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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
Yes since you can usually stomp carthage out early into a campaign before they can become anything close to a challenge
Many of you know that Rome 2 had a poor launch... but did you know that Creative Assembly created an entire free campaign and even included 6 FLC nations?

The free campaign was Imperator Augustus

The 6 FLC nations were:
A wise move. Take their valuable city for yourself whilst removing a great threat. With them gone and the Greeks in a constant state of civil war then the rest of Europe will surely fall to Rome.
Rome 2 also had a second set of DLC that was released after Total War Attila. The second set was developed by CA Sofia.

DLC set 1 from 2013 - 2014:
Greek States (pre-order dlc)
Nomadic Tribes
Caesar in Gaul
Epirus and Elephants
Beasts of War
Daughters of Mars
Hannibal at the Gates
Pirates and Raiders
Black Sea Colonies
Wrath of Sparta

DLC set 2 from 2017 - 2018
Empire Divided
Desert Kingdoms
Rise of the Republic
Baktria possesses some invaluable faction effects. More money is always helpful and removing the public order malus from foreign cultures makes holding onto newly-conquered lands that much easier.

Maybe try a Baktria campaign if you have an itch for Rome 2.
who would want to play as any of these
Play as Bactria if you want to LARP as the closest thing to Alexander's vision of a hybrid Greco-Persian power
How do I not get filtered by DEI bros? I tried Rhodos and Scythia but could never get going anywhere within 100 turns
>shit battles
>retarded AI
>inbred design
>shit campaign map
>shittily easy economy
Yep, it's Rome 2.
Good thing chuds and cretins are desperate and have no dignity or this trash fire would've died long ago.
Nobody should touch this tumor without DEI.
Play Rome or Carthage for 1 campaign to learn how stuff works and you'll be flapping about with Rhodes in no time
I didn't even know that Rhodos was a playable nation. They took over half of Syria in one of my Pontus campaigns.
We are so back
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Look at these stats. These Royal Peltasts are a melee/ranged hybrid.
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Macedon has quite a challenging start to the campaign. They seem to be the weakest of Alexander's successor states.
But hey, at least we aren't barbarians.
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Hm, we suffer a -30 penalty with Hellenic states which is quite terrible considering that about half the nations in our vicinity our Greeks. The Basileus of Macedon was able to secure a non-aggression pact with our neighbours north of the river - Getae. Epirus is not openly hostile to us but they do have 16 regiments of men standing outside our capital.
If only they would see reason and unite under the true heir to Alexander's empire.
Do you have any favourite Rome 2 units? I think that the humble Hoplite takes the top spot in both my mind and heart.
My favourite thing to do in TW is making historically accurate borders.
Extremely based.
Silver shield pikemen, pikemen are suck but those shields just look cool.
for some reason I really really like the doggos, even if they cant do much and most of the times just run to the border of the map like retards, but managing to unleash them behind the enemy while they are fighting my troops and seeing how they tear apart their rear feels really great
Why would I do that if the best hybrid already exists, the Seleucids
It's around turn 30 and Carthage are too strong. Tips?
Yes, dunking on civilized factions as Scythians
>not barbarians
The lead resource seems to provide all provinces with public order.
Wine and marble also provide factionwide public order... and you will never guess what Greece and Anatolia have.
Do you like the Rome 2 soundtrack?
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Let us imagine what the various factions in Rome 2 would be like if it was created by modern CA.

Seluicids/Sassanids/Parthia - Will probably have some gimmicky satrapy faction mechanic where you can have your satrapies attach their armies to yours. Will also have ways to forcefully make other factions their satrapies.

Celtics - Will have an extensive druid system that gives several buffs or maybe an expanded confederation mechanic.

