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File: Quest for Excellence.webm (5.51 MB, 640x360)
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Post webms that give you the feeling of hope.
Can be wholesome videos, cute videos, edits, scenery, happy videos-- anything that relates to the meaning of hopecore

>Hopecore Definition
A genre of videos that invoke a feeling of hope, glee, wholeness, and most happy emotions. They can range to nostalgic clips, beautiful scenery, and usually have an audio of spliced together videos and songs.
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Please somebody tell me its gonna be okay please please please
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It's going to be okay, anon. Hang in there; keep fighting.
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File: ITSNOTOVERUNTILIWIN.webm (403 KB, 360x360)
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File: theSimplicityOfLife.webm (1.41 MB, 720x1280)
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You're gonna make it anon!
File: Frens.webm (5.74 MB, 720x576)
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does anybody have the yotsubato edit about the "indomitable human spirit"?, i think it has the song from this webm >>5509169 as well.
File: it gets better.webm (4.57 MB, 424x324)
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this is a different song but you probably meant this one?
HOLY FUCKING SHIT ANON THATS THE ONE!! THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS ONE FOR WEEKS, JESUS CHRIST. Seriously, right now i'm feeling like shit but you just made my day + im grateful for the fast reply, thank you anon, have a wonderful day, dude.
you too, anon.
you too...
Man, i wish i could give you a hug, drink some tea and have a funny talk with you.
This just makes me think about all the nice people who have met other nice people and become friends easily thorough all these years in this place yet i think everything begins and ends here, in the same place. I guess thats the magic of this place, dont you think?
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=NKiThkSaaFI Here ya go anon!
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Fuck it. I'll even encode it.
Truly brilliant, made my day. I needed these, thank you so much anons.
The screaming part at 00:22, is that audio from Akira or some other movie?
File: keep going.webm (2.15 MB, 1080x1080)
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I believe it's from Akira.
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I’m going to watch all these webm’s, feel mildly optimistic for a minute, then spend the rest of my night being miserable once again.
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Avatar has a lot of potential for hope-core if anyone has good editing skills.
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Catch that train of thought and crush it, you've got it in you. Smile. Better times are ahead!
he's not wrong
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sauce on the song?
swiggty swooty im gonna cum in that jesus booty
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der FĂĽhrer was inspiring when he wasn't ranting about da jooz
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>In Weimar Germany, the gay Jewish doctor Magnus Hirschfeld performed the first gender-affirming surgeries and collected research on sexuality. The 1933 book burnings destroyed his life’s work
Goebbels had some good ideas too. We are told they burned books of great intellectual value, but really they were burning pseud nonsense and Weimar pornography, which included child pornography. Apparently the NSDAP were the only ones to care about the problem, then, one day, for no reason at all, Germany elected NSDAP.
some remix of BĂ´a - Duvet
sauce on this song?
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>gets motivated
>dies violently in foolish attempt
somebody please post the ai english version
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These two are great.
Same. I'd suggest saving them and watching them during the day. If you see them in the evening, you get all pumped up and then what? Nothing. You're tired and supposed to sleep soon. If you watch them in the day you might actually get motivated to do something like go to the gym or start working on that passion project you've been putting off.
thank you my brother
I'd rather die in a foolish attempt to better myself than die a loser who didn't care enough to do anything about it
File: motivation les brown 1.webm (3.66 MB, 608x1080)
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I've been looking for this for a while thanks bro
File: Pls rember 1.webm (1.18 MB, 640x360)
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File: Pls rember 2.webm (535 KB, 480x270)
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my brain can't tell which directly the stone was thrown from
This hits so much harder in the morning than it does in the evening
>a jewish teacher is called rabbi
wow, you sure got me, i'm shocked.
Is there a version without the gay voiceover?
Crazy, I didn't realize the St. Louis Archbishop was Jesus
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read the thread title?
god tchaikovsky's piano concerto is so fucking iconic and i've listened to classical music my entire life and heard this piece probably thousands of times and i still can't imagine writing a piece that's just eternal and everlasting like this one is
thanks, anon, I appreciate it
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evangelion is shit and didn't deserve to be in this
anyone know the song?
I've been looking for this one. Thanks anon.
Thank you for making this thread. I haven’t cried tears of joy in a long time.
Just enjoy the moment then friend.
Jesus Christ. That's exactly what a small child would do the first time they saw the ocean. That same childlike joy and curiosity is there. It's uncanny. We really do think the same as animals
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Which version of Viva La Vida is this? I thought maybe it was something cobbled together with the original vocals with an orchestral arrangement, but I can't find any that match. And almost none of them have drums, which really adds impact to the cuts in the vid.
Glad to see you lads hoping for a better tomorrow despite eveyrything , God Bless Lads , Love you all
We are not hopeless , keep persevering , like the radio guy in NV said , if no one loves you then I DO (schizo drunk babble )
very nice, thank you for posting this
Tasogare no bay city by Junko Yagami
Glad to see a hopecore thread exists. Really needed it, love you guys.
song name?
Agape - Nicholas Britell - If Beale Street Could Talk (Original Motion Picture Score)
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God damn it this OST is so good. I don't even like Undertale that much but I love this music so much.
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Does anyone have the one where apu (I believe) is fighting against a flower with 999999 health? I'd really appreciate it
odd scene to recontextualize but okay
Why did they take this show from me? The only wholesome man on the tv
>a flower with 999999 health
It's supposed to be the demiurge, holy fuck that made me laugh. Your post was more charming than this entire thread, anon.

