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File: myfavouritesong.webm (922 KB, 406x720)
922 KB
Post webms with brain-damaging properties
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1.97 MB WEBM
Like water off a ducks back. It might have been trash, but it was washed and separated into recyclables and hidden in a pristine can.
File: amongus.webm (1.55 MB, 576x1024)
1.55 MB
1.55 MB WEBM
depressing fucking meal either way lol poor people
>portrait mode = Brainrot ?
You must already have a rotten brain if you think it's because they're in portrait mode. You have my condolences.
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1.87 MB WEBM
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1.24 MB WEBM
my day is ruined
this has removed at least 5 years of my lifespan
File: canyoufeelit.webm (1.21 MB, 360x360)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB WEBM
Incomprehensibly based
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3.8 MB
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File: Just a Pile of Balls.webm (988 KB, 640x360)
988 KB
this is the best example of white people nonsense I've ever seen
Where can I watch her get fucked
Wouldn't be surprised. Dug up that old memory of cringe only to find out that they became some of the saddest clickbait youtube trend chasing whores imaginable.
These are sad times when cringe can't die in peace.
File: chipmunk bitches.webm (2.62 MB, 480x360)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB WEBM
How are any of these brainrot?
Wtf ldid i just witness.. lostttt!
This goes so fucking hard, why did you post it here?
this one was alright
do normies actually find this shit funny? loud and obnoxious but they say incels have the bad personality
Since 90% of the internet is sanitized now the people who make this shit get no negative feedback and think they're the funniest person in the world. I don't think anyone actually likes it beyond a morbid curiosity.
Damn I haven't heard MSI since like middle school.
Low brow humor with poor delivery.
Loud, annoying, and unfunny.
Same as the rest of the thread, but from a decade ago.
If you like these, sorry but you are retarded.
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2.64 MB WEBM
Wrong thread buddy
i need a cigarette.
>I'm a gay zoomer
Brainrot isn't a year, retard.
You really think zoomers watched those?
Double retard
Goddamnit lost.
>i shoot niggers for fun
Yeah that overused retard song sure makes it pleasant and enjoyable, in fact that's my second favorite song after the OH NO! song. That song has high rizz no cap fr fr brings tears to my eyes because it's so powerful
Holy shit this was kino. Completely based. I saved and will share with my friends. I don't need your permission but I take great pleasure letting you know I'm stealing this from you
This is good brainrot. The Lonely Island was great for their time considering it's satire/parody music based off of stuff from around 2010
Sauce on semen demon
Better than the filifaggot original.
File: 1709088107735619.gif (1.67 MB, 400x266)
1.67 MB
1.67 MB GIF
>That upper body twerk
Holy shit is this real?
>you're so silly
gets me every fucking time
why did this make me laugh this is so fucking dumb
File: rksgtxveewhmsot.webm (2.84 MB, 608x1080)
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2.84 MB WEBM
That was funny, it felt like something I would have seen on albinoblacksheep when I was a kid.
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1.85 MB WEBM
Brainrot does't mean unfunny. Brainrot means nonsensical garbage, often disgusting or grotesque while at the same time clearly aimed at kids, and extremely fast-paced for ADHD fuel.
Just an unfunny joke or unfunny boomer "comedy" isn't brainrot.
this raised my IQ. Pure genius.
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Good morning saars
>just hit record niggers killed in a month
are these "normies"?
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4.4 MB
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3.51 MB WEBM
Somehow this is less brainrot than the typical ylyl thread. But what the fuck do I know I'm drinking alone in my apartment at 11:00
this is a whimsical gnome to me
I like the screeches before he takes the milk.
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1.03 MB WEBM
Seeing how big his nose is compared to this video, I wonder how flat this woman's face actually is... wow.

me too!!!

