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/vr/ - Retro Games

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Previous: >>10892873

Awesome Downloads:
>OpenRCT2 - Currently the best way to play RollerCoaster Tycoon. We use the latest stable version for multiplayer unless otherwise noted:

>UCES - includes all objdata files already extracted from each scenario upon loading, and includes tracks:

>Amazing Earl stuff - adds some custom-made rides and scenery:

>Anon's devkit v0.2

>4chan Kit v0.3

- - - - - - -

>Knowledge Base

>RCT1 Manual

>Headless Server Guide (This doesn't work)

>Weekend Parks Archive
What if we smoked a fatty at evergreen gardens
Toilet 1 smells too intense for me.
bump. may this ride never end
what if we smoked meth in the bathrooms of dinky park?
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Nice, I have one of these from Big Ass Rock
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>people who turn on infinite money
>people who spam low effort gimmick coasters
>people who build more than one motion simulator
>people who decorate with trackitecture
>people who edit track and car types
>people who hack stats
>people who play sandbox

What the fuck is even the point on playing the game if you do this. Just imagine a theme park instead.
>people who decorate with trackitecture
Get new material
>building without money constraints
>building with fewer money constraints/beating the game by its own rules
>building with fewer money constraints/beating the game by its own rules
>building without caring about your widdle fee-fees
>building within the limits of the game, not its menus
>building with fewer money constrains
>building with no money constraints

That the fuck is even the point of playing the game if you do this. Cry about it.
>people who build more than one motion simulator
This nigga doesn't build one of each program.
some of these are far more acceptable than others my dude
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>>people who turn on infinite money
RCT is basically a solved game. I can't even pretend to care.
>>people who spam low effort gimmick coasters
Legitimate complaint. Marcel Vos ruined the concept of a shuttle loop.
>>people who build more than one motion simulator
There's two film types.
>>people who decorate with trackitecture
There are only so many scenery objects, and how can you be angry about the results?
>>people who edit track and car types
it's a tool that can be used for great good or great evil, like all weapons, the user is who decides
>>people who hack stats
yeah ok, I get it, that's faggotry
>>people who play sandbox
Solved game, bro. Sandboxes are fun.
>RCT is basically a solved game
The anon you're replying to is a faggot, but so are you.
tell me about how challenging RCT is supposed to be
While I don't agree with this guy, I have to ask you all what is the draw to playing such an old medium? Picrel is my recreation of Kennywood park on Planet Coaster. It just seems much easier to work with. Also this is the only place on this site that I think I could post anyways.
To answer your question, RCT and RCT2 (and OpenRCT2) are COMFY. They have a visual charm that other games in its genre simply do not have, paired with gameplay simple enough to get into easily (contrast to Planet Coaster) but deep enough to be interesting (contrast to RCT4).
Coupled with this is OpenRCT2 itself, which presents an amazing modding package, an easy and accessible custom content scene, and a pre-existing community for this game here on 4chan, and it's basically the game to play without contest.

To answer the question that you didn't ask, do absolutely feel 100% free to post Planet Coaster here. All coaster game creations are welcome, and I'd like to see more of what you've built.
There is a certain charm to the isometric layout I suppose. I did in fact binge play Chris Sawyer's Locomotion not too long ago.
I guess it's just harder for me to get into since I'm a Zoomer and I started playing RCT at 3.
For me I'm super comfy playing PlanCo with Summer Air on loop and some coaster kino in the background.

I do like watching certain RCT2 creations but ironically to your point I feel that it now has almost a higher barrier of entry, for my purposes at least. I enjoy making realistic parks and replicas, the idea of learning trackitechture, shoe-stringing and splicing track times seems harder than Planco's free-standing builder.
I feel like I'd need to know all those tricks to accomplish what I want to do. Maybe I'll download it to participate in some stuff here.

Anyways, also glad to see that my PlanCo stuff is welcome here! I'm almost done making Kennywood as it was in 2000. I like Arrow so I wanted to do the OG Steel Phantom.
Planet Coaster is just unfun to me. The coaster building doesn't feel as nice to use even if it does make significantly more realistic/interesting coasters. It being in full 3D makes making my park/rides look nice a chore.
I won't complain about you posting Planet Coaster screenshots though.
>whale entrance boat house
I get that. It takes a lot longer, I've probably sunk 100+ hours easily remaking Kennywood.
That being said I really do like the coaster builder but to be fair I am also familiar with NoLimits. My favorite part about everything is just being able to go off grid and recreate park layouts in a more realistic way. I will admit that it can be a chore to fill out ride areas.
Also glad to know you don't mind my shots.

Thank you, it's similar at the real park, one of the last operating Noah's Ark type rides.
>Hmmm why would people play in creative mode? just imagine it lol lmao
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We should continue with the BAR map from last weekend and also put it up at your convenience.
sure thing homie, BIG ASS ROCK is now hosted again
Where is the peep sprite from?
when it's 7am and that one friend starts asking if you should get another bag
how come i keep getting disconnected when trying to join the server
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its over
I don't know. Usually you can get through if you keep trying, though.
This death spiral is a fucking puzzle. I don't know how to solve it.

