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One of the harder SRPGs I've played in a hot minute
>Reverse Collapse
Wait a sec. Isn't this like prototype of Girls Frontline which the devs fucking abandoned for mobile, and then picked up by another studio? I think Sseth showed it on his onetime stream.
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You got it backwards.
MICA made Codename: Bakery Girl in 2013 as a short little doujin game because MICA at at that point was 5 dudes working out of YZ's apartment. That was the game Sseth streamed. They then used the world developed in that game as the backdrop for Girls Frontline. Now this game is a remake of that original game, still made by MICA. It's been in development hell for a while but it finally came out last month.
>Uses mobile gatcha to fund and finish doujin-passion project.
Sounds based anon. I'll check it out.
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I wouldnt say it was hard, just that 2 stealth missions are fucking annoying, Night Scouting I think and the stealth segment of the last mission. It was fun and depressing though
That fucking art style on the gameplay screen makes the Langraiser remake look like a master piece. Also how can it be an SRPG when it's clearly a TRPG.
Not even honestly. GFL scarcely breaks even, YZ keeps the servers on because it's his passion project.
Gotta say the level of quality surprised me, it's actually a good tactics game. And there's not even a trace of waifubait so far despite it being GFL.

Though I did bypass the amusement part stealth mission completely, that one is a pain until you come back with improved sonic gear and vision range.
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Girls Frontline has always been light on waifu content in the main story compared to other mobage (although it's always there in side stuff because that's what keeps the lights on).
There is 1 (one) bit where it seems like SKK has found a boyfriend-free girl and she gets murked like 6 hours later.
This has always been the war and suffering franchise with mildly concerning levels of "little girl with horribly twisted inhuman body forced to fight".
>he didn't check the map for the secret exit
That's what I meant by "bypass". Is there another way to skip stages?
Ah right I missed that.
I've got the first ending and I can't play stealth missions anymore, just because of contrast on how easy combat missions has become.
Really shouldn't have chosen the no-quick-save mode.
>mildly concerning
>Browses several Chinese Pixiv artists
Honestly IMO chink-otakus have 2 cultural traits:
Feet Fetish and Necrophilia
Why in those sort of games bad guys always have better aesthetic than the good guys?
The red guys look cool as fuck
>Feet Fetish
That's just a FoTD, normalfags will find new "fetish" in a few years.
Obviously having the bad guys do the "faceless goons in red and black uniforms" thing skews the perception on which side is cooler.
But IMO the AU special forces guys are pretty sick.
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>Foot fetish just a fad
You might be right... It could be just a normal thing.
>Skims over Chinese fetish history
On the hand, China-man do have weird shit with feet that is also mildly concerning at the time (pre-1900s)...
These boots are so cool, I don't like the AU weaponry though.
whats wrong with bullpups anon?
They seem to be overrepresented in sci-fi.
They do facilitate a practical means of fielding longer barrelled guns without turning it too cumbersome. And, they're often seen as the futuristic weapon
Then why did nearly every military with a bullpup replace them?
Well, when militaries experimented with those dumb big weapon complexes many sci-fi titles made guns look similar.
I kinda want more orthodoxal designs to be used, contrast with futuristic environment would be nice.
I mean, firearms are pretty mature technology, so it's unlikely much of anything will change with guns in the future. I bet we'll still be using m16s and ak47s in 50 years
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>orthodoxal designs
Let's go back to Mosins then. Everything can be better with Mosins!
Well, a lot of militaries are thinking about going back to full size rifle cartridges, so maybe.
Nah, militaries are switching to slightly more powerful intermediaries like 6.8
What about for LMGs? I thought intermediate cartridges were phasing out for them?
Are there any cheats to skip a mission?
I don't want to click through midnight stratagem
Its all about bullets per minute, rifles aren't going to cut it
Only the 2 ELID stealth missions have secret skips
Midnight Stratagem is AIDS but at least that means you're close to the end
because militaries that actually get shot at learned that they suck, honestly make sense in world though.
>Boot Game
"Okay it's Chinese devs, so I'll have the sub as English..."
>Intro starts with native fluent Japanese voice actor
"Okay then... switch sub to Japanese..."
