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Original or remaster?

remaster has muh QoL but I dont want the jump to cataclysm to be too jarring
The issue with the remaster is it uses the HW2 engine so certain HW1 things are not there.
Play the original on a jewel case disc if possible, you can grab a copy of it for 10-15 dollars on Ebay with the key, the ported version with the remaster at least for me had bugs and errors. Strike craft not wanting to go into aggressive stance or repair frigates not healing and auto attack not working were a few things I encountered. Strange considering Cataclysm on GOG has no bugs or issues outside of 3dfx not working despite working on the same engine.
Remaster is fine, there's nothing really wrong outside of sphere formation and cockpit mode being gone. There are mods that improve the quality of life such as the mod that puts "Homeworld The Ladder" by YES at the end credits. Outside of it being a Mod for Homeworld 1 put in Homeworld 2's engine, the Remaster isn't no lose, just buy a key off G2A since it goes for 3$ and Gearbox doesn't deserve that money. Otherwise play the original, it's much more atmospheric with the environmental storytelling with the lighting and background of the game's aesthetics.
Original, remaster with players patch is now decent but does not replaced the original at all despite what people claim. The original is not overly clunky or horrible to play, and has a lore more mechanical depth than the remake.
Main issue is crashes, for me it was related to explosion VFX and I fixed it completely by lowering the explosion effects quality on certain missions. A better solution might be to run the game in a wrapper (dgvoodoo) or force it to run in Vulkan (DXVK).
How difficult is it to get the original running on Win10? Does it run stable?
I'm pondering that perhaps (with the 2.3 players patch) it'd just be less effort to play the remaster.
>How difficult is it to get the original running on Win10? Does it run stable?
It's not that difficult but you'll be searching for shit for a while, I did a run through a while back and it only crashed once.
>I'm pondering that perhaps (with the 2.3 players patch) it'd just be less effort to play the remaster.
It's a completely fucking different game. Remaster is not hw1, it's hw2 with 1's plot.
>Remaster is not hw1, it's hw2 with 1's plot.
To explain further, the source for hw1 was lost some time after release, so the 'remaster' is actually hw2 reskinned as hw1. hw2 has totally different ship behaviour, different balance, etc.
The source to hw1 was recovered eventually but it seems (as far as I can tell) nobody can legally do anything with it.
Aren't copyright laws just the greatest?
The controls are absolute garbage.

Are there alternative bindings that make it bearable? Do you just get used to them atfer a while?
You really do get used to them after a while.

Most of the maps are empty space so you want to be focusing on ships all of the time anyways, and you can quickly switch between places with either hotkeys or using the tactical view anyway.

The thing that takes the most getting used to that there isn't a 'center' that you move from, but once you do that actually enhances the feeling that you're in space.
I sure hope so, becausse I can't imagine getting everything right in a hectic fight.
>How difficult is it to get the original running on Win10? Does it run stable?
It runs out of the box but you'll need to disable "hit effects" under custom effects in video settings.If you don't, you run a risk of random crashes during battles. For me it made certain missions impossible, it would always crash when I engaged the enemy. With the setting disabled, it never crashed once.
Now getting it to work with those effects is a bit annoying, you can try running it with dgvoodoo.
>I'm pondering that perhaps (with the 2.3 players patch) it'd just be less effort to play the remaster.
yeah its more like a buggy fangame remake of hw1 than the actual experience, people are strangely deluded about it. Until a few months ago you couldn't even dock strikecraft in combat or it would soft lock all docking in the mission.
That's true, but then you can pause and give orders whenever you want which is nice.
In the campaign, battles don't get too hectic until several missions in, which should give you enough time to get used to the controls without needing to pause.
I was thinking about replaying the series and I was wondering if there was much a reason to go with OG HW2 over remastered with the players patch since most discourse about remaster vs OG mainly just concerns the first game? I am already pretty set on HW1 with the Splendor Mod. I feel like theoretically for 2 the remaster should just be a straight upgrade but I haven't played the original HW2 since I was 10 so I can't really remember it well enough to compare the 2 versions.
I gave it another shot and I still absolutely hate them. They are such a chore to use. Getting your ships to do what you want is clunky as fuck and mos of the time it still won't be what you want.