Removing the Info Hut seems to have more or less fixed it though? Very strange.
Guessing it's something to do with the AI decision making. Removing the kiosk means one less choice.
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>removing access to maps makes the guests better at getting around
bravo chris
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>hundreds of guests are getting lost again
great job
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>finally built a ride of every type in Forest Frontiers except the monorail
>wanted to make every custom ride at least a "high" excitement rating, but gave up on the Car Ride and settled for a "medium" excitement
>building underground is virtually impossible now due to crowded rides and can't see what the fuck I'm doing whether rides are visible or invisible
>practically no space to do a monorail above ground due to low height restrictions and the train already overlaps so much with coasters/paths
>tfw might not be able to fit the monorail in
>paths are also a clusterfuck and can't get my handymen to clean paths properly leading to my park becoming vandalism central
>still have 999 park rating lol
I feel like even with the absolute maximum scenery/environment/ride interaction boosters, natural High excitement on the Car Ride is impossible. Ditto Monorail.
Digital representation v Reine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD6CQpEKrPU
I have never been on a car ride that was as exciting as a rollercoaster.
The Disney Futureland car ride could be on par with a family coaster, but that strains "car ride."
I had never seen that thing before. It looks like a life-sized slot car. Really cool.
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too lazy to remake the water coaster station
boardwalk enjoyers rejoice
Weekend Map Download
this is /vr/ you dingus
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6/10 its okay
Pennsylvaniabros, we won
I wish there was fishing in this game. Just look at that pier. >>10947076 I bet you could catch so many fish off of that thing.
I feel like that'd be a fun custom animation mod
>game lets you set up fishing areas for maps like Bumbly Beach and Big Pier
>game lets you set up deer hunting areas for maps like Forest Frontiers
>build a booth to sell people fishing rods, hunting rifles, and fishing/hunting permits
>security guards arrest guests who fish/hunt without a license
A fishing spot "ride" that works like a mix of the boat hire and mini-golf would be a cute mod. Guests just sitting there on a dock in pairs, occasionally talking to each other (looking at each other and nodding) with lines in the water until they get a bite and pull out a random fish.
Someone could make an ice fishing ride for snow maps.
>include a small percentage chance that the guests can accidentally shoot each other
Based Locomotion respecter. Would be a great game if it fixed
>having a line system instead of just individual vehicles
>keep vehicles regularly spaced so they don't bunch up over time
>passengers have an origin and destination and they change between lines that are within each other's catchment areas
If only those three little issues were fixed it would be such a kino little game. As it is it's just so broken, it's basically sandbox game after 20 minutes.
>Headless Server Guide (This doesn't work)
for me --console --verbose crashes the server. dunno why
How did you even get it to start? The powershell script cannot start the exe as it is.
I didn't follow that tutorial, I just fucked around with a batch file until it worked.
Also, have it run the .com file
>Dick C. is now on Deer Hunting 1
Beige is the best new color.
thanks doc
Wrong, its salmon color. But only when the entire thing is that color
I wish there was a tutorial for batch files, I can't get this shit to work
mine is just:

start "" "C:\openrct2\openrct2.com" host "C:\openrct2\rct2\Scenarios\Ghost Town.SC6" --port 11753 --headless

obviously replace all the locations with your own. and like i said the --console --verbose commands caused it to fail for some reason.
not sure what all else might break it. i just got it working is all.
Did OpenRCT2 make it easier to make money? I remember constantly going into debt in Dynamite Dunes and Evergreen Gardens and struggling to meet the deadline, but I'm on Dynamite Dunes now and I'm at over 1000 guests coming in on year 3. Is there a mechanic change or did I just stop being a retarded kid?
Also it seems like guests now run out of money instantly making it necessary to cheat in ATM machines. I wish they could just add it to the research queue instead of leaving it in a cheat menu.
>going into debt on evergreen gardens
Anon, I think you just stopped being fucking stupid. Congratulations!
>Did OpenRCT2 make it easier to make money?
I think they did some tweaks for guest spending, but then again I remember literally never failing any of the (vanilla) RCT1 scenarios as a kid
you got good
What will we play this weekend?
What ever it is, I vote to do a coaster spaghetti bowl this weekend
Something with lots of cliffs/rolling terrain. Or something desert-based.
Build Your Own Six Flags Magic Mountain unbound
I like that idea. Lots of designed forward space for casual building, and large rear dunes for autism.

Pls host early.
Great idea, that scratches all of the itches. I'll add the usual assortment of objects and have it up soon.
Server up.
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>it's another marcel makes 9000 shuttle corkscrews episode
who even watches that shit?
It might at least be interesting to see an optimized four station scam coaster for increased stats and throughput.
I think the quantity of individual rides is the point
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A burger was causing a glitch so that the ground under the path was showing.
secret(finding) sauce
The park so far
Isn't this supposed to be a Six Flags park? Where is the parking lot coaster?
Absolut newbie to multiplayer stuff here. Do I just connect via the IP because I automatically get disconnected every time I try to.
Just keep trying until it works. Does it at least try to download the map?
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nice park
The guests are quite fond of that fried rice.
Oh yeah it did let me download the map and actually play on it but the moment I was in game I just disconnected again. I'll keep trying though!
This entire area was generally in aid of this novelty drop/helix area which I like the execution of but otherwise seems a bit impractical otherwise.
>premade water ride spots
who is a brave enough dude to use them?
I'm busy or I'd join the server. I've never played on the server before, but I love looking at everything when the maps are done up uploaded.
Next week i'll drop in and make my shitty unoptimized water rides
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Weekend Map Download
still a lot of space left, could probably use the same map next weekend
yeah let's run it back again, there's some prime real estate sitting there empty
>3 day weekend with the map barely filled
I don't think a rerun would be beneficial
Was the map that unpopular? I thought it was mostly empty because everyone was busy. It was a holiday in burgerland over the weekend.
That's the reason I didn't join. I've never joined a game before, but was considering this week and ended up being busy all weekend.
I couldn't get on on the server for the life of me.

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