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Relic finally fixed their engine edition

looks nice, i see people are finally coming around to this game
They intentionally added delay to unit response to try and make multiplayer less lag dependent.
This is them being forced to undo their retarded design decisions under the threat of bankruptcy.
being intentional is better than an oversight i guess
why didn't they launch with this?
One of a large number of bad decisions that likely came from the retards at Sega. It's weird that they seem fairly aware of everything that was fucked about the game at launch, despite a lot of it being deliberate. They've been unfucking their own shit for the last 6 months and now the game is actually good, but why wasn't it like this in the first place.?
Have they finally introduced modding tools that don't suck ass?
i dont like how the US plays compared to coh2, so ill never be able to like coh3.
really? i hate the way the USF plays in coh2
no, being intentionally retarded is worse than making a mistake
>why wasn't it like this in the first place?
You said it yourself: because Sega.
i just hope they nerf bundle nades. though at least i'll be able to react to things without being a fucking precog now.
1. Skill issue
2. No, the TTK is too high and nothing in coh3 feels lethal so its good they made the bundle nades nukes
stop being negative or else I'm going to have the Janitor come into this thread and deal with you.
173ms is still a fuckload of input delay desu. I can't imagine a real time multiplayer game outside of the strategy genre considering that acceptable.
idk why it's so different for strategy games. maybe a requirement for the genre because of all the moving parts
>mfw you will never be playing shooters from Alaska to servers down south on 56.6k modem with 350ms ping again
>mfw I now have gigabit fiber and just play single player games anyway
Street Fighter 5 at release had 8 frames.
That's 200ms, for a fighting game no less, where 1 frame links were relatively common (though not as much as SF4).
it's fine for an RTS that's more a complex simulation than a blizzard game (which have always had extremely simplistic calcuations).
Company of Ass
Have they fixed the 'time to kill' problem? Seriously why does it take half a minute for a heavy MG to kill one squad? And that's if they don't press the magic escape button. Shit takes forever to die in this.
it shows they thought about it at least, this game isn’t supposed to be gookclick instant turns/acceleration
Because MGs are for suppression, not killing, and have worked that way since the very first game. Sorry that playing your shitty mods rotted your brain and concept of what COH is.
>Press R
>No longer suppressed and immune to 99% of damage
Rope yourself lelic cúck.
God pressed R for retarded when making you
>Reddit opinion
>Reddit comeback
Play a real WW2 rts like Gates of Hell, you worthless nigger.
A lot of modern fighters intentionally introduce a buffer window of input delay to mitigate the impact of latency. 200ms of latency means your experience remains consistent in 200ms ping. But even then, that decision caused an open rebellion in the FGC and they still seethe about it to this day.
>recommends a reddit game
>runs at 50 FPS
sure love my
>AI sees through smoke
poorly coded, grimy, forever broken
>soldiers forget to shoot things they should shoot
piece of shit Men
>uses 80 gigs of space to copy paste 150 halftrack models
of War mod! It's so
>tanks spins around aimlessly
Bro thinks he's on reddit
>Faggot has no argument
>Plays RTS against AI
>Thinks his opinion matters
got his ass lmfao
>MP cuck
>especially for gates of hell, a game whose only redeeming quality is conquest
Oh I'm laffing
Shouldn't you be in a Donbas trench, Ivan?
>plays 4v4 games only
>first one to leave when he loses his vet 2 infantry squad on retreat
>thinks his opinion matters
Yes, that's how the game works. They retreat their unit, you take the territory, the extra resources and you can either fortify or press your advantage.

Why does this thread always attract one autistic Gates of hell shitter? Is it because no one outside of the urals has ever expressed any interest in that game so they just have to swarm coh threads?
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Is this why anglos never made it to Berlin?
kek good job too bad they will never fix this shit game to be playable
Most retarded post I've seen in a long time
Well, no surprise. I'd be up in arms if I was a fightan game player too.
>same amount of reviews
So much for the "better" game lmao
CoH2 USF playstyle may be very unusual and unique compared to basically any other faction in the franchise, but I never liked it, so it's no biggie.
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>community-voted italian setting
>no playable italian faction
this will never not be sad
I love the pasta units that got into the game but this shit is frustrating. The Axis could have finally gotten some much needed variety, and historical accuracy for what shows up on the field has always been loose for the franchise. At least Panthers aren't the default late game unit for krauts, again.
This image unironically cucks the CoHtroon. The RTS community has largely moved passed base building faux realism of the CoH franchise.
Base builders moved on to city builders and tactical players moved on to GoH or MoW or Graviteam or Combat Mission.
So many games do CoH better than it ever has, which is why it's a dead series, propped up by the "competitive" community of like 40 faggots and a couple trannies (also faggots).
>waaaah why is there no hiroshima faction in hiroshia vs little boy: the rts?
Next time try picking a faction that didn't get instantly annihilated, fags
>waaaaah game must always be historically accurate!
next you will tell me that Shermans should be 7 times cheaper than a Panther to reflect how outnumbered German tanks were.
Asymmetrical game design does exist, yes. Relic just forgot how to do it after DoW1
Retreat mechanic is absolute dogshit
Germany should be destined to lose every match if that's your logic, retard.
then go play something else. CoH has always been an arcade series.
The RTS genre doesn't consider it acceptable either. It's practically unplayable by modern standards. Maybe if you went back in time and played Starcraft in 1998 in a distant server would that level of lag be acceptable
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No. I would tell you that shermans actually fought in Italy, unlike italians
i dont think that's true anon, most people are happy to see input delay below 200ms, and its definitely not "practically unplayable"
i disagree anon.
except Italians did fight in Italy on both sides, so you would be retarded either ways. Bit sad, innit?
>i-italians did fight!
>posts an image of the national republican army, which were just some fascist pastas commanded by germans much like it happens in the game
good thing you don't have to be an independent country to be featured in this series as a faction, like how the OKW, Panzer Elite and DAK are all part of the German army but still get their own separate factions anyway. Anything more to add, retard?
explain separate german factions.
tip: "accuracy" doesn't mean shit.
Bro, your assault troops?
They've either fixed TTK or you want CoD tier times, half the units in the game absolutely fuck each other to death. Ass grens, Gurkha with Tommies, even sappers fuck shit up at close range. Even Aussies rek infantry that aren't in green cover with their Enfields.
I also see way less instances of retreating units feeling invincible or like they have super low received accuracy.