It's a png so I can't post it here, see below;
Man, no wonder I couldn't fint it. Thank you very much. I am glad I made you laugh :)
Hello anons. I'm having a bad time at the moment and I was hoping someone could find a webm that helps me feel better.
It's a guy who lives kind of a vagrant lifestyle exploring rural America. He reads a question from a man called Javier who ask if his lifestyle is good for someone who's thinking about killing themselves.

That should be enough if you know what I'm talking about. Thanks very much.
Forestanon is who you're thinking of. Don't have the webm but that should help anyone else who might have it
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Thank you anons :)
I love you both x
File: Ephesians 6_11.webm (3.48 MB, 900x600)
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the text ruins it
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1.08 MB GIF
based thread
File: Korolev.webm (3.83 MB, 240x160)
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We'll see.
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Great thread. Losing sleep about the future and really hope we turn things around.
theres this video too but i cant webm it without shitting up the quality significantly

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love this side of the "darkweb hacker" called 4chan kek :)
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is this /hopecore/? I just like the idea that there's always some part of us fighting.
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Always believe in yourself fuck what any doomer says they already given up the will to see things get better.
Dubs for hope
There he is again, that high-HP flower
Wasted by juice world remix

Exhurbia is an abuser #HealingForPie
File: what would you do .webm (4.38 MB, 480x480)
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what's the sauce on this vid?
God bless you, anon
this is a good one. "Live like there's no tomorrow"
Would be so fucking sick to bait and switch people with a high-res widescreen version of this that looked like a shitty crop with downscaled 480p video for the beginning and then the switchup comes in at full res
I'm not sure. I got it off of instagram.
>more niggers

This in worse than browsing /pol/ 24/7
Imagine being this polarized
Jewish alien space zombie who was sacrificed by his father who is also him who had commanded his followers to sacrifice their children coming to save you from the sin of being born who loves you or you will go to suffer for all eternity being tortured in the cruelest way possible. Anyone who disagrees with your belief is a hateful and spiteful demon worshiper.
Great lore.
I don't know guys, there's no way he can win right?
Ok faggot, let's normalise fucking subhumans imported by oligarch schemes
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Let go of your hatred and get a job or go back to school or both. Start lifting weights too if you haven't already.
Only good webms ITT
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>Can be wholesome videos
roger that. webm related.
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It's not always about winning. Sometimes you need to do the right thing for your own sake

