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Zoomers will never know the hell that is trying to play rts games on console
You think you had it bad...
anyone with sense won't know it because they didn't try it
The N64's retarded controller didn't help things
get off my site boomers
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It was actually pretty kino on the PS1.
Too bad console RTS gets a bad rap due to forceful ports of PC titles. Some of the more console only ones are okay (although you have to be liberal on the 'RTS' category).
Basically lived on the PS2 version of AoE2 until I came across a friend that could burn a CD for PC. It was as far as I recall just Age of Kings, but you controlled the cursor with a controller. God Bless the USB ports on the PS2
Bought but I can't for the life of me remember playing. I think I got part way through the tutorial, but the controls were just too torturous to continue. I think I bought it together with Monster Lab since both had interesting premises, but it just ended in a shit month or two of gaming.
goblin deez
Zoomers will never know about playing RTS period.
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Kek I remember that game in the shelves at the local rental store. Even then I was thinking how they thought it was a good idea to 'port' C&C to a console
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Pretty based ngl
Still salty the ditched controller support in pc version
Wait this shit has no controller support, even though the camera zooms way too in for that specific purpose? WTF porter devs!?

Jokes on you, I was introduced to C&C by this very N64 version.
I don't think many will. If you're like me and never had a pc, you didn't know how much better it was for RTS games. If you had a pc, you weren't playing RTS on console at all. The only people who will experience things like you are people that had a pc and had to go back to console for some reason. Did your dad leave and take his pc, OP? Wanna talk about it?
More strategy games should've leaned into the voice chat to give orders. Based mechanic, based game.
this mission was hell
In some cases Mission 11 for GDI was harder than the final level.

Grenade guys versus a light tank. Don't go left there 's a flame tank over there. Set up base fast because flame tanks are coming fast.

Harvester will be harassed as soon as you get it. Nod bazooka idiots are waiting in the tiberium field and flame tank is at the north of them. Damn that mission.
i bought civ2 on playstation because i couldnt afford a PC, what a waste of money
Whenever I was young anyone playing console versions of computer games was considered too poor to afford a PC.
Funny how that's essentially the same sentiment people have today.
>Funny how that's essentially the same sentiment people have today.
Yeah, but at least back then you had more polished console (and especially specific console) exclusives. Now everything is multiplatform slops.
Like Soul Calibur 2 had different characters per console. I mean I guess it was anti-consumer in a way... but it was still fun and clever marketing.
Buddy had SORU CARIBRUR… A-TWO! On ps2, and we went on a football team road trip that lasted several weeks. He bought a GameCube solely to play on the trip. Was kino
I have a copy of this game on every platform it was made for and the only Saturn I owned was a piece of shit car.
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you are correct, but mostly because we had several rts games that were designed for console so it wasn't very hellish
does it still hold up? I haven't played it since 2014
>nostalgia for trash
do boomers really?
The final level of GDI campaign wasn’t really even the hardest one to complete, it’s long and grueling as fuck, but because you can spam Mammoths and they self-repair to half-healthy state automatically, just surviving the beginning and then building a huge blob of mammoths and rotating them when they get damaged is a sure win. Lots of earlier missioms are borderline impossible to win on first try because there’s gotchas you need to prepare for, or as some would say, they are like puzzle missions.
>Implying you can't play AoE 2 on console
this is how i had to play dune 2 in 2001 coz a PC version was hard to get without internet at the time... funny thing i was able to get dune 1 for pc at the time, and like the next year got a copy of dune 2 pc...

DESU due to the unit selection/command limitations of the time, the console version of dune 2 is not that much worse than the pc version.
you got to bring 10% of your credits with you to the next level. I don't remember if you could cancel build orders in the first game, but there were ways you could bypass the silo's tiberium limit, set the game speed to max and let the tiberium spread through the entire map, harvest, and repeat, then complete the mission once you raked in millions of credits. The next mission you'll start with hundreds of thousands of credits, and then you can immediately set up your base and pump out a full force of tanks within the first 5 minutes.

I would also do self-imposed no death runs since the campaign would keep a tally of your casualties.
Consolebabby gonna consolebabby. None of these ports were good, and in the case of Halo Wars it was an objective lobotomy.
>I don't remember if you could cancel build orders in the first game, but there were ways you could bypass the silo's tiberium limit
You can to it in both TD, RA1 and Dune2000 IIRC
I had the Red Alert games on PS1, didn't even have in-mission saves.

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