Anyway, I like where MGs are at the moment, their primary purpose is to suppress and they do that fine. I don't think they need to be killing machines on top of that, and half the time they steadily whittle down HP anyway. The idea is to accompany them with infantry to fuck them up while they're down.
Im also pretty sure the mechanics are still the same in that once pinned, units take less damage which then escalates back up over time if you leave them pinned. Gives you an opportunity to save their ass with another unit but also punishes you if you wait too long. I might be wrong though.

The whole point of CoH is balancing fun and relatively simple design including unit and ability synergies with only a surface level of realism which is you know, the thing most videogames do anyway?
I like MoW too but it's pretty fucking autistic in comparison. Good for people who want more detail but just not as simple and enjoyable to play most of the time. Both are fine.
??? Is that supposed to be some clever retort? One is germans in Italy, the other germans in north Africa. Dunno if you know but they fought the war differently.
>nooooooooo b-but...
Beyond that, even in real life the Wehrmacht, SS and Luftwaffe ran their own, separate ground forces complete with different gear, vehicles, uniforms and insignia.

Stop embarrassing yourself nigga lmao
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>>the national republican army can't be its own faction because it's controlled by german!!!!!
>>but different branches of the wehrmacht can be split into their own factions despite all being controlled by germans because...uh...because uh...because don't embarrass yourself NIGGER
earn your (you) by not being a mouth-shitting retard.
>Vgh... yes... my GROSSGERMANIUMS... Hitler my beloved... Holocaust didn't happen but it should have... vgh...
This is how you sound retard.
>assault troops have fast ttk
Thats how it's always been. People complaining about ttk are referring to mainline having such dogshit ttk that an assault unit can walk across an open foeld into a fortified position and clear it without dropping a model.
new shit looks nice
I like spamming nothing but mortars on CoH1 as wehrmacht and playing a long thin map so I can create an impassible chokepoint for the AI until they unlock calliopes and decimate my blob. How do I feel about this game?
Next patch is when I leave coh 2 I reckon. I couldn't stand the input lag and actually being able to spawn next to my friend instead of sandwiching two retards between us is appealing.

Is dak more like panzer elite or okw?
Just stop.
dak is more like panzer elite I think - mobile, light armored. you can call in a tiger tank non doctrinally but it takes alot of resources
Can brits still just play Sim City?

Still have nightmares about overrepaired mortar pits and invincible trenches.
I dunno, I've never noticed any egregious cases of that happening. If they've charged from cover over a short distance then it can be a little frustrating but they've at least tried to be tactical about it and even then it's not always a guaranteed win.
I've fought off charging assault squads with grens and infantry sections before, and conversely have had ass grens or pastatori smacked up by mainlines when I've tried charging them over a longer open area and forgotten to smoke it.
Either way, mainlines are usually not that lethal until they've gained vet or had an upgrade which seems only fair in the overall balancing of the game. They cost less to produce and reinforce than cqc squads, and making just a few mistakes with cqc squads can put you pretty far behind in manpower compared to if you'd done the same with mainlines.
CoH has never been about realism but trying to balance tactical play and fun, and making infantry too squishy would just make everything a bit too micro intensive for your average player. A lot of people won't want to play a game where to get caught off guard for a few seconds means losing a whole squad because they were microing another engagement and barely had time to register which unit was getting rekt (which can still happen pretty easily even now)
Otherwise you just have to use the usual counters - MG, lights or mediums with anti-inf... it's rock paper scissors.
The latest doctrine focuses on that but it's not as bad as in previous games.
i think a lot of the people who want low TTK are 4v4 casuals who are only every having to focus on one microscoptic part of the map, whereas in 1v1 you are constantly engaging on multiple fronts. even in high micro games like starcraft typcially you will have one main army then a secondary just for drops/harrass, and the secondary is largely disposable and expected to die at some point. you don't have the option of just letting things die in CoH so in a low TTK game pushing multiple fronts in 1v1 just becomes a casino where if you're not paying 100% attention to the correct part of the map at the exact moment they a-move at you, it's over.

coh 1/3 are far more competitively consistent than 2 as a result and less prone to dice rolls and wild swings due to moments of dumb luck. the only reason i can think to prefer 2 is because you are a casual 4v4 shitter.
full 1.65 patch notes: https://community.companyofheroes.com/coh-franchise-home/company-of-heroes-3/blogs/121-pc-1-6-5-patch-notes

