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The internet is not enough of a safe space for women SAYS THE FEMINIST.
Pushed us out of universities, out of high paying jobs, out of public spaces but would you please think about the poor wahmen ???
And NO , just because CHAD pumped and dumped you does not make you a incel(femcel).
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digits and all radfems get graped and die in minecraft
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And what the fuck???
Now I can't even upload in incognito mode???
The actual fucking state of this site...
"um, hi, that guy in the truck over there told me I had to get out of the truck and tell you ____"
tranny mad lol
She's not gonna fuck you bro
buy an ad nigger
hey baby are you online?
I will support anyone who hates on trannies, even if I also get thrown under the bus. Simple as.
radfems/femcels definitely knocked it out of the park with this one but remember they hate men so be wary.
>hate men
>also hate trannies, because they are men
Say what you will about terfs, at least they're consistent with their beliefs.
i wish i had a cute TERF girlfriend to argue with
turning a TERF into my gf is high on my priority list
That video is hilarious and the only kind of man that would get triggered by it is the kind that likes to pretend he's a woman.
This. They need to be put in their place, but I at least can respect consistency in conviction.
wrf is this retarded thread?
this was made by a man
Certified banger.
Transgenderism is blatantly anti-women and trannies exposed over half of all feminists as not having real ideals. When you separate the sheep from the terfs, aka the real feminists, you get gold like this.
>Sims icon on the desktop
>i want to hit women with my shovel.
>i look even sexier than my wife and teenage daughter. i will be abandoning them tomorrow.
>fart wall
>catboy: i'm 9
>zyn cases everywhere
>the gaia online avatars
>im not tha mad
It's the little things. I rewatched this enough that I got addicted to the song and added it to my workout mix now.

First with the sowing, then with the reaping
I just like the song
They hate trannies because they hate men. Remember that.
So? We hate trannies too, and the only reason beating them to an inch of their life isn't allowed anymore is because of women. The entire tranny problem is women-made. Once this issue is rightfully backtracked, we can deal with their hate for regular men.
The enemy of your enemy isn't your friend, retard. The same holes that rag on trannies also call for total male death. They want you dead. Stop equating them with normie libshit women, they're much worse.
>Stop equating them with normie libshit women, they're much worse
They ARE the normie libshit women, you stupid fuck. Feminists are literally the only reason the LGBT cult ever got strong. If it wasn't for THEM, all you trannies would have been hung on a tree and then set on fire for all your mentally ill pervert brethren to see and learn. Now this same "libshit women" have backtracked one (1) issue once it encroached into their benefits, which makes them way more likely (than the ones who haven't) to listen to reason.

Anyone against what the OP webm depicts is categorically, objectively, and undeniably a tranny and you will never, EVER, be a woman. Seethe, cope, and dilate.
nta but radfems are just as pozzed as trannies you low IQ faggot. They still want LGBT but they want the T part only in male spaces. Just like faggots they groom young girls into being lesbians and brainwash them with misandrist rhetoric. We dont need to 'team up' with feminist foids against trannies we can gas both. Feminists are still very pro sexual degeneracy because their entire movement depends on it. They believe sexual morals and the nuclear family are patriarchal constructs that needs to be abolished. Trannies will disappear once we destroy anti-male ideologies such as feminism and critical theory. When will you bluepilled faggots stop thinking you found a le based and redpilled foid, theyre all the same.
kino webm
You don't belong here. Go back to r/TwoXChromosomes.
>can't handle banter
maybe deep inside you're the woman ITT
Man, I miss the 00s so fucking much. The nerds/geeks had their own places away from the normalfags. Now normalfags occupy it like jews in palestine.
Cool webm. TTD
Don't tell him that. Hes a thinly veiled troon that's what he wants to hear.
No one hates women more than a troon, remember that.
It wasn't. If you check out SillyPoo on YouTube you'll find multiple videos voice acted by the two women that make these.
Trust me those are actors, its made by a man
I think you are a man.
Notice how all the "ugly troons" are just cartoons and drawing now. Because all the trans women that came out 10 years ago have matured and grown out of their awkward phase. Theres trans girls like hunter Schafer and hari nef walking down the red carpet now. There's 18 year old trans people who grew up on puberty blockers and are doing just fine now and have parents and families and friends that love them.