>Sub sometimes uses simplified scripts which triggers my autism and OCD
"Switch back to English..."
>English sub has unicode errors
"Fuck I can't win this..."
Basically every Chinese dev understands that nobody wants to listen to chingchong speak
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I assume like Arknights they wanted to replicate the success of JP gacha at the time of release, and that included launching with JP voices only.

Though as for why they kept it up for this long, and even for new titles, I have no idea.
Does S-ranking missions give any reward other than exp points? Some of these objectives don't seem worth wasting supplies on if I can just continue underleveled or run the repeatable mission. Late chapter 3 consumables are getting very expensive.
It gives a small multiplier to XP and parts
but other than that it's just E-peen
the only critical optional thing is confidential files for the true ending and the secret on the very first level which lets you play the original game if you've beaten the game normally (standard ending)
>made Midnight Stratagem easier
anyways how do you access 2092R, the code doesnt work
I copypasted code, it worked for me. Did you get 1-1 collectable?
I'm used to hearing Chink and honestly I'm fine with all of the Big 3 languages, but:
1. Most people are used to jap only
2. CN weebshit VAs are objectively inferior to Japanese, even if directors 90% ask VAs to do basically no acting, just screech and squeak for horny teenagers.

Non-poor gooks also always try to include jap VO, so it's not only chinks.
Jap seiyuu industry is hands down the most skilled and developed in the world. You get the brand power of big names (Sugar is voiced by Aoi Yuuki) and even literal who's like the guy who did Mendo can still do a great job. It's gotten to the point that the CCP has been trying hard to motivate devs to have alternate Chinese VA when possible because too many games are leading the little chinks astray with Japanese vixens.
It's less that and more that the Chinese VA industry, much like the American one, sucks ass. Except the Chinese recognize their weakness and hire professional Japanese VAs instead, whereas Anglos continue hiring e-celebs.
Yeah these. Like some of the dialogues are fucking shit translation and JSL slop, but the VAs are putting their 100% which makes it ironically hilarious. Seriously, this game had to have multiple writers + multiple translators, because script quality between some scenes are like heaven and hell.
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We unironically have a man on the inside, but he said that he specifically requested that he mostly do non-story stuff to not spoil himself
>TL Anon
yeah I just entered the wrong one, got it to work
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Ok removal of the stealth requirement from midnight stratagem made me finish all missions in Chapter 4 in S Rank, but I still can't access Chapter 5.
Please help.
My only first guess is that I need to
complete The Final Battle II again, but instead of doing whatever mission says I should also bring everyone to the designated zone? But I already had some wrong ideas about what should I do I thought that to get Vodka in 3-5 you need to use the personnel list, find one with a "slippery" trait and he'll sell me some booze, I was quite surprised when a fucking vending machine sold me some alcohol and I don't want to play the same mission again for 7 turns just to check if I'm wrong.
You need all the document collectibles, the one you have 8 of 24 of in chapter 4. Thankfully NOT the regular collectibles, those aren't needed. They are account wide so you can start a mission, bumrush the document, then load back to replay mode and it will count as collected.
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This is fucking idiotic to be honest.
It's not like I didn't collect those because it was hard, I didn't because usually I just read all that shit outside of the game.
Off to the collectible mines...
At least you don't have to finish the mission for it to count
Oh and also you need the collectible on the very first stage of the game to access the remastered version of the original game
What do you mean?
Well at least now I can use all the 15AP food now to get to those documents quickly, lol.
Move mendo to the house at the bottom right corner of the map in the tutorial mission.
All right.
I hope you don't mean an actual 1to1 remaster of the bakery, because I've played that game and I hate repeating things.
Reminder to upgrade your base frags and medicine. It affects the potency of all items derived from them.
I like what this game has tried to do. It looks good, it can feel good, but they've gone too hard too fast
Why do the soviets always find freaks to staff their special forces. They aren't even particularly loyal freaks, they're always more interested in messing around than doing their mission. Where does one even find a woman with a 10+? meter telescopic scorpion tail. This is metal gear solid 3 all over again.
Well I mean, the setting is basically a love letter to Metal Gear Solid and other 90's tacticool nostalgia so...
