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/vst/ - Video Games/Strategy

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It's a free-to-play free port of the olde game Tzar Burden of the Crown.
It's okay, but the Discord suck ass. Avoid it.
>but the Discord suck ass
can i guess why? is the messiah "canonically gay and trans"?
Nah. Upon joining, you're just muted for like 2 months or something, but it's not explained anywhere, so I assume they don't want new people.
I wanted to ask if I could try to translate the game in French, but fuck them.
doesn't sound bad actually, they're forcing you to lurk more
Except I'm not there to lurk and I don't care for their bullshit.
Doubt it's the case, it's not explained anywhere how long it lasts. It's just "lol no you can't post get fucked" and no explanation.
Yeah it feels like elitism without a reason. Granted any newfags on any place can be annoying, but still an explanation should be on front page.
Pretty much. So yeah, play the game but avoid the Discord.
The admin harem is full.
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Just buy the game on GOG, retard.
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>less options
>runs like shit
it has microtransactions?
Not that I know. But you can try it in your browser, I think, it's at https://tza.red/.
Question: why playing "muh free open port", when you can just play Tzar? What does the game actually change to justify using it over the original?
See >>1758692.
>Literally everyone can become a hero if they level enough
>items, weapons and armor effects stacks
>Hoard items with a single hero
>Hero destroys all the enemy forces
Kino game
So... nothing?

Thanks, I will stick to the original.

Training dummies a best. The main problem the game had was how out of the whack the unit balance was, so you were kinda screwed if not going for the strongest COUNTER to enemy's main unit (even if it was terrible unit by itself) and hoped for the best. Still, back in the day having a swarm of 400 units was pretty fucking impressive, and the magic crafting only made things more fun.
Tzared is even better with that, Arabs can make items at will, and with the improved trade system, they can get unlimited gold.
Japs are the best at trading, though.
Is it open source?
Dunno what it means. I don't think so? Check tza.red and see yourself, I guess.
>no campaign
how are you supposed to learn to play without a campaign? the multiplayer maps are boring as fuck. there's 2 gold rocks that run out quickly and then what. how do markets even work? there's no documentation. stupid.
wasnt that game AoE clone? what different mechanic does it introduce
No, it's Warcraft 2.5
Unit training and bridge-building are like the most distinctive thing about this game, period. Anything else is just a bonus to those two features
>there's 2 gold rocks that run out quickly and then what
Add more gold rocks in options, duh.
>how do markets even work?
Depends. In Tzared, or in Tzar? In Tzared, you have to make a tavern, then a merchant guild, then two ports or markets, then order units to trade between these.
They'll carry ressources from one to another, and generate bonuses ressources.

Experience, some training with dummies, units with enough levels could become heroes, farms can't be destroyed, some factions (Europeans and Arabs) have cattle that take 300 food to make but will generate 50 food (in milk) and stockpile up to 600 food as they fatten.
>it's a strategy game where you build stuff and train units
no shit

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