You know anons? I love to come to feels threads like these to shit on them with teenage level cynicism but for some reason not today. I guess there are too many war threads to sour the mood lately.
Why do you project so much? I love this thread but I have nigger fatigue as well.
I accept your concession. Imagine still being this polarized. Not all blacks are niggers.
File: kinoedit.webm (5.8 MB, 480x270)
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this inspired me, i decided to make my own versions with media i like
What show?
joe pera talks with you
Always wondered what happened in the fight, anyone have a link?
This was good. Not sure what I was meant to feel but I approve.
File: apu1.webm (4.32 MB, 640x640)
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Not sure if this counts.
it's like an AMV, but it's KMV (kino music video)
https://youtu.be/pHApmME4iYQ?si=FLbHqPFf52PcH1Vi here you go brother
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This world is so beautiful anons. There is so much information, so many things to learn, so many books to read, so many places to go. You are alive, so LIVE!
Thanks I watched the first 4 episodes last night this show is incredible
you got his speech about two worlds aswell?
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>If I say I won that means I won
Nice cope, faggot. You still haven't answered me why should I care about porch monkeys everywhere. I have to see them in my media despite being 13% of the population. I have to see them in affirmative action roles and I have to pretend to like them because otherwise my career will be ruined. I don't care about the 5% of all negro population that aren't niggers, they aren't worth it if I have to be saddled with the rest. I'm not normalizing apes, TND NOW.
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I wish I had a son. My only fear is I would teach him too many redpills and he'd be an outcast
Maybe I'm just autistic but I never really understood this one
'love your enemy'
This is a mysterious teaching. The good news remains, such extravagant love is a possibility, with help from graceful powers beyond our normal earthly perception. Yes!
What does he mean by "being mean to yourself" and forgiving yourself? It's hard to imagine myself as somehow an external force that is mean to me
Kek you sound like a tranny, its not okay crosscuck you gonna go extinct in the next decade along with your shitty cringy threads
ACK yourself :)
Uncle Kracker pilled

To hate someone or something is to not just treat them negatively, but to also taint yourself with negative thoughts and feelings. What he is talking about, essentially, is stress. Chronically stressing yourself out by obsessing with an enemy or someone/something that has wronged you or the bad situtation you findyourself in will objectively hurt your own health. Constantly thinking bad thoughts, will make you gloomy and unhappy and push others away from you.

So it's important to not cling to your hate. Don't let it consume you. Mr. Rogers wasnt a pacifist by any means. It's fine to have enemies or people you dont like, but don't let their existence lower your own quality of life and cause you to hurt yourself. Furthermore, its important to not adopt self destructive behaviors and habits as a coping mechanism, or get into bad self destructive habbits. Mr. Rogers is speaking from his own experience here. He was bullied as a child because he was chronically ill, introverted, and over weight. He didn't learn how to get over this until high school, and he considered that it was mainly because of other people's help rather than him accomplishing it on his own. One of his big motivating factors to doing children's programming was to help guide kids who might have been in a similar situtation to the same one he once was.
It certainly does, thank you anon and God bless <3
did this guy ever hear about the marshmallow test? you can enjoy yourself here and there, but if you're in a shitty circumstance, suffering temporarily through hard work is the only way to break free. I'm guessing he was born into a rich family.
>Marshmallow test
>A replication attempt with a sample from a more diverse population, over 10 times larger than the original study, showed only half the effect of the original study. The replication suggested that economic background, rather than willpower, explained the other half.
Lmao some Jew did another study to disprove the fact that white people (who master delayed gratification) are not actually better at life, it's purely because of socio-economic factors!
To live is to suffer yet life is a blessing.
The human condition is defined by a wide range of emotions. It is not pure love or pure hate that drives us. It is the balance of all emotional extremes that creates the human experience. One can be happy to exist and love their people while hating these who wish to destroy their nation. It is not strange to feel sad when seeing destruction. One can feel anger at the perpetrators yet joy at united resistance. A person can feel both grief at what was lost and have hope for the future.

A situation can look dreadful. It can seem hopeless. But the scales of fate can be tilted by a single grain of sand. Desire manifests reality and dripping water hollows out stone.