YZ is a huge MGSfag (and 2hufag)
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I didn't have to do anything except chapter 4 collectibles in the end (+1 in chapter 3, but whatever), but I kinda understand why they made this limitation, people who not gonna bother getting and reading all the collectibles might not wanna sit through a hour long cutscene.
William is the main freak though, and Soviets aren't really Soviets anymore.
Actual NSUAF had more conventional subordinates.

Finished chapter 5, it's either Chinese have completely different things in their head or gameplay shits the bed in the end.
I mean Chapter 4 was already clicking through to see the next story cutscene, with some exception, but Chapter 5 jumps from cool thematic missions that exist solely to feel nice while looking at local military fight werewolves, to a mission that I had to spend 30 seconds to remember (the one where you have to trap sugar), to a set of tasks that vary from running through a map in a few turns, to annoying stealth that ruins any momentum that was built up, to an absolutely unneeded puzzle, then to a statcheck, then to another more annoying statcheck, and I didn't even get to use cruise missiles that I was saving up because the first part of the mission only requires you to get to a trigger.

tl;dr first 3 chapters are mostly perfect and maintain tension, 4 is just reading story, especially after midnight stratagem nerfs and Chapter 5 should've been just cutscenes.
>live die repeat
>dies over a thousand times trying to save Lige
>always tells Lige to go play in the road
It probably wouldnt change the end of the story but man it still makes me mad that we could have had a branch where we had shotgun Lige along for the ride
>over a thousand
at least 8000 before the story even begins
Also Jefuty doesn't really control WHEN her memories are sent to, because if she could it would be like you say and she would send them 10 hours further in the past to warn the AU agents. For the most part she's stuck with her starting point being immediately after Lige is turned into chunky salsa.
I know she cant choose when and where her memories are sent to but I assume that if we can see her make decisions/actions before Lige identified as asphalt paint she has gotten her memories. the first time we see it happen I can give it a pass as viewing past memories or some such, the times after that where she continues to tell Lige to become one with the earth.
become one with the earth bothers me*
The chapter 3 prologue was the first time any Jefuty had gotten that far. There are multiple times across chapters where she tells the gang that this is the first time something has happened and they're playing by ear from now on, and that prologue was the flashback to the very first time she tried to evacuate to the AU. Which is why she goes nuts and swears revenge, she genuinely didn't know that was going to happen. There is a chapter 4 memory sequence that explains more of it.
Jefuty got a bad autosave spot for her memories and doesn't know how to make manual saves.
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Challenge+ being shit at autosaving is lore accurate then
Would shotgun Lige be any useful even. I'm mid ch3 and I can't remember the last time Mendo shot anything with his gun, or the last time Atena hit anything with hers. They both have some combination of bad rng acc or dmg per ap. 2 rng shotgun Lige probably won't be useful for much. I'd rather have anderson's 3 free ap for use on deployables skill.
She has a strong passive where point-blank shots are guaranteed hits
Do you find that the tutorial is badly designed? It kinda ramps of the combat autism at mission 4, but you still get prompts for mechanics. Like the skill/special ability could of been given earlier before I cross the bridge, and it felt kinda random.
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As if you wouldn't want to have a cute psycho abomination girl over generic KGB head knockoff
It's definitely weird we suddenly get skills without so much as a popup, but it's not like skills are complicated enough to need one. The game feels like it has pacing issues in general though.
Prompts and popups for new mechanics and every new item seem to be widely used for Chinese and Japanese games from what I've noticed.
Basically all of chapter 1 is an extended tutorial, I get what you mean though.
What's with Blood Horror and the pinging sound? It seems it's triggered by the enemy who's supposed to come out of the church but does so only after completing the stage. After collecting all fragments, is it still not possible to view the entire cutscene sequence without replaying the mission?
There is another virtual cognition image stage on that map in a different branch. You get to fight that enemy on that other stage. The memory fragments just unlock the post-stage VN scene of the past.
The Bison bothers me. What even is that grip? Why is the magazine transparent in the portraits, it's not like that in combat. And why on earth are the bullets stored perpendicular to the chamber.