Thank fuck they nerfed faust range vet buff and bundle nades. shit was so dumb.
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the best move relic can do right now is drop support for CoH3 and make a remaster of CoH2. I am dead serious. Why invest in a shitty game that has half of the playerbase of CoH2 on a good day when they could just restart support for CoH2 instead?
Because CoH 2 is played almost exclusively by third world subhumans who don't spend money and can't run modern games
CoH2 actually runs worse than 3 because it's an actual PC game instead of a glorified console port for niggers.
Maximum cope
consolebabbies say what?
as opposed to 3 which is played by first world retards?
Half of them are just russian/Chinese account levelling bots. No idea why they're still active but you still see them idling in lobbies for weeks at a time.
no - as >>1744853 said their latest doctrine has the bofors and 17 pounder pit but it sucks and isnt very good. brits are more of an all rounder faction this game
dak is like panzer elite but instead of something like tankbusters you get absurdly powerful light tanks.
germans are the only ones who can really simcity in 3, and all emplacements suck.
I think the brit 17pdr emplacement is pretty crazy. If you have something spotting for it it has absurd range and eats all German armor alive. So long as you keep it repaired it's pretty good. But I agree that in terms of survivability emplacements are all pretty bad. I'd rather that than them being incredibly difficult to remove (like that one UKF commander in 2) though
The problem with it and all emplacements is that as soon as it's spotted your opp can just kill it from a safe distance. A pair of AT guns kill it (and any other emplacement) in a few shots from complete safety.
Wehr bunker cancer works both because the bunkers are dirt cheap and because they have no population cost, so they have a negligible impact on your overall army size. Other emplacements cost a lot of manpower and population so you're punished harder when they die and you're far less equipped to counterpush AT guns just sniping them from a screen away.

Since AT guns can't be suppressed and don't count as emplacements, the only good way to chase them off is to push with infantry or flank with massed vehicles, but you can easily cover them from inf with an mg and having the critical mass to flank is impractical when you spent a tank's worth of resources on your emplacement that can't actually fight back.
the 17 pounder emplacement is pretty good yeah, it also auto faces any tank, so you dont ever have to micro it. but like >>1746237 said, the second you drop an emplacement every single enemy player on the map begins to stack barrages on it until it explodes. they really only need 2 mortars cycling or 2 AT guns firing at it to take it out
Ive come to love seeing bunker spam played against me as a brit main because i just get 2-3 bishops and keep up a literal constant barrage cycle until he can't do anything but waste manpower replacing his casualties and dropping new bunkers
Yeah, it's a bit of a fundamentally flawed concept in a game like this. It's always bothered me because my cheese trolling side loves sim city but it's either OP as fuck according to some people, and utter dogshit to others, and it really has always been either-or.

Maybe it would make more sense to have emplacements easily decrewed but much harder to outright destroy? So barraging them gives you a window of opportunity by decrewing rather than easily wasting your opponents fuel and manpower investment?
And direct fire from something like an AT gun doesn't decrew, just chips away at the emplacement health allowing for a response. It would need to be artillery fire or any kind of HE, grenades etc to guarantee a decrew.
Might also need to allow the movement of the crew as a unit? So they can 'unload' like infantry from a building, can gain vet etc, but are pretty useless beyond manning the gun.
You could still recrew using trucks/HTs though which would be pretty frustrating to play against.
I kind of liked the brace mechanic from 2 since it was sort of like that - forcing the emplacement to be useless for a time in exchange for high durability. Might need to bring that back along with resistance to non-HE shit using attack ground on it.
Or super long pack up and set up times?
I'm sure they'll end up being useless in high level play no matter what
>Maybe it would make more sense to have emplacements easily decrewed but much harder to outright destroy?
This is what they went for on release but it led to a super cancerous flak emplacement cheese because the cost of recrewing them over and over and over was so cheap that there was essentially no downtime, and you'd take half the game barraging it before your indirect fire caused enough manpower bleed to pay for itself.

Emplacements are just kind of a weird concept in a game like this oriented around fluid combat, unit preservation and retreating. It's a relic of the fact that CoH1 was building off the same engine as DoW1 that they continue to commit way too much effort and time to.
>RTS (Real time strategy game)
>Critically important to have a solo campaign
>Not important to have team modes or even 1v1 pve

Are RTS gamers brain dead?
Most people play singleplayer, comp autists make multi annoying for the rest
>comp autists
Never understood this complaint except to see it as cope for being bad at the game. Do people seriously think you should go into a competitive environment and play below your own skill level on purpose? If I enjoy a game is it not unreasonable for me to spend a lot of time on it, and as a consequence get better?
the source for that "graph" has never been provided btw
>you should go into a competitive environment and play below your own skill level on purpose?
Yes? The point is to have fun playing the game. If you go in rock hard into every match even when you know you're facing a much less skilled player and just curb stomp them, you're an asshole.
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> game flopped so hard that sega had to sell relic
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>The point is to have fun playing the game.
I have fun by winning. Do you have fun by losing? Do you go out of your way to do dumb things because it's funny? Trolling is 'fun' for instance, is this in the spirit of the game or is there a scoreboard and objectives for a reason?
>If you go in rock hard into every match
Nope. If I have a high skill level in a game its from a lot of practice and thus playing well becomes second nature.
>even when you know you're facing a much less skilled player
How would i know this prior to playing against them? Nice scenario you constructed for me retard
>you're an asshole
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> scoreboard le bad. compniggers ruined RTS
> sits in public lobby all day long waiting for some rando with 20 hours of playtime to join so he can curbstomp him on a map he's played a thousand times already
why are people like this?
Tutorial Campaign, you're forced to play Pajeet units.

Did Relic really fall for muh sjwism?
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> game has Afrikakorps (active until May '43)
> no Italy doe (active until September '43)
Singeplayer campaigns are the most boring things in RTS. I get playing skirmish against the AI, that's okay. But rts sp campaigns are fancy puzzles.
They didn't sell them. Relic has no parent company now, they're fully independent.
Why did SEGA cut them loose instead of just dissolving the company? Anybody's guess.
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> They didn't sell them
> Relic did so bad they gave it away for free
Need to go back to Stuart glory days
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git gud fgt
I fucking love coh3.
I'd argue comp stomps are even worse unless the AI is genuinely good, it's the same shit every single time and it's a sad, pale imitation of the dynamics of playing with people. Sure, humans might follow the meta a lot of the time, but in a game like CoH they can at least be caught off guard or make weird plays themselves.
Honestly, I kind of do too. It's finally at a point where it feels great to play MP. Balance is interesting and while you still have the eternal ragers carrying on about rangers (suppression resist is gay as fuck to be fair), foot guards, or whatever else is considered OP, I find myself winning and losing games at roughly the same rates across all faction except USF. All factions feel fun to play and you don't feel overly gimped by picking particular BGs or factions (apart from USF in some cases).
Just needs heaps more BGs and maps, and maybe some fun SP/co op content and I'd say it would surpass 2, and I loved 2 so much I have over 1k hours in it

