this kind of "beak" mouth and i don't know if its meant to be a beak or a kittycat mouth
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based and critter-pilled
What if it's her fetish?
That may have been true at one point, but as of now her species has been and meticulously crafted to be the perfect submissive CRITTER. >>55914767
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Phazon Gardevoir
Another Gardevoir thread spotted >>55935171
Wanna pet that critter
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If a Froslass can breed with a human, anything in the Human-Like egg group is probably Plug-and-Play compatible.
BIG garde
.... What?
Then maybe we need to talk about kinkshaming, because I'm not going to treat her like that in public only because it gets her off.
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What did they mean by this?
putting her master back together so they can be together again
Only the regional variant Gardevore can do that.
I'm gonna get a lot of use as a kneeling reaction image
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finished it
Fantastic work, anon
Sister Garde I have something to confess
>This is my husband, Richard the Pyroarheart. He's gonna conquer the holy land in the name of Arceus
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this is so precious.
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How would your Gardevoir react to you saying you want to pursue a romantic relationship with her?
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>Plug-and-Play compatible
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Whats the difference between the two?
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there isn't one. its just forever alones who have such a pure distillation of femininity that they can't see other facets
Cucking Rakuguy by mating pressing Airalin while he watches!
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>all dat offmodel garbage ITT
Is this how being a deluded transexual failson feels like?
>trannies out of nowhere
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Pretty sure that's the earthbound boss swirl
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I would accept
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Grip grip!
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>he doesn't know
She's all thumbs.
Gardevoir spotted
People posting Gardecow outside of this thread are traitors
Imagine clutching these grippers and peppering them with kisses
titcow garde getting milked
she saw my browser history...
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sorry, one of those was mine
This is what happens when you go on feeding her Rare Candies when she's already level 100. They have to go someplace.
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Extremely gentle gardewife kisses
Only in public. In private I'm reminding her that she ia my Pokemon. Probably involving a destiny knot
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>this kills the gardkek
>trade evo
>having to trade your wife to evolve her
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GOD TIER: Spooky/horror Gardevoir
USUALLY GREAT TIER: Cute Gardevoir, On-model lewd Gardevoir, moody Gardevoir
CAN BE DECENT TIER: Comic Gardevoir
OVERPLAYED BUT STILL HAS POTENTIAL IF THE ART IS GOOD TIER: Off-model lewd Gardevoir (with big tits)
ABSOLUTE SHIT TIER: Off-model lewd Gardevoir (with human legs)
GIGACHAD TIER: cute Gardevoir with absolutely gigantic tits
>human legs
don't forget human hands
>ABSOLUTE SHIT TIER: Off-model lewd Gardevoir (with human legs)
>Don't forget human hands

Is it strange or obvious that my mind went straight to SaltySodyumX?
I like Salty but he's not good about being on-model
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they got her sticcly legs right
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I like your art style a lot. Do you happen to have any socials?
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oh no...
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A Ralts?!
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Gardevoir but smelly not stinky
its lonely. Be its friend

Gardevoir + trace leads to a lot of fetish situations
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this is nice thread :)
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Oh yes.
Imagine being grabbed and held by alpha gardegrippers
What a cute family picnic.
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Why haven't they surpassed Gardevoir's popularity? Stand-ins like Hatterene or Gothitelle aren't even close.
because like all modern pokemon they're stupid looking and complicated while garde is simple and cute
Gothitelle has the Unova penalty due to Genwunner seethe, while galar is such a pathetic shithole that even kino like Hatterenne gets overlooked.
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Hatterene isn't even in the same category, she's just a tiny gremlin in a bag. She NEVER stood a chance.
The only real threat to Gardevoir's popularity is Meowscarada
She is old and got a meme glued just like May being a huge boob demon
>Or Gloria being brit most "recent"
gothitelle looks awful and i don't acknowledge the existence of nu-mons from dogshit games
as a gardevoir enjoyer i think Hat makes a good counterpart to her. kinda the same energy that pairing garde with lopunny

Gardevoir was the first pokemon species waifu and you never forget your first
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Imagine the smell
? >>55963827
Why does this kid vapes onto his Gardevoir?
He's indulging in his gardevoir's musk
Post your clingiest gardewife
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Probably one of Salty's Gardes like this one
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>She hates the fucking glowies as much as me
She's fucking perfect!
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its funny because Hatterene and Gothitelle are both exponentially more useful than Garde who is a total shitmon, yet usability doesn't help them crack the popularity ceiling
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I think many more players are just concerned with whats viable in an ordinary playthrough.
Ralts is a bit of a pain to raise in gen 3 with Abra being no later, but with whatever choice the player goes with theyre glad to have a Psychic type / special attacker before the 2nd gym. The 1st if they're grindy. Ralts is also available without any Teleport rng.
the main advantage of gardevoir over abra is that you don't need to trade to evolve
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I like the pictures that imply Mega Garde has massive ass and hips under the dress.
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Garde may be a shitmon amidst all the power creep, but she's cute! cute!
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I really like this one
past paradox garde
Definitely would
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She looks like this
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Sorry for replying so late, didn't look at this thread for days. You might be disappointed because I draw Gardevoir rarely, this one beeing the best of them, I'd argue. Also quite a lot of coombait, just so you know.
Fetish posters aren't Gardevoir posters
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>posts gardevoir
>you're not a gardevoir poster
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thinking about garde legs
Gardevoir friendship!

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