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Movie & TV General Thread
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Fucking coward! Fuck him! Leaving your wife like that. Fuck you, little loser. Fuck this little pathetic loser. Fucking beta. Absolute weakling.
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Absolute kino, complete pleb filter, Temple will always be the best one
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People need to go to prison for this.
You know it's only pretend, right? It's not real.
what movie is this?
No One Will Save You
Pretend or not, it's important to mock and humiliate certain actions so other people learn what is right and wrong.
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What's this from frens?
Surviving is right. His wife and son were wrong.
False. Your progeny is always more important than yourself.
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I can always make more, it's biologically unfit for me to snuff out my genes by failing to save just one offspring.
that pilgrim really killed that roastie
>I can always make more
That's not how a biological brain operates. Also you can hardly make more in a literal zombie apocalypse. Every life is precious and making a family is dangerous.
Are you implying that my intellect is so advanced that it surpasses biology?
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Just as I thought, those movies were total dogshit. I skipped them as a kid.
oh no don't get the pol christcucks all riled up about their jew fairy tales
Holy cringe
Literally the worst shit I have ever seen in my life. Also, the "violin" is just someone playing a synth.
Worst sci fi show possible. Jesus christ the quality of this thread is insulting.
File: BSG - I'm a machine.webm (5.22 MB, 640x360)
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then post something better, faggot
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Why is nobody talking about BSG anymore? It used to be such a big deal when it aired. I literally never see it mentioned anywhere.
what's to talk about. it was awesome. the ending was not great. it's been long over. the creators went to do For All Mankind which i've really been enjoying.
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prisoner of azkaban is kino
this looks fun
Audio visual fun from Zack Snyder
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They must have been shitting themselves with these effects in 1958. Looks too violent for that time.
The obligatory black child. I'll pass on this woke shit.
No One Will Save You as the other anon said.
I really like this movie.
2 things firstly the qt trad wife is a proper qt, secondly there is basically no dialogue in the movie, 1 or 2 words the entire movie, so its comfy to crash out to.
Its not a horror, well I dont think it was trying to be, its an ayy invasion movie.
This movie is fucking beautiful
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I don't remember that scene...
do you just think about pol all day?
man I'm into it, I'll watch it tonight
One of my go to movies to fall asleep to.
Wait, is this the new pozzed and niggerfied Fallout show? Damn that guy would have fit perfectly, what a waste.
Gay delivery. Gay characters. Too many girl bosses, especially in space, especially in the future where women are replaced by artificial wombs.
I always hated this shit, especially all the retards going crazy over the books. Forced fad.
real bundle of joy over here
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these scenes make up about 1% of the film. The rest is garbage.
The alternative is to be in a permanent state of rage, unable to drink or eat anything.
The same reason nobody talks about Lost any more. When you strip away the mystery of what was going to happen / who is a Cylon there's not a lot left.

The acting is B-tier (which to be fair a lot of /2000s sci-fi was). The camerawork is that mid-2000s ultra-closeup shakycam which was popular for a time but now looks very dated. The effects are fine but not spectacular.

