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News Clip: It's a jewish tradition to spit on christians, priests and churches
jews were the trotskyites that became neoconservatives
Ernst Zundel predicted our current Weimar-like conditions, decades ago.
> He also predicts a holocaust of jews in the USA, once this weimar period in USA completes
America is too fat and comfortable to be in a Weimar period.
this. The Ameican people have proven time and time again they are unwilling or unable to actually rise up against institutional tyranny. Think of the fact that the poorest section of the population has an obesity problem. Walmart subsidies has kept the american people fat and comfortable as you said.
give it some time. the hyperinflation is just beginning.
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>Previous thread same theme: whining, self victimizing

lmao, can't you losers just get a job? I own 1 home and 2 rental properties, does your mummy still do your laundry for you? omg losers!
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Wow, that is sooo cruel
The thread is getting flooded with jewish shills again, just like at points in the original thread
> Trying to deny the truth about what jews have done, and keep doing
> Trying to distract and slide the thread
> Pathetically trying to demoralize
And so on

Anyone that denies that we're living in Weimar 2.0 is either a jewish shill, or knows nothing about Weimar Germany
> Even down to the tranny institutes, banning gay pornographic books, cancel culture, mass immigration, and so on

jews pretend to be of the host ethnicity in public to protect their tribe
Daniella Weiss, head of a Zionist settler movement, says Israel will not stop the war on Gaza until 'resettling the entire area of Gaza by Jews'.
> She sent a direct message to Genocide Joe.
AI Hitler video about jews part 1

They invented sexual liberation? I recall reading in history class about some 60 CE timeline, a roman emperor (first reich) marrying a transgender woman name sporus, nice try dummy >>5536165
AI Hitler video about jews part 2
cringe! also no need to make hiter any more jewish, he was half
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didn't even open, same cringe trash
AI Hitler video about jews part 3


AI Hitler video about jews part 4
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so true
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A clip from the documentary Tantura, about the 1948 Nabka
> Many of the jews admit the truth, and confirm their genocidal war crimes against innocent Palestinian civilians.
William L Pierce Get Them All, Jew or Not

Hitler tried to warn us. He knew the truth about the jews.
> Only jewish shills would claim that he's jewish. It's been debunked a gorillion times over
The jewish shills don't want you to watch these vidrels
Palestinian is not an ethnicity, dna says so
Umm he was half jewish, also born a bastard
walls for me but not for thee goyim
What the jews really think about goyim
ITV captured footage of unarmed civilians gunned down by evil Israeli Jews while carrying white flag in Gaza.
Evil despicable israeli jewish woman happy about Palestinian deaths
yes, 'they' the ones with that book title starting with Q--'-n OR K---n and who GOD doesn't have a name
Hitler AI voice in english, speaking about the so-called chosen people
holocaust mind control
National Socialism was a reaction to communism and gays.
> Weimar has the cheapest prostitutes in europe, and had every fetish possible.
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>self pwned
>found the struggle

Norman Finkelstein, anti-israel scholar, goes off on a jew for not knowing what he's talking about
norman finkelstein. anti-israel scholar, goes off on a jew for not knowing what he's talking about, clip #2
Holohoax: Jews on trial
> Many jewish inconsistencies and lies are exposed
Hitler AI voice in english: excerpt from Mein Kampf
stop raising the rent in brooklyn you fuckin jew
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explain israel calling for the anillhilation of palestine and palestinians?
its unconsionable.
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> Joe Rogan Interview: Woman explains what going to israel and Palestine were actually like, as a goyim and also when with a Palestinian friend
> Exposes the truth of brutal random murders of civilians by IDF
> Exposes the truth about israel

We need to make this interview go viral. It'll definitely help redpill the normies, as it couldn't be farther from the israeli and jewish false propaganda
Do you have the full interview? Can't find it on youtube
Fuck off nazi scum, Zionists today is no better than Hitler.
>thread devolved into neo-nazi trash
nazis have zero sense of self-awareness
have you ever tried seeing jesus from a jewish perspective?
a rabbi suddenly exclaims that he is the son of god and that god (a perfect being, by definition cant be mistaken) was wrong and he knows how to fix god's mistakes... swaying jews to worship him, a MAN, not god, and live by all new rules disregarding what is clearly written in the bible....
I'd spit too
Ya Hussain. There was never another king like you.
Please show us where he claims God was wrong.
are you implying its not like that?
are you blind or just a jew?
lol delusional people are funny

Really confused by your post, as you obviously didn't understand my post. It was to make the Abby Martin Joe Rogan episode go viral, since it exposes the truth about what israel actually does to goyim
> Which shatters the false propaganda that the jews force down our throats, about both jews and israel. Portraying themselves as the innocent victims, rather than the psychopathic genocidal war criminals that they are
Netanyahu stating that he's going to launch attacks to kill more goyim. When the women in the room ask, what about the americans. His response is that 80% of americans support israel, and so he can do whatever he wants. That nothing bad will happen to him, and any blowback is fully worth the price of killing goyim
Israeli in NYC on 9/11, says that it's a "catastrophe" and now americans can finally know what it's like to deal with what israeli's go through
>Eith a massive fucking smile on her face, ear to ear
> Pure bliss and happiness in her voice.
Netanyahu taunting goyim. That boycotting israeli businesses won't work. Since he had USA create laws to make that illegal
> To make those goyim suffer criminally, if they attempt to stop giving israel lots of shekels in profits
so after 911 americans know (again) what it's like to deal with zionists
>former Israeli intelligence officer
Hitler was right though.
They're all spiritually semitic, christians, muslims, jews. All heads of the same talmudic snake.
>Hitler tried
he succeded
if they didn't want you to see anything in this thread, they'd delete it. hitler's stuff has been well-poisoned enough to be kosher in current year.
>hmm, this talks stuff about the jews, let me c-
>oh lol nope, not this
normies aren't ready to accept that maybe hitler was grossly misrepresented by the jew, they still unconsciously think he was le bad.
60 Minutes: israeli soldiers imprison a Palestinian family in their own house, and the IDF soldiers sleep in their bedrooms

> The more that they react, the more you know that you're onto something big
The Levon Affair & Apollo Affair
Planted bombs in civilian areas to blame on egypt.
Attacked USS Liberty- to bait USA into war with Egypt during the 6 day war
> Stole 600lbs of plutonium from USA for the israeli nuclear weapons program
> Jewish terrorists blew up the british embassy killing 92 British, to blame on Egyptians
> Etc

