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*is the best zelda game in you're path*
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>is the best zelda
Truth. I've said this before but playing LoZ reminds me so much like an old skool dnd quest put onto a cart.
>gold cart
peak soul
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All the story you need
It's completely mogged by LA and LTTP
The Japanese version of ebonics
No it isn't. Not at all, they are both very different games at the core. LoZ is the most pure and elegant of the three and it's not even close.
Yes, and?
>LoZ is the most pure and elegant of the three and it's not even close.
That is your opinion, but it is not a fact.
Prove me wrong. You can't.
I prefer Zelda II, for its fluid action combat. But I love Zelda 1, as well. Both are very cool games.
Well? Did you find the 8 absolute units?
i'm not path
That's valid. Yeah, I'd typically go for oracle/LA but they're too different. It's like comparing Pacman to an RTS. It's apples and oranges with the former being more arcadey.
Of course I can. I'll stick with ALTTP for now, otherwise we'll be here all day and I doubt you're patient enough to read what I'm going to write, anyway.

1. ALTTP has a really boring overworld design. In LoZ, Hyrule is relatively big. You have substantial freedom to roam as you explore with many different ways to traverse it. ALTTP's overworld otoh is very constrained. For any given destination there's probably just one path to get there, meaning no real sense of roaming exploration. You just proceed to the next location marked on your map and anything to discover will be hidden along the path on your way.

2. ALTTP has very poor balance of challenge, in part due to overpowered abilities like Ether and the invisibility cloak. ALTTP has nothing like a room full of Wizrobes and Like-Likes, or Blue Darknut with fireball statues.

3. Items and abilities are much more poorly balanced overall. Bombs are nearly pointless in ALTTP. They're never a scarce resource and the game always telegraphs where you need to place them. It's just a tedious, obligatory mechanic. The Ice Wand is almost completely pointless, and doesn't even freeze half the enemies you can freeze with Ether.

4. Reward inflation. In LoZ there are 5 heart containers to discover in the world. When you find one, you get an immediate upgrade. In ALTTP they sprinkle lots of little interim pieces of heart as little dopamine hits for exploring every little corner of the tiny overworld and completing lame minigames and other simple tasks.
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Posting the superior packaging.
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Nice rundown anon. Another thing I really liked about LoZ was the scarcity of Rubies. Felt like finding them actually meant something where as in the later games finding a chest with rubies felt like a let down because they are everywhere.
yeah half the time you find a chest full of rupies in lttp you are already at max money or close to it, and theres nothing of value to even spend it on besides potions or the one time you need to buy flippers
I usually hate grinding but having to gather rupies in order to buy things like bombs before entering the next dungeon actually felt right and if you didn't prep then good luck!
You know when I wrote rubies I thought it didn't look right kek.
I dont understand zelda games. theres just so much backtracking. Which wouldnt be so bad, but link has no movement options and you have to constantly go into the menu to solve and resolve overworld "puzzles" like jumping over a hole. Its just annoying. I feel like Im actively being punished for playing the game and I am discouraged from exploration. Like for example Links Awakening. How in the fuck were you supposed to figure out you need to talk to marin and then go on a date with her and then take her to an animal village and then go bring a ghost to antoher random spot on the map and then another random spot which isnt the graveyard even though he asks for the graveyard

Its not HARD HARD stuff but keeping in mind you have to constantly go into areas youve already been to with no new additions, you are constantly juggling items in the inventory to repeat shit you already did, and every single screen transition takes a solid second or more.

Its just fucking grating. I dont understand why people never talk about these things when it comes to zelda.
Are you trolling? Whether you are or not, you're a bad poster. You need another five or ten years in the oven before you'll have a chance at being ready to post well.
>using directional arrowpads, A and B to move your toon and play it is too much for zoomers
Link moves faster in LoZ, aside from the P-boots dash. ALTTP also wastes your time with those pointless monologues from the girls you rescue.