It's a rifle-caliber P90
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>Weirdass bullpup grip
>Transparent magazine
>Perpendicular bullet storage
>Fuck its a P90
Seems legit
Fucking hell how did I not notice this
To make you feel better anon, it took me years to realize the golden eye p90 was the p90.
Man, of course when Lige becomes playable she turns into a wimp. What's even the point of having a healer? Everyone dies in two hits and medkits are almost a free action.
Lige can shit out a lot of damage to unarmored units, she just needs more setup than most. She is also the character most suited to striking out on her own, between her clones and teleport skills.
Yeah nvm she got blasted by a tank, it was just a sneakpeek I guess. I thought she'd be a melee unit with knives like when she was an enemy.
Oh you're talking about the chapter 3 prologue. yeah you get shrike Lige later. Still has the 2nd lowest max HP out of the playable characters though.
Is it normal to be 20 levels below the cap? I can't tell when I'm supposed to start grinding vs just pushing forward.
You should never have to stop and grind, the option is just there if you're really really struggling. And specifically the kind of struggling that you think would be fixed by grinding and not a general sense of 'oh shit this map is 20-1 odds' which is normal.
I think the balance is just off in chapter 4. You can do the branches in any order and they don't seem to scale, so the first will be the hardest in terms of raw stats.
You're not wrong, but the only one that absolutely busted my balls was Mutual Destruction because I did the bottom path first. Otherwise IMO it's generally easier than chapter 3.
How does this move keep getting me spotted?
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fucking fantastic
Probably someone in the forest. If not that than I dunno. I vaguely remember the exact same scenario happening to me. Guess everyone sends Atena over to that pickup.
The colored tiles do not count enemies you cannot see
IIRC there is a faggot directly above Atena in the forest
I've stopped thinking that I'm making mistakes and have started thinking that the game is making mistakes
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unironically what makes you think that
stealth is entirely deterministic in this game
when in doubt you should be prone instead of standing up to avoid moments just like that where you're spotted by people outside your vision
why aren't you using your scanners? the game beat you in the head to be using them whenever you aren't positive of things
Because S ranking every mission nets you the most EXP and perfect stealth will never achieve an S rank. This is a punishing game which demands high EXP gain alongside intelligent gameplay decisions, yet doesn't allow the two to coexist
Because you can't use scanners for everything all of the time. I have taken the stealthy approach and it does not mix well with the S rank approach
why are you trying to perfect stealth what appears to be 2-4
the objective is to kill everyone
there are only like 5 forced pure stealth sections left in the game
unless its a pure stealth mission you should be using stealth to just setup, not to beat the entire mission.

You can play that way, but then don't worry about S ranks
You can definitely perfect stealth and get S ranks, it's tight on turn timers, but definitely doable. The times where you are expected to go loud the chars will usually tell you You're going to have to get used to scanners, enemy placements on stealth missions start going to screw you territory. You can intuit positions based on if an enemy exists there it'd surprise unstealth you. Tip for stealth, gravel can delay patrollers. It took me until a bonus mission in ch4 to figure that out, would've made a bunch of missions much easier.
>people unironically play trash like this
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why so mad?
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Literally one the best games in genre
Shit like Unicorn Overlord and Fire Emblem is the real garbage
chinksect detected
could someone have sex with Sugar and not die a horrible death? asking for a friend
render her unconscious and then restrain her. You have like 5 minutes.
would she even get angry though? or just be mildy amused someone was brave enough to try
The latter. Which just means she'll be nice enough to kill you quickly instead of dragging it out.
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>like an hour long scene with graphic descriptions of children dying
how did they get away with it
>there is a timeline where philip and eleanor are left standing there wondering what the fuck came over their alien daughter
at least they'll get domed by William within a week instead of having to live with the grief for the rest of their lives
Is he even going to bother if both his targets are already dead?
He doesn't know that, necessarily. And he would want to clean up loose ends anyways.
>gravel can delay patrollers. It took me until a bonus mission in ch4 to figure that out
Same lol. It helps a lot. Also the mobile scanner can pick up loot. Instead of walking there and back just drop it at range for 2ap and reclaim, it can even be reused in the same turn. Saves a couple turns if you have side objectives for both time and pickups, or it can sneak past enemies and grab stuff that's supposed to be hard to get. I bring it to every mission now even non-stealth ones.