Epstein used as a blackmail.
Dancing israelis.
Israel killed JFK
And more
Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt says jews are 'natural allies' with Muslims against native Europeans
Israel limits food to starvation levels. Blocks imports of necessary items, and limits water to a few hours per week with 80% of the water being unfit for human consumption
Hitler was an evil racist who killed millions of non-whites. Fuck off.
Former Congressman speaks about how israel controls USA govt, the media and both parties of congress. That they destroy anyone that speaks out, via getting them voted out of office, murder or jailed. He was murdered by israel right after this interview
ABC News Segment: 9/11 Special
> The suspicious happy dancing israelis, who turned out to be mossad agents on an israeli intelligence operation.
> They used the fake cover of a company called urban moving systems, and had an office in the twin towers
> Way more israel connections discussed
> Back from before MSM went woke, and they could still discuss israel. This information which all the major news channels and outlets investigated in detail, if you repeat it now you're called a far right conspiracy theorist, despite countless evidence and proof
Connection between JFK assasination, jews, israel, mossad, ADL, b'nai brith, etc
Politician Rockwell says that 80% of the jews are either traitors or cover up for them, and would need to be executed for treason if he was elected
On May 4, 2001, James Traficant was indicted on federal corruption charges for taking campaign funds for personal use.

On July 30, 2002, U.S. District Judge Lesley Wells sentenced Traficant to eight years in prison and fined him $150,000 following his conviction on 10 counts of bribery, racketeering and tax evasion.

Eventually, the House Ethics Committee recommended that Traficant be expelled from Congress. On July 24, the House voted to expel him with 420 members voting yes, 1 member voting no, 9 members voting 'present', and 4 members not voting. The sole vote against expulsion was Representative Gary Condit, who at the time was in the midst of a scandal of his own and had been defeated in his reelection primary. Traficant was the first person to be expelled from the House of Representatives since Michael Myers who was expelled in 1980 as a result of the Abscam scandal.

Nice try silly goy, lmao

Israeli jews says that goyim are inferior, that goyim have different body parts and inferior bodies. That goyim should have less rights in israel than jews. Every jew should get free land
So, Trafficant was not a convicted thief sentenced to 8 years in prison and also expelled from congress?

Also, that Israeli Jew mentioned body parts, ahh yes, they have all cut dicks, it is a requirement for them, ohhhhhhhh deY so different from UncUt dicks, lmao
They won so BIG in englandstan this weekend, they should have had more jewish learning centers, but instead they built 1500+ mosques instead
Israel says they deserve nuclear weapons due to the holocaust.
> Tooootally not a deflection....
In 2010 israel destroyed 58,000 Palestinian homes and slaughtered man civilians.
> Israel then attacked a flotilla of turkish aid going to innocent Palestinian civilians.
> The jewish terrorists then used tear gas and other methods, before capturing and executing 9 of the Turkish humanitarian aid workers
they always project onto others their own traits.
>goyim are inferior
jews are inferior. it's seen in their inability to listen, accept the evidence and see the truth, and always try to slander their opposition like women
>goyim are cattle
jews are cattle. they're unable to do anything on their own, they always need some goyim to do all the hard work for them because they're incompetent, again like women
>goyim are amalek
jews are amalek. they were the invaders who coopted and destroyed israel in the past, and pre-israel they were nomadic edomite and canaanite tribes. they only took on the israelite title about 100-200 years ago to subvert the christian empires, before that they proudly called themselves edomites. palestinians are the only genetic remnants of real israel.
jewish terrorists kidnapped British police, tortured them, in retaliation for jewish terrorists being arrested.
> Then when jewish terrorists were convicted on murder and terrorism charges, the jewish terrorists then killed the British police as retaliation. Since they believe that laws only apply to goyim, and not to jews

The entire history of israel and for over a decade prior, was purely jewish terrorism. The prime ministers for the first 40 years of israel were all jewish terrorists, designated as terrorists by global nations including USA and th West.
> The jewish terrorism never stopped. They were all simply absorbed into the government, mossad, IDF, etc. They then simply continued their terrorism and genocidal war crimes with israel's backing.
> Jewish terrorists were only taken off USA terrorist lists under bill clinton. Since israel and jews donated massive amounts of money to the clinton foundation, and other bribes to the clintons. The terrorism has never stopped, not even till this day.
Notice any fake hate crimes here?
> Intentionally bangs head against the flagpole
> You can see his neck bend forward, and his head tilt downwards, as he lunges his head into the flagpole

He then claims antisemitism, claiming a hate crime that the goyim hit him in the flagpole. He did this, even though he was being filmed, and even though there would be evidence of his faked hate crime.
> He then makes a massive commotion about it, trying to get others to notice him
> To make it look like a hate crime to others, to defame and slander pro-Palestinian supporters

Not unlike the jew at columbia, wearing an israeli flag. The jew then started screaming "kill the jews", and all the goyim booed the jew. The jew then called the police and claimed the goyim were chanting "kill the jews," and had 100 pro-Palestine protesters arrested for a fake hate crime. Video evidence was used, and the jew isn't going to be too happy about the outcome, nor the criminal charges
fake, proof? he didn't cry lawsuit. nice try goy, lmao
Ever see those fishing lines around Manhattan or other jewish cities?
> Jews delusionally think that they can find loopholes to trick god
> Jews delusionally think they're smarter than the god that created them, despite him being omniscient. Knowing everything that happens, and every thought that they have
> Jews delusionally think that they're still going to heaven, and not hell, because they used jewish logic to come up with what they think are loopholes
They put up fishing lines around cities, so that they can break god's law, which requires jews not to work or do many other things on saturdays.
> They think that god won't know the difference between being within the walls of a building/home, and being outside walking around on the streets.
> They think they can trick god, who knows everything, into believing that if they're within a fishing line, that they're still inside their home.

Not unlike when every single year, they commit acts of animal abuse and torture the chicken to death.
> Harming animals is a hallmark trait of psychopaths (the genetic form of Antisocial Personality Disorder. aka ASPD)
> They torture the chicken to death, swinging it by it's head
> They then delusionally think that they can blame the chicken for the sins and crimes that they committed, and that god won't know the difference between a chicken and a jew
> They delusionally think that their omniscient god is going to believe a chicken committed horribly psychopathically evil crimes, rather than the jew that committed them. Despite god being all knowing.
> They think they can claim when at the pearly gates, that they didn't commit the sins, and then go on to blame the chicken for doing it
shabbat shalom shlomo
Ari Ben-Menache former israeli spy, says that epstein, ghislane and her father robert maxwell were israeli spies
> Mossad was using an israeli pedophile ring, with epstein and maxwell running it.
> They had a video recording room that was massive, completely packed with recording equipment connected to cameras all around his mansion.
> Epstein and maxwell then entrapped the rich, the powerful, the elites, politicians, media moguls, and anyone else that would be beneficial when blackmailed by israel, to do WHATEVER israel demanded.
>> This includes blackmailing them into passing laws for israel, sending funding, censoring, stealing technology secrets, inserting backdoors into programs and hardware, suppressing evidence and information about jews and israel, lying to promote false propaganda that's beneficial to jews and israel, etc.