Transphobia isn't about the kids, it's not about traditional values, it's not about "basic biology" (whatever that means). It's about having weak, defenseless people to bully, so you can feel better about yourself. And now that trans people are getting back on their feet, having respect for themselves, and fighting back, you have to make them up.

And in a few decades, when being transphobic makes you a complete pariah in the eyes of the world, when the whole world has come to respect trans people as people just like them, you'll try to pretend this never happened, but I won't let you forget, not even for a second.
Cope, seethe, and dilate. (You) will NEVER, ever be a woman.

You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight. Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back. You are your father's son, and that's how you will die.
Also lol, "meatball" as the username is a direct call out to me because of the time I catfishes a TERF discord and they all fell for it lol.
Dyke drama, who would have thought! >:3
Are you jealous? Are you jealous? Aww
Cope harder, you know it's true hon-ey
Why would anyone be jealous of some hulking creep with a permanent five o'clock shadow with a wig and some second hand women's clothes perpetually making a mockery of himself?
You don't even know what I look like lol. You've just invented an imaginary enemy to jerk yourself off over. The fun's over, we're all happy and loved, and you're still alone. How does it feel?
>projection + cope
It feels great knowing that I don't hate myself and have to drown in chemicals and mutilate my body all for nothing. And nobody loves you, definitely not yourself. If I was wrong, you wouldn't be seething at some random animation over a Jenny Rom song.
Glows want to spread a new psyop.
I call it pink feather.
It’s gender d&c mixed in with white feather propaganda for the meat grinder they planned out between zog east and zog west.
I think the pentagon did a good job with this.
>I-I'm not seething, YOU ARE!!
>still projecting
Wow that's a lot of words bro, you expect me to read your tranny banter? Nobody can change their gender, you're just a terminally online faggot deluded from reality.
>typing like a cat's kneading
No chance in hell the animator doesn't have a cat. Also, cute. But for me it's the black haired girl.
I honestly believe that trannyism was a psyop on nerds and geeks to fuck with linux and the open source software movement.
i hate trannies because i hate women
we really aren't so different
Nah, you wouldn't understand unless you were an incel though. These people are the people from two x chromosomes or crystal cafer which are pure caner. Its terminally online ugly bitches who want to larp as extreme and pretend all men should be taken advantage of. They openly discuss abusing their bf and how all men should go die in a war for them.

They're dangerous and they're growing. Think Korean gender wars in another 10 years.
I don't doubt it but how are they going to get men to care about the white feather when they're just making men hate and resent women even more then they already do?
This, the whitefeather shit would never work today because 60% of zoomers are incels and dont respond to shaming from women that wont even look at them. Antisocial behavior and disorders in men are at all time high while patriotism is all time low. No one is gonna sign up to die for foids. They will probably create the bulk of the army from illegals promising them citizenship.

Wow jews are really losing it.

