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I've recently finished the orc campaign.
It was pretty good. Quite easy to cheese(at least on normal difficulty) but then again so was Warcraft 2. It still has its bugs like the game crashing every 2nd time you load but otherwise nothing too serious.
Looking forward to the human campaign and the others that will come.

What did you think of it?
I hate those models.
Otherwise I have no opinions.
I feel the passion in it (i.e. remodeling the buildings and unit to look like WC2, using WC2 music, etc), but everything also feels very cheap (i.e. Stiff animations, reuse of models, etc). Also I felt some parts of it could of been left out or expanded beyond the humble homage of the original, as naval combat sucked in general for both WC2 and WC3:FT.
To be fair naval combat was such a defining part of WC2 that they couldn't just outright delete it.
But it's true that it's janky, like for example loading all your troops in transport ships often requires several clicks. Also it does feel like the AI doesn't know what to do with the naval mechanic at times.
How would you expand upon it though?
Something like a naval hero would of been nice, as lost isles is just you transporting units from island to island and sea battle is bit tacked on. Although I do credit them for giving ships abilities at least.
I can see Daelin Proudmoore and his ship becoming a hero
>reuse of models
you mean like how the human houses and villagers are the same?
Or how the grunts use the original reforged one as base? Or how Utok uses Gar'thok's mace?
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Not really. I meant like how all the custom units and characters use share the limited base models. For example in the opening scene while their equipment are different, Orgrim, Rend, and Main are basically built on the same model (which is young Thrall I think).
I can see that now that you mention it
I suppose it's way easier to use an existing model as base rather than making one from scratch
I don't like how they lean in the movie designs
I really hate how they went with World of Warcraft designs. Too many bits on everything that don't make any sense. Basic grunts and footmen are way too ornate.
Refunded was such a colossal fuck up, it's amazing people are still trying to salvage it
>Refunded was such a colossal fuck up
Says actually nobody that shitty goysoy Youtubers/Livestreamers bitches.
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They are making a Warcraft 1 remake too
I applaud their dedication, but honestly WoW retconned WC1 lore is like kinda retarded and lame though (and it was already kinda sparse to begin with)... and seeing it in cinematic will feel more retarded. We're gonna see the half-orc chick kill the king awkwardly...
>Warcraft 1
Shouldn't the orcs have more demonic features like red eyes?
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They do...ish. But, yeah they should have Grom level glowies.
>Sees the Orcish runeblade
>Remembers that nuBlizz say those runes aren't Orcish
>Just as Scourge buildings aren't of Ajol-Nerub
>Fuck nuBlizz
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They do but it's kind of hard to see it with the grunt
They should have red glowing eyes like they do in the original icon or Grom posted above
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I'm not the only one who thinks the grunt looks absolutely nothing like either the original sprite, portrait, or manual art right?
It's reforged trash
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It looks more like a WC2 cinematics grunt than a WC1 grunt.
I cba to search for it, where can I get the crack for HD assets? I've got the original frozen throne copy since 2005 but I never dared to give them a dime for the abortion that was reforged
would like to try out this campaign
I think you can just extract from WC3:Re using Retera's Model Studio.

One thing that came to me while searching this is that Blizzard still haven't finished & fixed several unit models from launch, and effectively forced the modding community to wipe their shit. WTF, this company's scum level is off the chart.
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But will we get this cutie?
That's an orc, the daughter of the orc chieftain from wc1
What a beauty
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>Warcraft's first orc woman
>Is never mentioned in any other future installment(except one novel), even in the expansion where we go to a past Draenor
Is there an ETA on the human campaign?
First part will come out this year
Screenshots like these remind me that CRTs had lost arcane-tech anti-aliasing. It's just not the same on LCD/IPS.
>"Blizzard community and companie does very well in the lore department, be promise"
Kinda interesting that she was forbade to drink the blood of Mannoroth. So effectively one of the few orcs that was free from bloodlust for a time.

Could of tie-in/retcon for Rexxar, but no Blizzard didn't do that...
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>didn't drink the blood
>still has green skin and red eyes
I was confused about this too apparently the demonic influence spreads like miasma after the orcs forsaked shamanism, and even non-drinkers turn green when nearby of drinkers and already green. The only guys who stayed brown and dusty were the completely isolated like the quarantined of Mag'har.

Obviously there's stupid retcons and contradictions as Blizzard lore that I may be not aware of though.
Durotan and other Frostwolves didn't drink the blood either but their skin turned green anyways due to exposure

That's apparently not canon in the movie where they're still brown but it's canon in the main lore last time I checked.

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