Maxwell's father was given a hero's funeral. With prime ministers, heads of govt agencies, mossad agents, etc
> One of the israeli elites even alluded to it, saying that robert maxwell was vital in the founding and survival of israel. That they couldn't thank him enough for the things that he had done, but that he could not publicly discuss just how important he was to israel and why.

The entire reason why epstein's client list was never released is because USA was now in possession of the list also, and therefore was able to blackmail these world leaders, elites, etc., just like israel had been doing, and still does to this day
The part that disgusts me the most is their laughing and smiling while describing these events. I'd live the rest of my life in self loathing, contemplating suicide, if I had done such horrible things. These are the people who call us worthless cattle. These are the people who claim to be of God. It's no wonder God called them the Synagogue of Satan.
Maybe we'd still be producing more people if they weren't constantly pushing porn, birth control, and faggotry on us. Maybe we'd still be able to afford families if they didn't create such rampant inflation. Maybe our nation would have wealth if they weren't so busy spending money at a rate that's unimaginable to me.

Jews did all of this to us. Now they seek to hand our nation off to brown people from the south.

Did you watch the full documentary via the link that an anon >>5522955 posted in the previous israel redpills webm thread?
It's waaaay worse than you can imagine. That clip doesn't even do the full documentary justice, despite unironically being so psychopathically evil. I've learned a lot on chan, and other sources, but even I wasn't prepared for just how bad israel and the jews really were.
> It has countless super intense redpills, admitted by tons of israeli's and jews.

Full Tantura Documentary link:
Calm down. I can only support him so much.
He was killed by a traitor who pushed Marxist bullshit into things. In other words, a Jewish asset took him out.
yeah your post read as sarcasm to me.

shes not the first person to go to jewrusalem and be disgusted by everything.and even tried to be silenced of say thigns that are not of their own
*or say things
holy shit
posting russian news faggot
delete yourself
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this thread is ANTISEMITIC AND ILLEGAL in many countries
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NICE, whats the source for this? link?
Greenblatt ADL conference says that everything true that jews do, is a far right white conspiracy theory

Not sure, I found em in the /pol/ webm thread on /wsg/
Ayn Rand Hypocrisy - self Interest is good, except in the case of Arabs. In which case. fuck them. Everyone should suck Israel's imperialist kosher dick instead
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>Ayn Rand
>Rand was born Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum on February 2, 1905, into a Jewish bourgeois family living in Saint Petersburg in what was then the Russian Empire.[6]
that explains it all
"America's greatest ally" gives aid to al nusra-
Providing medical aid to wounded Al-Q aeda members, so that they can go back into battle
Celebrities hold a charity event yearly, to raise money for IDF israeli military
> What would happen if celebs raised money for the north korean military, the iranian military, chinese military or russian military?
> And yet, raising money for a military with a long history of genocidal war crimes for it's entire existence, is praised and widely accepted
israeli politician blew up when a jewish colleague said that all children are equal. The racist israeli politician then said that the children brought it upon themselves to die by being a goyim
Literal israel well poisoning with typhus to make city surrender
Netanyahu: America is not a unified block. Congress is controlled by the powerful israeli lobby AIPAC, and therefore USA govt does whatever israel wants them to do
Why Do People Hate Jews....?
Israeli jews want to kill all goyim. The israel 6 pointed star is from 666, not from any religious text. Comes from the star of remphan their god-moloch is the jewish god. aka. the Star of moloch
israeli teen insults jesus, yells at goyim to go away, and keeps flipping out on the goyim
> What israeli's are really like in the wild....
Gallant israeli official says that Palestinians are subhuman goyim beasts, subhuman animals, and will be treated accordingly with no water, electricity or food to survive
> Just as the talmud teaches, that all non jews, aka goyim, are suhuman beasts. That jews are the only humans. That goyim simply look like humans, as to not offend the jews when serving them as slaves
Netanyahu lying about Iraq, to trick the west into fighting israel's enemy
Netanyahu saying wants iran regime change long time ago
> Has been falsely telling congress, UN, NATO, EU, etc. for 4 decades now, that Iran is only a couple years away from completing nuclear bombs. That we must go to war with Iran and destroy them, before they get nukes just like israel has
> USA has never won a single war simulation against Iran, in decades of war games and simulations.
Black guy speaks the truth about israeli's, in Brooklyn NYC
rabbi chaim richman: Christians should worship the jews because we're dying for your sins
On World Children's Day, Evil Israeli Jews release a song titled 'Friendship,' inciting the extermination of all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip
> With "people" that think that this is friendship, what do they think being enemies is?
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No way those are the actual lyrics, cartoonish
israeli singer mocking Palestinians in Gaza. That jews are going to steal all the homes and land in Gaza, and then kick all the Palestinians out. and then kill any Palestinian civilians that remain

Based digis fren

Never underestimate how cartoonishly evil israel can be. They unironically make the USA and chinese govt's look like shows for toddlers
Blessed thread.
non white here.
Id give my life for him, any non white he killed, id approve
Biggest lie told in history. Hitler only hated Jews because of how hard they subverted in Weimar. Their were volunteers all over the world, mostly from Muslim and Asian countries.
>Biggest lie told in history. Hitler only hated Jews because of how hard they subverted in Weimar.
>Their were volunteers all over the world, mostly from Muslim and Asian countries.
Trips of Truth

In 2016, netanyahu admitted in a public speech, that Hitler never wanted to kill the jews. That he simply wanted them to leave, since they were ruining germany, subverting it, ruining the economy, making it degenerate, etc. That he just wanted them to leave, but that the jews refused. Then, all the other countries refused to take them, even the west (USA, Europe, etc). The mideast refused to take them also. Nobody wanted them, due to how many problems they always caused for the host country. And so, Hitler was forced to house them in concentration work camps, not unlike how USA kept Japanese in concentration camps during WW2

If you hear Hitler's speeches, you'll also realize this is true. Especially the English AI versions of his speeches
> Hitler only ever spoke of wanting them to leave, and that no one was willing to take them, especially the west. He NEVER spoke about killing them
Here's Netanyahu
It's also on youtube
>In 2016, netanyahu admitted in a public speech, that Hitler never wanted to kill the jews.
>That he simply wanted them to leave, since they were ruining germany, subverting it, ruining the economy, making it degenerate, etc.

Anyone know the source of this audio?
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The IDF.
> Enough said.
playing both sides as usual, since hamas is nothing more than a mossad sock puppet.
This "double standard" argument is soo triggering. Yes, we treat different countries differently. We hold different countries to different standards - especially if you want to get the gibs. US investment and aid is not a right.