Plenty of people still enjoy the lore and especially the space battle style it postulated, but since the show is over for most there is no reason to go back to it -- it just wasn't *that* good.
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This must be the part where they arrive in england
show went to shit after Ragnar died
someone should tell christcucks and atheists what the smell of their colon is like because they are very up in there
Don't feed the people that hate you.
File: Castle.webm (3.71 MB, 480x360)
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why cant they all make a proper fucking nuclear explosion?
Nukes in Fallout are very different from IRL. They're tiny basically just MOABs and focused on just spreading fallout dust.
the source for that claim is deep within your ass
unless that's what the people who made the tv show did. That means they are retarded, it's shown in every single fucking fallout title are actual fucking nukes. Classic bethesda move
thanks. i'm now 10 IQ points dumber after seeing that.
>tfw being forced into a flesh prison where you suffer for a few decades and then die
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File: flechette cannon.webm (3.34 MB, 1920x802)
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Flechette cannons in Dune are so cool. Understated fire sound and "to whomever it may concern" grouping, brutal.
Gotta love that inland lobster
File: flechette cannon 2.webm (5.88 MB, 1920x802)
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more dunc
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Bad swordfighting - he just opens himself up to that stab very blatantly
She never would've closed that distance in that time
Her initial hit with the rock would not incapacitate the enemy
Why don't they have any weapons of their own? (I only watched half the movie and got bored)
Tremors is the better sand monster movie
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What's odd about this is it's slower to jump at the end as he does than to just continue sprinting
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it's prana-bindu, I ain't gotta explain shit
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Yeah this was another problem for me. The harkonens are cool as shit, but they're very incompetent. Not once did I fear for the heroes.
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Not my problem you don't understand Fallout lore. Future replies will be ignored.
>whining about bots
>crying about comments
>screeching about astroturf
Instantly closed, channel added permantly into ublock.
need more lisan al gaib chants desu
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File: Castaway on the Moon.webm (5.88 MB, 960x406)
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What the fuck did I just watch
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The effects in this movie really were cool. I love how the explosion is contained by the shield for a half second before it all blows up
Do you have any of the harkonen bombing the creche with those awesome-goofy battleships? Watching the cannons fire irregularly made me very happy.
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>the creche
The sietch?
These movies all fucking sucked, kids might find them appealing, but i a man culture and class scoff. Porco was also kinda cool.
>the government doesn't want you to know this but your local river and lake is filled with thousands of lobsters and they are literally free, i have 472 lobsters
I used to go catch hundreds of crawdads from the creeks and streams here in Southern California, used to just keep fucking buckets of em out on my front porch because my mom wouldn't let me bring them in the house. Chinese call crawdads small lobster. Maybe if they're down stream from an industrial plant the crawdads turn into lobsters.
How many scenes have diversity inserted into it? Or should i just rewatch the original if i don't want to have niggers forced into my Dune.
Hmmm not many niggers it seems.
Favorite Harry Potter movie and favorite game on the PS2, those were the good times.
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"In the House, In a Heartbeat" is still such a fucking great piece of music
not seen this or read dune but I love they way the gun absolutely saturates an area and how the barrel reciprocates
The whole soundtrack for the first one is such a vibe. One of my favorite movies up till they meet the soldiers. Apparently they hadn't really thought through the third act
that seems less "to whom it may concern" and more "to whom it will concern"
i spend half an hour cutting the damn webm and you tell me im banned no you cant stop me
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Someone explain this scene to me.
>hide in sand
>wait until spice miner on top of you
>run around and under spice miner killing guards
>lose 90% of your fighters to aerial attack
>destroy aerial support using spice miner as cover
>only to destroy spice miner with long range laser weaponry

What was the point of them hiding in the sand?
I don't remember how books described those raids, but if I had to lore cope, I'd say the process is abridged for the big screen.
>What was the point of them hiding in the sand?
Recover harkonnen water/gear and make sure the shield is disabled, so the lasgun doesn't go nuclear.
Post the bit where Jack Black dies horribly, it's my favourite
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was rowling based?
hehe, in this timeline they landed in the muslim conquest of spain
I just don't like all the little kids.
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>Only black character
>Give him only lines relating to 'dark' and 'black'
Based racist JK
Best Ayy Lmao (maybe only?) film since signs.
Flechettes are illegal IRL
Check out Dark Skies if you haven't seen it. It's probably the weakest of the three, but I still like it. It's kind of like No One Will Save You except about a family instead
>They are coming and there is nothing you can do it about it
Is always kino
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At 27 seconds you can see one of the crew members on the right side of the screen
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So, this movie is pretty shit, right? Just Islam propaganda?
>Islam propaganda
You should try actually reading Dune some time. This shit is so far in the future that the machine uprising already happened and almost destroyed humanity and then they won and re-built civilization and re-colonized the stars. The appearance of similarity to actual religions is almost all linguistic, and one of the core plot points of the franchise is that religion in Dune is fabricated by the Bene Gesserit (crypto pseudo Jews with Jedi powers), and the character of Paul is not the actual messiah, he just takes advantage of manufactured messiah prophecies that were planted in the population specifically for the purpose of being taken advantage of when it was convenient.
Oh shit, I thought you were full of shit because the famous one is at 16 seconds on the left outside, I never noticed the other one until you pointed it out
Fair enough, but the movie Dune 2 felt like it's praising muslims while lowkey shitting on bad western imperium. I haven't read the book, so that's my feel. Am I reading the movie poorly? Try to get in my shoes not sure if possible if you read it already.
There are a lot of parts in the new movies that I LOVED, but it's because I remembered the scenes from the book and in the book the characters have internal monologues, and the actors in Dune fucking aced it and acted out as if the internal monologue was happening, but if you didn't read the book you don't get any of that. Dune 2 changed a few significant plot points, but it was still pretty damn good IMO, but again if you never read the books you miss a ton of context and you end up with a film that's mostly just action and cool CGI with a vaguely Lawrence of Arabia kind of feel to it, and you miss all of that essential subversion of the tropes happening (like how it's not actually a messiah story).

