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Let us not forget Magnasanti:the largest and most terrifying dystopian city in the history of SimCity.
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Dystopian? It's what the free market wants, are you one of those communist 'walkable cities' guys I hear so much about?
Is there a reason why there hasn't been another Magnasanti made in one of the more recent city builders? I think Magnasanti was in SC2000, which was already not the most recent SimCity for its time, and since then we've had all sorts of city builders pop up, and yet nothing has been made on the scale and popularity of Magnasanti.
There are literally no roads in Magnasanti. It's a socialist utopia.

It's SC3K. I think SimCity 4 had smaller plots, you couldn't build a city as large in a single one (a region would have been much larger, though). I'm pretty sure SimCity 2013 and both Cities Skylines similarly max out at smaller city-sizes. There are plenty of videos on youtube about people making ridiculous things on Cities Skylines, though.
Going back to SimCity 4, I wonder how big a population you'd get from maximally developing all the sections in a completely flat region map.
Sim City 4 focused on multi-plot cities, Cities Skylines and all other newer city builders were either not popular or aren't as "gamey" as SC2000. You can't really do Magnasanti in C:S because it's more random and doesn't really allow the pure mathematical perfectionism of older games.
A big issue is also that Cities Skylines is very heavily restricted by the engine. There are effective limits on how many buildings you can have and how many of your citizens can actually be simulated (75,000 which is responsible for Cities Skylines not really simulating big cities that well since once you hit that number you'll never have more traffic in the city ever, so ironically the game gets easier on your planning the longer you go), meaning the soft-cap of vanilla Cities Skylines is somewhere around 500 thousand, pushable to maybe a million, but the simulation starts to break pretty quickly. You can't really perfectly efficiently fill a map because you'll get stopped before that happens.
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all of earth should look like this
What is dystopian about Magnasanti?
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But enginecucks told me Unity is fine for strategy games.
It's a dystopia in the sense that when a competent government exerts control and the citizens obey without contest it creates a utopia.
This is a liberal nightmare, hence dystopia.
>75,000 which is responsible for Cities Skylines not really simulating big cities that well since once you hit that number you'll never have more traffic in the city ever
I thought the limit for vehicles and pedestrians was 15,000.
I always thought this was a pretty interesting infographic.
well, at least it didn't visualize it as a number of burgers or football stadiums
It's a city where everything works perfectly.

This is impossible, therefore one can naturally assume something sinister is going on.
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The limit can be lower if your cpu is bad
I originally saw that image, or one like it, on some website where they were demonstrating how bullshit coruscant would be in star wars. How even if you use modern population densities and expand that to covering a whole planet you're talking about hundreds of billions, even a trillion + at the low end of the spectrum, and the basic practical limitations, like a waste management system that can handle that much diverse ayy lmao piss and shit, how to get fresh water and food in, and trash out, and then pointing out that if you packed that many people that tightly together, you'd fry to death from the collective body heat (seriously). And then consider that in universe these people are in a city where even slums are kilometer tall superstructures. Hell, it was based on trantor, which was mild in comparison and even then they make a big fucking point about how it requires a constant stream of supplies from a dozen different worlds that exist as giant industrial agriculture planets devoted just to providing them bread, and if there was a minor delay in any shipment it meant a bunch of people starving.
your body works, is there something sinister about that?
A catastrophe waiting to happen.
An anomaly, in a system where bad is the norm and good the exception - much like a city.
Everything that isn't a utility is a uniform side-by-side monolithic tower block, resembling (sort of but not really) Soviet-era commie blocks, and visions of future hellish urban hellhole hive-cities popular in fiction. But mostly it was just the creator really hamming it up and describing it as a dystopia and everybody following his lead.. Well, I wouldn't like to live there but that's just me. There's no green spaces and everybody is living in identikit apartment blocks but that's hardly dystopian, just merely unpleasant.

Actually, the population would up to quadrillions or even quintillions. You would need some bullshit scifi tech to get rid of the heat. Food can be processed underground, though. No need for extraplanetary imports when you can grow food underground with high tech.
think of how good the house prices would be given such density
Absolute nonsense, with modern population densities people aren't dying from collective body heat RIGHT NOW, it's incredible you just ate that up. Of course if you built upwards then there would be problems but that's not what you said. The rest is just logistics, If we spoke to a medieval smoothbrain like you they'll say exactly the same thing about our modern cities (and their own cities) and they'll be right, so what? They still exist. There's a clear economical and political imperative from the highest and lowest levels of society to make sure mass starvation doesn't happen in cities..

Ways to layout a city so that they suddenly and explosively grow perfectly without any input had been around for a long time back then (I've forgotten what they're called). So in order to spice things up the dude made some schizo rambling and city patterns to a background of moody music to spice things up. When this hit the meme space this schizo filler translated into "le distopian lel".

He's correct. The combined body heat would cook everyone alive once you reach a critical number of people. People routinely underestimate how populated city-wide planets would be, especially when they imply nothing but skyscrapers and multi-levels. Examples such as Trantor have a population lower than Germany and no justification for being so urbanized with such low population numbers (Isaac Asimov noticed it later).
Not with modern population densities.
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Yes, yes, beautiful. HOWEVER
Very well, very well indeed....BUT!
What do they eat?
The line would just keep going up.
>your body works
Not perfectly
>doesn't really allow the pure mathematical perfectionism of older games.
Also worse performance.
It was forgotten about since we now live in little magnasanti's across the western world.
>High levels of pollution in the atmosphere along with “cementification” of urban areas, side-effects of human activities, and the excess of asphalted areas (low albedo) in comparison to green areas cause the urban heat island phenomenon: temperature difference between cities and suburban or rural areas is determined by this phenomenon (2–5 °C; Taha, 1997).
Cities are quantifiably hotter with the way we build them right now. Who knows how bad it would be with Coruscant levels of urbanisation. Especially the depth.
In the author's words:

There are a lot of other problems in the city hidden under the illusion of order and greatness--suffocating air pollution, high unemployment, no fire stations, schools, or hospitals, a regimented lifestyle--this is the price that these sims pay for living in the city with the highest population. It's a sick and twisted goal to strive towards. The ironic thing about it is the sims in Magnasanti tolerate it. They don't rebel, or cause revolutions and social chaos. No one considers challenging the system by physical means since a hyper-efficient police state keeps them in line. They have all been successfully dumbed down, sickened with poor health, enslaved and mind-controlled just enough to keep this system going for thousands of years. 50,000 years to be exact. They are all imprisoned in space and time.
see >>1748518
Things look fine.

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