It adds so much context to know this is the same person
Wrong. What point are you trying make anyway?
>yes I am a phonefag
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Nope but enjoy having only a few other autists to play with, not everyone is doing everything possible to win just to have fun with the experience. Players online are about as robotic as the AI itself in terms of strategy unless its someone new to the game in which case they just lose quickly until they embrace the meta autism like the rest or like most people end up leaving the game for better ones.
There it is, the score the only thing that matters to the autist. Might as well not even have a game just make it abstract numbers to see who is the best just cut out the middleman.

This is why RTS died, why no one gives a shit about Company of Heroes 3 since its shit in every other way.
you didn't understand the point.
you don't have to be perfect to win. you have to make smarter decisions. Low APM but better management won against high AP but worse management. "le gookclick" is cope.
uh oh anon - you got btfo. upset that coh3 is being appreciated for the good game that it is?
He said in the original video where he posted it that he conducted the survey himself aka he is the source (the graph is shown later at 5:28).
just finished marathoning this video. tell me what I think
How is Company of heroes one multiplayer nowadays ? I love play the second against AIs and the first is on a big sale
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people actually still play it and I don't have issues with automatch, custom lobbies are fine too, although obviously the golden days are long gone.
somehow you can find people even in mods MP.
coh3 comeback
ok thanks. also fucking hell does COH3 looks ugly especially the ground even on high textures and everything
still not buying coh3 without playable italy
why does the terrain look so shit in COH3
what do people think of the free weekend?
i legitimately don't see what you guys are talking about it looks fine
I put everything, except shadows on high and it still look grainy af
I've played 2 AI games of 3 on the free weekend so far and it just makes me want to play 2 again (haven't played coh for almost a year).
is your resolution mixed up? do you have downscaling on by accident? post a screenshot
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Who the fuck listens to this retard?

Dumb af
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sounds like a vision issue. shit looks fine.

this isn't even max texture setting (my poverty GPU can't handle it).
something is definitely wrong, that's not what my game looks like. in your graphics settings make sure your resolution is set to the highest it can go and your "game scale" option is set to 100. if that doesnt work make sure you have "resolution scaling" off. let me know if it works.
legit looks like you're playing at 320x240
tanks look like they're made from lego plastic
artillery looks and sounds weak as fuck
lighting is too flat
flamethrowers are the only real upgrade
post your favourite RTS so we can point out how much worse it looks than coh 3.
I think I like this more than 2. Is the DLC worth it?
rangers are the meta BG for US, the wehr BG are more for sim city afficienados. the BGs for brits and DAK are free (for now) as an apology for a shitty launch.
> free weekend
> barely 5k players
> meanwhile coh2 had like 150k players on it's free weekend
coh3 xisters. our response?
Dude. Something's wrong with your system. That's not what I see on my screen.
Wasn't the game free to own when CoH2 did it? Or was that different?
Either way, yeah CoH3 seemed to suffer from the awful launch a lot more.
7K players. keep coping coh2let
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> coh3-nigger being delusional
WOW! 7k is so MUCH better than 5k!

does the PC version pair you up with console players?

had a couple of matches and so far my teammates and enemies are awfully quiet. No raging, no "gl hf", no "gg". Nothing.
coh 2 was free to keep, so 8 gorllion chinese bot accounts signed up. they still make up like 50% of the playerbase of that game, just idling in lobbies. it's a bit creepy in a dead internet way.
Coh 2 > Coh 1 >>>>>>>>>>> Coh 3
Simple as
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lmao cultists
my favourite rts is older than you, and since you think that this is the argument, you clearly are too young for this board.
was at 100 but on borderless window
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here's the benchmark. Terrain still looks grainy af but maybe it's because the day maps are too bright
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now with the AMD FSR 2 balanced thingy
>trailer has a woman
Never playing
Simpel as
Didn't you coh2 niggers say the exact same thing when coh2 had more numbers. You're bloody YouTube cattle.
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> ded game
> even though it has almost twice as many 4v4 matches going on
the point always was that it's funny that the new game can't beat it's 10 year old predecessor

and even now it doesn't even come close to the numbers coh2 had on it's free weekends (even excluding the 150k one)
> spend half a decade hyping up the franchise with the helps of CoH2
> try to make CoH3 more like CoH1
what. were. they. thinking.
that's basically what happened. you don't get to keep coh3 forever in this free weekend.
Graphic sluts got real quiet when this one was posted
Just tried out coh3, what the fuck are those effects?
You see a bishop shell wipe out a squad, but it sounds and looks like a firecracker. You see a mortar barrage land on target, but the rounds seem to just disappear into thin air as soon as they land while everyone around dies of a heart attack. The tank cannon shells are ridiculous, they seem to visibly accelerate when leaving the barrel and decelerate when hitting target, it kind of reminds me of how bazooka and panzerschreck rockets looked like in the first men of war.
I'm not even trying to nitpick because the gameplay is okay, but those effects are beyond terrible and it seriously bothers me when 60mm mortar round sounds and looks the same as brummbar shell, because suddenly I can't rely on those effects to tell me whether my squad will die in 30 seconds or in 5 and where I need to focus on micro.
9k players today coh2let. better download the game so you can see what the hype is about!
completely and totally wrong
coh1>>>>coh3>coh2 is the objective answer. If you like coh2 more than coh1 it's because youre a communist
can you post a screenshot of your settings? I'm convinced something is wrong because the game doesn't look grainy. Whats your monitors native res?
why does coh1 STILL look the best?
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it doesn't. CoH 3 just has different shaders depending on how much combat the tank has seen. it comes out looking pristine and ends up looking like the third on pic related.