Basically if you read the books the movies are a solid A, but if you didn't read the books the movies are more of a B- or a C+.
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Inpirational kino.
not even goggins could save this shit
what movie?
Das Leben der Anderen
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I wrote a very unkind post at first but I will just say that's a pretty shortsighted, culture war focused reading, anon
File: Sucker Punch 2.webm (5.88 MB, 720x302)
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Let's fuckin' go.
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if Dune anon is here, i would appreciate a webm of "lead them to paradise"
What a stupid amazing movie. Always was my perfect guilty pleasure. Beautiful nonsense beyond belief
Best sci-fi ever. Best character also. That little bitch have it all
>not posting the Eva version
Wasted opportunity
Fuck you
these are soo good
I didn't mean to undersell the books and the movie completely. But Dune 2 was released during the whole current bullshit in Middle East and so it's impossible not to see the connections about evil western empire versus poor desert muslim people.
That has to be the worst nuke VFX I have ever seen.
Is this a videogame movie? Nazis, orcs, skimpy schoolgirls with guns, weird CGI backgrounds.
Ey kid, maybe you should try cock if you like it this much, and let the big decisions to adult people. Clarealy you're over your head on this one
Shame she's a member of some weird cult in real life
She's a jew?
Didn't knew. Damn I probably could fuck her brains out at the time. Maybe was for the better
Twins of Evil (1971) it's a Hammer film, by the 70's they were increasing the amount of gore.
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great movie. i should watch it again
kek this is actually my favorite one
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2.8 MB
I always laugh at this scene
you just know it was on purpose
So it's all just deus ex machina. That's my problem with it. How convenient that the main character wasn't killed (more deus ex machina).
wtf is this?
>How convenient that the main character wasn't killed
Read the books son
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Why? They're extremely tedious, going on forever about who is related to who is related to whomst. I'm not a hobbit, i don't enjoy genealogy as a past time.
Ratatouille, live-action remake
The Islam shit is propaganda in-universe, it's a religion that was deliberately planted into the fremen culture so a figure like Paul could show up and control them
File: back in town.webm (3.9 MB, 640x730)
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9mm vs 9mm
ok so why didnt the woman and children run out with him? why do they have to rely on a man to save them?
Because they happened to be in a worse position than him and he was in a position to help them, but instead ran away like a pathetic coward due to fear.
why did she shot only once?
she's so fucking hot
she hit him with the killing curse which kills instantly
>shockwave goes right through people
File: COE9.webm (5.77 MB, 1164x500)
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Indiana Jones is extremely overrated
File: Dune 2 mahdi.webm (5.72 MB, 1920x800)
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second half of 'casino' when deniro's character decides to go against the gaming commission's decision to ban him from running casinos when he didn't want to pay a fine or something. he went to public shows and even started his own talkshow shitting on the politicians and shit all the while forgetting he's with the mafia and should've better stfu instead of openly stirring up shit.
pesci is his handler and tries to talk some sense into him out in the middle of the desert
So is dunc
The beginning of the game was always my favourite
File: T2.webm (5.31 MB, 1433x600)
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The shotgun flip and the T1000 running are the things I remember most about this film growing up. Me and every other kid I knew thought those were the coolest things ever and constantly tried to imitate them (which led to me almost taking my eye out twirling a super soaker around)
I can't find a submarine movie called Blow.
The Hunt for Red October (1990)
that's actually a russian KPVT heavy machine gun
14.5mm, more than enough to kill anything that moves
I thought it was from Good Fellas
same crew same story lol
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Dreams of getting rich
this deserved a theater release
His license application got rejected because he refused to rehire the family member of a powerful political family. He was operating well enough without one until Joe Pesci’s criminal actions were bringing attention to himself as they were well known friends. Deniro complains to the bosses about this which is why Pesci is pissed off. One of the reasons why real person Deniro portrays is that after frustrating the mafia skim he wanted to be in the public eye so the mob would be less likely to kill him.
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I like both
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2.7 MB
I don't remember this episode of space cases
My sister and her friends loved this movie, I never seen it but I have a feeling 14yo stacies weren't really the target audience
14yo stacies are exactly the target audience.
I fucking saw this in theaters, saw the trailer and thought it was about cool babes in war environments but it was literally just some girl's weird schizo hallucinations in a mental asylum, and the action stuff was literally like only 20% of the movie and I was super disappointed
the girls are hot though
I miss dvd menus
So unbelievably kino
I need a whole thread filled with these.
fucking kenny v spenny man
good times spent watching the most retarded show on earth
His mom was the best.
Neat idea, might do a bunch and make one
It's kino
what does the thumb mean?
If the mushroom cloud is smaller than your thumb then you're far enough away that you have a chance, if it's bigger than your thumb then you're fucked, but it's a bullshit myth that just won't go away for some reason
File: Pearl Harbor.webm (5.71 MB, 1194x500)
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I dont specifically care about food and I dont even like lamb really but there is something about this webm that makes me want to eat that food. looks like a truly wholesome meal
what movie?
That whole scene is 30 minutes long. I can't post it all in a 6mb webm obviously. Here is the film if you want to watch that cooking scene. It starts right at the beginning of the film
Yeah I dont think I am gonna watch it, I did check the IMDB link anon posted. Not my type of movie, looks like it will be romance shit too, and french both normally a stay the fuck away from movie for me.
Still the food, I really dont know why but it looked very nice to me. Again I genuinely dont care about food, I eat basic shit and am fine with that. I only cook a meal like once per year.
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Alita if she real
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im reading a book about the pacific right now. Pearl harbor was way more intense, especially the aftermath, than this movie depicts.
Wow really? I always figured it was just movie dramatization like it normally seems to be
Why the fuck do you have this saved?
File: The God of Cookery.webm (5.4 MB, 960x540)
5.4 MB
Christ almighty, none of the fools who wrote this show no anything about nuclear explosions. I children's TV promo has more accurate info (it's also kino of the highest order).

