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What went wrong?
nigger with blue hair and bmwf on all the promo material
changing your culture multiple times throughout the game is just.... dumb
It actually is a good idea, the problem is implementation. Rather than going from Gaul to Franks to France, you go from Egypt to China to America, and your civilization has zero identity. Each civilization could easily have been given its own series of options on whether it wanted to be economic, military, or science in a given era; but that's not politically correct enough so enjoy your random Indian tribe.
it could've been cool but it was executed so poorly and was too shallow in the long run to merit a second playthrough
This, cultures lack personality.
This, but also this >>1751300.
The idea was good on paper. A TCG-style "draft" for specific civilization bonuses which gives players tactical choice to reach the next age to get first dibs or to stay behind to get more victory points.
I know it makes sense that cultures change, lose, or keep traits moving from the ages. However, starting from Olmecs to Celts to Mongols to Maasai to Mexicans to Japanese is WTF. Like it would of made sense to not name them after real cultures and just give them generic titles like "nomad," "war-like," etc.
You don't have to, tho. When i pirated it, and played my only game in it, i stayed Egyptian entire game.
That's legit tactic I guess, because you get more victory points and CPU are dumb as fuck.
Tried to be a pozzed civ 6 clone instead of focusing on making a good game.
that's basically leftists wet dream and goal...a tasteless identit-less multicultural society
Should of made endless legends 2. To give credit though the music was okay as ambience.
Why do names even matter that much? Can't you just stop being autistic instead?
>Not caring about basic communication protocols that everyone shares on the planet
>Calls everyone else autistic
Not everyone calls those things the same names yet they are still the same. Why does calling them nomad or sailors or samurai or something make them different to you? Should they have just used another language to name them? Written the names in Endless font instead?
There's more to life than pretending to be stupid on the internet. I don't know why you feel the need to do this, but I hope things get better for you
Imagine if they did this with actual choices. Franks could become Burgundy or France. Iberia could become Portugal or Spain and so on. Could also have something like when you change civs maybe part of your nation splits off and becomes the other option and you get more interactions between similar civilizations or something.

But nope, gotta just reduce every civilization of history to a few statlines and everyone rushes to pick the best one with no rhyme or reason.
it is very fucking schizophrenic to watch your neighbours change rapidly
Humankind turned out to be Humank-ACKED
What were they thinking? I mean I want nation progression unlike CIV games, where you control the US from the tribal stage, but this race change is just plain dumb.
It's hard to tell. Executive meddling from Snoy? The fact Amplitude's games main strengths were in their worldbuilding and making a game set on not-Earth nullifies that? Lack of fish mafiosa titties?
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Why are french like this
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Historically accurate.
They're stolen British guns.
In the game they just invent it without any british
I like how there is no attempt at creativity at all in the gun design.
Why would there be? When mass producing, there are very limited design options to streamline costs and production time. Fancy cannon designs are for fantasy games.
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To be fair, Howitzers were kinda bland in real life too, but I get what you mean. I think it's because they needed to have multiple versions of this picture (hence to "V2" in >>1751455), so they had to keep it generic as possible.
You're not wrong, I just hate it when everything becomes generified in later eras in Civ games. You could make the same argument about their clothes. Why would a culture capable of mass production not also have mass produced clothes?
Civ3 had a nice thing with leader portraits change each era to show period appropriate clothes. By the industrial era everyone is in a suit and tie.
Soul, even if it could be a little wonky. Almost like a reward for making it that far into the game.
True. There is also an argument in that, rather than wasting time on making multiple versions of unit portraits resource could of been put into more customization of the avatar to CIV3 level (because they're also bland as fuck in this game).
throne room was kino too
It's a perspective thing.
You whine that cultural progression is unrealistic, but why do you play CIV where you control a single country from the tribal era?
Of course not, they traded for them.
You thought they gave away slaves for free?
It's not gonna be realistic, civilization fully understands that and works on boardgame logic.