"But why are people are supporting Disinvestment from Israel?", Chuck asks.
Option 1: because of Israel's many human rights violations as widely reported by the U.N. and several prominent human rights groups, while their economy and military are propped up by the United States as our greatest ally.
Option 2: anti-semitism

Must be option 2.
>"the jews want to destroy the temple mount... uhhh.. I'm sorry,- the al aqsa mosque."
lol, so much for being religious.
This guy is equating the American Revolution and the current US/China cold war, with harming your own citizens by "waging war" and "hunting them down". What an insane fucker.
We do have too many fucking holocaust/WW2 movies though. The Japanese did some pretty fucked up shit in Manchuria.
Very articulate and informed reporter.
>Can't find it on youtube
Well, that is quite a shame. At least you still have TikTok to share your videos eh?
>Option 2: anti-semitism
well if the shoe fits anon.
when you apply the pro pali arguments to other conflicts (without letting on what you're doing) typically the responses back are these arguments are insane and completely detached from reality. So clearly its really not about what Israel is doing, but the fact that its israel that is doing it. On top of that I'm not convinced any of you care Palestinians beyond as propaganda tools . Like in none of these conversation do I see any consideration of what possibly ramifications the power vacuum created from u.s. divestment and the possible ways it could go wrong for people in that area, mostly because you just don't fucking care.

I'm sorry anon, I'm a logical person, I really can only come up with only two explanation for your motivations, hatred of jews or hatred of the united states.
Israel is not behind everything. russia is.
Guess who has Russia by the balls.
For now, goy...
Check out @Timayenis on twitter, the lad has a shit ton of redpills about Israel and the JQ
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Jewish US Congressman max miller blatantly states, that he will make sure that USA turns Palestine into a parking lot

Thanks anon. I'll add it to the Israel Redpills WEBM Thread #3, when we full up this thread.

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ahhhhh BASED
>banned for muh racism
israeli jews start attacking a White Christian, for the unforgivable crime of being a goyim in israel

Jews rabidly hate White Christians, as evidenced by:
>The talmud, torah, and other historical jewish texts
>The way that israelis speak to and treat Christians, especially White Christians.
>The way that jews in the west treat and speak about Christians, especially White Christians

The only reason why Christians falsely believe that israel and jews are to be respected, praised, and treated well. Is due to the FAKE EDITION OF THE BIBLE, WHICH WAS WRITTEN BY A JEW & PAID FOR BY OTHER JEWS: THE SCHOFIELD BIBLE
> SCHOFIELD BIBLE - A conman, paid by jews to be the face of a mistranslated and misinterpreted bible. That makes jews the chosen people instead of the murderers of the Messiah
That's what they get for being retarded and worshiping a dead kike on a stick.
>white woman
Bitch looks Jewish as fuck lol
Israeli woman exclaims that palestine belongs to the jews, and the moment they leave due to war due to israel trying to kill them, that israel must then steal their homes & land and not allow them to return.
> So that jews can have free homes and land, and not have any goyim within israel
israeli woman saying to kill every muslim, one by one
> israeli's are unironically very psychopathically evil
> The ones that aren't psychopaths via ASPD genetics, are sociopaths via environmental factors
> The talmud is unironically an operations manual for ASPD & NPD
> See PICREL in >>>/pol/467078597 for ASPD and NPD symptoms, and it'll blow your mind if you were unaware of this.
>> Since Israel is unironically the living embodiment of a high functioning psychopath with NPD, especially of the israeli elites are just that.
>> Psychopaths are evil to a completely different level, many magnitudes greater than a sociopath.
can't wait until this happens that way its JUST israel and watch how fast they become an even bigger problem / terrorist state.
plus no more welfare teat
no but it sounds like richard spencer to me
Typical Jew.
Cries about anti Semitism, then brags about how much money he has.
You are literally throwing your own fuel on your own fire.
Good job, genius.
destiny is not a jew. norman finkelstein is a jew.
Germany- Jews statistics on how jews destroyed Germany intentionally
Normies discover and comment on the absurdity of the ethno-supremacism of evil Israeli Jews when it comes to organ transplants, harvested from Goyim cattle
IDF invades jerusalem block on holy Muslim day of worship. Keeps journalists back to prevent them from filming too much
>60 Minutes: israeli soldiers imprison a Palestinian family in their own house, and the IDF soldiers sleep in their bedrooms.

This kind of thing, will come to the US. in the near future if the people do not rebel against the ZOG and their bots
Dennis Prager admits it: They can say it... But we can't
Christian zionists gave up their lives and money, to work as slaves for israeli's to work on their farms for free
> Due to the Schofield bible - A conman paid by jews to be the face of a misstranslated and missinterpreted bible that makes jews the chosen people instead of the murderers of the Messiah
Checked and kek'd satan
Jeffrey Sachs says that every politician is not allowed to have any separation from israel. Not allowed to question israel, or countless groups will destroy you
Speaking to rothschild about the Balfour Declaration, to steal Palestine and give it to jews to make israel Converting the country of Palestine into israel. Israeli jews murdered palestinians, etc
If you ever wanted to see that the USA govt is controlled by israel:
A standing ovation in congress, when israeli politician says that israel is irreplaceable to America
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach claims Jews were made into human soap and lampshades
pol Was Right Again- How jews push race mixing of goyim, but not for jews
The real reason they want Iran is for it's oil reserves. 3rd largest in the world, and controls the straight of hormuz where 40% of the world's oil passes through
USA Congress is an israeli occupied govt. That USA govt will not stand up against AIPAC ever. Putting israel first before americans
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Jews follow the talmud, even if they don't realize it. As it as seeped into jewish culture, as jews always lived in communities led by rabbis
> Goyim are animals in human form
> A fingernail of 1 jew is more valuable than the lives of 1M goyim
Norm FInkelstein is Jewish, Destiny is not. Well educated, moral Jewish people are some of the main critics of Israel and that's important to memeber
John Mearsheimer- Biden allows genocide in palestine, despite being against our strategic interest, nor in a moral interest. Because of the powerful israeli lobby would destroy him in an election year
Holocaust industry breaks bezos, and makes him ban any books that provide evidence that shows the jews were lying about the holocaust
Erase the Memory of 'Amalek' (Whites) under Heaven. Eliminate all amalek from earth, as the talmud instructs. That israel was supposedly given to them in religious fictional texts written by jews
Wake up Brothers and Sisters of the Moon.
Remember their ◯ sacrifices,
Remember what power they gave you, use it on our enemies.
Remember their Sun † and his sacrifices.
I mark the Flaming Sword of Retribution upon thee accursed ancient enemy of mankind, leave this place or face destruction.
We have to fight spiritual warfare with spiritual warfare.
That star belongs to US ∆∇
>All heads of the same talmudic snake.
Anon, the talmud was written after Christ and it's almost entirely about hating Christianity. I can only imagine 2 reasons why you are like this about it
>You are extremely retarded and uneducated about the JQ and have no clue what it's original backing was and why jews were kicked out of countries in the past
>You are a jew poisoning the well
Stop being so afraid of of these pussies. Spirit has domain over ALL PHYSICAL MATTER. Summon your guardian Angel using Tri-Tones. Use the motherfucking TriForce. We will become the balance.
It's not a cube. It's a triangle with the fourth point inside ◬
Israeli's smiling and boasting that all arabs should be killed, and an amusement park built in gaza after killing them all
gigi hadad's father talks about how his parents took in refugee jews for 2 years. His mom went to nasareth to give birth to him, and when they came back, the jews stole their home.webm