ALTTP is a great game but it isn't even as good as the original and certainly doesn't "mog" it.
for god's sake anon
So you haven't played the NES Zelda?
Is it better in this regard? I only played it 15 years ago for about 20 minutes.
I keep trying to force myself to like these fucking zelda games man. At gun point.
>constantly go into the menu to solve and resolve overworld "puzzles" like jumping over a hole
I won't lie that does get annoying as fuck in LA. Especially with the power bracelets. Once you have them they should always be on and not take up an equipment slot.
It's just different from the others. There's still backtracking but the point of the game is to enjoy the combat and exploration. Backtracking is the way you learn to navigate the world. It's much less "content consumption" the way later games are.
And there are two fast-travel mechanisms.
For as much as people talk about nintendos polish I feel like so much of the stuff in zelda games should really just be passive and streamlined. Like what is going into my inventory to pick an item really fucking doing for the experience here? Especially if its just a physical ability to get around something in the overworld. The dungeons are the fun part I dont understand why they put so much shit inbetween them. Why are they trying to make me hate it?
Incidentally, there is still a scrolling transition to the item screen. It's one of the few things that I don't like about the original. But you there aren't too many items in the game so cumbersome switching doesn't happen too often.
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reminder real time weapon change wasnt invented til 2006
It might have been kept around just because the original did it.
ironically the n64 games feel less cumbersome with less downtime between dungeons which even though youd think the 2d games would be more arcadey and to the point
OoT does mog it tho
bruh, it's a hardware limitation. anyone recognizes the UI could use another button, it's just if you like the game you consider it a minor flaw.
To put it another way, the console has two buttons. What do you suggest?? Make the game have no items cuz you don't like it? The tradeoff for having a game with that many items is switching them sometimes.
But even on consoles with more buttons they still do this
>with that many items
most of these items do not feel they have to be equips. They could just be passive buffs.
Not in any way that really matters. OoT fans are really just a different breed and don't understand the original LoZ at all.
Hey dont talk like that. You're going to make this thread gay and you have the power to just not talk like an asshole.
honestly ocarina (and 3d zelda as a whole) marked a turning point so significant that it makes more sense to consider everything from then on a different series altogether
You came here to shitpost about OoT and are welcome to leave at any time.
I'm not that guy either. Just drop it. You're ruining the thread. Every fucking zelda thread gets ruined because you cant just accept different opinions and move on. Someone liking a different game than you is some big character statement on their part. And then you argue for like 350 posts about stupid bullshit that doesnt matter
That's on the console, I don't know what it is and why even have a remake.
>passive buffs.
How? Your character automatically picks up any close rock? Besides limiting your character control it doesn't address levers or bombs, etc. They can't be that without changing the game. A rock isn't an on/off block-path switch.
Are you being obtuse on purpose man.
how about I can just press A on a rock and pick it up instead of being forced to read tutorial text even after i have the upgrade, and being forced to go into my inventory to equip an item that i want to immediately unequip after i lift the rock.
You're being a bit of a fanboy in how myopic you are with the issues here. I feel with some adjustment you could do the same with the roc feather too and just streamline automate that shit.
This shit adds up man, its just annoying how much time you waste walking across the same overworld, waiting for screen transitions, and juggling your items to do the same shit you did before. Especially on a 1st playthrough where you arent sure where to go. its just frustrating
>OOT and MM in S tier
go back redditard
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Here is the story from the LoZ Tips n Tricks booklet.
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It's really good but I do think the Western version is too iconic. All in all I absolutely love the art direction the original went for.
I miss brown hair link.
I miss wanting to depict him with his full kit on rather than putting all his items in hammerspace
Kill yourself. You are the only one ruining the thread. I didn't say anything negative about OoT.
its not even the best zelda game on the nes
>how about I can just press A on a rock and pick it up
What if you wanted to use a sword/hookshot?
>you could do the same with the roc feather too
What if you wanted to jump whenever you want? What if you like jumping during battles?
This definitely might sound myopic. But I can't well read your mind to know what kinda game you envision. Maybe trying to OoT-fy it and make it more context-sensitive? I don't personally think a design approach is better/worse than any other.
I'm pointing out if you streamline everything as a quickfix (because you prefer that approach) you lose something that may have been good in the old style. For example, it was cool at the time that you have a buncha items to pick from and try (cuz it's a PUZZLE game-trying 'em out is also part of the appeal) and you could jump like mario. There were also easter eggs like using bracelet on a cuckoo (you can do it on grass too) and-sure, it is not *important* but fun when you're done with the game and chilling in the worldmap.
In Seasons, which is perhaps more lax you even have an expanded cape and it fixes most issues with tutorial texts, although it has the same engine. I wonder if it's worth trying for comparison since it's more lax than LA or you'd simply prefer oot. or zelda 1? idk.
Anyway, if I were to remake the game I think it'd be enough to simply add more slots. This is far from myopic. I'm suggesting someone go and change the fucking game to add more slots if you got more buttons.
also imo rocks become less of a problem in the late/mid game once you're done with the forest tutorial. simply stop going near rocks, equip feather/sword and get the items that let you teleport already.
You're just insane man. Its impossible to argue with you. As if wanting to use a sword or hookshot would somehow be blocked
And you're way too focused on rocks.
Fuck your items. Its fucking awful.
Well the point of my post isnt about how to make it better its about what fundamentally is not fun about zelda games for me. Its not specific to Link's awakening or about rocks. Im just describing my experiences trying to bash my head against a wall to try to like these games and voicing some criticism that I dont really see that much. Everyone just kind of reveres it and refuses to see any problems.
>As if wanting to use a sword or hookshot would somehow be blocked
I'm trying to understand how your proposal works. You said "I can just press A on a rock and pick it up". Obviously, unless it's a remake thing, if you have sword/hookshot on A then... if A picks up rock, it blocks your sword/hookshot on A. Are you stupid?
I can understand if the old-school "solve puzzle to get new content" common in Zelda games (but also other games/Adventure games/even FF) doesn't appeal to you thoughbeit. shrug.
>LTTP is bad because uhhhh boring and doesn't spam 10+ enemies at once at you!
opinion discarded
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Well, yeah. Reddit is pretty all encompassing. There's probably a subreddit for anything you can think of.
If I got it right, your main issue is with the "solve puzzle to advance plot and get new content" formula. That's just what being a zelda game typically entails, though. It is like playing Tetris and saying "damn, blocks fall too fast".
It's not even that people don't talk about that. Sometimes players do have an issue with one or other part of the game (like the OOT Water Temple and LA/DX UI).
Players mostly accepted that Zelda has a "solve puzzle to advance" formula and I think that's a broader topic. It's been discussed before by better explainers than me. I can't do it justice. But it's a lot like "damn, blocks in Tetris fall too fast". If you didn't like it, you would play action games-not be a fan of zelda or Tetris.
It was an expectation at the time that you might run into a tough to advance situation (in many games, but particularly in zelda lmao). It could be that retro players were simply more patient and didn't always expect to advance in the game immediately. It was expected you might hold a game for a long time before finding another. Or they saw it as a challenge, etc. if that's not enough walkthroughs exist. Backtracking in order to see if there is a solution you missed can itself be fun. Whatever the reason... It's not a conspiracy to make you hate the game, but if you simply aren't in the frame of mind for the game that badly there's nothing I can do/say.
>OoT fans are really just a different breed and don't understand the original LoZ at all.