The thing is that the dudes you play have no identity in this game. They turned civs into just a set of bonuses.
I wouldn't call casting aside one's established culture and instantly replacing it with a completely different one but somehow just as established "progression". Civ's immortal god kings do often get humourously poked at but yeah, they are far less jarring to an average person than Humankind's "selling point".
After making some well-received, albeit flawed, games, where some of the most significant praise came for how unique and interesting the various factions and playstyles could be, Amplitude decided to make a game that is actively devoid of personality outside of an irritating narrator. This, combined with one of the WORST fucking advertisement campaigns I've ever seen and the typical issues with Amplitude games, resulted in a title that failed to make waves in its introduction and wasn't good enough to generate fans after the launch.
My first impression of the game was that it almost felt like an anti-Amplitude 4X game: the only varieties you can get from the game are the civilizations you tech up into, and these choices boil down to "do you take the objectively superior nation bonuses or gimp yourself for LARP?" The game also had some wack-ass ideas for victory conditions; you were encouraged to unga bunga in low-tech eras for as long as possible instead of teching up for the sake of style points, and on launch, the only way to win the game was to either conquer everyone (which was a chore to do because of the way winning a war works) or through points. You could be the most advanced, powerful, and prosperous nation on the planet and lose to someone living in mud huts because they hunted for achievements while you were actually nation-building.
Hilariously, the combat was actually good for a 4X, and was better than any other Amplitude game's combat by a country mile. Shame the rest of the game is such a mess.
This shit is all so absurd.
>Civ's immortal god kings
It is worth to point out that humankind's generic avatar is the same; unchanging.
>You whine that cultural progression is unrealistic
We aren't really bitching about cultural progression in itself, rather how the aesthetic choice that the devs took (force mashing IRL cultures; some historically far separated from each other) were alienating and unattractive. It's like a ugly post-modernist building.
If it's not gonna be realistic it better at least be mechanically interesting. Humankind's system is neither, they reduced the simgle most important choice you make in a game, and the spurce of the greatest variety betwee games, to just another "pick what minor bonus you need this second" event.
Mostly woman and non-eurasian population, but we can't take away the responsability eurasian man had to reach the stars and instead decided to leave things to rot
Those are Zulus, I'm pretty sure.
It's arguably more jarring than Civ's immortal leaders because the Humankind avatars constantly switch outfits. Your generic white guy leader will suddenly decide to dress like a tribal African.
>dev: amplitude, makes buggy games and outsources DLC to the lowest bidder
>dev: amplitude, can make *some* art when it's a fantasy setting but largely underwhelming and underfunded... now has to be imaginative with the setting of "We have Civ at home"
>"What if we made this for everyone of every sex, age, skin, and orientation, i.e. put a fugly enough to make transgenders look female mixed race blue haired self entitled student girl in the televised trailer" whilst ignoring demographics for nerdy number board games
>literally ran out of mudhut nations on release and had to pick bad ones to save half of the only viable options for DLCs
>literally made some modern African civs mudhut nations, it's progressive to regress!
>literally couldn't not give Europeans MULTIPLE civs throughout history, e.g. Celts->English->Brits OR Scots->Americans OR Australians
>Latin America DLC displays the civs there REGRESSING until whites show up and suddenly they're pale skinned and industrial
>can literally play CARIBBEAN PIRATES, a non-existent societal offshoot of EUROPEANS
>the world ending to pollution is just... not interesting... and badly tacked onto the game last minute... Civ's global warming was fun despite the brown Greta Thunberg cinematic IIRC
>disgustingly expensive still after all this time
I'm not sure it failed. It had about half/a third of Civ's playerbase at peak and probably not that many refunds.

I find its description of some civs funny though:
>The Bantu move fast, farm well, and MAKE FRIENDS wherever they go. Perhaps the markets can wait.