Unironically this
The cross, or rather this one ⸸, is not a "crucifix" it. It is a SWORD. The top point indicates Spirit is ascending. When it's upside down "the dagger in our fucking backs" † it indicates Death or EXTINCTION OF PEOPLE.

Montel Slave Trade Was Kikes & Germany gave jews $200B by the time filmed decades ago, and survivor rates keep rising even today, instead of going down like with normal non-fictional mortals. That there's big business in the holocaust industry
Milchan: israeli spy that was recruited from hollywood, to help the israeli nuclear program. Others were also recruited from hollywood, and still are being recruited for other israeli programs today
That's exactly what I'm saying, that's exactly what Jesus said, definitely fight them physically but I don't think that'll be enough. Chaos magic is real force and you can fuck their shit up with it, make them regret ever touching it. Our true God is the fertility Goddess, that's why the ayys have to make hybrids because Isis cursed the fuck out of them.
Why can't anyone remember..?
You're breaking my heart...

Jk you can't break this heart EVER.
His real name is Isho.
The nation of Israel is dead. God killed them, not the other way around like Gog and Magog say The 6 pointed star has nothing to do with David, it is the star of Remphan (Satan)
>the talmud was written after Christ
Not him, but learning that the Talmud was written AFTER Christ was mind-blowing.
Why do the Israelis look like Filipinos?
Why does everyone hate the jews game show
zionist male jew violently assaults FEMALE Christian Preacher, FRACTURING her spine. As he violently attacks her on occupied land, bashing her to the concrete ground.

When they talk about judeo-Christian brotherhood, this is what the mean. One were the brother is violently psychopathic, and the other is the actual victim.
Far Left Democrat US senator, head of senate, faces backlash: Schumer calls Netanyahu 'major obstacle' to peace
>and it's almost entirely about hating Christianity
Lol no, it's entirely about coping with the fact that they don't have a temple anymore. It barely mentions Jesus outside of a few short passages saying that his mother was a whore and that he's boiling in hot shit in hell.
Revelation 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie

This should be no surprise to anyone paying attention.
Lmao can't even make this shit up now the kikes try to turn their own meme against hamas, sorry shlomo shekelstein but we all know that its the jew that cry out it pain as he strikes you
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Germany had very strict anti-free speech laws about jews
> Enforced via jewish groups, via civil and criminal charges.
> During Weimar Germany, when jews controlled the government, and it was just as woke as it is in present day west
Anglo zionist allegiance origins explained
Infowars: The only thing that the govt can agree of, is to pass laws against antisemitism and supporting israel.
Shows the govt is ZOG
> Bans Christians from reading Christian scriptures

Infowars: The only thing that the govt can agree of, is to pass laws against antisemitism and supporting israel.
>Shows the USA govt is unironically ZOG
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Greta's National Socialist Speech, complaining about jews
60 Minutes Report:
Neocons are mainly jewish, and want to topple mideast regimes for the help of Israel. Neocons were trying to force an Iraq war since 1996 to help israel, they simply had to wait for a fake reason to justify the war to USA citizens
"I did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it." Matthew 5:17
You are a deceiver like your father satan.
Christianity is the easiest religion to disprove

>Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. (Mark 13:28-30)

>You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed. (Deuteronomy 18:21-22)
Jewish neocons were pushing USA to war during the bush era. Waiting for a reason to push war,
> Then, 9-11 came and granted all their psychopathic genocidal wishes for countless mideast wars against Muslims, who jews see as a mortal enemy.
> Made better, that they had Christian goyim from the west going to fight this war, with jews killing off their 2 main goyim enemies in life at the same time, for the benefit of jews.
> She says that the 25 neocons are the only reason why the Iraq war happened, and that they were dual loyalty GOP politicians. Without them, war never would have occurred.
> She says that the 25 neocons were israeli activists, that pushed agendas at odds with USA policy and interests, for the benefit of israel and jews.
Jared Kushner Says It’s “Unfortunate” Europe Isn’t Taking in More Palestinian Refugees. Since gaza is valuable waterfront property for jews, and they need the Palestinians to leave so that jews can steal their land and make it into a jewish resort town.
> In other news, jews have already held auctions for purchasing this land and developing it. This, even before israeli's went in to steal this land. The land auctions occurred in NYC
israelis steal homes of palestinians IDF prevents palis from going to their property
> 1 of a gorillion vidrels on this topic, that I've posted so far to these 2 Israel Redpills WEBM Threads

Make sure to save all these weebums using a bulk downloader extension. So that you can then redpill friends, relatives and even normies on social media
The report in question.
>move the people out
>then clean it up
>then build schools (for us) instead of tunnels
>valuable waterfront property (for our people)
>boarders change in war, so don't complain when Israel gets a few hundred miles of beachfront property ;)
Jesus, these fucking people. Talk about saying the quiet part out loud. I can see now why TikTok is such a threat to them.

I like when the guy asks whether Israel would let the Palestinians back after the fighting, assuming that other countries (Europe/America) took them in. He gives such a snide remark, "well maybe, lol" - as if this hasn't been an obvious goal since the early days of the invasion.