so of course retards screencap the freshly built one to highlight how it looks too clean and lacking grit.
bottom looks like shit
and 3rd one is probably a paid skin anyways
Incorrect. now scurry on from this thread shill
uhm actually you got this skin by signing up for Amazon Prime
100% different, chud
i told you to scurry on. you have remained, despite my warning. this is your last chance. LEAVE. NOW.
It's good that relic finally made there game visually on par with a game released a decade prior, but COH3 still needs a lot of work regarding sound design to truly make for a worthy successor to coh2. CoH2s sound design was pure sex and going from 2 to 3 is a huge downgrade.
coh 2 sounded like tinnitus. it was fun for casuals but competitively it was awful.

i preferred coh 3's sound at launch but casuals hated that it didn't sound like a 1950s war movie like 2.

regardless, playing coh 2 now feels old as fuck. you can't go back to that after using all the new mechanics and QOL shit of 3, unless you're a vatnik who wants to experience the last time they actually won a war.

> what do you mean I have to manually reinforce my troops?
> save me redditman!
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Everything in CoH2 looks and sounds better. Gunfire. Explosions. Tank rounds penetrating and bouncing off armor. The mechanical rumbling of tanks. I played CoH2 again after a long time of playing CoH3 and the two things that stood out to me where the sounds of vehicles, and the sound of M1 garands firing. They sound weak as fuck in CoH3, as does pretty much every gun in that game. These rifles are supposed to be full size cartridge battle rifles and they sound like pea shooters.
as soon as you say

>coh 2 looks better

it's immediately obvious that you're just one of those brigading coh 2 virgins who spam negative steam reviews. like, everything about coh 2 looks worse. the textures, the lighting, the destruction, the atmospherics, the physics, the animation. you have to be a technically deficient retard as well as a tastelet to even consider it.
bud, if you like the vibrant colors and pop out cartoony style of 3 that's fine, but 2 looks much more realistic and there's no way to deny it.
coh2 has alot of sounds that are very good, but alot of sounds that are complete fucking shit
go listen to a coh2 medium tank firing, or an lieg and tell me it sounds good. it sounds like someone saying "BANG" into a microphone. when a tank shell bounces or penetrates armor in coh2 it sounds like someone throwing a rock at a dumpster, it sounds horrible.
Wow, that looks like complete fucking shit
>on par
That means "the same", anon! CoH 3 has always looked better than 2. Sorry your brain rotted at some point!
Why does your game look so fucking bad? You are probably a poorfag that follows retarded "performance" tips about messing with Nvidia's control panel, aren't you?
No bro, I specifically meant the physics and explosions look better in CoH2. The animations areworse in CoH3 as well now you mention it lol. Paratroopers with m1 carbines still use bolt action placeholder animations to this day. Taking a closer look at any CoH3 animation reveals how much less effort was put into the games creation.
I meant what I said. CoH3 looked patently worse than CoH2 on release and only exceeded the decade old CoH2 old standard when they overhauled the graphics in december with steel shepherd.

>Y-you're just a poorfag! You're making the game look bad on purpose!

But no, that's actually on max settings for everything except shadows on high
Stop playing on low settings. My textures do not look like that. Again, more tell evidence players on coh2 are on potatoes.
The gamehardlocks you from using the highest texture setting unless your GPU has 16GB of VRAM ( LMAO! )
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> bloody incel sar, please stop disrespecting my coh3. It is of many qualities!
why do coh 2 autists have to shit up every thread?

it's not like they ever talk about coh 2 except in relation to 3. it's some fucking tragic shit. your game is over. it's filled with hackers and bots, bugs that will never be fixed and balance issues that will never be addressed. let it die in peace. either embrace the future or move on with your life.
Is this webm supposed to show anything
CoH1 was such a nice looking game, especially for the time.
> left has: animated soldiers, casings being ejected, a reload animation
> right has: muzzle flash spawning from the middle of the barrel, a guy having a seizure
this is exactly what I was saying here >>1753336
CoH3 looks good as long as you don't look very closely at anything. Every corner that could be cut was.
you really don't see it? And you say CoH2 players are the cultish fanboys.
>coh 2 autists still posting the same cherry picked comparisons they did in the beta because they haven't actually played the game since then

Oh I am laffin. What's wrong Ivan, did daddy Vladimir ban you from playing all games that don't depict the great patriotic war, so you have to rot away on your bot infested hell?
Youre getting btfo lmfao
nigga, I made this webm last friday but whatever keep coping with
> it's from da beta
>the autistic shit no one would notice because they are busy playing the game
Oooooooooooh ok. This must be the part where you are willfully ignoring the game shipped with twice as many factions and campaigns as 2.
>b-but muh animation...
That's nice, anon. Time to pay double for the rest of the factions and then again for some commanders. Oh but let me guess, next you'll pretend CoH 2 is very cheap, like time hasn't passed and it wasn't an 11 year old game.
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I have 900 hours in coh3. I enjoy the game a lot. Doesn't mean I excuse objective downgrades from the previous title. Having standards is good.
>The webm that made CoH3 trannies go full copium
> autistic shit no one would notice because they are busy playing the game
funny you would say that because I actually noticed it while playing the game. Stuff like this sticks out like a sore thumb

> le 4 factions
wow - you've got Brits, the US, Germany ... and Germany again. Not like that's the 3rd time in a row we get those factions ...
CoH2 at least made OKW something different than "place square inside base" and started out with something fresh by adding the Soviets. CoH3 could've done this too but for some reason they refused to add Italy

> next you'll pretend CoH 2 is very cheap
in 2014 you could get CoH2 for less than 10 bucks on steam, was that too expensive for you saar?
no it didnt, it only has 3 responses
I have 918 hours in Coh3 and I disagree
This is a series managed by people who have golden formulas but refuse to refine what works and instead try out something entirely different. So I lost hope that they'd ever look back on CoH2 or Coh1 and try to return maintenance.