It also has Amplitude's normal problem of making a numbers-go-up game that isn't particularly balanced and was probably impossible to thanks to how many stacking modifiers you can get.
>"You can take the man out of the jungle..."
Mudhut men using technology just doesn't look right. What do the """"industrial era"""" hawaiians look like with this stuff?
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I just realised it was probably the worst thing to do to put a mixed race girl in the trailer and pretend this is for those rootless people - they feel no belonging to any history or culture, thanks to being an amalgam. They are constantly reminded in their lives, equally by others being racist and stepping on eggshells, that they are not one of either identity. And when the game presents them with these ancient cultures... they are told you are either Nigerian or British, Chinese or Indian, not both. You cannot be both. A both doesn't exist.

It's like male and female choices to the eyes of a transgender. This game is filled with so many examples of being anti-progressive despite that being the entire character of the game, to be le heckin' progressive with the only approved chud empire being the Soviets (not sure if the Chinese are approved of, I know some middle class Chinesians are offended at being called communist but love their flag).
What's funny is Civilization 3 handled multi-ethnic cities better than this game. Culture in Humankind is like clothing.
gay french faggots
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Which is strange because both endless space and endless legends prior to this also had a better systems for assimilating other cultures (gameplay-wise it even encourages you to do so).
Meh... Still better than the other French faggots.
Frenchoids have been on the globohomo train for far longer than everyone, scratch that, they literally invented it lol, what else did people expect?
It's not even the French. I bet Civ7 is similarly woke garbage. 5 and 6 were already on the snide side of leftist wank.
>these different things have different names but they're actually the same thing
so it's okay to call people niggers? i mean, it's just a name
Its called Humankind with a cover of diverse and multicultural people, everyone knew it was going to be shit just from that and didnt play lmao.
>Culture in Humankind is like clothing.
To these people, clothing and ethnic restaurants is pretty much the depth of their understanding about culture.
Sounds good.

All division is bad. Better to have a world of peace and joy where everybody lives in union.
It is literally all culture actually amounts to.

If you ask a person what they like about a specific culture, they will never have a answer. Because there really isn't one.
I thought the game had a lot of good ideas, but the DLC model didn't really grab my interest so I rarely, if ever, came back to the game.

I feel a lot of games suffer from the modern dlc approach rather than a few large expansions. Especially considering just adding more cultures would break the already questionable balance even more.
Why not being able to change/pick 1 trait from your neighbours every tot time (based on your interaction with them)? Romans did it all the time but they didn't simply morphed into chinese because they had no contact with them
Mostly because it's nowhere near as fun as being able to radically change your gameplay. The most fun I personally ever had was early Hun/Mongol rushes followed by settling down into a ecenomic superpower. That is the part where the game excelled.
this. the complaints about culture swapping in this game always struck me as crypto-nationalist
that's not to say that culture transitions as implemented in the game isn't aesthetically a problem though
I don't think you know what culture means
Culture are transmissible (as in, can be taught or copied) activities, customs, or beliefs. The problem is that almost everyone on Earth has a native culture, and while it is common for us to be exposed to and partake in other cultures, that was not true for much of human history.
Doesn't this simply devolve in a couple meta strays being used?
my god you people type like you're giant fucking faggots
What? Ain't nothing to do with us. Civilization and its clones fully subscribe to the liberal/fascist view of the world.
they all were, for its time
You know you don't need to keep repeating propaganda tropes the USSR invented to cope with the existence of Nazi Germany, right?
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>that's not to say that culture transitions as implemented in the game isn't aesthetically a problem though
I agree, would have been better if you could choose your aesthetic every time you swapped culture.

Somewhat, part of the issue with the game is that a lot of cultures were really weak due to the game mechanic being kind of mediocre (Gold was the big one I remember). However, I think, in theory it could work simply because only one person can pick a culture. It's why I had no interest in them adding more cultures. It's not really like Civ where adding more playable Civs is always a bonus. The balance, to whatever extent it would be there, relies on a limited number of cultures.
Do you?

>that was not true for much of human history.
It depends. You got a lot of weird cases, like the various Hellenic states post Alexander. You also have things like Christianity being common all over Europe.