Can you actually beat the boss there or is this one of those where you have to come back after finishing some other routes? Just doesn't seem doable with that massive HP pool and Lige dying in two turns, taking both boss attacks and the global HP drain.
Your loadout and skills are fixed on that stage, grinding would do nothing. Just bonk her with Jefuty's skill that gives vulnerability, use Mendo's taunt.
Yeah I was thinking like maybe you find out some weakness that cuts down the thing's HP down to a third, or at least kills those six helpers. Seems like it would be a challenge even after that.

Anyway thanks, I'll just keep retrying until it works out somehow.
Loli suffering is trite. I've probably seen well over a dozen over the top loli sufferings, it just makes me roll my eyes now. Japan has been torturing lolis in half its horror related works for like over a decade, it isn't any more interesting when the chinese do it. Plus the writers forgot their sense of scale when it came to multiple thousands of loops. It'd have been atleast a little bit interesting if we got to see philip torture mendo for a bit, haven't seen nearly as much shota suffering.
I meant more in the sense of "how did the CCP censors let this one slip by"
especially because GF2 doesn't have humanoid ELIDs because of censorship
Those helpers shouldn't be able to engage in the time it takes you to kill it. they don't move very far in a turn. You should be able to kill it in a turn once mendo and jefuty can move. Don't waste Lige's ap, she does the most dmg. just put her next to mendo the preceding turn and unload once jefuty tags it with vuln.
Heh, I guess even the CCP thought Jefuty was a monster. Doesn't count if she isn't a human in the first place I suppose.
I think that more has to do with CCP rules on depictions of the undead.
Yeah I didn't realize Lige did more damage alone than the other two together. Makes sense I guess.
Did anyone try if saves from a pirated deluxe version work on a purchased normal version? Got the blood bullet bug, so it's either this or looking for cracked patches. And I figure this one actually deserves money, hopefully they won't spend it on the waifu gachas.
It worked. That said I wasn't using any of the DLC outfits. Not sure what would happen if you had one set on a character and then lost access to it. Or worse, had it set on a character that's currently not in the party so you can't change it.
I imagine it would just set it back to the default.
>a 160 year old garbage rod is somehow deadlier to infantry than a state of the art anti materiel rifle
The people's rifle is strong.
So is this related to GFL? A sequel? A prequel? A side story? Where are the T Dolls?
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This is a remake of MICA's original game.
Girls Frontline is the prequel to this.
Some dolls make a cameo but the game isn't about them.
I see, so GL end into this timeline? But weren't there some world ending stuff along the way? Did the dolls phase out of combat or something happened that made them more uncommon?
Old 7.62 rifles are deadlier than modern 5.56 guns. 17th century musket is even deadlier, albeit its precision is horrible.
Two reasons for that, conventions and miniaturization to let infantry carry more ammo while keeping just enough stopping power.
That's because our named soldiers don't have 5K HP, theirs do. Not to mention dolls, shrikes, zombies and all the other stuff. So it would make sense for their newer weapons to do more damage.

Maybe all the advancements were made in ammo, to the point where the gun firing it doesn't matter anymore.
Yeah but Jefuty's alternate weapon isn't 5.56, the Petrel is some giant .50 cal.
Brother you're autistic..
If you start trying to explain minor things like this you'll never be able to stop, in any fiction, even the most authentic
In all fairness Jefuty is probably more accurately using a Mosin patterned rifle, we are replacing stuff like the barrel, and whatever it is upgrade kits do. We're probably using updated ammunition to make use of the fact that the barrel can probably handle higher pressure. Also the anti-mat rifle probably overpenetrates on human targets.
Is Reverse Collapse harder than Yggdra Union
Overpenetration is only a thing for lower velocity rounds like 7.62x39 or most pistol calibers.
Once you hit something like 2700 feet per second (~820 m/s) cavitation has major effects, and all of a sudden whoever you hit is gonna have half their organs sucked out the exit hole regardless if the round fragmented or not.
But I digress, because at the end it's a vidya gaem operating on rule of cool where Aoi Yuuki is playing a freaky bitch in a skinsuit with a robot tail.