Rome - Expanded auxiliary system. In real life, legions would have auxiliary legions attached to them. Also probably will have a romanization mechanic where you civilize barbarians and turn them into proper Romans.
Why are you using retarded CA marketing terms?
It was just content patches. This is a normal thing.
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Honestly desu, I think you're missing out on a huge opportunity by not using Sarissa Cavalry/prodromoi in the early game. For every hoplite, you can have two prodromoi instead and they'll easily rack up 200+ kills in every battle with how eager the AI is to skewer itself on your pikes while causing mass routs of the early barbarian crapstacks. You're Macedon, after all, and the fact that you start the game with cheap lancer cavalry and an extra 20% charge bonus on top of that just for teh lulz isn't something to overlook. IRL, it was Macedon going all in on spamming phalanxes and being unable to raise enough good cavalry or solid medium infantry to support them which made them get trashed by Rome in the end. The classic Alexandrian army is pretty close to perfection when translated into the Total War formula.
The humbler theurophoroi. Square formation, javelins and good enough stats are exactly what I need to hold my flanks.
Your Macedon looks really nice. Good luck in the inevitable war against the Seleucids.
Should have sailed west and took out Rome.
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Thanks desu. I predict it'll be anticlimactic, though, since I'm only on normal and I'm not actually sure where the Seleucid armies are. If I get bogged down, they may be able to raise some new armies in Egypt or Persia to counter me but I expect I'll just blitz their core land without a struggle.
Luckily(?), the Boioi have dealt with that for me. I took a glance west and it turned out that they own Rome now and are steadily advancing south and seem poised to kick the Romans out of Italy. Meanwhile, Syracuse owns Carthage and the Romans have been kicked over to Spain and Mauretania where they're fighting with the Arverni and all of the Iberian factions.

The Grey Death knocked out Egypt quite a while ago and seem to own most of Persia, but that hasn't translated into military power and I think I have way more soldiers in the field than they do. My current plan is to take Syria, Mesopotamia and maybe Egypt then call it there, since I don't think anyone else will be able to properly challenge me and I've still got the Seleucids alive in my Europa Barbarorum II Macedon campaign.
Playing Attila.
This makes no sense. It'd be like saying that the US gets no malus from public order when it invades a country because it itself is multicultural.
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You might be on to something with the Pikemen. Absolute tyrants in narrow alleyways.
I did quickly look at the stats of the Sarissa Cavalry but I am uncertain if they are better than Citizen Cavalry.
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I am trying to get somewhat accurate Alexandrian Empire borders as Macedon but I can't get this city to rebel. I think I am going to have to invest in production buildings just to reduce the public order.
The reason for the high public order is:
2 marble
2 wine
1 lead
2 of the philosophy technologies that increase public order
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Sarissa cav are a cheap glass cannon that can kill way more than they're worth with some micro. I admit, I don't actually use citizen cavalry but I just can't imagine you'd be able to push them to the max when they have infantry stats meanwhile, properly cycle charging with prodromoi will rack up crazy kills whilst leaving them with minimum casualties. Of course, they're extremely squishy but if this is you >>1726297 then you should consider putting Thessalians in all your armies, who have even better charge bonuses while actually getting staying power.

For reference, my standard army comp is this:
>core units
5 shock cavalry + Companion general
6 pikemen
2 hoplites/theurophoroi
2 thorax swordsmen/Thracian warriors (I'm playing with an auxiliary mod)
2 bowmen/slingers
2 Agrarararanian axemen/peltasts
When my infantry are in melee and not getting shot to shit by dumb fuck eastern slingers, I focus most of my effort on micro'ing the cavalry. In case it doesn't come across, I am a knight-spamming Medieval 2 player.
Its so fun playing as a faction with pikes+great cavalry and/or great missile unites like Seleucids. It feels like you can take on anything. I have no doubt that I can even contend with Warhammer armies with no magic or monsters just through the strength of the phalanx and the charge of the companions or cataphracts.
Whats the auxiliary mod please anon?
I sure hope that the Greek administrators learn to stop fiddling with the books. It may cause them a problem in the next 2000 or so years.
You worry too much. It's not like the mighty Hellanistic empires will owe money to the Germanics or anything.
I wish that CA would have clarified how shields and armour work on the battlefield. Being able to view missile block chance and to understand just how much damage is mitigated by armour would be invaluable.
afaik they are stats for dice rolls during combat. Thats how you can get locked into these slugfests with low tier units because every melee action is tracked individually.
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Do you finish your campaigns?
The Carthage Hannonid dynasty provides +40 relations with all factions. Even random barbarian tribes and Greek states have green relations with me.
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I only finished Empire Divided as Aurelian and Rise of the Republic with Rome and Etruscans.
you didn't beat the game
Are you playing or thinking about starting any Rome 2 campaigns?
I am yet to play Rome and I wish to verify if they are truly as powerful as some Anons say.
It's the only canon faction, bud
Lots of Macedon players in this thread. I wonder if they are the second-most popular faction in Rome 2?
it's the perfect diadochos faction
>starts small so isn't overwhelming
>centralized start position
>can larp as alexander all over again
>main character energy
I've been using this one. Can't vouch if one is better than any other.
>noooooo! you can't just play as Rome in Total War: Rome 2 !
nah, gonna start my 1000th campaign as rome to wipe out dirty barbarians.
Don't you get a little tired of your Roman troops completely outmatching any and all opposition?
Wouldn't you prefer a challenging campaign?
Romanoid virgins are no match for my Sabaean camel cataphracts. In my Saba playthrough, I immediately set sail for Rome after taking out Egypt. Their puny hastati and principes were broken by camels and their pathetic cavalry couldn't save them.
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Rome should be more powerful in a direct conflict. It had the most powerful military, the most sophisticated government in the region (no shame on Greeks, very close second), and the in the end one of the most overpowering economies in the history of Humanity.