Anyway, I very much ascribe to the memetic concept of culture.
Imagine being so mad, you make threads about how mad you are two years after the world forgot the game exists.
Imagine in the process ignoring why and how the game is actually bad, as opposed as the reason why you're mad
While most people talk about how the game itself wasn't that fun, there was another huge thing which made Humankind not fun - the fact that it looked like ass.
The whole map would turn grey when you zoomed out, and the colors of the map made it more hazy and hard to decipher than Civ 6.

The only way Humankind could have succeeded in being a historical 4X game that wasn't Civilization was if they appealed to those who loved Civ 5 but weren't into Civ 6, and usually that was because of art style and graphics.
But the UI and the art design choices of Humankind were so fucking bad that they made Civ 6 look like Civ 5.

So ultimately, there was no market for the game. Everyone who liked historical 4X games would one Civilization game or another.
maybe you are retard?
I didn't know Benny's ruling coalition was "propaganda".
Looks very globohomo, so I think I can guess what went wrong.
Yeah, I saw that video too.
the name should tell you everything. they went out of their way not to say Man. speaks volumes .
>This is your brain on being EOL
>If you ask a person what they like about a specific culture, they will never have a answer.
Your point, and reddit spacing, implies you're, as they say, toxic and arguing in "bad faith". A specific culture that I can't say I like much of.
I like that I don't need to bribe someone to get something done, I like modesty that rejects getting tattoos, I like a language that's not as atrocious as German or even Finnish. Did you know that a lot of the world doesn't believe in independence of family members or their property? I like cultures that do. They're the more advanced ones too.
>the complaints about culture swapping in this game always struck me as crypto-nationalist
The French do seem to not know if they do or don't want an identity.
Sweetie, it's Mankind.
If there wasn't the blue ginger knock-off in front, I would of told anon that's overthinking it... Yet, that is not the timeline we are in.
Also why do the west try to eradicate red heads? There's like zero in the OP's picture
cant help but notice a correlation between all bad high budget games

Well that poster looks like Marxist propaganda so that’s one thing
Last time I've checked, it was Humanité, but what do I know...
If the correlation is anything else than
>A rush job by half-competent team that was out of their depths when designing game mechanics and then didn't even have proper amount of time to bug-fix, not to mention playtest the shitfest they've made just to fulfill the quota and make the end date
you might be letting niggers living rent free in your head.
But hey, you seem to be doing just fine, still being mad about the boogeyman you've made for yourself.
>Endless Space, Endless Legends, Dungeon of the Endless, Endless Space 2
So many words just to say you are malding about that statement.
>So-so space 4X, Terrible sci-fi fantasy game, Dogshit game, Somewhat improved space 4X
Wow, the track record! I wonder what would happen if you take their formula, remove questing and leave behind just the bare 4X...
Oh, right, we actually got to see that.

Also, get your story straight
So which one is it?

Humankind, like all Amplitude games, has terrible design and poorly thought out mechanics. Unlike other Amplitude games, it doesn't have colourful factions nor intense questing to cover that up. And the launch state of the game was beyond abysmal.
But I guess it's all due to the evil SJW pandering, and not just Amplitude trying to make their own Civ without realising they are removing the only redeeming elements from their gameplay loop and living behind only the bad shit.
The fact there are people trying to argue this in 2024 is mindboggling.
Weren't even the dude who started the argument with you. Just noticing your argument is shit and still is.
>as they say, toxic and arguing in "bad faith

>I like that I don't need to bribe someone to get something done
1: You absolutely do. I don't even need to know where you live to figure that out. 2: That has nothing to do with culture, it's ecenomic circumstance.

>I like modesty that rejects getting tattoos,
Where do you live? Saudi Arabia? Most cultures, period, have people getting a fuck ton of tattoos.

> I like a language that's not as atrocious as German or even Finnish.
So it's literally skin deep to you? A purely aesthetical preference?