Hitler was right.
you don't pass, hunter schaefer doesn't pass, only the most effete asian ladyboys photographed at awkward angles fool the most retarded coomers, traps are gay, the only men attracted to you are just straight up gay or "bisexual", you are gay and this is your fetish
The troons wouldn't even be having their day in the sun were it not for the fems; TERFs being against troons does not erase history and does not make them allies. Feminism is far more responsible for our current societal woes than even homosexuals, let alone troons, will ever be. If anything the troons should be getting front row seats to the hanging of the fems before they themselves get hanged.
checked, TFD
>korean gender wars
>highest female suicide rate in the world
Did you forget about the vax? They don’t need to get everyone. First they get the most willing normies onboard and use these normies as boots on the ground to force everyone else. Start off slowly with lottery drafts, use a few tactical nukes if they have to. 9/11 style drama on a bigger scale. When both sides are run by the same tribe you have a lot of options and tactics to play. Open the borders fully during the war claiming a labour shortage. Wouldn’t take much to start a panic in the 3rd world such as a war between Pakistan and India.
Not saying it’s going to work but they will definitely try their best. Never forget that they are mostly schizophrenics who have been kicked out countless times due to their insane antics. Level headed people wouldn’t destroy a host of 1 billion people by bleeding it dry and using the tactics that they have used.
>he only kind of man that would get triggered by it is the kind that likes to pretend he's a woman
Like the song.
god i fucking hate the song in that video
>killed incels
>killed pedophiles
>killed troons
>no father slaughtered
Webm ain't about me. B)
4chan hasn't made anything this good in years. Farmers I kneel
Based Jenny Rom enjoyer.
Cringe Jenny Rom enjoyer.
It`s pretty good, but it's not like they made the song, which has been around here for decades, like Wakalaka, Super Waha, and many others in the bubblegum pop/dance genre... which technically reinforces your point lol.
that's retarded enough to be a slim possibility.
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better quality
lmaoing at the stupid women
they didnt hear the news? EU countries is planning on conscripting both genders.
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ah nice song
i was addicted to the ddr at an arcade in the city a few years ago and loved playing that song
ig I'll post a webm that's slightly relevant to the OP vid since nobody else is posting anything
>but remember they hate men so be wary
That just means it's up to you to fix them
Wasn't there some controversy involving linus torvalds where they used psyoped trannies to accuse him of transphobia?

There was no big way to control nerds/geeks as a collective before this tranny virus.
Just 70k times? That's less than 200 times a day. I'm not mad, just disappointed. I really believe you can apply yourself.
i can fix them
>Wasn't there some controversy involving linus torvalds where they used psyoped trannies to accuse him of transphobia?
No, a bitch accused him of being "toxic" to force the notion that FOSS projects need a *Code of Conduct* so that cunts like her can ""contribute"" to software development without coding. But she was just an useful idiot, her (((supporters))) just wanted a way to control those projects via policies.
>Verification not required.
i recently saw a "code of conduct" poster hanging at my university. i'm so glad i'll soon leave this place.
is the website in that video supposed to be crystal cafe?
no. it's lolcow farm
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Fascinating video
Is open source software in a bad state these days?
Its basically owned and subsidized by big tech, they essentially control it from far. Microsoft bought github and banned all the based anti-establishment and big tech code. Google funds mozilla and pushed globohomo on it and neutered the browser so its not competition anymore.
Have all the open source nerds behind it trooned out or something? Is it effectively dead in the water?
firefox? Yeah its pozzed. Opensource as a whole? No there are pockets and based devs still around but they dont have enough capital/support to handle huge code bases like a browser. We still have based shit like youtube-dl and cracked apps/piracy scene.
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Pretty sure it's complaining about trannies. You wouldn't happen to be one... would you?
My mistake. I thought it was the other webm that is explicitly about trannies. Still, because I hate trannies, I'm going to leave the post up.
>added it to my workout mix now.

Same, gains are insane.

Who would have thought, that women hate troons too
The last part where she's shooting up a mall of boys with bad posture and cargo shorts is disturbing.

I was an awkward nerdy teenager and going through some shit, I was detached and didn't really care about my appearance and fashion, and because of this girls and women were awful, they would go "ew", refer to me as "that" and try to get rid of me and so on. After I grew up a little I learned to fake being a n*rmy and women's attitude changed, but I still remember the way they treated me. Women in generally are freaked out by men who look unusual and don't conform, they instantly hate you.

Think of the cringiest tranny at comiccon or something and multiply that by 10, and not only that, but you don't see them as something funny or a curiosity, you are disgusted. This is what a woman feels whenever she sees a man who does not conform. Women say they are creeped out by us, but really we should be creeped out by the fact they are creeped out and will literally hate you for no apparent reason. They are like animals that get skittish and spooked and attack you.