Never slacken
Never tire
Never lose courage
Never lose faith
>end of the Twitch Joy of Painting Marathon
>final episode goodbye from Bob
>this comes on afterwards
sure thanks andrew tate now fuck off with your pathetic platitudes
That's likely true, but I personally have overcome being dirt poor by sticking through delayed gratification. I worked full time while pursuing a tech degree, then graduated and finally became middle class. Life is much better now. I can actually be left alone and enjoy my hobbies while living in the nearby city. Now I'm investing heavily to retire early.
Most people I grew up around are just working some manual labor gig or Walmart and look dead inside.
If you're too comfortable you don't get anymore. It's suffer now, or suffer later.
>true, but
We agree, this is the white spirit that lifts people out of povery by their power over their gratification. I only pointed out the Jewish "research" that was done afterwards that tried to find an excuse for white succes that wasn't white superiority
the bigger question is will you let him fight alone? you can make it 99,999,999,998/100,000,000,000
I can make it 99,999,999,997/100,000,000,000
more of us fighting together we can get more hits in before we go down
The biggest problem and probably blackpill about moving up social classes is how isolated you end up being.
My friends settled for low end jobs in their neighborhoods. Hanging out with them became awkward now, people visibly treated me differently once they found out I make a lot more than them. Family members I haven't talked to in 10 years started asking for money.
How about my new middle class peers? Most of them were born with money, they act differently, they can't really relate to me and I can't relate to them. Always feel like a hick when I hang out with them, a bit like an alien on a different planet just trying to copy what humans do.
But maybe it's just my bad luck, I'd probably get along great with someone who also moved from working to middle class but I didn't meet one IRL yet.
>The biggest problem and probably blackpill about moving up social classes is how isolated you end up being.
You're completely right, I can barely relate to any people at all. Not my family and hardly any friends. I think I originally started working so hard to escape having to be close to people I don't relate to and now that I've escaped, I've found I'm all alone.
I don't ever reveal money, but none of these people are interested in working out, improving their situation, talking about literature, creating art, etc.
The best compromise I find is just coming up with things to do and enjoying the experience together. I'm not into alcohol/drugs, but I can see why some go to it, just to dumb themselves enough to tolerate other people.
>Most of them were born with money, they act differently, they can't really relate to me and I can't relate to them
Yeah, I found this out when I went to college. Most kids there had their families pay for every bit of it, the school, the nice apartment, the vacations etc. Meanwhile, I was working full time just to break even. I couldn't afford to even think about getting attention or validation from parties or showing off on Instagram etc. I was in pure survival mode with my eye on the prize the whole time.
At this point, I just focus on getting wealthier to have more freedom to do what I want and bit by bit just trying to help out the people good to me.
I'm unlikely to relate meaningfully with others, but at least I can help carve out the kind of world I wish to see and do the things I enjoy.
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nah, this world is hell
fuck the monad and anything hes ever vomited out
i shit on creation
Honestly I was feeling pretty bad about my life choices, seeing how it made me end up all alone, but after reading your post I'm feeling a bit more positive about it, thanks anon. Truth is, even with company I probably would've never been happy straddling the poverty line. Not in the city at least, it might have been different if I grew up on a farm.
>I don't ever reveal money, but none of these people are interested in working out, improving their situation, talking about literature, creating art, etc.
Yeah that's relatable. I blame it partially on learned helplessness and partially on them being too exhausted from their job to try and improve their situation. Another problem with having friends with huge disparity in income is that we can hardly ever do anything together. I wanted to go hiking or trailing with them but they don't have the money to buy equipment and clothes for it (or at least they don't find it a good enough use for their money) and they also can't take days off whenever they want, their vacation is pretty much decided by their job, even during the week their shifts aren't consistent so it's impossible to plan anything, we just end up drinking and playing games/watching movies.
File: dakar_popcorn.webm (5.8 MB, 640x480)
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iroh man... honestly I still don't know what I want in life
A divine spark.
Born within a mortal body.
A vessel of time.
The sands of time slip by.
Each moment a grain of sand.
Every grain fleeting and flowing.
To never be repeated.
Moments cherished.
Appreciated when lost.
Until the very end.
The hour glass empty.
What amounts of life?
A mound of sand.
Representing death.
Your will, desire and belief.
Representing life.
Till the last grain.
A vast desert.
Past and present.
Howling winds.
Tinged by your mound.
Your voice echoes.
Your will immortal.
Your desire unending.
Your beliefs eternal.
Post BMI
>I don't care about the 5% of all negro population that aren't niggers
It's actually less than 3%
Not to throw off the vibes but wow this is really shit
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posted this in the /feels/ thread but just realized its probably a better question for here... anyways its a long shot but does any anon have the webm I saw about a month or so ago of various Group B Rally clips set to what I can best describe as hyperborea-edit-type music?

