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anyone here starting new playthroughs of either game?

havent played in years but just started a self found d2 grail hunt last month. I play for a few hours every couple days with my shitty blizz sorc who is too weak and undergeared to farm Lvl 85 areas (stuck on hell meph trying to get gear). Luckily i have an ali baba on switch for when i cast my last blizz to kill him
how long does it take on average to complete everything 100%?

current gear - lvl 78 sorc
lore helm
+3 cold skill ammy
spirit sword
lidless wall shield (only using to get to fcr breakpoint)
chance guard gloves (25 mf)
gold wrap belt
generic +35 magic boots
4p topaz socketed armor
10 fcr ring
25 mf ring
ali baba / rhyme shield on switch and 32MF gheed charm
Have made 4 different Paladin Hardcore runs in the past week. I’ve died twice in NM Chaos Sanctuary, once in Hell against Duriel, and lastly all the fucking way in Hell Throne Room. Feels fucking bad, man

When I do a solo run, I usually do a melee build, like zeal or frenzy. I'll usually beat nightmare but around act 2 hell it gets a bit much and I'll be too lazy to put in the time for grinding better gear.

These days, when I do play, it's mostly tweaking or improving my 2 accounts of botted lvl 99 pvpers on B.Net. I'll sometimes duel in pubs when drunk. I've really just played D2 to death. I played it off and on for like 20+ years.
What’s a good retard friendly PVP build for someone who can’t gookclick?
I remember back in the days low level dueling with low level sets and just assraping everyone with charge. Deaths Set/angellics/and Hsaurus combined together

Fist Of The Heavens lol. Charge around, get in range for conviction aura to apply to them, click somewhere in their general vicinity with foh, repeat. 1-2 shots anyone who doesn't have a respectable amount of light resistance. 1 shots noobs

A 2 handed charger is not quite as braindead but it can be fun 1 shotting people

Blizz sorc is kind of like foh, just spam blizz from range and you should 1-2 shot many different enemy builds. Requires a bit more click agility, though, since you're teleporting around n shit
Nice dude. I’m gonna gear out a fohdin now
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May I ask, what bot(s) are up to date right now, or what do you use? On bnet many a year ago I used d2nt Etal and kolbot, but I kept kolbot around to putter around with followers in single
trying base mod on a older computer for old games, works fine but cant cube gems to higher tiers

It's still Kolbot. I wouldn't really worry about it ever getting banned at this point either. It had a long track record of not being banned before D2R came out, and I doubt they'll care enough to ban it now that D2R is out.
You can try farming travincal. The council seem to have a chance of dropping flawless gems from NM and hell.
The Superchest behind Mephisto also drops a lot of flawless gems. I don’t think you can get Pgems from anything other than hellforge and cubing
well canna cube from chipped but seems is not possible, thanks mod makers
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Starting a Hydramancer for The Hell 3, level 25 and still a bit squishy in the first difficulty, great for clearing groups of mobs but the DPS against bosses is poor.
honorary cactus mention.

I've never made this my objective of playing, but I do collect one of every item while doing other things.
it takes people like 2000+ hours of dedicated MFing.

>hell throne hc death

is there any semblance of an active pvp community still? I don't think it can ever recapture the glory days though. it was a great product of its time. nothing else competed at the time for rpg pvp.

trap assassin.

you sure you got the right recipe? 3 matching gems.

D2R dented the vanilla community pretty badly. I still see duel pubs up though frequently. I hate D2R. I don't really think it's better outside of a few QoL additions.
yeah 3 chipped gems of same color, nothing happens, it is a base mod thing? with this bigger cube size?. other cube stuff works fine
i only play offline what happened? (not giving nu blizz a cent)
thanks. Dunno if I will be getting back on bnet, but I randomly heard my magic find anthem, rolling stones' "you can't always get what you want," and am increasingly worried that that d2 itch is coming back again
D2r is easily pirateable. You don’t need to buy it.
I appreciate it for making dogshit skills like Holybolt actually viable. LOD is my favorite game of all time, but every class had to wait for lvl 24-30 before the game actually opened up which really sucked. Even shit like -50 dmg penalty for whirlwind is inexcusable
i know and i did, yo ho ho, sad to know it dented the community hope wasnt as bad as reforged did, at least d2r is competently made
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Switched to LK runs and found this little guy. Probably the best thing i found in 5 hours besides a lem, ethereal mancatcher and a six socket war spike (i guess i can use it for CTA?)