I respect the continued support for Coh3 and hope they get the game up to speed in terms of not just technical aspects but game balance as well. At the moment though it's hard to pick the game up and play. I think that's why the player count still floats low for what ought to be the dominating sequel.

It doesn't help that a lot of CoH3's mistakes show that they did not keep any old staff around given how many balance issues were lessons that ought to have been learned in the previous two games.
but russians hate coh2 due to its truthful and accurate depiction of the red army
Coh 3 is an attempt to course correct after the steaming turd that was coh 2. Weirdly enough that steaming turd was around long enough to attract some flies, which are now complaining that coh 3 isn't also a steaming pile of shit.

Vanilla coh 1 before op fronts was the best coh. Coh 3 is a close second. Then coh 1 op fronts, then coh 2 in the gutter.

Those who doubt have no clue about the beautiful elegance dance of vcoh and just want to build up their retarded mega armies and watch things explode.
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>Those who doubt have no clue about the beautiful elegance dance of vcoh and just want to build up their retarded mega armies and watch things explode.
>truthful and accurate depiction of the red army
enemy at the gates is not a documentary, retard
nu-Relic hasn't made a good game since DoW2
Okay sure. I don't care enough to really debate which one is better. I do play the second game more than most since it's easier to find matches for 4v4 with my friends.
>remake eastern front snoozefest commie slop
Just remaster the original, its basically perfect.
>what relic needs to do is remake the worst game in the series

hello sar
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> Those who doubt just want to build up their retarded mega armies
yea... about that
What's the problem? They got killed? These kids don't know how to dive.
>cuts off webm before showing the whole clown fleet getting obliterated.

Typical vatniks and their propaganda.
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hello sirs
What an ebin meme match. That's sure to attract subscribers!
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> it's just a le meme match
Here, let me help you:


>red faggots get destroyed
>inept blues, already losing heavily, are too inept to take advantage of it
>LE BAD GAME, LELIC!!!, says awful player who nonetheless managed to destroy 6 enemy vehicles but was too stupid to do anything with it
>moot point because he is still a "competitive player" who plays a shitload of the game
> says awful player
anon. this guy is literally a top 10 player

you can cope all you want. the fact is that coh3s focus on light vehicles (and the addition of side armour) turns it into peak gook click. That's something a lot of top-tier players and veterans of the series have complained about since day 1 and yet retards like you defend this shit
>The one tank and AT gun he has are pointed at a chokepoint rather than the huge, empty flank the enemy used to attack last time
>all infantry back at base, chilling
>owns 5 territories out of 20
These dudes are acting like the CoH3 meta wasn't literally light tank blob rushing your enemy like it's red alert 2 for most of the past fucking year.
if you actually played the game you'd know what the guy is getting at. Chaffee/light tank spam was literally meta for the longest time. It also showcases the hilariously braindead literal "watch things explode" button that was stuka loiters
oh shit I assumed that clip was from last year because I thought they fixed the game. I guess chaffe-spam is still meta seeing how they literally burst down a full hp tiger and panther in 2 seconds.
> he didn't have his half-strength squads at the front line so that means he is actually really bad
sure thing buddy
literally nobody is complaining about that. the only thing people are complaining about is autistic shit like period accurate MG42 reload animations while the other 99% of the game flushes the turd that was coh 2 down the shitter.

it's weird to see fans of coh 2 actually have enough stockholm syndrome to stick with their bastard take on coh. it's not even real coh. it's like some shitty russian knock off designed by people who don't actually understand the game at all.
>have total map control and a maxed out army
>trade extremely inefficiently against opponent who is already beaten
>have 4chin virgin make post about it while failing to comprehend the state of play
Strange. My Stuart and Crusader spam keeps bouncing tigers all the time.
literally nobody is using chaffee/l9 spam as any sort of serious strategy anymore. it has a number of extremely hard counters.

these dudes did it as a flex because the game was already over.

but yes, if you get enough of them you can take down a tiger if you shoot it in the ass enough times. this is a departure from coh 2 where every tier of units made the last tier obsolete, which is dogshit game design.
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>we can see they are all practically full health at the beginning of BOTH clips
sure thing buddy
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> we can see they are all practically full health at the beginning of BOTH clips
nigga, at the beginning of the first clip they weren't even at his base
and at the start of the second they were pic related

y u gotta be so disingenuous?
>you can take down a tiger if you shoot it in the ass enough times