He then proceeds to make up a history of Gaza, waving his hands around, claiming it's some kind of construct, an accident, fresh for the taking. Imagine if the US just took Iraq's land then forced China, Europe, Canada to take in all the Iraqi refugees (that we created), then claimed that Iraq was just some sort of construct created by the British Empire; thus making it justifiable, and perhaps even morally righteous, for the US to take it.
And now you know the difference between "audacity" and (((audacity))).
This gels with some suspicions I've had after learning that the NSDAP had an economic partnership with the Jewish colony in Palestine.
Why didnt anyone snap that little jew neck?
Look at those jew animals behaving like vermin, they truly are the children of their father the devil
can someone translate pls, are they doing that for fun or the retard sandniggers think the heat bags are some kind explosive that came with the food
Does anyone have some in Spanish?
wow what an extreme national socialist
cuz even he can't stand by and talk out of his ass with a straight face
he knows they're zionists terrorists
They're making bombs out of the flameless ration heater that comes with MREs
Theyre doing it for fun, he says "this is what our kids are playing with now" because they are homeless due to war and have little to play with. The kike that posted it is trying to ragebait.
Neither of those things are true, schlomo
I've seen rats with more class than that.
post citation, oh, nevermind

My fucking sides!
So, no rebuttal then, many such cases, you silly goy.
I don't need to. You provided a pozzed source. A fucking Disney owned company.
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I take that as conceded, loser naziboi.
Now I’m red pilled AWAKE to the mental illness of the antisemitic poltards, what a loser shitskinfag lmao
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But in the news, they keep claiming that gazans are starving, is the news lying to me?????
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Depends, also the expiration date on those nutrient bars are months away but the same year

Please believe us goyim!!! We're only trying to help ourselves... I mean you! You can't trust this man who was the only person in over a millenium, to effectively expose us jews for all of our trickery and tactics. To notice all the unethical and immoral things that we do, due to having extremely high rates of ASPD and NPD psych diagnoses, which we engrain within our culture via the talmud, torah, and rabbi's whom spread out word to jewish youth. The ensure that they develop these diagnoses and become sociopaths and/or hardcore narcissists, if yahweh didn't bless our jewlets with ASPD genetics to bless them with psychopathy.
>We even indoctrinate children in israeli schools to hate all goyim, via "us vs them" tactics, to unironically make them genocidal against all goyim, and most of all to ensure narcissism let them know that they are yahweh's chosen people. We even documented this process in the israeli documentary "Defamation" by israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir who is honest by goyim standards, as he exposed a bit too much of our process. Luckily no goyim will ever know to view this documentary, which exposes many of our tricks, such as antisemitism being a scam, as well as the holocaust industry also being a fraud.
Full Video link for "Defamation" (2009) https://youtube.com/watch?v=CTAjc1OSrmY

We do all this to engrain in them the teachings of the talmud, that all goyim are simply subhuman goyim beasts, whom exist simply to serve us jews as slaves, and only have a human appearance vs the true animals that they are, as to not offend us jews when we're forced to look at them when they slave for us.
>Even our most respected rabbi of all time, who got 800k worshippers at his funeral procession in israel a handful of years back. (almost 15% of the israeli jew population) He even said that goyim are only there to serve the jews as slaves, and that goyim are subhuman beasts.
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Ever wonder what really came out of the showerheads in the "gas chambers"?
> Remember, there was no mention of gas chambers until the 1960's. There was no mention of them in Elie Wiesel's book "Night" in the german version (picrel: >>>/pol/467675897 ). It only started in his english version in the 1960's.
> The head of the Nuremberg trials sent out an internal memo, telling employees that if anyone mentioned gas chambers that they were liars, since they had proven that they didn't exist. To not believe anything else said by those work camp residents after being freed.
> The zyklon B was used as a delousing agent, which the USA also used at the mexican border until 1957, to kill lice. Since the lice caused typhoid. When germany's supply route got bombed by the allies in the last months of the war, tons of camp residents got typhoid and died from the explosive diarrhea which caused malnutrition. This is how anne frank died months before the war ended, and why so many camp residents looked so skinny and emaciated.
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This is an israeli children's TV show.
>Notice the degeneracy of having a teenage girl in a bikini as the host for a little kid's show?

Notice how they always talk about judeo-Christian values when talking to Christians in the west. But, this is what they teach about Christianity to little jewish kids in israel.
lmao this low iq kike shill
idf really not sending their best
Jews slander jesus. Claiming he was a sorcerer, not the son of god creating miracles. That he was studly and a lady's man too
Israelis calling for genocide in their own words
israel uses American blood to fight israel's wars. They want the west to fight Iran for israel
Israeli rabbi talking about this as a holy war -Do Not Spare Any Soul- Kill all women, since they make babies that will kill jews, so kill any goyim that you have the chance to per the torah. Including children and the elderly, since any goyim is a threat to jews per the torah
Israel is a domestic policy, and the USA administration does not want to confront israeli PM's
Jew saying that it's hard to be a jew in europe. That if sucking baby penis circumcision ceremonies is banned, that it's the end of jewish communities in europe
jewish hypocrisy immigration to west vs israel
Maybe soon, you won't need to pretend the Holocaust actually happened.
The word aid doesnt pop once in the video. The guy is a grocer talking about war inflation prices. He says every this candy used to be 1 shekel its now 10 etc. JIDF rats arent even trying no wonder theyre losing the PR war.
>da news
No its the UN and literally every humanitarian org on the ground. The Jews will keep denying and denying that everyone is working for le KHAMAS until they wake up and see the entire world hate them.
Rando caller opinion, nice try, LMAO
Jews push immigration into the western world
jews fear the white unity that they've created, as their plans to demonize white christians has backfired badly upon them

> SIDE NOTE: The more that the jewish shills post in here, the more it shows that they're scared about goyim learning the truth about the jews and israel
AIPAC pushed for the war in Iraq for the benefit of israel. AIPAC sent a rabbi thug to threaten a congressmen if he voiced his opinion against the war, that his career would be over. AIPAC followed through with their threat and brutally slandered him in the media, to ruin his career.
This is Jonathan Pollard. An israeli spy whose direct handler was netanyahu. He states that all jews have dual loyalty for israel, with israel coming first. He demands to all jews that they become spies for israel. Many of them have, with over 600,000 global jews spying for israel via mossad and others, including medical doctors that relay information gained from their patients or about their patients.

He illegally stole 600kg (1320lbs) of enriched processed plutonium from the USA, to illegally start the israeli plutonium nuclear weapons program
He illegally stole the CIA, FBI, etc operations manuals
He did many other crimes as well, before being arrested for his treasonous acts, and should have been executed by jews in USA and israel pulled the strings to keep him alive. He did more damage to the USA, than almost any other person in history
And yet, VIDREL: He's given a hero's welcome apon landing in israel with his handler netanyahu waiting by his plane to greet him.