>it takes people like 2000+ hours of dedicated MFing.
Fuckiin hell. Oh well i guess im in it for the long run. It actually pretty relaxing and zen doing these runs over and over. I probably only have about 50+ hours in so far.
Im hoping to find some titans so i can switch to a Javazon
I got about 90% of my grail finished but got stuck on TC87 loot. Usual suspects

The best mfer in the entire game is Pitzerker. You go to pit, go to every boss mob, scream the minions away, kill boss and find item his corpse and move to next one. Can easily get 700+ mf. On Battle.Net you'll get a realm down pretty fast, so you also have to do ancient tunnels and maybe some other lvl 85+ areas in a run so you don't exceed 20 games per hour and get a temp ban. None of this applies to non-ladder either.

Javazon is pretty good at clearing Worldstone and Baal. Very good mf areas, as long as you are geared well and avoid doll explosions right near you. (or use stormshield but I prefer spirit)
I def plan on making a Pitz/Horker barb once I get Grief. Thank you
anyone play PD2? season 9 HC has been a lot of fun, got a 90+ singer barb and a fury druid
I tried both Path of Diablo and Project Diablo. But in the end I kept going back to vanilla.

If you want to make one sooner, you could probably get away with using any other half decent weapon, you're only killing puny act 1 shaman mob bosses in the pit. You howl away the rest of the enemies so. Also here is the correct build. Forgive the spaces but I'm too lazy to correct it from copy pasting it

Weapon: Grief (Phase Blade Phase Blade preferred)
Weapon Offhand: Phase Blade Phase Blade socketed with 6 Ist Rune Ist Runes
Weapon Swap: Wizardspike Wizardspike and Wizardspike Wizardspike
Body Armor: Enigma
Helm: Harlequin Crest Harlequin Crest
Gloves: Chance Guards Chance Guards
Boots: War Traveler War Traveler
Belt: Goldwrap Goldwrap
Ring 1: Nagelring Nagelring
Ring 2: Nagelring Nagelring or Ring with +10% Faster Cast Rate to reach the 105% breakpoint
Amulet: Highlord's Wrath Highlord's Wrath or Amulet with +5% Faster Cast Rate to hit the 105% breakpoint
Charm 1: BarbarianHellfire Torch Hellfire Torch
Charm 2: Annihilus Annihilus
Charm 3: 40% MF Gheed's Fortune Gheed's Fortune
Rest of Charms: Small Charms with 7% Magic Find

fuck it, fixed

Weapon: Grief PB
Weapon: 180 mf 6x isted PB
Weapon swap: 2 wizspike/2 hoto
Armor: Enigma
Helm: Shako isted, or 40% mf IK helm with 2 ists
Gloves: Chance Guards
Boots: War Travs
Belt: Goldwrap
Rings: 30 nagels or 2x 40 mf magic rings
Amulet: Highlord
Torch Anni Gheeds and many 7 mfsc

Merc: Insight, Fort, Andy
Thank you. I’ll try to target similar things cause I don’t have much of those items. I am playing Single player self found so I know this is gonna be a long process without trading and free gibs.
My main worries is lack of enigma and lack of grief (which would help barbs shit attack rating). I don’t think I have enough runes to cube a Ber let alone a Mal. my highest rune i have found is a single Gul. I do plan on making the barb as my absolute final goal cause I know he has the best chances of getting the highest TC items. I’d like a Java too cause I know with shit gear I can run cows to help with the runefarming and base hunting .

Weapon: Only usable gear I’ve found so far are lightsaber and azurewrath. Just waiting on that MAL so I can make my grief as I do have a phase blade base (not eth unfortunately but any grief is better than no grief). I’ll try out what I have and see how the killing speed is. Off hand, I have a single Alibaba, no ists yet and no 6OS bases
Weapon Swap: I do have 4x Wiz. Lmao
Body Armor: Nothing close to Enigma yet. Just the trusty D-shell, and the usual low level rune words and some sets
Helm: No Shako yet. Got my endgame merc helms which is nice
Gloves: have shit roll chancies unfortunately, but whatever
Boots: Have some really really nice rare MF boots with 30MF and dual resists. Gonna try gambling for War Travs
Belt: have the gold wrap
Rings: 1 nagel with shit roll. Lots of FCR rings
Ammy: nothing good yet
Charms: Have a 34 Gheeds. Have not completed Ubers yet, I don’t know if I’ll ever get a torch from dclone cause I don’t think I have the heart to sell a SOJ in single player (if I ever find one nonetheless since I’ve never found one in 20 years of on/off playing). I think I’ll just make that my exception from my grail.

Merc: Have a beauty eth colossus insight, and a Reapers Toll. I got Gface/Tal Rasha Mask/Crown of Thieves, no Andy yet. Using Dshell at the moment, no fortitude yet.

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