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yes, i understand this game is still not good. but will it ever be good? has it steadily gotten better over time?
No and no.
Besides, it's not a game. It's a DLC-selling platform
other anons who actually have played the game wanna chime in? i wanna hear more opinions before i remove it from my wishlist
It's Unity
The other guy hit the nail on the head. CSII is a platform to sell DLC. Might as well pay a monthly subscription. Ignore all Paradox games. Every single game of theirs gets flooded with so much DLC that the gameplay gets radically altered on a yearly basis. Telling you how the game is now is therefore useless.

And no, simply not buying the new DLC doesn't help. Because Paradox chsnges game mechanics for all players to fit new DLC. Which you don't have if you don't buy it and therefore you lack tools to properly interact with the new mechanics.
any of you actually play the game?
there is zero reason to play this over City Skylines 1
Pirate it yourself and form your own opinion.

Wait until all dlc comes out then decide. Until then just play city skylines 1.
Played it for 10 hours on pc gamepass. It is inferior to the first game in every way, traffic, game progression, even graphically.
I played it and it lagged like fuck at only 1000 population
it'll be good but it'll be another year or so before its even remotely on the level as 1, but people tend to forget that CS1 wasn't the smoothest launch and all the negative press about the paradox dlc dumps. Even now if you own a base CS1 it costs like $250 to upgrade to full. I think the logic in this game has the potential to be a lot stronger than CS1 so I'm hopeful they'll turn things around. Plus they've had to at least break even funding wise from all the purchases
They need to make everything less gray, and introduce smaller assets
>soulless europeioid clean future cities artstyle
never ever
Game is already unoptimized trash, game didn't even launch with LODs for a city builder.
True. CS1 did have a lot of problems out of the gate but I dont think it launched in this bad of a state. I agree the under the hood is a lot better so hopefully it'll be better in the next 2~3 years which hopefully will give it enough time finally work out the polish its needed since announcement.
unity fired all of their r&d in like 2018, everything since then has been a series of austerity measures while the company burns through investors, most recently a data harvesting company
the engine is essentially the same as it was ten years ago, it lacks features that would be useful for large landscapes like doubld precision, which unreal and godot both have. unlike those engines unity doesn't have available source so it can't be retrofitted
CS1 is as shit as CS2 it's not fun to play in both games i spend most of my time just working around the game's inability to do something instead to play as I wish
Huh, I always heard the "don't make your own engine, just use unity!" crowd cite CS2 as an example of Unity being good at CPU-heavy strategy games, were they full of shit all along?
Yes, and that's why I can tell with full conviction this is a DLC-selling platform.
Let me walk you through this: the game gutted out elements from the original, leaving blatantly empty slots to fill with DLC content. The company behind it reduced their workforce by half while making this game, which means they openly are re-using shit from original project if they were able to deliver with half the manpower (the original was already done by a small team). So it's plain and simple a money grab, in tune of "hey, our game costs 500 bucks with all the DLCs that are pre-requested to play it, why won't you buy the new one, only 40 bucks now, just don't think how much it will cost with the DLCs"

Original CS was a lackluster, indie-tier city builder that only got any sort of high profile due to how monumental clusterfuck SimCity turned into. The sequel is a fucking money grab, trying to use whatever goodwill CS1 had.
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>soulfull grid-based, ghetto-infested contemporary americities
>people shilling unity are lying
more news at 11
i'm enjoying it quite a lot
some people have released videos after discussing with the company and they seem to be working on the things that need fixing which is great
should be in a good state by winter i'd think
i have a brand new computer with very few problems running it so i can't speak for older pcs
It can only ever be as good as the last game so I dunno why anyone would bother buying it.
I only ever knew one person who was obsessed with getting the latest thing and he was the dumbest person I ever met. I have to assume all you retards that buy "sequels" that are essentially the same game are like that.
who the fuck bought paradox game anyway?
I always pirated it
Does CS2 has as much road autism as CS1?
just play 1
plenty of mods already and most of the dlc is bloat so you dont need most of it.
i'm sick of it crashing
even more, they made the road tool so much better by incorporating a lot of the move it stuff

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