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Looking back having finished RC with full S-ranks on challenge, probably not. A lot of the difficulty comes from the bonus objectives, and while they give extra XP and parts for doing them they are not required and a lot of the really hard missions become much easier if you let yourself ignore one or two of them. Plus RC has a bit of a difficulty curve issue where chapter 2 and the first half of chapter 3 repeatedly stomp on your balls and have you scrounging for parts, but the moment you finally get your equipment and squad skills sorted out you can take all comers as long as you don't walk into the attack range of 20 enemies at once. While it feels great to put bosses in their place with 500% damage multiplier crits out of Jevon and 4k damage collapse bombardments, it does it too early and much of chapter 4 is relatively trivial outside of a few notable missions like the chapter boss. Chapter 5 ramps it back up, but only for 2 real missions and then the game ends. And of course between no permadeath and being able to get 100% refund on crafted items, it is basically impossible to totally brick your campaign.

TL;DR it could be but there are tons of ways to circumvent it
I must say, using japanese VA was a good call, because holy shit english translation is bad.
>Has MG on a cutscene CG
>In the game he's limited to Kalashnikov and some 0 damage SMG
I'm playing with voices off, just fyi
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>playing with one of the best aspects of the game, with a bunch of god-tier seiyuu, turned off
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She won
Jefuty lost
Whelp, got to ch5. The plot has well and truly jumped the shark. And this is after ch4 already had horrible execution and was 3x longer than it needed to be. Also not at all impressed the cringey catbots are coming back. I suspect I should've just played 2092R instead, reading the differences I'd probably like that better.
Basically all the reveals in chapter 5 were pretty heavily foreshadowed except for Lige's real identity and the nature of the deal with Lusica, I didn't feel any shark jumping when I read it.
The major theme until now was a monster-with-a-mosin's journey to becoming something close enough to a real girl,Now it seems its changed to a save the world plot. From a guy who hasn't gotten much backstory or screentime no less, and I get the feeling there won't be much of either whenever I do finish this chapter. I don't particularly like save the world plots, I prefer smaller more personal conflicts.
I will not buy this game until jefuty is provided reparations
>I don't particularly like save the world plots
Well that's more understandable, but even as soon as the end of chapter 1 you have the voice in Jefuty's head berating her for failing which mean dooming the world. It was kind of the whole point of the chapter 5 intro is that she TRIED to make it a boy-meets-girl love story at first, but she found out that no matter what she does, it ends in tragedy.
That scene makes even less sense to me now that I know who the voice is. What was she doing wasting her time bothering that Jefuty anyways. And why did she fuck off for almost the entirety of the rest of the game.
The trick is that she isn't DIRECTLY talking to Jefuty in that bit. The only time Lusica directly appears in chapter 1 through 4 there is when she takes over Lige's body for a moment in chapter 3. It was a memory, Jefuty was remembering her final conversation with Lusica at the end of the world in the initial timeline.
If that was a flashback to ch5 Jefuty, wouldn't the world have been fine in that timeline. William would need to produce a Lusica 2, and I somewhat doubt the URNC would be willing to let his shrikes anywhere near a relic after seeing what he's done to their enemies. Lusica also counted the deaths of Jefuty in one of the warsaw flashbacks, I assumed she talked to Jefuty each death.
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>wouldn't the world have been fine in that timeline.
No, the whole point of Jefuty making her deal with the devil with Lusica is because no matter how hard she tried, it was inevitable that William accessed the relics and destroyed Antarctica and prevented her from ever having the peaceful life with Mendo she seeked. The whole point of the deal is so William would be denied Lusica's body which is a viable relic specimen. Which happened when the current timeline Jefuty sensed a consciousness in Lusica's body, but the old Jefuty that was put in that body called out and begged to be kept a secret from William.
>Lige stops pretending to be retarded
I had a good chuckle with this, I really wasn't impressed with her when she was finally playable and her vocabulary only consisted of "oneechan" and prophecy bullshit.

So all it takes to wipe out two superpowers that control the entire world is one mad scientist and his small army of girl shaped monsters that are weak to fire. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised given the URNC was only able to subdue Jefuty in one single timeline without shrike assistance. I read operation Kindle on the wiki, but I'm really not liking TASA's chances given Jefuty hard carried for half the game.