He also threatened any israeli who was friends or relatives with the Hamas hostages, to not talk to the media, social media, etc about the excellent treatment that Hamas provided. As it ruined the false propaganda narrative that israel and jews globally were spewing. Since the hostages and their mothers kept thanking Hamas for the amazing treatment, that the hostages viewed them as family members because of how great they were treated. Even providing rationed items such as medicine, fresh fruit, sweets, etc. to the jews. Mothers even wrote handwritten letters to thank Hamas for the excellent treatment of their children

>>5522928 60 Minutes special with an israeli whistleblower about the israeli nuclear weapons program. Includes pics and vids from the plutonium nuclear weapons program facility
>>5537080 About the Apollo Affair, Lavon Affair, USS Liberty, and others
Jews in congress politicians are the ones that banned guns, as they do in all commie countries, so that you cannot fight back against tyranny, right before the genocides begin in all communist countries
> The entire point of the 2nd amendment, was not to protect you from criminals. It was literally for you to protect against tyranny and government overreach, if the government ever tried to oppress the citizens

Jews in congress politicians are the ones that banned guns, as they do in all commie countries, so that you cannot fight back against tyranny, right before the genocides begin in all communist countries
> The entire point of the 2nd amendment, was not to protect you from criminals. It was literally for you to protect against tyranny and government overreach, if the government ever tried to oppress the citizens

hasedic jews surround goyim and attack him for asking questions. Force to leave
Epstein was running a mossad honeypot pedophilia ring, to entrap politicians and elites around the world, to then force them into doing israel's bidding The USA knew he was israeli intelligence. With the USA prosecutor for epstein's first case, being told that epstein was israeli intelligence, and to just leave it alone
USA can't stop people from criticizing jews in person, only on the internet, and it scares them.
> Since the world is finally able to see all the atrocities that jews and israeli's unleash upon the world, which israel has been able to suppress by always calling legitimate criticism of israel and jews as antisemitism.
> Along with using jew controlled MSM, hollywood, publishing companies to suppress and push through false israeli propaganda
> Along with israel requiring all journalists to hand over all their devices before leaving the country, so that they can delete any evidence of israeli atrocities.
That's the voice of Greg Johnson. And I recall the long gone channel Demography is Destiny had a video where his discussion on the JQ was put to music like this.
The flamingly gay lindsey graham, who israel has lots of blackmail evidence on. Which is why he always votes for stuff that harms republican voters, and caves to any and every democrat demand

That's why lindsey graham is ok with countless dead Palestinian civilian children. He says there is absolutely no limit to how many children israel can kill, and that it's worth it. He wants israel to genocide Palestinian children, since being a sociopath that [poorly] hides his gayness, is more important than the lives of unlimited Palestinian children

>trotskyites that became neoconservatives
trots are weirdest strain of commies, they were MORE RADICAL than Stalin in origin, they became allied with socdems now they align with liberals and neocons.
Wtf are they seriously.
for example look at this shit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_Before_Profit
or this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Alternative_(United_States)
especially wtf is this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Burnham
>and it scares them.
not even a little bit of a chance of that happening.
>harvesting dead organs
yeah you're real fucking smart
You're the idiot. I'm a medical professional, and know that many organs are able to be harvested from morgues, let alone funeral homes. It only depends on the blood perfusion rate and metabolic rate of the organ.
>You can literally google this retard, to show that you're a complete idiot

Let alone that israeli's kidnap innocent civilians from Palestine, to harvest the organs and kill them in the process.
> You can even google this too , retard

You israeli shills keep proving time and time again, that you're extremely low IQ. Completely detached from reality
not him but, he is half-right there, Israel is a hub of international organ trade, seems like not much have to do with Palestine conflict yet it is important detail.
oh I'm sure you are
post your phd and your hand with a timestamp

once the blood flow stops so does the oxygen.
and shit startes to die
you have a very very small window from death to harvest.
most actual organ harvesting is done from a live subject.
I'm not a retard that's about to doxx myself by posting my info on the internet
But since you're such a retard that you don't even realize that you're an idiot, this website has a nice chart for the number of hours after death in which organs can be harvested

You can also google organ harvesting from funeral homes, and you'll find countless results. You won't though, since you know that you're wrong
> Things like kidneys can be harvested 24-36hrs after death
> Liver is 8-12hrs after death
> Lungs and hearts are 4-6hrs after death

Skin can be taken up to 24hrs after death, and israel has the largest skin bank in the world
Bone, ligaments, heart valves, corneas, and others can also be harvested up to 24hrs after death

But I know you won't google any of this, since you know that it would prove you wrong. Which is also why you never bothered to google the first time I said to, to prove yourself wrong. Since you're either so retarded that you don't realize that you're an idiot. Or, you know that you're wrong, but the shilling money doesn't pay you to type the truth
> This is what goes wrong, when israel sends their D team shills to chan
the jews in charge of USA money- They demonstrate in this interview, that they don't understand how money works
Just as how the mainstream media controlled by jews and jewish run activist groups. Along with israeli shills on the internet, that shill via countless sockpuppet accounts and VPN's to pretend to be goyim and attack specific groups. With them calling anyone against woke culture, which is literally Weimar Germany culture to usher in communism. After WW2, commies were given the directive to slander opponents as fascists or nazi's to discredit them. Since they couldn't debate the completely true evidence based facts, stated by those who could stop their dream of instituting communism so that jews could control all goyim and make them suffer
Thanks for the work OP, saving this stuff
eh, you can always just cover the name on the diploma while holding out your hand on it, you fraudster fuckhead. lmao
>children's TV show

this is late nite tv program for adults, prove me wrong, oh, you can't! kek
No problem fren. It's a lot easier if you use a bulk file downloader extension, to passively download all the webm's in the thread. They keep the original filename, so that you don't have to rename them yourself.
> I won't say which one that I use, but I'll provide the top ranked & top downloaded one in the browser extension store, which is DownThemAll, which is free

Also, don't forget to checkout the Israel Redpills Thread #1

Make sure to share the redpills with others, such as normie friends and relatives. Social media has a larger reach, and you'll constantly see files such as these posted in the replies sections of many high volume accounts.
> Such as when AIPAC posts tweets, they're usually flooded with redpill vidrels about AIPAC, israel, netanyahu, etc.
>Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation Saves Lives
literally not one person has ever had their life saved by an eye donation
An israeli airstrike attacks during church service, killing many Christians standing outside.
> Not unlike how they bombed the 3rd oldest Christian church in the world., the oldest in Palestine, let alone with the occupied Palestine state in the temporary country israel's borders
That's rich, coming from a child of Remphan.
Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL says 'The only team I play for is the Jewish team.' Not the red team or the blue team. That he won't participate in cancel culture since they constantly get it wrong.
> Yet, he always demonizes the right, and white christians.
> Yet, he cancels people and tried to cancel twitter by getting advertisers to stop advertising on twitter. Most was based off of a fraudulent Media Matters report, which they faked and photoshopped. Which was proven by stats to be fake, and multiple Attorney Generals filed lawsuits against Media Matters for fraud.
> Like when he kept saying it was the far right white christians that were pro-palestine, for many months. Yet, 5 months earlier, he was on a leaked conference call in which he said the problem was NOT right or left, that it was a generational thing, with the young being anti-israel.