i fucking love this webm
idk the last one with the mentos and coke was pretty funny
lost hard
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5.29 MB WEBM
Why are Asians obsessed with this shit? Is it because they have to constantly gobble carbs to stay alive?
>>5507336 Cursed
I'm unironically nostalgic for this type of content. Reminds me of rel:

that oc is fucking disgusting
brainrot never meant anything specific to either zoomers or kids
i'm a zoomer and i have a 2007 youtube account and watched stuff like those
stop backseat jannying you tourist cuck
when your let off from shooting a puppy and the bitch wife has dinner ready for fucking once in her miserable life
Im in fucking tears LOST
You can't even read a reply chain. Fuck off.
I know a guy who eats like this in college, we have a full kitchen and everything. I should show him this jar trick
A lot of it is consumed by children aged around 5 or so.
How can gen alpha be even gayer than zoomers
I can't tell if this parody or real
it's real but "ironic"
You are a monster for giving me this earworm. I've been sitting here listening to these meme Cotton Eyed Joe remixes for like 30 minutes now.
holy kino
Check out the shnoz on mommy.
I've never heard that song in my life
Lonely Island was peak SNL. The show was never as good before before, never better since.
what race do you think the creator of this was?
probably Slavic / East-European

I'd say Hispanic but they're too stupid to use 3D rendering software
>I'd say Hispanic but they're too stupid to use 3D rendering software
Well they were smart enough to make Dame tu Cosita.
File: tinyfliggu.webm (279 KB, 44x76)
279 KB
ur mom has to constantly gargle cock to stay alive
File: feifei.webm (4.69 MB, 1080x1920)
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4.69 MB WEBM
That cadence
what the fuck, just what the fuck is this shit?
this looks like my friend marco
It is a fan animation of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss, featuring the creator of the animation in the form of his OC walking with two of his favorite characters in the style of the Dr. Livesey from Treasure Island (1988) meme. The irony is that the meme and song (Why Not by Ghostface Playa) only became popular because of the high quality animation of the movie, in contrast to the quality of the fan animation. It even uses a worse memeified remix of the song. The characters that he's walking with are a gay pornstar named Angel Dust, and an anthropomorphic hell hound named Loona that canonically has syphilis. It also features characters from other franchises like Eric Cartman from Southpark and Roxanne from Five Nights as Freddy's in the background. All of this together seems expertly formulated to be a lethal dose of liquid pain, but it still seems like a sincere creation that the animator thought would make him look cool.
File: LBZbbq.webm (3.81 MB, 1080x1920)
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3.81 MB WEBM
kino of the highest degree
This is the opposite of brainrot, this makes me hyperactive in my mind.
here you go
This song didn't even play on the FO3 radio, this is from FO New Vegas you negro
Either bait or stupid. Can't tell which.
It is actually in FO3 friend, have a nice day
>The American Society of Magical Negroes (Director's cut)
take me back
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erm....what the sigma?
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The editing really alleviates the cringe for me. I hardly dislike this character thanks to the distortion and speed.
This shit always gets me
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5.67 MB WEBM
I genuinely love that wacky as instrument in the song. You don't get cute jingles like that anymore. Reminds me of the early 00's
Bring back Kaczynski and Oppenheimer. They need to work on a new project together. Please.
File: glarglo.webm (2.02 MB, 576x1024)
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2.02 MB WEBM
That is a military grade meme.
Peaches in my ass
holy shit it's the cart titan
>basically a kike with horns
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File: eyebrows.webm (3.27 MB, 576x720)
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3.27 MB WEBM
Watching this while high was a mistake
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921 KB
what's this song? the specific one in the video
petscop music

shut the fuck up you actual faggot
stupid and gay
Holy shit
when that acorn hits just right
File: xisx31-20240510_152445.webm (1.69 MB, 720x1280)
1.69 MB
1.69 MB WEBM
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5.7 MB
>mfw trayvon martin got shot
mc ride?
personal fav
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5.89 MB
5.89 MB WEBM
There are at least 2 clips of people actually dying in this
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1.93 MB WEBM