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>teleports to you across the map
>instakills anything along the way including the target
>gets 2 more turns
balanced and fair
read her skill descriptions carefully
I can't, already beat the map by reloading, revealing a sacrificial turret and using my own fair and balanced collapse bombardment. The point is, skill without range limit is bullshit, writing "bullshit" on it doesn't make it less so.
Yeah it reminds me of Persona...or perhaps most jRPG really. You solve the issue you've been trying to solve the whole game, and then suddenly an almost unrelated world-ending threat shows up. Would've been better to just end it there.
Weird, the last mission of chapter 2, "Hunting Game" shows an uncollected document, but I don't see one when I go into the stage.
Is this what the complete ch4 looks like? There are still four orange ones with only one path open.
Nvm it's bullshit, the commander that only shows up later and has no loot listed actually drops a key.
Orange means you've got 100% completion, S-rank and collectible and document if it has one. Choice missions are the one with the larger diamond thing floating above the mission name.
Thanks. Saved me a bunch of replaying missions for no reason.
Yeah, a lot of JRPGs did that to their detriment. Tales of Vesperia comes to mind. Makes me appreciate the ones stick to the theme more, like Atelier Ayesha. No save the world last minute there.
Watching my friend play this I've beat the game already on C+ for all S ranks made me wanna play TRPGs again...
Are there any modern TRPGs that aren't garbage?
I've played both XCOMs to death, obviously.
I found Mechanicus fun but it's carried by its aesthetic and soundtrack.
I've played it, extremely easy.
Music and sound in general is 10/10 though.
I'd specify what games I have already played, but I don't remember...
But if it's 2021+ I probably didn't.
Play openxcom, then play its megamods. There's a dedicated thread.
The new XComs spawned a bunch of copycats, I'm playing Gears Tactics right now. Too early to tell if it's any good, but linear progression and the lack of an overworld map seems to have helped. Also have have Mutant Year Zero in the queue, though that one seems to be mixed with Wasteland or the old Falluouts.
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>is extremely genius and talented since childhood
>one of the prolific geniuses from a relic research group (90wish)
>masterminded the events and premises of the Girl's Frontline story, make an AI factory go rogue, alongside baiting his two ex-colleague to do his goals
>lead a cult army of advanced robots + corpse that have deep roots in the germany (or even the europe)
>took three games and thirty+ years to catch up with the atrocities this fucker made
>is the relic research director of URNC
>a siscon

if any, this one mad scientist is the only one capable of doing that shit
My big issue with Gears Tactics was forcing you to use named special snowflake characters instead of /yourdudes/ for main story missions, and they aren't allowed to die. Especially for the final boss where it's ONLY the special snowflakes which was hard because I had on purpose neglected to train one of them. At least with Reverse Collapse you go into it knowing the characters are static, Gears Tactics does a bait and switch.
It's not a TRPG, but yeah I considered playing it if I don't find anything.
Didn't play Gears, but Mutant Year Zero was bad, these XCOM clones miss the good parts of it, thinking that "it was good because it was simple" so they make it even more simple, which obviously doesn't work. And without any production value that firaxiscoms had.

I'll check out Gears Tactics, but I guess I'll have to play the oldcom in the end.
Finished Chapter 1. One thing bad about this game is that there's really no incentive to search for replay content before finishing the story, because it just makes the next chapter easier as you level up.
He's an unimpressive weapon's scientist. The suit he made Oleg was a complete dud, it's just an oversized piloted AA with emp hardening. Shrikes also kinda suck as a military force, killing cities can be done easier even if nukes don't exist in this setting (not sure if they do or not but the lack of nuclear war makes me think they aren't a thing). I'd rather have more tanks or thermobaric warheads. I'm with that one chap who was unimpressed in the files, a man eating monster isn't that useful. I also suspect making your own war dead into zombies is going to kill morale and cause problems next conscription cycle.
If you missed any confidential files it's heavily encouraged to go back and grab them since you need them to unlock chapter 5.
Roger, but you don't need the chain symbols right? Just the paper/files ones?
