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>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made. Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers and nu/v/.
>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.

How can any other genre even come close? RTS has pretty much everything you need in a genre.
Good image. And yes you are right.
reflexes aren't IQ. Roguelikes clear rts in IQ requirement
I'm 1900 elo with 60apm, reflexes do not matter if you are efficient
all high IQ games are turn based
>>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
No, most RTS game will always come to "execution" of the planes you made. Some call it "gookilik" when it comes to rewarding accurate mouse controls too much to the detriment of the rest. Hand-eye coordination and reflexes are not IQ. Creativity is at best "questionable" as most RTS will have specific "metas" for optimized game plans that is publicly available information. You will no rushing gets beaten by static defense, static defense gets beaten by eco and eco gets beaten by rushing, you also know which unit counters which. At that point it is only going for the optimal "answer" to the your opponent's "question" and executing it the best you can.

>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made.
Team based FPS games and card games politely but very strongly disagree.

>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.
Again, half of these have nothing to do with your IQ. And has everything to do about learning the necessary multitasking skills and experience of the general game flow and awareness of your game state situation. APMs matters ONLY at the top 5% of the top-most-top competition (and that is being a generous estimate) for the 95% rest APM is a barely useful skill, game awareness and good execution of your plans is what matters the most.
This board is proof that it's not
gookclick is not a sport
The best posters on this board are Starcraft bros (and the worst are parashitters)
Paraworld bros...
both of you are shitters, only Dominionschads have an above average IQ here
>RTS game
At least read the thread title bro
Low IQ cope.

Except it primarily tested my ability to:
>Learn a map
>Stack a team
>Figure out the best faction/strategy for the given map
>Recognise other seal clubbers, smurfs etc and ban them from the lobby
RTS games are great, but
>Incredibly dense gameplay whilst allowing lots of room for creativity.
>Has the highest learning curve and skill ceiling out of every genre ever made. Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers and nu/v/.
>Heavily tests the full breadth of the mind, such as reflexes (APM), spatial perception (micro-management), logical reasoning, etc. You'll get quickly punished if at least one area of your mind isn't in tip top shape.
This is all loser millennial talk. 30 something millennials seething because younger people don't like the same specific toys as them. autistic sperging never ceases to amuse me. 2000 was 24 years ago. You guys are stuck in the past and can't get over that time passes. you guys talk about games like someone in 2004 talking about Donkey Kong from 1982.
>incredibly dense gameplay
90% of rts us a paper rock scissors
>highest learning curve
not really, as every rts has mission one as your tutorial mission.
tbs civ 1 and moo and ck2 have a much higher kearning curve and those are considered sims.
>tests reflexes (apm)
gives kids carpal tunel at 18
>spatial perception micromanagement
point and clicks find the pixel does it better

rts is fun
Which game?
probably more akin to a musical instrument and playing a sone notoe for note constantly, at least for multiplayer. skirmish and campaigns are just chillin'.
There are RTS that have fanbase similar to that of fighting games, that need million threads about their genre being supposedly high IQ, and these RTS certainly aren't very high IQ games.
But yeah, certain RTS game are one of the best games in that regard.
Yep. Next question.
>that need million threads about their genre being supposedly high IQ
And they're not wrong.
no, it's mid-IQ
multiplayer is like
>autistically learn build orders and the meta
>just click faster than the other guy
>any deviation from the meta (assuming equal skill level): lose game
>any skill difference between players: absolute mopping the floor by the better guy

singleplayer boils down to abusing dumbness of the AI opponents
yes they require both the most brain input but also the most output in most cases. it's limited however, games like StarCraft and apm based games are clearly for gook clicking. meanwhile games like supcom and coh/real time tactics as a whole require you to read the field and react, even auto battlers like mechabellum require that
Yes they are complicated games when you think about it.
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Op you are just stupid. Puzzel games are way harder then RTS. (zoomer are to stupid for RTS, thus they play MOBA like LOL)

and puzzel game with timing are the hardest games. like Big Brain Academy, link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Brain_Academy

to think about it, competitive leetcode is maybe even harder. not to brag, did you u know i have completed over 300 leetcodes.
For me, it's TBS
RTS reward strategy but also reflexes and especially quick thinking, which are not really related to IQ. The highest IQ game is probably still chess
For me, it's tower defense.
As someone who's dabbled in a lot of video game genres, I'd probably agree. There's just so much you need to do in an RTS unlike with any other genre.
Everything is related to IQ
IQ is just another shitty human construct that was created in 1912, more than a hundred years ago, by a bunch of who were convinced the Eugenics (which is illegal under many national and international laws in the 21st century) is the future of humanity. Even the alleged creator William Stern warned that the IQ test is an overly simplistic way to try and categorize something as complex and vague as intelligence.

This concludes your lesson for to day Anon, you cab go home now.
have you ever seen a literal retard with above average reflexes?
>Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers
>Defends APM in his next breath
You're contradicting yourself. High APM games draw ADHD Zoomers like crazy.
Just look at MOBAs like Dota and League, which incidentally happen to be direct descendants of the RTS genre.
RTSchads... we just don't stop winning.
2/10 bait, made me respond.
>sports games that unpopular
wtf is that based on lmao
also wait a second, Alex Kierkegaard, isn't that a literal career criminal?
>Want to play RTS
>Haven't played since young teen
>Everyone just follows the same early rush meta
>Only get to late game battles when everyone is a noob
You can just tell a zoomer made this
>Perfect to filter out ADHD-ridden zoomers
Isn't it the inverse? I'm an ADHD ridden zoomer and RTS is one of the only things stimulating enough for me to focus my attention on. If I were playing a slow paced game I would be alt-tabbing all the time while I wait for the slowass game to catch up to me.
I don't see why not.
>can't comprehend a bell curve
retared nigger zoomer woman detected.
Icycalm is older than you retard.
This board is proof that we need to gatekeep even the genre's name.
>Suck at the game
>Don't make it to mid/endgame
>Higher than any other genre
>RNG takes more IQ then strategy
yeah I bet you think slot machines take strategy too retard
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>Highest quality games are MMOs and Survival games
>before that it's FPS and survival building again for some reason

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