The problem is that Rome 1 and 2 don't actually give non-Roman factions any evolution of their own should they rise to prominence instead. Rome started out as Greekaboo tribals not much different than the Etruscans to their north, and all of their eventual military, legal, and economic prowess was hard won. If any other faction - be they barbarian, Carthaginian, Greek, or Eastern - charted a course of regional and then continental domination, they too would evolve over time to fit the mold of that challenge or fall apart from the failure to. This is one of the things I like about Attila, it actually does track the change from Late Iron Age to the beginnings of the Medieval for all factions - barbarian included.
It is interesting to think who would have filled the void if Rome didn't succeed. Maybe Carthage or the Etruscans would have taken the mantle.

What do you mean about Attila showcasing the transition from Iron Age to Medieval Era? Does it have a good technology tree?
Good, show those sword-wielders what's what. I have been obsessed with playing Greeks lately so I should probably try playing another culture group.
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The game still being shit and boring af 11 fucking years later.

Also, the sieges still being shit af.
I finished a campaign as Rome in normal and one as Egypt in legendary
However I used a mod that removes civil wars because fuck that gay shit
in retrospect maybe I shouldn’t have
Civil Wars are easy to fix if you are willing to spend money on securing influence and sending rival family members on diplomatic missions.
The assache is checking the summary page every turn to make sure that the risk is at or close to 0%
I wish we could burn the settlements down, but that came with Attila. I enjoy doing it in 3K but it's not the same. I want to destroy Alexandria o Rome, not some Chuangxaoping city...
New to Rome2 and DEI.
I started as Macedon and went to take Naissos. This left Pella undefended besides the garrison but because it's walled I expected my army could return before the attitrition-suffering beseigers build rams etc. But they were able to straight away force combat, despite it saying my city can hold out for 16 turns. Anyone know wtf is going on?
Do settlement-less armies have superpowers?
Fairly certain you get 4 ladders as default
Is it easier to make mods/custom historical campaigns for RR or R2? I just want to enact a few battles from a specific period.
Rome 2 and S2's combat feels really good. It's a shame the campaign, especially in R2 is such trash. Constant rebels and civil wars, political bloat, etc. TW has always had a foot in either door and suffered greatly as a result.
Do you have a favourite barbarian faction? Iceni seems to be the easiest because of their defensible starting location.
A hostile seafaring tribe invaded our fellow Gauls, they utilised horse and carriage on the battlefield to great effect - many of our brothers were crushed. The King of the Arverni tribe marches north and seeks to voyage across the great channel, putting an end to these raids.
These harbingers of destruction call themselves... the Iceni.
Have you played any Rome 2 campaigns recently?
Enslaving so many roman shits with my double barracks at Cosentia
Where is Cosentia and what does the double barracks provide? Good job on enslaving Romans.
For battles probably Rome 2, because the rosters are more varied and imo more historical
Playing non-cavalry focused faction is so boring.
Yeah, I just got it a few moments ago. DEI is also rather impressive. Mithridatic wars and being able to play as Sertorius sealed the deal for me.
Playing Rise of The Republic has made me appreciate javelinmen. Everyone in Italy, especially Rome, has garbage tier cavalry with the only decent ones in later techs. Heavy infantry reign supreme here and the best way to take them down is by javelining them on the sides or back.
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Damn, we just received our first reports from our surveyors. It turns out that the people of Britain have a lot in common with us Gauls. Who knew that a people divided by sea could yet be so united?
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Not all resources are equal. If you play as the Romans then it might actually be wise to conquer Greece and Carthage before assimilating Northern Europe.
Why wouldn't I want to play as Thracian Barbs?
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So we are probably in agreement that Rome itself is the single strongest faction in Rome 2 Grand Campaign... but who are the second and third strongest factions?
If we're talking about player controlled factions probably Carthage and the Seleucid. If we're talking AI controlled for some reason Pergamon, Kush and the Suebi always seem to have become big players in my campaigns.
Pikes > spears. Carthage sucks.
I can vouch for Pergamon, Kush and Suebi all doing well in AI hands. Could be two reasons for this:
CA gives them additional AI cheats.
Their early game units are really good in autoresolve.
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>literally every battle
Firstly, true Romans don't use spears and secondly, where is your artillery?
I prefer Europa Barbarorum desu
Carthage has pikes and elephants. Lacking pikes in garrison which is unfortunate but you can teleport an elephant general around to help
Hello first time posting, I'm stuck in an eternal war against Carthage, how do I defeat them? I find myself in a loop where I go back and forth to fight > siege > replenish over and over again in Sicily. I'm playing with DEI if that matter.
I don't play DEI but maybe I can give you some tips.
Try to make peace with non-Carthage enemies and pull another army into the conflict.
Artillery makes sieges 10 times easier so make sure you have at least one in your sieging army.
A fleet might be helpful as they have incredible movement range and absolutely obliterate non-fleet armies in the water.
If you are still struggling at the time of this post then maybe post a screenshot of your map so we can see you geopolitical situation.
Greeks > Barbarians > Romans > Nomads
Is anyone else playing on Linux?
I get frequent crashes. Saving regularly mitigates the issue to a degree but no matter the settings, the crashes still occur.
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First real campaign of DEI, never passed 30 turns in the others.
Currently on turn 100 with Baktria, not really understanding the supply system. I have the 2nd highest supply pit in Baktria, but in the summer my troops still face attrition in Maka and Karmania. I am converting a farm in Maka to a grain store just to hopefully circumvent this. I have a fishmonger in Karmania which allegedely provides supplies, but my army still gets eaten away.

Also just biding my time after a push to the ocean, solidying my infrastructure before plans to take on Parthia and Daha. I'm DA with Daha, and Parthia are their military allies.
The orange blob between me and seleucids are strong too
Bactria is such a comfy nation, almost as safe as the Iceni. Have you had any epic battles in your campaign?
No it's been pretty tame and patient. Baktria is very comfy, producing so many resources and being in map corner.
Big battles are to come, I'm upgrading the army and then tackling Parthia+Daha.
Conquering Judea.
Are there any tips in dealing with corruption?
Promoting characters do grant factionwide corruption reduction and just raise your tax.
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I dont get all these problems you are talking here sounds fake to me or I've become a master of this game idk.
This game is super easy it's boring as fuck. Just get legionary cohorts and beat all the game. Also it's starting to show it's age: building textures look like ps2 ones.
Attila is better. Same about they abandoned it and it's a buggy low performance mess. I would be playing Attila and Thrones of britannia 24/7 otherwise.
At least in Thrones you have to take care of replenishment and elite units as they are scarce. Not in Rome 2. Just get silver shield pikes and royal peltasts and you are good.
Also the UI is pure shit compared to Attila. It's ugly, unfinished, unpolished.
Attila feels like doom and despair. There's the harsh winter, the low fertility, the migrant tribes, etc.Nothing of that exists in Rome 2. There's no fertility or real nomad mechanics. Everyone has settlements, even the scythians.
In Attila religion matters, in Rome 2 culture is just a number. There's no historical events or scripts. You play as Augustus like everyone else. Nothing special, no events, nothing.
In three kingdoms you can become emperor of China and change your faction name. Not in Rome 2. It's a poorly scripted game. Just a sandbox with no historical path to choose besides missions. But missions are just "capture that settlement to get 1000 gold" LOL.
No diadochi wars scripts and events, no Punic wars events, nothing. Just pick a faction a LARP for yourself.
No difference between playing arverni or arevaci. Both are barbarians with no history behind them in this fucking game. It doesn't matter if you are king of Parthia or play with Athens: there's no spice or content here.
I go back to thrones of britannia, a real game. Unfinished and abandoned, but a real and fun game to play.
>want to spice up campaign
>march Seleucid army to Britannia and abandon start location
>lose a few units in the first battle but keep pushing
>capture first province
>realize I'm currently making my third army and I still only own 1 province
>know the campaign is already won
>quit campaign
I don't know, maybe I'll try Suebi army of women or Saba mercenaries. Ardiaei seem to be the worst faction in the game with the weakest roster and useless campaign bonuses so maybe I'll give them a try.
More Trade. Your merchants are incorruptible.
Damn, I really need to pay more attention to the politics tab.