I'll probably give it one more shot and just leave it aftwards since it's so frustrating.
Is there any guide on how the controls work and how to used the various commands, formations, orders efficiently?
Off the top of my head, it's the F* keys for aggression and formation, Space for tactical view, and other commands tend to be their first letter.
So M for move, W for waypoint, D for dock, H for harvest, G for guard.
Original, always.
Anyone who buys "r*mastered" games should be butchered.
A rather dumb "what-if" question: How would have HW1 fared if instead of a fuel system, an ammo system is implemented in place? Units would still have rudimentary low-damage-but-infinite secondary weapons, and the primary weapon are auto-use when in range and not ability-bound. Capital Ship ammo would need a dedicated transport units pulling munitions from the Mothership or an ammo facility, strikecraft/vettes would need to rearm via support frigates and carriers.
So I just started playing the remaster and I don't understand the point of formations
Is it just some fancy visual thing or does the game actually gives bonuses to formation but doesn't explain to the player?
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The remaster broke formations quite badly. Did you read the manual?
I don't think the remaster has a manual
original with splendormod fixes, take it from someone who played every version
world war 3 black gold had this and didnt fare very well. Except units couldnt fire at all when out of ammo, and resupply was done via helicopters
Why is resource gathering in this game so fucking slow? I spend more time waiting for my resource carriers at the end of the map then actually playing the game
When I played Homeworld as a kid the resource collecting at the end was always my favourite part.
I was a moment to relax after the excitement of the mission, and the extra RUs gave me confidence for the next mission.

Plus I liked to just zoom in and watch my harvesters fly, gather and dock.
Can't explain it, but it just had the same kind of appeal to me that watching a train go by does for me.
The sound of the engines, the clank of docking, I haven't gotten tired of it.
But then, I still love watching trains today as well.
>world war 3 black gold
I wish HW had this kind of unit customization. Want a cheap destroyer asap? slap two mass drivers on the base hull and add the cheapest engines, presto. Want to kite? Add something longer ranged and invest in better engines. Or splurge out for top tier stuff later into the match and get the stepping stone between destroyer and battlecruiser.
If you wanted men of war in space, sure. Most people don't want that.
Remaster has automatic resource collection after you leave a map.
The point of formations and stances is a matter of unit behavior rather than statistical buffs. At least in Classic. It's been a while but I also believe that stances affect how rigidly units stay in a formation.

That said, I do think most of them aren't all that necessary, but Sphere can be handy when using defenders/defense field ships while Wall is the best for bringing a big group of frigates to bear.
>The source to hw1 was recovered eventually but it seems (as far as I can tell) nobody can legally do anything with it.
If no one can legally do anything with it, then doesn't that also mean that no one can legally stop you from doing anything with it?
Why does every mission starts with the enemy already on your face? There's not even time to scramble my ships before they bug out, get stuck and die while leaving the mothership
Which mission are you talking about?
Like the one with the swarmers, mission 7 I think
The mission starts with a trillion ships attacking me while half my ships aren't even out
Also my interceptors can't deal with the swarm at all, I'd rather have them docked during the start of the mission but apparently that's not an option
It's licenced to Relic. Relic is still around, but to use the code according to the licence, you have to be part of Relic Developer Network... which no longer exists. So anything you do risks being nuked by lawyers.
This should be easier to do nowadays. Just host the files and the project website in a country hostile to the origin country and you've basically got a shield against bullshit copyright claims.
How do you get widescreen to work for Cataclym these days?
I tried to use nGlide cause I saw Mandalore use it, but it doesn't seem to work.
At first I thought I'd ignore it but then I saw Hiigara look like an egg.
The only results on Google are to do registry edits which seems a bit extreme.
when you enter garden of kadesh, the swarm attack begins only when you begin harvesting resources
if you entered the next map without some sort of preparation, you can still probably grind it out with heavy corvettes and their special ability, or multiguns. The multibeam frigates are glass cannons so I never had any issue with them
don't try to force games into resolutions they aren't meant to be played in.
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The registry edit is simple to do and it works - i use it on win10 for both hw1 and cata.
I managed to do the regedit and got the game to work.
The only downside is that now the movement manager isn't entirely accurate anymore. A little annoying. Do you have that problem?

Aside from Hiigara no longer looking like an egg, I can now finally see the ships how they were supposed to look.
After playing several missions in stretched mode, I was surprised to see how shorter the Kuun-Lan looks.
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You mean this? Its only a small visual bug, nothing to cry about
Yeah it's just a minor annoyance, but it does take some getting used to. Especially for moving vertically.
Playing it for the first time and nabbing enemy ships is so fun lol
It feels like cheating to me in the campaign so I never used it
Stealing ships in Homeworld is the best kind of cheating.
It's fully in-game, takes time and effort, and is just plain fun.
I've got an issue after using Regedit; it worked fine initially, but today the game starts up at it's lowest resolution (640x480).
And while I can change it in-game, it doesn't remember what I set it to when I then restart the game.
I checked the Registry Editor, and the values there are the same as what I set them to last time; 1920x1080.
Changing them to anything else doesn't make a difference this time, the game always resets its resolution.
Right so it turns out the game has two separate registry locations.
Not sure why altering only one worked the other day but anyways, altering both fixed the issue.

In case anyone wants to know, the locations are at
>Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Sierra On-Line\Cataclysm
>Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Sierra On-Line\Cataclysm
Finished my playthrough of Cataclysm.
It was still as good today as it was when it was released.
>mission 5
>max out frigates by building 15 ion and 6 support ones
>proceed to steal 45 taiidan assault frigates before finishing the mission
>throw my death ball at everything that tries to block my way throughout the rest of the campaign
go back there
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