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...What does /vst/ think about this game?

I don't play a lot of rts games. A bit of Starcraft 1, Warcraft III, Age of Empires II, Stronghold Crusader, back in the 00's. Played a bit of Halo Wars when it released.
Played a bit of Crusader Kings II last year, but really that's about all of my experience with the genre, and I'd never call myself competitive or really invested in any of those games.

Went back to Halo Wars and for some reason it really got its hooks in me recently. As a Halo fan I think it's a really authentic feeling Halo game. As an extremely casual rts player and someone who prefers action games, I appreciate its simplicity and ease of use, and how it seems a bit faster paced than other rts games.
And now, when I say it got its hooks in me, I've started not only playing it a lot, but I've also started watching videos about its meta and nuances, and I guess to me it seems like it's a really well designed game too. I'm not playing competitively or anything, but it's a game I've started to get better at.

Does /vst/ like it? How do rts players feel about it?

thread to discuss Halo Wars and also similar games, if there are any
would be interested to know if there's anything out there that plays similarly
it has a great artstyle and music, lots of fond memories of me and two friends destroying people in 3v3 pub matches, good times.
More Halo than all the Halos after 3. And it's a decent RTS too. I played it when I was a kid and also my dad played it. The biggest thing I liked about this game is that translated Halo to strategy.
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I'd be interested to hear different strategies too and how people like to play this game. Different ways to make it more fun.
Apparently the meta in multiplayer is Warthog spam and Banshee spam. With Warthogs you play Prof. Anders because she has fast tech research, so you can get the chaingun upgrade early and get a small force of hogs out to poke enemy bases and get away quickly. Banshees require a bit of defense in the early game until you can get production going, but they're similar to warthogs in that they're very fast and can get in and out of places around the map.
Scorpions are also apparently high tier, especially with the late game power turret upgrade that lets them aim faster.

Personally I've been mainlining Jackals as the Arbiter, with Engineers as support. Pumping Jackals in the early game, about 10 or so, lets you quickly melt covie leaders and control map hooks. Getting an Engineer ball with about 6-10 Engineers to float around with your troops, and they basically can't be killed by anything except lategame leader powers and Scorpions. They just heal each other too fast.
Then you can supplement the Jackals and Engineers with Banshees, Wraiths, Hunters: anything more heavy

>great artstyle
>More Halo than all the Halos after 3
Yea I've really been struck by that feeling. Halo 1, 2, 3, and Wars are the only true Halo, art-wise at least.
In fact it's a little confusing how a non-Bungie studio could get Halo so right, plus we had Halo Legends which was also really true to the Halo aesthetic, then basically IMMEDIATELY after the aesthetic started going to shit even in the Bungie games.
I mean Reach and ODST sort of still fit the aesthetics, but they're a step down, but Microsoft shit the bed immediately with the remaster of Halo 1.
But like ... why? Why did we only get 4 games with peak Halo artstyle?
There's a lot of discussion about this, but I don't think I'll ever really understand the shift away from the artstyle.
If I have any complaints with this game it's that the meta sort of limits your options in the early game, so games tend to play out very similarly at the start.
I mean that might just be because I'm not very good. I'm sort of hoping this is the case, and there's a better way to play to allow for more strategy?

But I feel like it's almost always necessary to pump 6-10 anti-infantry units (flamers or Jackals) to take out Covie leaders who try to leader rush bases. Maybe I just haven't played enough games against UNSC factions to figure out different strategies.
there's a pretty active modding community for this game on discord, they've got like 5 regularly updated overhaul mods on there
Had a blast with Halo Wars back in the day. I didnt trust anything halo post 343 so I knew HW2 would be shit. I watched the cutscenes online and I knew from the dyke haired AI and all her terrible scenes that it was over.
I played it and it was awful. Horrid UI and controls.
I'm actually still playing my 360 copy. I should break down and get the PC version for the mods.
I think it's got quite a nice UI and controls, considering it was designed for consoles.
What don't you like about it?
From what i recall the pc version is almost unplayable compared to the xbox version. I came here to ask if they fixed it or not lol.
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Thematically it is certainly different, but art-style wise it's identical to 3.
The engine is the same. The weapons, vehicles, and enemy models are pretty much the same, with some additions...
So it sort of looks like Halo 3.
But the art-style is very different. Mostly for the worse. The Hud is piss yellow. Every level is smeared with filters, some of which look awful like the blue level with Buck, or the piss yellow level with the warthog. Most levels just have a dull look as opposed to Halo 3's color wheel. The night vision feature is a literal "turn on bloom" button.
The city is cool aesthetically the first few times you wander through it, but every zone (of which there are like 6), has the same architecture style, so it gets boring fast.