>Did you know that a lot of the world doesn't believe in independence of family members or their property?
Which is a question of law. If you want to argue that laws are culture then your entire argument is even weirder. Laws change constantly. WAY more often than cultures swap in a game like Humankind.
>The fact there are people trying to argue this after 1991 is mindboggling.
Yes anon, it was the blue-haired nigress in the ads. If they put bearded blond male, the game would sell like cupcakes. For we know the content of the game doesn't matter one fucking bit in its failure, right?
>Yes anon, it was the blue-haired nigress in the ads. If they put bearded blond male, the game would sell better.*
Fixed up your willful mental retardation.
>For we know the content of the game doesn't matter one fucking bit in its failure, right?
Incorrect. Content matters, but marketing also matters. And visual design is content in an audio-visual media like video games.
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>Gameplay is shit
>Performance is shit
>But it's the fault of visuals and ads
And let me guess - the only bad thing about the gameplay in your book was "muh culture mixing".
Oh boy. You're really bad at this. Let me help you.
>Gameplay is shit
>Performance is shit
>Visuals and ads are shit
>Their implementation of culture mixing is shit
There we go. Good luck in your next response.
it formed a trend going back to space kangz in el2, degenerated mutt art style of dungeon of the endless, to the awkward title of humankind, deliberate leftist vibe/dog whistle drove off their customers

i like(d) amplitude, i own everything they made before humankind, i’m not buying leftist dogshit, every other strategy game ripped off their mechanics so they can die now if they’d rather worship niggers than make good games
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>N-no, this game tanked, b-because ads
Nigger, we are literally discussing this game two years after premiere and year after total abandonment because of an ad campaign tailor made to trigger apes like you. For 20 million, thanks to a targetted ad campaign, they've squeezed almost tenfold via idiots like you
>b-but the game failed
Doesn't matter. I wouldn't even KNOW this game exists if retard faggots like you weren't obsessing over its ads those two years ago. You did exactly what was intended and it sold well enough to be a financial success. Congratulations, you've been had, and you are happy, too, because you can screech like a dumb yokel how "go woke go broke", except the game made bank SOLELY because of such retarded screeching.
But in a month, we are going to get yet another of those threads, with the same posts, likely by the same people, self-congratulating themselves on how they defeated the wokies by doing all the astroturfing for their money-making scheme.
As we do for past two fucking years.
Oh no. You failed at reading another post. This isn't good at all. This is awful.
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>it's ecenomic circumstance.
>Where do you live? Saudi Arabia? Most cultures, period, have people getting a fuck ton of tattoos.
>So it's literally skin deep to you? A purely aesthetical preference?
>If you want to argue that laws are culture then your entire argument is even weirder. Laws change constantly.
You continue with reddit spacing, you digest and retort in bullet points, you're incredibly hostile and your method of argument is to tell me I'm wrong both logically and morally, as if lives depend on it, akin to a vegan arguing over food politics. I'm not sure I heard of Saudi Arabia anywhere but reddit, where it is an obsession. I do not like your culture.
If culture cannot be tied to economic circumstance, you're denying spices as cultural for their use in food preservation and you're denying American jeans as cultural for their "economic circumstance". Perhaps saying "please" and "thank you" is an economic circumstance too and therefore invalid.
I'm not sure why I cannot say "I like, about most 20th century western cultures, tattoos being a taboo" in response to you asking me to say what I like, and why that makes me an oil Muslim.
I'm not sure why aesthetics aren't culture... do you know anything of iconoclasm? If you think I'm a Muslim, then surely you'd know about Muslim aesthetics, its mathematical choices, and its rejection of depicting people? Do you know about architecture?
Why do you think laws have nothing to do with culture?

You know nothing of your own culture and criticise its existence.
>You know nothing of your own culture and criticise its existence.
They don't call them "rootless cosmopolitans" for nothing.
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Blacks don't sell.
>you're incredibly hostile and your method of argument is to tell me I'm wrong both logically and morally,
No, mostly just logically. Which you are, by the way.

>as if lives depend on it,
No, not really. But stupidity should always be called out.

>you're denying spices as cultural for their use in food preservation
Food preservation is not cultural, you dolt. Nobody goes around saying "I want to eat spoiled food, because culturally."