It is good to know that the merchants are diligent when it comes to paying their tolls... but there is one issue. Expanding empires may eventually run out of potential trade partners.
Rome 2 definitely isn't a hard game. If variety is what you seek then maybe try one of the smaller campaigns or look into mods.
Any reason not to go strategist > tactician > logistics on every general basically
I always go middle tree for the campaign movement range and then the unit replenishment.
For agents I usually seek out the -1% corruption skills.
There is not. Improving replenishment, armor and ammunition makes Logistics is too good to pass up. Logistics could possibly be beat out by combat buff skills but Tactician granting extra campaign movement range means I'll always pick the Strategist line.
How do you fight siege battles as Rome?
turn the battle difficulty down to Normal
Usually I'll autoresolve it, but if i have to do it manually then bring infantry heavy army (preferably swords) with archer for their arc and some ballista or onager.
Defense is one of the easiest factions to play because your Heavy Infantry is the best there is.
Attack? Autoresolve or get good at cycle charges.
Why are the Greeks so fun
Because of HOPLETAYS!!!
Would you say that the Greeks are even more powerful than the Romans on the battlefield?
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>mfw this happens
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>mfw it happens again
This is OP... shame the diplomat is 67.
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After being gifted 2 provinces, I plan to strike the orange blob from the south and quickly take the two cities which are isolated. Then I will attack Parthia from both sides.
>he let baktria blob
>he didn't snipe egypt on turn 1
I hope that's singleplayer
vanilla or modded?
I am Baktria anon... there are 2 previous images
Is that Cimmeria who has taken about half of Anatolia? The Greeks that start in Crimea?
Also, nice to see that Macedon has good borders. Just a shame about their western flank.
oh wow, went full tard there
you're doing great then
now roll over everyone with cataphracts and armored toots
I love that image of the diplomat on the horse.
Macedon is.
Pikes > spears > swords.
Man, post your army composition. I always use pikes and swords, but I would like to use hoplites too. The problem is pikes>spears, and that's a shame.
Also, does somebody use skirmish cavalry?
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It is indeed Arche Bosphorous. Macedon just took a settlement in anatolia and Hayk liberated Antheia
thanks, Bactria are a pretty easy faction with the army roster and the amount of resources they sit on. As you can see the orange blob is now removed. I'm going to prepare to take out the Daha and Parthian alliance
Here you go. I tend to favour a good number of hoplites with 2 units of shock infantry, cataphracts and horse archers. I don't like using elephants, and rarely use seige artilery.
It's Rome: Total War 2 you retarded fucking nigger. Can't even type the name of the game you play properly.
Times change.
lol retard
Yes, you are a retard.
Stop embarrassing yourself. Take the L and fuck off.
Speak like a normal human being and not like a nigger.
CA was right to abandon the historical fanbase.
Based. I've never played as anything other than Rome in Rome 2 or Attila. When you have the best option available, why choose anything else?

Yeah, the historical fanbase has too high of standards, it's not good for their modern business model.
You just know that there exists an Anon who has hundreds of hours in Rome 2 but has never once played Rome outside of the tutorial.
why was this post deleted?
>Intentionally avoid them so that we can have an epic Punic War later
>They die to their neighbors
I think I messed up on using the spoiler tag. I was trying to hide that I really liked Greeks.
but to no avail
I really like Greeks which is why I'm scared to actually go to Greece to not ruin my opinion of them.
Yeah remember when the TW fanbase would get mad about the predatory DLC and dishonest practices? Good thing Warhammer fans dont care.
You're wrong, they do care. It reminds them of home.
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After breaking the trade treaties with Daha and Parthia, I waited the 5 turn period and swiftly took over their territories enclaved in my lands with 4 full armies. Nearly all of their armies were away fighting the Seleucids, so it was very easy.

