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File: pereiravhill.jpg (30 KB, 449x220)
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What is this guy's secret? is there any training routine that makes someone able to knock anyone out just by a mere touch? or is it more about genetics?

he also destroyed ngannou's record btw (not that i believe that ufc powercube)
Outside of boxing rules, stiff isn't actually bad if your hands are relaxed enough to snap, provided you're keeping your range/reach. Yes he's got natural power, but the entire game plan is maximizing it.
you will notice the best punchers in MMA are the ones that have adopted a karate style, because karate is objectively the best most mechanically efficient way to fight in this context
I think Ngannou has boxing style

This has to be b8...
Mostly genetic, Pereira has huge heemer proportions like big hands, long arms, thick neck etc, but also his form is very good.
>natural genetic power
>good technique/form/strategy
Most guys have one or the other. Pereira has both. Simple as.
50% great technique
50% being built like a fucking caveman
Poatan never practiced karate, fuckhead
100% Chama
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He's a real problem, they have to bring out the stretcher for this one. Sweet dreams
don't get it confused

karate is the correct most efficient way to fight, whether you study karate formally or not eventually you will arrive at the same conclusion if you study how to make your fighting most effective
it's convergent evolution

karate is the only street fighting striking art, and while MMA is not street fighting it's closer to street fighting than something like muay thai is for example, and so of course MMA striking will always bias towards being more karate-like in application
hand low, weight over the hips, knees relaxed
>karate is the only street fighting striking art
This board is way too slow to be laying out premium bait like that
I think he has an bit of Taiwanese blood in him honestly. The biometrics of his arm snap line up too well methinks.

This is some high quality b8, right here.
Great bait. Sounds like you're talking from 1985. Only a few MMA fighters like Rob Whittaker and Wonderboy use a karate inspired striking style.

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