I do not know why I didn't save it but the sheer nostalgia and yearning I felt from that video was gnarly
File: dreams.webm (3.94 MB, 1138x640)
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I know what webm it is, but I don't have it.
Apparently, In a parallel universe where Germany won, everyone is already living in utopia right now. Tesla is alive, everyone has medbeds, mansions, hover cars etc. Look up Super Soldier Talk James Rink.
I wonder how well of he is
I hope he's at least in the mid 6 figures
God I would love to work for Northrop. Too bad I'm not a US citizen and they can't hire me.
Ah fuck you man, fuck you making me cry fuck you
Tears were shed….
File: Genesis.webm (5.32 MB, 720x480)
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OC for ye
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Not giving up is easy. Climbing from 1 to 2 to 3 - not eternally bouncing between 0 and 1 - is what's hard.
Love this. This is great.
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the world will also be so much better once it has no niggers in it :)
File: Long Live Europa.webm (5.86 MB, 800x800)
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Anon you are supposed to post videos that inspire hope, not videos full of niggers which therefore induce despair and hate
iam pretty fit, but this is just depressing for me, an elderly man who ignored exercise is just doomed to sadness in his last years? how cruel
i can only do this if it's my only option, for example, if i still have time before a test, and i can comfortably take apart the study material, just a couple of hours everyday is too much for me, but if i have a test in 8 hours or so, i can easily be 100% focused, nothing could distract me during it. it sucks that i can only do it under pressure.
I was waiting for the redbone to kick in the whole time
Based Christian Miku
damn, I wasn't expecting that to do anything
I think the game was cute.
why put villains with it though?
might seem cheery and fun in the meme but this kind of undeserved adoration has got and is getting millions of people killed in lived reality
i guess it's about the notion of forgiveness
File: bltt.webm (4.11 MB, 1080x1920)
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Give this one a chance
Based as fuck lmao
I wish I had everything together and was ready to experience that now or in the near future. long way to go
when i am anxious and scared i watch these webms :)
my favorite webm of all time
File: believer.webm (1.79 MB, 720x404)
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holy fuck
i'm glad this webm is still going around, that bass sax hits.
I remember this in 2022. I seriously hope (pardon the pun) that I see this up until 2030.

It does get better, small steps in the right direction even if it seems insignificant is infinitely better than none. I'm saying this as border line homeless atm

*vibes have been thrown*
Holy fuck
File: Cat.webm (2.78 MB, 1168x960)
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gives me hope
Lovin' that song. Sauce?
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What's the song? Shazam doesn't recognize it
Reddit found it
File: hitler_ambatukam.webm (209 KB, 640x360)
209 KB
here you go bro
>tfw despite this realization, Bolkonsky eventually gives up, loses the will to go on, and dies, even though his son needs him
if this was realistic this would be poorly animated smut of some video game girl taking black dick
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im bawling my eyes out fuck
File: Forgiveness.webm (5.32 MB, 576x1024)
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Which film is he making?
gay. i would never forgive the killer of my children.
filmed with fisheye lens
Based and Christpilled
File: raus955077594.webm (1.29 MB, 640x360)
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These get posted in every thread and they just make me smile!
too lazy to make webm

You've never had a negative thought about yourself? Like thinking "I'm a loser", "I'm stupid", "I suck".

That's being mean to yourself. So it's important to not let those feelings fester and ruminate in your heart. Basically forgiving yourself after having those thoughts, which we all do from time to time, is basically reminding yourself that those things aren't true, and reminding yourself that you don't suck, and that you are worth it.

That's the way I took it, at least.
what are they saying

Ausländer raus, Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus

Foreigners out, germany for germans, foreigners out
kinda based. germany is small enough as it is
There used to be other Mister Roger webms that got posted a lot. If you've got them, anons, post them.
Big cope. Even if Jesus forgives you, you'll still go to hell. Why? Because good people will opt to go to hell to accept their punishment. If you truly regret hating on God or doing any sin, you yourself will volunteer to suffer in hell.
LMAO zoomer cope threads are cringe. This is why you fags have the highest self deletion stats. Millenial cope was at least cool and realistic.
deers are really happy when they find salt because they cant get it easily, hence the happiness, sometimes they approach people to lick the salt off your skin
I only got this one but it's not from a different Mr Rogers
Shazam doesn't recognise it, what's the song?
whats the names of all the kino in this one
That is the Demiurge, the creator of the material world, depicted with a lion head and a serpent body.
Hello anons. I'm just going to say that i was about to get into /gif/ to masturbate again but ended in /wsg/ and in this thread for some reason.

Life has been quite disappointing for a couple of years straight and i have been way too fucking sad way too fucking often. This thread's stupid webms almost made me cry because i guess they work after all. It reminded me how much of a jolly fella i have always been and that I should get in touch with that dude again.

Take care anons, and thanks again.
Kek. You learn something new everyday.
All the best anon, cheers.
If you're British they may hire you.

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