check out this cool whale vid, he's letting these guys dance on him!
File: pain.webm (3.34 MB, 360x640)
3.34 MB
3.34 MB WEBM
it's the fucking cart
Hot. Can I watch?
Wait, is it really supposed to be just nonsense?
I thought it meant the dog is naked so you can see his balls (potatoes) and dick (like a chilli pepper).
>Almost 1 million followers
I wonder if it's measurable just how retarded the world is getting through social media?
zoomers were spamming this stuff everywhere showing how "complex" and "abstract" they were but when a gen alpha says "sigma" theyll fall to their knees and say language is dead
Yes, the humor of the video is catching the guy pretending to understand the 'joke' and seeing him squirm trying to explain something that was completely random nonsense.
Wish Mario would come stomp on this goomba. What a faggot.
what the fuck is it with these types of video
like, I know eastern bloc yurotrash are barely human, but do they really eat pasta with a side dollop of cold sauce from a jar?
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5.33 MB WEBM
>posting the inferior version
anyone have the basedjak run?
brain rot goes under YLYL these days
i think this is mostly made by younger zoomers ironically, can gen alpha even do video editing? How old are they on average
this video sends subliminal messages to sap your vril like how fitgirl saps your gpu with cryptominers
>my nigga you just got roasted
will never not make me laugh
faded alan walker
darude sandstorm
You still find that funny.
Where do you think you are?
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1.5 MB
Here you go anon.
is this what toxo does to catfaggots?
Clearly on 4chan I think you're lost and were supposed to post that "humor" on Reddit.
sure thing newfag
water ice salt
Kinda based ngl
File: merely pretending.webm (3.82 MB, 1022x636)
3.82 MB
3.82 MB WEBM
fitgirl would never
Off to an amazing start
How does Jerma feel about this stuff?
I can't defend this statement well, but I think this might be art.
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2.74 MB WEBM
>Women peel off their eyebrows just so they can put fake ones.
Mental illness.
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879 KB
Eh I kinda like him, it's stupid as hell but at least it's millennial-tier stupid like a ytp and not the z-gen crap skibidi toilet rizz baby gronk shit
100% looks like cart titan
Loona sexo
I can't be rhe only one who wants to fuck the shit out of this dude
Anyone got this meme of a car salesman or some shit dancing and I think it says "when white people hear doom metal"?
Wanting to try to find the song from it.
Get this fucking queer off my screen
hide the thread newfag
They would've hated each other.
i kneel
she sounds really nice
File: skibidi biden.webm (1.2 MB, 1080x602)
1.2 MB
The wife is cute
immediately clicked out of it.
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5.85 MB
5.85 MB WEBM
fuck yeah man, I've been looking for this forever
This was great though
File: this-is-me.webm (3.9 MB, 720x1280)
3.9 MB
>trick people to thinking they want to go to hell
yes. the joke is that furfaga are disgusting subhumans like you. congrats. you win a free rope
we have reached this point because 25 years ago some fat guy made a game called Half-Life
File: Ted Talk.webm (3.14 MB, 978x718)
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3.45 MB
3.45 MB WEBM
File: Like Mike.webm (2.91 MB, 436x342)
2.91 MB
2.91 MB WEBM
Sorry for having lateral thinking skills that would ruin your poorly planned nigger joke "prank".
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3.64 MB WEBM
>it's real
Being so knowledgeable on these topics must require great personal sacrifice. Thank you for your service, and I wish you well.
I feel empty. Like not even apathetic. Just the absence of anything.
They fucking post this shit and then look at you like "Oh i guess you don't like to have fun"
I love having fun. But if this was middle or high school everyone would have called you a freak and avoided you like the weird cunt you are. I remember the first time I saw a TikTok. It was a coworker. I was 18 and she was in her 40's(?) We worked well together. One day she shows me her phone. She had a video of her mouthing the dialougue to a Madea movie. I couldn't look at her the same way after that. It was like I lost any respect for her. This shit is retarded and I hope it gets banned
What game is this