Everything he says is constantly proven to be a lie
Why I became a nazi: Jews are destroying the country and making it commie...
Rabbi explains the the end of days.
> To Kill the Amalek (goyim)
> To use mass immigration, as a way of ethnic replacement
> And others
Spectre says nationalism is a bad thing for jews. That the European Union has been the best ally of the jews. If the EU falls and european nations become nationalistic, it will be bad for jews. Social media is bad for the jews, and hopefully it goes away very soon, along with nationalism.
Holocaust Survivor Hoax:
He claims that you're not a liar if you believe it in your mind, then it's not a lie. He made up a love story at the concentration camp, but it was all fake. He did this for over a decade, going on oprah twice, book and movie deals, and on other shows. Then it all fell apart, when holocaust scholars proved that it was physically impossible for her to get near the fence, and that his wife couldn't have come by daily since she lived 200 miles away.
> He then admitted it didn't happen, but still claims that it's not a lie since in his imagination it was real despite knowing the whole time that it never happened.
So, no rebuttal then, many such cases, you silly kike. I take that as conceded, loser kikeboi.
Yeah I already jewpilled all my friends. But being gen zers they all kinda hated Israel to begin with.
Jewish Senator Chuck Fleishmann aggressively states that he will never support palestine or palestinians, and that he will always do what's best for israel and will never stop
Mask Slip: Jewish man starts flipping out and screaming psychotically at a man calmly holding a sign. He accidentally slips, right after emphasizing that Hitler was a christian, by saying 'YOU GOYIM' when he was asked to clarify who he meant by "you people"
Netanyahu: America can easily be moved, they won't get in our way, 2001 interview. Explains that israel can do whatever it wants, and not fear any repercussions
They really did 9/11 didn't they
This bobblehead isn't jewish, just another christkek noahide slave.
Yeah, you're actually correct. It look like part of his family was jewish, but converted. He was related to Houdini (a jew), and the last name Fleishmann is used by German ashkenazi jews, and means baker in german.
> He's actually Roman Catholic now, that they converted at some point in time. so I concede that you are in fact correct. I will update it in my files, for the next time that I need to post it again
I made no claims of being a medical professional, you did schizo, what a silly lying goy, lmao
you got shoah'd by anon m.d. shlomo
I wonder why israel and netanyahu, would give the worst traitor in USA history a hero's welcome, if israel is our ally?
> Countless high crimes, including giving israel the ability to destroy the world, kill countless millions of goyim, the ability to blackmail the USA, etc...
>ideology with poor principles flops around a lot over 100+ years
Wow, anon. What a shocker.
Can I get a link to a higher quality version of this? It's one of the best rundowns I've seen, so far.
ReeseReport.com has it in high quality, and lots of other good vidrels too
Schumer is so in the pocket, he's directed to say this to appear as though US condemns.
But behind closed doors, they're still doing what they're told.
You're kinda bad at this, which is itself cringe.
Also, no. That's been debunked, sweetie.
Thanks, fren.
>praying to Mary
That's a waste of a prayer. Jesus is the only way to contact heaven.
lol, he sounds like a whiny nerd.

I'm still amazed to see the schizo /pol/tards visit /wsg/ to sperg out about how their evil psycho ideology is totes gonna save us, as opposed to the other evil psycho ideology, socialism. Two niggers on the same side of the nigger coin.
>hey guys i'm mentally retarded
that's nice anon ty for sharing
God the rothschilds are the embodiment of pure evil It would make sense, that only people like them, would steal land from the palestinians to give it to the jews
I highly suspect that the people in Israel aren't even real Jews. They just call themselves as such to fool Christians into ignoring their evil actions and the complete domination of their nations. The trick has worked exceptionally well. Personally, I think they fly a satanic flag in front of our faces and get away with it.
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>> Things like kidneys can be harvested 24-36hrs after death
>Liver is 8-12hrs after death
>> Lungs and hearts are 4-6hrs after death

>Bone, ligaments, heart valves, corneas, and others can also be harvested up to 24hrs after death
you truly are a massive fucking retard.
if you are in fact currently employed by any medical professional entity,you should be terminated, and investigated.
So many doctors here
>if you are in fact currently employed by any medical professional entity,you should be terminated, and investigated.
don't worry "healthcare professional" is always code for nurse or someone equally low on the totem pole. guy changes sheets and cleans bedpans all day
Jews themselves are invaders according to the old testament that they cite as proof God gave them the country. Britian comes from the latin word Britiania, does that mean Italians get to take a chunk of Britian away from Britons? Dumb Jew thinks his semantic games work here.
>can't find it on youtube

Nigga, it ain't there, ain't gonna be there, oh you'll find a TON of Jews reacting to that video but not the video, go look elsewhere, like here...
Oh, and don't use jewgle to look for it either, lol.
Why is this a video? It's just a still image with some rag head music.
i don't see you refuting his post jew boi with a mutilated dick
what refute retard, he is no medical professional, that COWARD goy made it clear he lied: >>5545428
LOLLLL refute the information he posted or get your disfigured penis out of this thread jew boi

There is nothing to refute pervert.

>can't refute the information

Post medical diploma first, stupid goy
That's a bot. It tracks chan users who click the link, to identify them as chan users

>> Instead, I'm going to deflect by trying to bait you into doxxing yourself, while lying and claiming that you're wrong. The goyim will never realize that I know that the medical professional was correct
>>5545428 goyim anon
>>5549858 israeli shill
How the hell did he lie? he provided a link which proved the stats that he wrote were correct. He proved that human organs can be harvested after death. I just googled it to check, and he was absolutely correct

It's obvious that israel is sending their F team shills right now. That anon was correct, you can harvest organs after death, depending on the organ. Israel is just trying to deflect that they're the #1 human organ traffickers in the world, and steal organs from dead people. Israel even admitted that they do this in 2010

Israel Admits Harvesting Organs From Dead Bodies Without Permission
>same delusional fag
>please please look at my link!!!

so, no proof of medical diploma, i take that as conceded. silly goy.


I can't believe you were actually right about harvesting organs from dead bodies 4-36hrs after death depending on the organ. The link said everything you quoted from the site >>>/pol/468206142 but it still seemed really strange to me.
So I googled it and found tons of links confirming exactly what you said about organs harvested after death. Also checked the news tab in google and saw lots of articles about human organs being harvested in morgues and funeral homes without consent, by evil people including tons of israeli's and jews. I can't believe you were right and it's true, but it actually is. I'm glad that I didn't reply like the other idiots, before googling like you said to do to confirm it.

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