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/vr/ - Retro Games

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Post genres you don't like or that you struggle with getting into and anons shall post games to try and get you into them.

I'll go first, I really have never beat a jrpg because I can't get into random encounters. I also just can't for the life of me get into rts games.
For RPG without random encounters try Chrono Trigger and Earthbound
For RTS try Herzog Zwei
i find RTS games overwhelming. i feel like theres too many things to manage and its happening in real time while i have to also worry about what the enemy is doing. the only one i really played for any length of time was warcraft2 and i always used the "onscreen" cheat to show the full map
im just fucking low iq desu. For a while I thought maybe I could increase my intelligence by playing games that need good intellect but really at the end of the day im a big fucking retard that just like games where you press buttons and limbs fly off
>games where you press buttons and limbs fly off
As opposed to games where you click on lice and administrate some excel sheet.
While I've finished a few JRPGs here and there, I really can't get into the genre as a whole. I really enjoy the aesthetics of a lot of 2D JRPGs for the SNES, PlayStation, Saturn, and GBA, but I find myself getting bored with them partway through, either because I can't figure out where to go, reach a boss and discover that I'm underleveled, or just reach a midgame slump where it doesn't feel like much is happening and eventually realize that I haven't touched my save file in weeks.
>but really at the end of the day im a big fucking retard that just like games where you press buttons and limbs fly off
To be fair, even high IQ people enjoy those kinds of games. I'm a polymath and a psychopath, and I genuinely enjoy games that let you hurt people in incredibly horrible ways, because it's a way of "living" out my fantasies without actually hurting anyone.
I suppose it is not entirely unlike how many people watch porn featuring unrealistically attractive women doing things that most female normies would never, ever consent to doing in real life.
For JRPGs I recommend playing them on an emulator on your phone. Touchscreen sucks for most games but for something turnbased it’s fine.

That’s how I’ve been playing them anyway. When I’m home I’d rather play other games but as a timekiller when I’m stuck waiting somewhere, JRPGs have been fucking great. Way better sense of investment than standard mobile games and honestly more fun than a lot of them. Sometimes I’m even into a game enough that even after getting home I’ll play it for an hour or two, or get to a good stopping point or something.

I know some anons will hate me for this because playing them like this is ‘the wrong way’ or not the proper way to enjoy them or some bs, but for the specific purpose that phone games are meant to serve as timekillers, they’re fantastic and suit my needs perfectly. I just wouldnt play them otherwise as when I’m home I typically prefer action games.

If you’re on ios then delta is a fine emulator, Chrono Trigger is a good place to start with JRPGs and doesn’t have any random encounters. Play with volume on or earbuds in as often as you can because the soundtrack is top tier.
Oim not like you mate. Your head is fuckin twisted mate.
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Classic Turn-based JRPGs
Not to mix with TRPGs or dungeon crawlers as I do like those.
For RTS games try playing singleplayer campaigns and if possible, decrease the game speed. Campaigns often double as tutorials and sometimes let you do things at your own pace.
Also most RTS that have AI skirmishes have braindead AI
Recommended games: Warcraft 2&3, Age of Empires 2, Stronghold 1&Crusader
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I like to use exploits(and mods,cheats no), I admit it.
>Simcity 3000
it's impossible to create a successful city for me, there's too much shit to accommodate. i know there are exploits that make things easier like the casino one but meh.
>Sims 1
with exploits-mechanics is quite fun. it is ridiculous that it is much better to have no job and make gnomes, sell armchairs at double the price after one day or sell literally rockets stopped on pause for thousands of simoleons.
i never made a family, i play with few sims. i think i don't enjoy the game but building houses is nice in any game from 1 to 4
I never understood how to use the exploits and the game seems to overwhelm a bit with the location of missions.
I didn't finish the game. sometimes I get lost reading the books bacause of lore.
in aoe 2 i was the guy who made nice cities and created absurd amounts of economic units like caravans or merchant urks because i wanted to ruin the global economy or fortify absolutely everything.
I never got used to the frenetic gameplay of warcraft 3, even though I loved the aesthetics and lore (I ended up playing wow because of it).
I hate it when you finish games and everything is lost, it's like all progress is irrelevant and your city stays in a savegame if you saved or is deleted and that's it.
with stronghold it happens similar. I hate timed missions.
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i like rpg games but i always end up getting tired of them because of the monotonous music or the graphics and sound in combat. the only game that didn't happen to me was earthbound/mother 2, dragon quests games(IX) and suikoden (i don't plan to finish the second one).
>mmo and rpg
I never become a pro in any class.
I can never decide on just one class bacause rotation is boring or another thing.
I don't like the daily missions, I would prefer to be able to do the daily missions of a whole week in 1 day.
leveing with other people is more fun than farming and doing more stupid endgame stuff.
I really enjoyed wow doing that with people who wanted to do the same thing.
otherwise it feels like a second job and it's an insufferable piece of shit that you can't enjoy.
i never found the fun in fps like cs. although the alternative modes like jailbreak are entertaining.
I like tf2 and fps with classes system like battlefield.
Great thread, bumping
I have a hard time playing alot of genres these days and even the ones I greatly enjoy I have a hard time keeping focus on. I think im just burned out on games in alot of ways since ive been gaming for so long. Even when I find a new game to play it doesnt keep my interest long (recently was getting into psp emulation and all the new games that system brings me to play). Next is nintendo DS and emulation and all the new games that will bring me also but I know it'll be like the dreamcast or ps2 or saturn or psp or c64 or anything i'll just be uninterested even when interested. help
How about point-and-click games?
The things I have done in Sims 3 abusing the game mechanics break every law of the Geneva convention and if observed by a psychologist or psychiatrist, would get me admitted into a mental institution. I swear this game gives you way too much freedom.
I've been a fan of FPS games ever since Wolf3D, and I've never found CS enjoyable in any incarnation. Sounds to me like you are more of a fan of the interplay between varied weapons/abilities instead of just twitch gameplay. Unfortunately, most of those types of FPS games are dead these days. I think Tribes would really suit you, if you could find enough people still playing.

It helps if you tell people what issue you have with the genre so people know which games would suit you best.

Play those weird-ass Item pachinko games that have a whole-ass Disaster Report-esque adventure game inside them
Irem, not Item. typo
I hate team based multiplayer games, it just feels like my own actions have very little impact on the result of the match no matter how good or bad I'm playing.
I love Front Mission on paper. Turn-based tile mecha games with animated action scenes for attacks and defenses, good mecha customization, and a sense of strategic planning.
But in practice after a certain point the game becomes a chore; almost like an occupation. It does everything right, but I just can't play it for a prolonged period of time without getting bored.
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I just can't get into Fire Emblem despite it being a combination of basically every gameplay element I love, and loving Advance Wars which is by the same developer.

It feels like you can either play it on Normal difficulty which is way too brainless, or you can put it on a higher difficulty which is built around restarting the game whenever a character dies and that's not fun.
I just may not be physically capable of getting into shmups because my eyes can't keep up with the amount of things on screen. It's not even bullet hells, like if I play Gradius and get those homies flying around me I'll lose track of which ship I am in tense moments.

The only other genre I've never understood is RTS games like Starcraft. I like Civ and Age of Empires (although haven't played that since I was a child), but I legit don't understand the appeal of RTS games.
Basically any game in those genres which feature anime boobs.

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