I suppose there is an evolutionary reason for it. The strange man might kill or rape you, but in the modern world where we meet strangers every day this translates into women hating you for no reason, discriminating against you, trying to get rid of you and hurting you. This is pretty much the foundation of feminism and hysteria, now women have power, they can work to exclude the "strange male".
Its known. Incels have been saying this for years. Womens cognitive dissonance doesnt allow them to blame the men who abuse them for the abuse and would rather blame men as a whole. Since the men that abuse them are usually the same ones theyre attracted to. So they divert and take it out on the most vulnerable target in the male population: very young men who are awkard and not socially established. Other men wont stand up for them and women are already repulsed by them so there is no social penalty for picking on them. Despite them usually being harmless herbivores. Imagine foids trying this shit on "urban youths" kek

You troons are something else.
I was just responding to anons blogpost, its not about your faggy video.
Why do people think this video is all about trannies?
I don't like the video because I think radfems are hypocritical. Gender wars are stupid we should just be egalitarian
>I think radfems are hypocritical.
How? Easy
>I hate misogynists
>I will respond by being misandrist
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you cant be egalitarian with women, they are too obsessed with power and men who wield it. To them rights and status are just a tool to filter out even more men from the gene pool whereas before they wouldve had to settle for them. Women only want equality when theyre doing bad and when theyre doing good they kick the men when theyre down. See universities and certain professions. Women are not part of your ingroup
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whoever made this should get some internets, for old times' sake
Troons won't allow it. Troons have fucked up the open source movement with their shenanigans.
The whole point of this video is criticizing men for invading women's spaces. It's not shitting on men, it's shitting on men who hate women(trannies, incels, etc)
Conformity is much more important to a woman, and the primary method of their sadism is social, exclusion, reputation damage. All people are sadistic. The men more physically and the women more socially.
This is too true. They want equality when it comes to things that they lose on in society but when it comes to things they win on then they are getting what they deserve and men have no right to demand equality in those aspects of society. Family court comes to mind. You see, women can do all the jobs that men can do, even go to war. But men are incapable of raising children and the kids should always go to the mother in a divorce regardless of how fucking shitty of a human the woman is.
All feminists should be forced to marry troons.
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you posted the wrong version
>remember goyim, hating jews is ugly
>remember the holy 6 million
This just makes me hate them more lmao
>men invading womens spaces
Impossible, there are no girls on the internet
>haha I'm gonna show you
>look at this video of the worst men
>this totally sticks it to your post which is describing the vast vast majority of women
Seriously anon. Get your head out of your ass. Those women are (((popular))) and sought after while the men are outcasts. This is why I hate women and their simps. The women who need to be outcast are coddled and held up.
You don't get it, every space is a woman's space, and they think you're a "creep" and want you gone from that space, which is everywhere.

Not even the most most niche autistic hobbies are safe. Take wh40k for example, dungeons and dragons in space, 99.9% male, the most male-brained hobby ever. Yet the sisters of battle are not enough, now they are demanding female space marines even though it contradicts the lore, with their DNA being too different from the Emperor's for the gene seed to work. They screech, cry and stomp their feet until they get their way and when we point out they are wrong they wipe the crocodile tears from their face and have the gall to call us "insecure".

Why do they bother? They are not actually offended, obviously, it means nothing to them. Some people make a career out of it, clickbait articles, getting hired for DEI stuff and so on, but there is no supply without demand. The reasons is.. hate... they hate you. They are every Stacy that freaked out when you were made her lab partner, every Karen that didn't like the look of you and couldn't just let you do your job, every woman who raised her lip and looked at you with disgust just because you didn't have a fashionable haircut and clothing. They don't merely resent the fact they have to share a space with you, they resent your very existence.

The most disturbing thing is no one ever tells them they are wrong, no one ever calls out all their hate, disgust and anger towards you, despite you having done nothing wrong, you are the problem for triggering those emotions. Their feelings have to be "validated", to use their postmodernist critical feminist theory lingo. Women are wonderful™, women are always good people, always victims and the man is always the bad guy, especially a mentally ill socially alienated man, and they know this.
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Hoe_math is a thing. Let's get a military draft happening.
The women's toilet is not your safe space troon,
Can someone please turn this into a webm?
Lmao you're such a whiny little bitch
I could but I won't and will instead direct you to the sticky
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