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Because nukes are fake and gay?
Nevermind, didn't see that it was a reply to the other post, it's The Andromeda Strain.
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Uh. Why?
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insanely underrated comment.
patrician taste
i thoroughly enjoy watching jack black die
porco was shit all of those films were shit
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I liked this version, very close to the book.

the more recent one was shit.
Someone pls post the final battle in Enders Game with the epic music
what? it's literally a criticism of Islam and the "great prophets/messiah" dynamic

Herbert read Lawrences seven pillers of wisdom and the whole story is about based on his descriptions the dangers charismatic prophets/messiah coming out the desert to control people

damn you really are fucking retarded
The most western styled house would be Atreides, the movie presents Corrino and the emperor as very eastern/oriental (their dress, the japanese gardens they walked through) and the Harkonnen as not even human. The freeman aren't even shown positively, esp compared to the book, they're violent, stubborn and easily led like sheep

it's impossible for you to view anything outside of your cringe faggy culture war world view isn't it, everything through the lens of libtards and cuckservatives or whatever right? fucking retard
does anyone have that edit of Excalibur?
What is this? The Expanse?
There's no way that racist actor would pick up that mystery meat goblin and take it to safety.
I agree I might be retarded, I try not to see the Dune 2 in that way. But on its own, can you really not see how is it about bad empire stealing oil (spice) and poor desert people trying to protect themselves? It's like modern day world. If the all the books have different message in the end, I get it. But I'm only talking about the Dune 2 movie on its own.
If I was a libtard that I would support this movie because it shows desert people against evil modern empire, you idiot. The heroes of Dune 2 movie are literally the desert people and the bad guys are the empire. You're the one who is retarded.
Dead Heat i think?
Vikings historically took it up the ass from Muslims, nothing has changed.
didn't watch it that far but since he's a historical figure it's bound to be unavoidable.
could they have made it better tho? was the problem the plot itself or retarded characters?
>1.02 MB
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not that the show was anything crazy by itself but after his death it dropped insanely
they dragged his death out too by like 6 episodes or something
some parts with bjorn were kind of interesting but the storyline of the other 3 brothers especially the cripple were so fucking stupid
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4.9 MB
Kek. But factual.
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based Frank Drebin killing gooks before he joined the police force
underrated movie
>"they say he can fly"
Man I loved this show. The whole thing is on Kenny's yt channel too.
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(((Zacky Snyder))) purchased a Chinese girl from her family, trafficked her into the USgAy.
This poor girl having to grow up as a maid for kikes later killed herself at 19 years old.

When will (((Snyder))) be charged with buying a human insectoid, trafficking her into the USgAy (aka Sodom)?
Was he a time traveller?
It looks like Trump's 'border wall' (fence) is behind him
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Does anyone have the clip and source of a scene where an 80s practical effects zombie lies on the floor looking up with the camera zooming out?
I remember watching that movie years ago and i can't find it anywhere but it was cool as fuck.
Spenny's been having a temper tantrum again on social media towards kenny fans, or something. Idk the whole fiasco but it's hilarious. KvS damaged him beyond belief
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He's been buckbroken by Kenny for like 20 years
He's barely running.
does anyone have that 100 movie montage webm?
for some reason 4chan is saying my webm is greater than 400 seconds when its only about 40 seconds... i used -ss and -to to set the start and end dates...is there something im missing?
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there we go

what is this?
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
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WTF is this shitty edit?? The scene doesn't need "500 cigarettes" every 10 seconds to be good.
Whoever did this edit is a fucking retard.
Genius edit, hahahaha!
Trash. Wtf. You people are retarded

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