this feels like just the start of a buildup towards something... why cut it off after 5 seconds?
Of all songs to do a fucking toilet humour 'cover' to
The worst part is that's not even real maple syrup
I wish someone would psychoanalyze the person who made this
>It was actually aired on TV.
Colbert has to be taking the piss at this point, right?
Only oldfags recognize Elpresador
because it's brain rot
Vito's twitter
and this is a brainrot thread, we are here to see brainrot
this nigga be rolling wit da wizards, yo
this gives me the same feeling as when somebody should just shut the fuck up because nobody cares
exactly my point, brain rot connoisseur
The joke is about biden trying to appeal to a younger audience (they're looking to hire a meme manager) and how absurd the idea is. Still a shitty joke but I'm not sure what people assume colbert is doing here, its supposed to be retarded and bad.
For some reason I really enjoy this one
Stop yapping
learn how to make webms, can easily get bigger at that filesize
Song sauce plz
Eat shit and die
Is there a guide you can point me to?
I felt the need to make it small because I didn't want the watermark front and center, and I just didn't give enough of a shit to care about the file size. If I had know it would get that many replies I probably would have.
Not him, but as a rough estimate, you set your bitrate to 48 divided by the duration of your video (in seconds).
This puts you theoretically be at the 6MB size limit.
If you notice the quality sucks, shrink the resolution until you no longer notice, or shorten the video length.
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3.76 MB WEBM
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3.83 MB WEBM
make it stop
please stop it hurts
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1.85 MB
1.85 MB WEBM
can someone explain to me what the melting face is at the end and if it's a real person please tell me it's not
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2.47 MB
2.47 MB WEBM
bro pieck finger is so fucking hot
guess this is now a based thread
you've come a long way baby
real question: Is this real?
This goes fucking hard.
Nice lol.
the best brainrot yet but I did not hope to see this day when the mainstream would outdo the dark corners of the internet on this.
I didn't even realize that was ElPresador holy shit https://youtu.be/wL8yvZDF6RA?t=6
>comes into brain damage webm thread
>complains about webms
I use boram personally, simplifies everything
I think it comes down to "ironic shitposting is still shitposting", a good parody would look funny even if it's a parody of something bad.
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2.27 MB WEBM
Definitely not black. They cant do anything for themselves.
Likely some pajeet that adores (((they culcha and sheit)))
Cringe pornsick coomer
is it bas that this made me hungry for velveeta shells (I haven't had them in like 6 years, so I don't remember how good or bad they were)
Why are fallout NV fans such faggots?
File: dog brainrot.webm (990 KB, 1080x1480)
990 KB
She does have a really jazzy voice.
One of the fifty thousand breakout clones out there.
Can any Chinafags tell me if she has some sort of heavy accent or dialect? Sounds like it to me at least.
I thought we moved past eyebrow waxing around 2010.
That's not brainrot, that's based.
very good
i refuse with all my being that is real i won't even look up if its real this is pure fabrication
kill yourself, coombrain
Is this real?
No, we eat po flotski
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2.99 MB
2.99 MB WEBM
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1.24 MB
1.24 MB WEBM
Colbert needs to die. I thought Vaxxy Good Fella was the limits but this is pure madness
File: HEAT OF THE DESERT.webm (2.34 MB, 1024x576)
2.34 MB
2.34 MB WEBM
This is what it sounded like in the kid's head
File: He Wrong For This.webm (2.08 MB, 480x480)
2.08 MB
2.08 MB WEBM
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932 KB
jamarcus lebron sheniqua will seethe at this
imagine how much of an absolute faggot the person who made this is irl
File: evan.webm (3.04 MB, 360x640)
3.04 MB
3.04 MB WEBM
Words will fail men at the end of days, resigned to merely watch in silence.
this seriously makes me want to start gyatting skibidi grimace shakes in ohio
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5.19 MB
5.19 MB WEBM

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