I'm tempted to start going north from Baktria and swoop down the Caucasus, rather than beginning the slog against Seleucia and eventually Ptolemys.
Persia (Greek) looks comfy. Although, I do worry about that red nation in the Mediterranean.
desu fighting the nomads might end up being an even worse slog, and rarely worth it (except for that one town in xvarazm)
why not punch through to the first mediterranean port for those sweet trade profits instead?
judging from the map, mesopotamia and the seleucid faction are the next logical targets
yes, they actually declared war on me too KEK. Even though I won't be fighting them for another 100 turns...I hope.
Interestingly Hayk have conquered north and have Scythia. I took the Saka Rauka settlement to complete Xvarazm, so I will be going that way against Hayk and conquering down.
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It seems sending diplomats to rival nations is OP because even though they are unfriendly towards me, Hayk gifted me two settlements in Scythia. Almost tempted to stop using it but it's hilarious when it pays off.
Rome killed Carthage off and note Egypt on the Black Sea.
Did you pick up any Rome 2 DLC during the sale? I got the Greek States.
Played Ardiaei. Turns out the Marines and Thureos Spears are secretly over powered.

Both squads carry 5 javelins, have the larger melee infantry sized squads (compared to the smaller Peltast or Velites javelin squads) and are also spearmen so can handily fight cavalry. Once the melee starts you just get every unengaged squad to move forward, surround the melee and pelt the crap out of them.
Late, but yes. Attila has a good tech tree. Many factions start out in late iron age and end in early Medieval. Even WRE ends up as a medieval kingdom/empire by the end.
WRE unit roster is trash.
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I've really started to steamroll factions now. I'm friendly with Hayk so that gives me space to start getting towards the Mediterranean
I always want to grab Rome II on a sale, but this shit is stupidly expensive even at 75% off. It's a 11 year old game and it still costs like $50.
Are any of the DLCs actually worth having, maybe I'll just get the standard edition.
Rise of the republic and empire divided are good, there's also caesar in gaul if you like the period, there's also some culture pack so just pick whichever interests you.
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Declared war on Egypt and took Petra and Jerusalem, also took settlements on the Black Sea
What turn is it now? Since you've played it for a while.
Very well played. But seeing your map reminds me why I prefer Rome 2 with 1 tpy.
Im wrapping up an Epirus campaign.

Who should I play next:

Around 200

Thanks, I think Baktria is easiest DEI faction to play though.
I love Parthia
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Egypt is falling. Turn 257
Big Red v Blue developing. Quite kino
I wish that this game was a little bit harder. You get to the "blobbing" stage by about turn 20.
At least the battles are cool.
Just edit the imperium efects in the db tables and make it more difficult.
Uniting Gaul is a pretty good feeling. Also, playing AS Carthage is pretty dope because its difficult - spread out cities and each Spanish colony getting constantly attacked or rebelling because culture differences is hard early game.
Defeating a quality army 10x your size with nothing but militia units will always be the best feeling in a total war game.
So the DeI AI cheats with supplies too, huh. No point in raiding a boxed in 2 settlement faction with the expectation they'd starve when they just pull food out of their ass in the same way they pull the money to pay for three full-stacks out of their ass.
Pikemen in the centre and Hoplites to the sides.
Did the devs ever fix this game?
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101 KB JPG
Name a better line holder than Hoplites.
I've been having a strong urge to play a Rome game after playing Songs of Syx recently. Never actually touched any of the Rome TW ones specifically though, is Rome2 good? What about Atila? Is it worth going out of my way to pirate Rome1 and get it working on modern systems?
I feel like this dlc and the women dlc was kinda a way to bring back the meme Hollywood units from Rome 1 for the people who wanted them.
Attila is more kino if you play Rome 2 first. You gotta understand how different that game was from other total war games.
It seems the the best consensus with Atitila, that it's less of a 4X and more of an empire survival type of game.
Is this a joke?

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