It takes less than 30 minutes to pick everything once you're done, no reason to do it before completing ch4
Try Troubleshooter if you want something with more RPG elements.
William made Ojob's suit?
Yes just the files. Note that on 2-9 and 3-5 the process to get them is more convoluted and they aren't visible at map start. But it's fairly obvious how to get them.
Oleg said William gave it to him, I assume that means he made it, but i guess he might've just had it lying around.
Thanks anon
Is there any extra dialogue if you survive x amount of turns in the final endless map? We don't start with scanners so I ended up getting ganked by a nightmare just when I figured I was essentially invincible where I was at.
God I wish they made him a proper character, he's too cute.
But at least he's punishing bad players from what I've seen.
Shrikes are technically still in the development phase. One important aspect they haven't quite managed to get down is using their mimicry to it's fullest, given how most are effectively mindless.
Nukes are a thing, history was 99% the same up until something like 1972 and still like 90% the same up until 2030 which is where things go off the rails. WWIII was not the end of the world despite actually starting with a general nuclear engagement because extreme collapse radiation contamination across the globe fried targeting systems and satellites, combined with more advanced ABM systems.
So what was the deal with Sugar and Oleg. She seems to have held genuine goodwill towards him, worrying about him on several occasions. She runs to his rescue when she thinks he's in danger and goes well out of her way to try to prolong his life, only to then act like she didn't care when he does kick the bucket.
Her character card lists her as 20 years old. And yet, shrike cells were only developed a few years prior to the game start. So the obvious implication is that Sugar used to be a normal human, who was assimilated by shrike cells. When she's being slightly more normal it's the original Sugar, when she goes full batshit crazy sadist it's the shrike talking. There are cut CGs in the artbook that IMO imply this as well.
I'm not sure if we should be blaming the sadism on the shrike. It didn't strike me as sadistic, rather the reflection didn't say much of anything memorable.
Oh yeah Sugar was definitely a freak from day 1, but there are other times where the shrike hivemind takes over before that. IIRC there's a chapter 4 mission where she has a weird voice and goes "come home daughter" because it's William speaking through her via Nolyu.
I did wonder if that was supposed to be William talking. He never really does it any other time and I wasn't sure if she could be used as an ersatz walkie talkie in the first place.
It's possible he just told her to do that in advance too. He wanted people to think he was in the area after all.
Except he IS in the area, he appears in the endless mode mission after you finally go down. Willy is confident/delusional enough to appear in person when he thinks it'll have an effect, see the lab scene where he executes Mendo's parents. Or when he was hiding at the edge of the fighting to witness the first ever reverse collapse in 2064.
I don't think he was anywhere near the place until the AU left and his enemies in the local garrison were rooted out. There was no risk in him showing up at that point to troll Jefuty.
I got to 30 turns and nothing special happened.
Thanks anon. Saves me from redoing it.
What skills do you guys use on each character?
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Lock On, Construction, Storm of Fire or Silencing Shot depending on map, and Temporary Upgrade
Flash Step, Support Fire, Steady Shot, Collapse Bombardment
Chain Shot, Iron Wall, Mad Bomber, Draw Fire
Assault Tactics, Limit Break, Emergency Charge, Full Focus
Special Guidance, Deception, Assault Operation, Traceless
Blade Sharpening, Blood Tether, All or Nothing, Dashing Flash
>some cutscenes have missing subs and you have to open and close the log constantly
This is so frustrating. This happened twice so far and the cutscenes aren't short either.
Never happened to me, which ones?
I think these are the memories that you get when you collect all memory fragments during Blood Horror and Nightmare.
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yeah that's odd, maybe try watching them from the collection screen. The only subtitle issues I've had are during the fully animated cutscenes where some lines disappear really fast because the japanese is spoken much faster than it's written in english.
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>accidentally finish the main objective and finish the mission in the same turn as I'm about to collect all the items or complete the side objectives and have to wait through all the animations and loading screens before I can load a save again, twice
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Lmao, wtf was that?
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>mission where you're supposed to defend against wave of enemies, where later waves are tanks and shrikes
>mission objective is to kill all enemies
>kill the whole first wave of normal enemies
>mission complete
You won a bit too hard anon.

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