>nd you're denying American jeans as cultural for their "economic circumstance".
That is a better example, actually. And if your fondness of culture does just come down to aesthetic then it's fine to admit as such.

>I'm not sure why I cannot say "I like, about most 20th century western cultures, tattoos being a taboo" in response to you asking me to say what I like
Because it's not real. It means either one of two things 1: You are so utterly disconnected from culture you somehow deluded yourself into thinking most people are against tattoos. 2: You don't actually like the culture but prefer a idealized version of it.

>I'm not sure why aesthetics aren't culture
They are, but this whole argument started off with this here:
>To these people, clothing and ethnic restaurants is pretty much the depth of their understanding about culture.
Which you now confirmed to be the case for you as well. Culture is literally nothing but aesthetic preference.

>Why do you think laws have nothing to do with culture?
Because Laws are often unrelated to culture. It's a complex subject in it's own right.

>You know nothing of your own culture and criticise its existence.
Says the person too cowardly to actually share from what culture they themselves are.
Some of the best selling games of the last few years have featured blacks in prominent rolls.
>It formed a trend
Yeah, one of success.
The ones that bait and switch.
There's a True Start Earth mod that restricts your choice of cultures to the ones that were historically located in the regions you control
Name a example.
Alan Wake 2, Spider Man 2
Spiderman Miles Morale sold jack shit. They had to display Peter prominently during SM2 marketing to sell copies.
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>Which you are, by the way.
>stupidity should always be called out.
>It's a complex subject in it's own right.
>Says the person too cowardly to actually share from what culture they themselves are.
When are you going back? No-one from here writes like this. (You)r culture is still worn on (You)r sleeve.

>spices aren't culture, but jeans are
>you can't like tattoos being taboo, b- because that's n- not real! Women were always inked, pierced and wearing dyke haircuts! Only Arabia has this culture! And even then it's nOt ReAl!
>culture is only aesthetics!
>laws are neither informed by nor inform culture!
You're just being a contrarian, here's your last (You). I don't think you even care about Humankind whether you think it's GOTY or trash.
Your original point was "Culture is just clothes and restaurants". Try to remember I nailed your culture in your first post without you posting clothes or your choice of overpriced salmonella.
>When are you going back?
To where? Oh, reddit.

Nobody talks like this on reddit either. It's a me thing.

>(You)r culture is still worn on (You)r sleeve.
It's fitting somebody with no understanding of culture would misculture me.

> I don't think you even care about Humankind whether you think it's GOTY or trash.
I thought it was a fine but flawed game with a poor dlc model that made me lost interest. Your argument was just retarded.

>Your original point was "Culture is just clothes and restaurants".
And you proved that when you were actually forced to explain what you liked about your culture.

>Try to remember I nailed your culture in your first post
Nope, you failed. Because you don't understand culture. How sad, right?
Neither game was a bait and switch. They prominently featured blacks and everybody went into it knowing you were going to play as a black character.

It sold fine and made a profit but underperformed. Typical video game situation. If we apply this same logic to games starring whites, we shouldn't see a single one anymore.
You know you don't have to keep parroting world war 2 propaganda right?
First thing I can see is that 'Mankind' is spelled wrong.
>Neither game was a bait and switch
This is my first post in the thread
I have not played Alan Wake 2 as the first was so terrible but this is the first mention of blacks in it, or of the player character being black, I have ever heard. I googled the game and there were no blacks on the first page of google images. I watched the trailer and it seems centered on a white man with one or two supporting black characters. If the main character of Alan Wake 2 is black it's a textbook bait and switch.
One of the weirdest things I recall was doing a full African cultures playthrough on a real earth map, starting in Egypt. All of my units had been as black-skinned as my leader the whole game until I reached the industrial era. Suddenly my rifle-militia units consisted of three black men and three white women for no apparent reason. It might sound trivial but it just took me out of the game trying to understand why my pan-african empire was suddenly full of white women everywhere as its soldiers. And I can't even ask about it without coming off as some race-weirdo.
Made for SP, and borderline unplayable for comp MP.
>Buy weapon
>Use it
Did they not teach you about this in school?
>black scientist hand in hand with viking shieldmaiden

they are mass produced. Look! they all wear the same thing from the oonga boonga store.
The one distinguishing featured it had was half-assed because there was no logical progression between civs.
isn't it great how nobody is interacting but those two
Too much imbalance between civs. Then the other issue is abstraction. Resources in any one tile will be anywhere from the single digits to the hundreds over the course of the game. It makes things impossible to plan.