lmao they come around the corner and instantly aim at the tiger's front, pen 4 shots then follow up with another 4 to its side to kill it. Fair and balanced game design
bronze leaguers let you get away with gayhound spam lmao
>no japs
>no italians
>no winter war
>relic fired over 150 people
sssshhhh don't ruin their cope. CoH2 carried Lelic for 10 years. CoH3 came out and Lelic got hit with double layoffs on top of SEGA selling it for cheap to some sketchy company called Enoma Capital (the claim of going independent is pure lies).
just finished playing an amazing game of coh3
>no Japs
No one wants to play a theatre of war primarily about carrier warfare and airplanes
>no Italians
There is Italians. They are just bgs. Like they were historically
>relic fired over 150 people
Yea man it's a bad thing they are finally purging all the incompetent people and bloat. Game development is one of the most unstable jobs ever. You act like this is a once in a century thing.
>They are just bgs. Like they were historically
Italy was an independent force for most of its war lifetime.
You just want more Germans. In a theatre where for once it didn't have to be like this and which people have voted for with independent Italy in mind.
>Yea man it's a bad thing they are finally purging all the incompetent people and bloat. Game development is one of the most unstable jobs ever. You act like this is a once in a century thing.
CoH2 wasn't hit with two waves of layoffs at Relic post-release so please select a new cope.
don't bother. These retards don't even know about OKW and Panzer Elite
Erwin Rommel had to come to Egypt to salvage the situation. Truly independent.
so why do we have the Brits then?
>No one wants to play a theatre of war primarily about carrier warfare and airplanes
And brutal jungle/island warfare
Forgot that part? I'm sure you just forgot. Not like you'd purposely avoid it. Of course not.
i dont want to play a game set in the jungle. north africa is more interesting. luckily, most people share my opinion
>luckily, most people share my opinion
>Source - My gaping asshole
If you didn't like getting raped in the jungles, don't fight us there next time Mr. Nippon
source: the survey they put out where the noble and enlightened community let relic know that the pacific front was boring, stale, and completely out of the question. good defeated evil that day, thank god.
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> source: the survey they put out
yes - source: the survey the community put out
>can I see it
it came out years ago and was sent to emails. I took part in it and I'll go look for the email now
You know that you're not debunking anything, right?
American post.
I'm debunking the idea Italy is a great main faction for coh.
Yea man, it's not like those land conflicts were completely one-sided with a handful of tanks. Banzai faction not fun. As other poster said, the community already voted on it via a survey. It's not happening. You are the types who want a Croatian faction or Manchuko faction. Really?
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> I'm debunking the idea Italy is a great main faction for coh.
>i'm debunking italy as a main faction because the Germans provided some assistance to it, meanwhile Panzer Elite, OKW and DAK are totally fine as main factions despite just being a part of the Wehrmacht because... uh?
you might be wondering why im bumping this thread
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Kradschutzen, my beloved
>dat vet1 targeting buff

Jfc the way infantry melt when they're debuffed by the tracers is so nice. Why do people seem to sleep so hard on this? It's a lot of micro to keep alive but holy shit it's fun when it works
Fuck your nigga bikes. They actually good if someone micros them well. But it's a question of how long can you keep it alive.
I've managed quite a few vet3 krads, although tbf I'm at around 1100 ELO... I'm sure at high level play they'd just get shit on. I like keeping them a little way behind my other units as a pseudo MG, so unless there's an ATG around it can still bully without too much risk. It's so fast that as long as you don't screw up your own inputs like me (reeeee) you can keep it out of danger pretty easily. Also, the massive sight range when it's stationary means anything you screen it with will be able to shoot at their max range if you position them well.
I really like DAKs design overall, stuff like that is super neat.
Surprised you can keep doing this Strat at 1100.
i do so much better as DAK than brits simply because i have a mobile unit that is devoted to capping from the midgame onwards.

i'm too OCD about making sure all might fightan units are doing the fightan, and don't build a second sapper (i go mg, section, dingo, section, section) so my lone sapper is usually out repairing shit or planting mines.

i generally have fighting phases and capping phases. when i'm fighting everyone is putting the work in, then when i'm capping i'll hold the contested VP with a skeleton crew while everyone else caps.

with DAK i just permanently have a capping unit regardless thanks to the krad.
To be fair I lose the krad half the time, but I like trying to keep it in fights early game and transition it to back capping/giving vision or supporting easy engagements once light vehicles come out. Until that point its a bit of a glass cannon monster that can just eternally kite infantry and team weapons and reapply debuffs while your infantry plink them to death with stupid high accuracy.

It feels a bit unfair that axis both get really good capping/scout units right off the bat (kettens spot toggle is also stupid good), but it makes sense in terms of asymmetrical balance.
I find myself wanting to do the opposite with sappers most of the time, they're almost as crazy as sturmpioneers were in 2. they melt faces at close range and even get frag nades without needing to tech at vet1, which is weird but amazing. But yeah, most of the time I get forced to put them on Matilda repair duty or mining which is a shame. If I'm having a good game and they're free for combat they're very satisfying.
I don't know if it's because we're still in the 'figuring out the meta' phase or not but balance is surprisingly good overall for such a rocky launch. I have fun with every faction except USF which just feels too janky to enjoy for me
The game is a vfx/audio pass away from being legit the best in the series. They've fixed all the most egregious shit, there's plenty of maps and faction variety.

It still feels a bit sterile though, but with a vfx/audio tune up I'll be happy with it.
can tanks run over infantry yet?
Quick match Mignano Summit, everyone builds artillary, anything stationary is destroyed, aggressive play with close range infantry necessary, indestructible townhouse buildings. VP points next to base, so games end by surrender.

Brass league players only can only build units, any mount are micro will beat them.
They really weren't. The Italians were the majority of Axis forces in Africa the entire time, and it wasn't until Tunisia that there was a significant German contingent deployed. There's a reason it's called the Afrika Corps - it's a CORPS, as in THREE divisions (15th and 21st Panzer, 90th Light). The idea the Italians should just be support units rather than a full faction is just the devs being terrified of branching out in any way whatsoever. They've been having the Axis faction be nothing but Nazis for nearly 20 years now and by fucking God they're not about to do anything different now.

The game should always have been Africa-focussed and had the Germand and Italians as the tow Axis factions. They included Italy as a setting so they could bump the timeline up (thus being able to include later war weapons - again, terrified of changing anything) and also justify having two German factions again (an Africa one and a Continental one) instead of Italy.
Your whole post is just bad and wrong.
The africa corps was an ARMY corps. There were around 100k german soldiers in North Africa at their peak. Italy deployed considerably less than that in their initial invasion and then withdrew a considerable amount back to Italy when things went poorly, including a few divisions that were sent to the eastern front.