That's bullshit. There is a subset of OoT fans who don't 'gel' with LoZ, but honestly I find there's a strong affinity between the two, in that each focuses on such different things that they complement each other.

I really like LoZ and strongly respect what it actually pulls off, but OoT is much more accomplished at being stand out excellent at what it does.
Weak bait. The two ugliest games in S tier is laughable for a series so dependent on aess
Zelda 2 is more fun
That's not Zelda 2!
Favorite Zelda, yes.
Best Zelda, no.
you failed at taking control of the conversation because you act like a lil bitch. you are powerless
>you failed at taking control of the conversation because you act like a lil bitch. you are powerless
I'm not that anon, but I have to say your comment comes across as a little rapey. Did you spend a few years in prison, bro?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
>Quit ruining this thread he says as he helps turn this place into 2008+ gamefaqs each day
Zelda 2 is way too flawed.
worse: brazil
> your main issue is with the "solve puzzle to advance plot and get new content" formula
its not
Literally none of what you said is remotely relevant to what I said.
Years ago somebody told me he was giving me Zelda for free... But it happened to be Zelda II. I was disappointed.
if you don’t like it quit posting in threads about it you fucking faggot
I didn't say that either.
>el fantastico mundo de hyrule
What a silly language.
You're rarity, and I'm assuming here you properly assess LoZ for what it is and don't erroneously try to apply 3D era assumptions about what a game world should be.
What was his real name?
Best of all, the save battery STILL FUCKING WORKS.

I don't want to look inside, though. I'm scared Nurgle may be living inside, or something like that.
>Best of all, the save battery STILL FUCKING WORKS.
iirc from a thread years ago on here asking how these original batteries are still working it had something to do doing with some guy that help develope the save system getting the math wrong. Probably bullshit but I believe it.
Never seen that drawing of the overworld before, very cool.
>happened to be Zelda II
congrats, you got a better game.
"I better move to another path then"
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>Never seen that drawing of the overworld before, very cool
It's from a strat guide book I picked up a few years back. Pretty neat with all the ild art.
Absolutely yes the best dungeon crawling in the series is in this game and, honestly, It should serve as example for every single RPG nowadays, of which a great majority has terrible awful Dungeon design.
I kinda like totk more tho
That's not even a Zelda game. It's a Link game.
What was the real number?
2 was definitely better, 1 was great but I played 2 way way more than I did 1.
The sense of freedom immediately after starting the game would've been nice in modern games too. I genuinely don't understand why every single game needs to have a tutorial at the beginning now.
Games are more complex now.
Not disagreeing with the point but the OG Zelda has very simple mechanics.
I think you mean, it rocked.
You have a point, but tutorials are not necessary. Games are not that complex today either. There are many retards so they have a place, but they shouldn't be forced on a player.
>Games are not that complex today either
They're waaaay more complex bro.
Don't get me wrong, I hate required tutorials. Even segments of a game that aren't technically tutorials but still feel tutorial-esque bother me. But just consider the number of differences. In LoZ, Link can walk in cardinal directions, he can stab, he can use his secondary item and automatically blocks straight-line, fixed velocity projectiles except when he's stabbing or using an item. He can switch to the inventory screen. That's it. The NES control pad has 4 buttons and one d-pad. In Ocarina, Link can walk in 360 degrees, roll forward, jump backwards, look around / change the camera angle, climb on things, jump between things, pick up objects, talk to people, and interact with navi-- all before even obtaining the sword or dealing with the weird 3D menu screen. The controller has a d-pad, analog stick, and 10 other buttons. As much as it's a drag to get going in that game(and I think it's overly cautious in that regard), it's pretty obvious why the game starts you in the relatively safe and protected Kokiri village-- so you can explore and familiarize yourself with the controls and movement before being thrust into potentially frustrating do or die scenarios. The same is accomplished in a single screen in LoZ, because the mechanics are simpler.
Best video game period.

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