And to be fair, I think that’s a good thing. The game does a really good job of simulating the federal level. You can’t concern yourself with individual farms, everything you do is going to be an overcorrection, and that’s kind of fun, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Everything else is good though. I really like how it handles resources, trade and international diplomacy. It just sucks that the core of the game is city planning and the city planning isn’t very good.
>It just sucks that the core of the game is city planning and the city planning isn’t very good.
The early beta with the girl I forgot the name of was a lot closer to civ and was better because of it. they later gutted it to the limited cities it has in release for ??? reasons.
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is this thing male or female
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trust le plan
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I booted it up again to see if the culture swap shit was cringe as a remember, and it was but it wasn't the only problem. Humankind is basically Endless Legend without any of the interesting anomalies, quest, or synergies. So it's overall a downgrade to EL player.
Like the pacing is slower, there's not much exciting random modifiers (i.e.winter, aurora, etc.), and not much unit types or the ability to customize them. A lot people are saying the saving grace is the good combat, but honestly it's not really that different from EL. I think the real key thing is that the battlefield terrain is a lot more interesting to fight in due to the terrain algorithm, and not really due to the combat system itself.
>What went wrong?
Your parents had a kid.
>misculture me
>And you proved that when you were actually forced to explain what you liked about your culture.
The dude literally explained how culture is a complex feature of human society and then you retardedly sidestep the whole argument by just focusing and cherrypicking his arguments to suit your retarded "hurr durr le culture le aesthetic" POV. For fuck sake you can't even convey how 99% of the world prefer to speak their native tongue.
I wish my country was as Nazi as Poland. They really did struggle to not only put two women on there and give one any sense of status, but it's so funny how the Poles have nothing tying them together beyond some horsemen playing dressup who aren't even uniquely Polish.
Excuse you, nazis wanted to remove Poland from existence
Poland collaborated with the Nazis.
uh huh
not really, main reason was that nazis were completely uninterested in giving poles even small amount of autonomy and quite bent on stomping them
main collaborators of nazi germany in poland were germans and jews
I was hyped for this as I greatly enjoyed endless legend 2. Then I saw danger hair mixed race couple and noped the fuck out. Gameplay doesn't matter if the politics put me off from playing it at all.
Did they make any money off of this, or was it just to grab easy DEI money?
I forgot where I saw an ad for this. Was it at any gamer award show?
The questionable art really made me nope out though. Why does the woman have blue hair? Why is the astronaut on the ground and suited up? Why is the viking dragging a scientist into battle? I could also comment on the female viking and the scientist being black, that feels too on the nose.
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Good idea. Very bad execution that bring nothing new to the table.
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>the switching of cultures with no connection to one another
>Pollution just being a number to end game without any other interesting downsides
>The annoying narrator
>cultures changing quickly before you can get used to or get that culture going.
>bland lifeless avatars

The game looks great, has nice art in it, music is good too. i love how vertical it is with cliffs, mountains, and valleys, Neolithic era lets you scout out your starting area before settling. combat is fun with how battles/sieges can take multiple turns and both sides can send more troops as reinforcements. Building districts and seeing your little starting shit-hut turn into a Megalopolis is cool

its a decent game thats screaming to be great, but some bad decisions are holding it back. once i played with a couple mods (can build previous era unique districts, and more stars needed to advance to next era) and disabled the narrator, i actually enjoyed the game. shame it sometimes gets stuck in combat and AI wont end its turn.
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its Idubz seeing his wife getting fucked by strangers (he likes to watch)

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