The exact composition of a corps is fluid but in modern terms it's an ad hoc formation of divisions organized for a specific task that aren't directly under army-level command. Most divisions in WW2 were not part of corps and were instead directly part of army formations, but that's a moot point anyways because the africa corps had around 10-12 divisions worth of manpower throughout the campaign, plus another several added as reinforcements after el alamein.
where did you pull the 100k German number from?
> the africa corps had around 10-12 divisions worth of manpower throughout the campaign
No, it didn't. It had three German divisions, the entire time. All the other Axis divisions were Italian. You're making shit up.
I've never seen someone get confidently more wrong with each word
There is equal chance of an Italian faction, than a Canadian, Indian, or Australian faction.
>11pm AEST
>Game is infested with chinks, Russians and sub prestige 1 players that spam AT guns and mgs then quit when it all gets wipe by a single mortar
>nebelwerfs your team weapon blob
Heh, nothing personnel

On that note, I really hope they get rid of that gay AI blob from the usf ranger battlegroup. It's just not interesting to play against. Im forced to either waste a barrage from a nebel or Stuka, or watch them just sit in front of an MG getting suppressed. I dont really see the use as usf, though I suppose it's a good way to probe a less defended area/take aggro.
It's basically an 'I'm a shitter who doesn't want to micro so much' button.
is there a bot plague in coh2 or something? i just witnessed 4 games with extremely inhuman behavior, no doctrines, no new units, almost no reinforcing, it's like a wintrading script
yes, if they're pinned
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Death To Timmy
Learn to place mines and tank Traps you lazy ass Niggers
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Yes but they are called the Chinese
This tbqhwyf
Mines win games. Luv one shotting Humbers and M1 HTs with the Dak Teller. DO NOT REDEEM THE MINE SAAR
Chinese are so easy to beat. All they do is blob.
I'm frustrated with having them on my team for this reason. 4 white players vs me and 3 chinks will always be a loss, unless they leave because AI is unironically better than them and I might have a chance
Any good meme strats? I know people used to spam fallpios a bit, but i think they nerfed it. Kind of want to try something off-meta or silly.
Assault engineers with bar and flamethrower
PPSH penals
Infiltration units that are solely used on cutoff sectors (commandos are great for this because they can demo cache's)
222 spam
Su76 spam (with ambush camoflage this is actually pretty broken)
Puma spam into midgame gg
Care you explain how the PPSH penals is supposed to be decent? Penals seem to be terrible up close.
So how do I British? Are Churchills worth going for? Aussie bg feels pretty weak.
Brits are fine. We're on an allies patch right now so they're generally doing really well.
Aussies are the meta BG for them. Mainly the aussies themselves start off mid but scale insanely with veterancy, becoming the strongest inf in the game. Buy them early so they can vet up quickly. Then you rush the Archer, which is your 'no fun allowed' vehicle that shuts down enemy vehicle play. Screen it with your own vehicles so it doesn't get dived.

The Churchill battlegroup is alright. Its main issue is that it doesn't really give you much until the AA crusader, so you have a weaker earlygame compared to other bgs. Churchills themselves are slow (the slowest vehicle in the game) which makes them vulnerable to just having a loiter dropped on them or just shut down by a flak 88 in a good position. The Indian bg is probably the best one to play starting out, as it's just straightforwardly strong with good options and a manpower discount to help you grind out games. Gurkha's will beat any axis infantry man to man and the heavy mortar callin is really efficient and hard counters earlygame axis weapon team spam.
My aussies are always pushed around by everything and they don't have nades so they don't get to enjoy veterancy.
Usually, I go for over repair first but I'm going to try rushing archer now.
Out of the box Aussies are just a generic medium-range squad comparable to other earlygame infantry. The key is that they get Infantry Training from the training center, then improved damage output and accuracy with their weapon upgrade. Each tier of veterancy buffs their active ability, which goes from being a slightly overpriced mark target to being an instant model snipe that then gives them huge DPS buffs against the target squad. Once they hit vet 2 they become a hard-counter to expensive elite squads like Guastatori or Stormtroopers. At vet 3 they can duel any other infantry at equal vet and come out on top.

Infantry training gives almost enough xp to hit 1st vet instantly but also boosts vet gain, which makes it really easy to vet up any british infantry as long as you're actually putting them in combat. Just remember to also grab a squad or 2 of normal Sections in your army composition because Aussies have no AT.
budget shock troops, you never go for PPSH penals are the main draw but because they're an addition to some doctrine. They're better than PPSH Cons (now, after countless nerfs) at the close range duty but that's not an achievement by itself
PPSHes as standalone weapons are one of the best (if not THE best) SMGs in the game
Yeah their active is incredible for guaranteed finishing off a retreating squad, the amount of times I've killed the last one or two models using sharpshooter is great. Suddenly you can guarantee the massive loss of manpower + vet, especially if you're finishing off elite inf.
they are not. That other anon is memeing or retarded. Ppsh Conscripts are botb cheaper and can sprint to close the distance. On top of that you can get svt conscripts from the same doctrine + airborne guard who can get ppsh for free, so there's literally no reason to go ppsh penal. It's a meme strat fit against some rank 4 chink and nothing else.
>Wants off meta meme strats
>Complains when he's given an off meta meme strat
I was thinking of the fact it keeps the satchel and gets that ability to take less damage the more squad members they lose at vet 1 which I imagined would be really OP for a smg unit
I usually play brits in coh2. Russians are my hardest matchup. They are so much more felxible even without doctrines in the equation. I know their conscript damage is not spectacular up close, but theu can always afford to close the gap with my tommies. Also, their engineera with a flame thrower make for an actually useful combat unit. T70 is increidbly useful against infantry, it guarding points is no where near the waste of the AEC doing similar.
AEC is a mobile Pak, ability included, that's its' entire role
For anti-infantry vehicles you need either UC shenanigans or a Valentine

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