I honestly do get why people like ODST, and I used to like it myself, but I think I've just played games that scratch the operator/ninja itch better or the film noir moody thing better.
And it's not like ODST looks bad...
With Halo 1, 2, 3, and Wars though there just really isn't anything else that looks like those games.
Surprisingly good. Not awesome, not redefining the genre, but I find myself booting it up fairly often.
And I don't even like Halo.
Yea, it's just great for quick action. So streamlined it's almost like an arcade game
Just annoyed that rebels have snipers, but the JSDF doesn't. The only anti infantry the Humans have are flamethrowers, and let's be honest, close-range sucks.
It's been years, but I remember Warthogs with chainguns performing pretty well against enemy infantry.
Yeah, but they're fairly expensive in the early game.

Anders can get warthog guns quickly with her half priced/twice as fast tech research
Anders suck.
Forge or GTFO
Forge is apparently the lowest tier UNSC leader in competitive play.
Them's the breaks.

His economy is the slowest to start because the heavy supply pads are over twice as expensive as regular ones, which puts him at a real disadvantage.
wait people still play this game in multiplayer?
apparently yea. Idk how active it is since I don't personally play multiplayer, but there is a PC scene.
Yeah well competitive SUCKS
Fun >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> competitive
That's why I play Arbiter :^)
>playing the filthy alien
My warthogs and I find your lack of faith in the human race... disturbing.
It's the prophet for me
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I'm still annoyed the Covenant has an engineer that can heal units, but Humans have no way to heal the infantry, and the only unit that can repair is the Aliens exoskeleton who is exclusive to one of the Commander.
Infantry do get the medic, but it doesn't seem to work everytime. And flamers don't get it anyway.
the Engineer is one of the best most underrated units in the game. Once you get their faster healing upgrade, if you can get a ball of 10-12 of them they basically can't be killed by anything except scarabs. Pair this with any group of infantry or vehicles and you can just cruise around the map getting veterancy on all your combat units, which increases their health and damage.
I love the Engineers.

The way Medic works for the marines is it heals every soldier in a squad when they're out of combat. Halo Wars actually considers the individual soldiers within each infantry unit, so if two soldier die, but you have three left, Medic will heal the soldiers to full health, but won't bring back the ones that were killed. I think this actually reduces the amount of damage a squad can do too: less soldiers = less firepower.
But, if you use the Heal and Repair power it will resurrect the dead soldiers.

Prophet is definitely high tier. Debateably actually just the best Covenant unit because he gets the flying upgrade which lets you just fly anywhere in the map. With the Covie unit teleporting this can be really devastating.
Then he gets the glassing beam, which is really powerful in the late game, Honor Guards are powerful infantry, he's all around pretty great.
>>The way Medic works for the marines is it heals every soldier in a squad when they're out of combat. Halo Wars actually considers the individual soldiers within each infantry unit, so if two soldier die, but you have three left, Medic will heal the soldiers to full health, but won't bring back the ones that were killed.
It's pretty shit.
As much as I love the JSDF, I like the engineers so damn much.

And I hate using powers.
>As an extremely casual rts player and someone who prefers action games, I appreciate its simplicity and ease of use

Literally me, I find it hard finding an RTS where its slow enough to manage everything on the battlefield. Wish you could dedicate units to AI and give general objectives such as "Advance to position" and unit would using cover or seeking favorable engagements and avoiding bad ones, advance to position. But alas no RTS has micro ruled out thus far. Only ones that try do so through unit number limits.

From me I can only recommend Endwar which was another console born RTS/RTT which has a lot of pew-pew for action game fans but is easy enough to get into.
I'll have to check out End War.
You know I feel like there was something like Halo Wars, where you have a central base and all your buildings are attached to it, but I just can't put my finger on it.
Ancestors Legacy? Also released on consoles but was made with PC in mind.

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