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Been a while since the last.
Post displays of physical strength. Be it lifting, bending, crushing, outrunning or any other form of physical prowess.
Both female & male are fine, but preferably post petite slender girls destroying the notion of what strong should look like.
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>be me
>be demon lord
>youngest demon lord in recorded history, thank you very much
>seriously, i conquered the land of zahara at the age of twenty-three
>not to brag or anything, i can't stand braggarts
>but you have to admit how good i am, right?
>chilling in my castle in the dark domain one day when a raven arrives
>it relays a message to me from one of my many strongholds across the land
>let's have a listen, shall we?
>that's ominous
>decide to send reinforcements to stronghold

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>okay so maybe i shouldn't have come here
>finally turn around and face the menance that's been singlehandedly deconstructing my entire empire
>she has black hair
>she has orange eyes
>she is sobbing and weeping openly like a child
>she is... my mom?
>oh no
>oh no no no
>"I-I CAN'T BELIEVE Y-YOU!" she sobs, stomping her foot into the ground
>the earth splinters outwards for several yards in each direction
>"mom please-"
>look around at the remains of my forces

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>"i mean, that's so cruel," says bogard
>"really, honestly," says javalar, another general, "even i remember to write home at least once a month."
>"yeah, like, the pillaging, the burning of villages, hell, even that weird torture thing in the basement, i can handle that," bogard continues, before pausing to take a drink. "but what kind of kid doesn't remember the woman who raised him?"
>i wonder if bogard can "handle" the weird torture thing if he were put in it

>look around at the remains of my forces
>all of them are looking at the ground or at the sky
>some are whistling
Kek, that's the kind of awkwardness I was waiting for.
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Previous thread >>10959036

In this thread we talk/post/edit and possibly draw shemale hentai/write shemale smut.

No pussy, please. That's all I ask you.

Feminization is highly encouraged and traps are fine as long as it's related to it.

If you have any new content be it writing, drawing, translations or even image edits feel free to post it!

Please refrain from spamming the thread with dumb discussions, or at least have the decency to contribute if you must post you retarded walls of text.

C's Haven 1: https://e-hentai.org/g/1769296/2222818c5d/
C's Haven 2: https://e-hentai.org/g/2066147/7a2abb221e/

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If I were a man with a pussy should I be called hefemale?
Jokes aside, there's no much point debating these labels here. It's mostly a way to differentiate from futanari that is too vague for our purposes.
Me and everyone in this thread love girls with dicks, it doesn't matter if they're called shemales, tgirls, dickgirls, newhalfs, whatever.
And have some rest.
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I suppose it is more a thing for /b/ on account of making people salty is fun.
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Reborn from its ashes edition.

Previous: >>10897119

Pretty much everything related to size stuff with female booties welcome, buttcrush/smothering, anal vore, and yes, farts. Non-fart complainers get shoved into the nearest male size/vore thread.

Any pics with scat must have the scat censored or link to the pic on an external site.
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A measure of anime or cartoonish tropes can enrich even somewhat grounded stories, but it's up to the writer's skill.

Hey guys, RandomAnon reporting back after like a 2-3 weeks absence, irl issues. I'm glad to see that the thread's still alive and I'm just trying to get back on track with my writing.
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>SBD's are the smelliest
>Loud bassy farts rumble your body and hurt your ears
So what's so bad about a small squeaky fart then in comparison?
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SBDs and loud bassy ones are great, but let's not count out the weak squeaks, because weak is the key word, it's relative. Personally I love how they're a great reminder of the tiny's situation. To a small enough tiny a loud bassy boom can sound like an angry god, but a squeak can't be confused for anything else. Your ears are ringing and your life is in danger, and it was all from a sad fart that could've gone unnoticed if you were normal sized. Your tormentor is an anus, no its ands or butt- buts.

Nice kronii Pic btw. Now I'm wondering what hologirl would I rather be the lil ass-cquaintance of. I was thinking Pekomama like picrel to match the undying theme of milf butt, but thinking about it I'd have to go with hololives signature hag Marine. If you know, you know.

Marine has a huge butt and there's some amazing art of it, but we need to see it brap! Kiryu Coco would also be another good one to be an ass-quaintance of, according to the lil' gorilla.
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I'd have to go with Sana because...

Good point about the squeaky ones. As an added bonus, it would probably elicit an underreaction from the giantess as well, who would feel the frantic squirms and choking wretches, and may very likely tell them to 'quit overreacting'.

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Futas looking inconvenienced by their erections
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Here's from the next part(chapters 1&2 are bundled on their online release. This is ostensibly chapter 3)
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Now she caught Nighengale give Ritsuka a paizuri
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Next page Raiko comes over. Notice Mash covering her crotch with her.. what is she carrying?
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Raiko's mighty rack is more than enough to keep Mash at full mast.
The rest of the story is of Mash drugging Raiko with sleeping drugs and fucking her while she's unconscious, so that's it for this series. I really liked how hoshiaka drew out the sudden sexual attraction and arousal, but their later work would skip that. Unfortunate.

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Ladypot are much more numerous but boys and futa are also welcome.
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You forgot her sister.
This fetish did not become mainstream so no wonder it eluded you. As for amount of quality content I assume that some really talented people like it. I may be wrong but earliest drawings of ladypod are from [Zigzag Company] Zigzag Factory.
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Adult women of short stature. Large assets on a tiny body. No oppai loli.
previous thread >>10882249
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do not the puppet
Does Goblin men ganging up on their own goblin women count as /h/, or /d/? It feels vanilla enough to be /d/, especially if the goblin women are consenting, but shortstacks goblin girls seem to be a /d/ thing.

Someone help me out here.
they’re goblins, monsters girls are always welcome here. regardless of sex positions
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Theme Questions:
>How would you make use of exotic slaves like Centaurs, Harpies and other humanoids?
>What extra precautions need to be taken when training/owning dangerous races like Giants or Echidnas?
>Would slaves with magical powers be sold on the market or are they restricted to society's elite?
>What's the relationship like between normal human slaves and the more exotic ones?

Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?

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>>What extra precautions need to be taken when training/owning dangerous races like Giants or Echidnas?
Not enough content of women more physically powerful and imposting than men being made to submit, defiled, and broken by them, to the point where physical restraints are not needed anymore because of how meek, or willingly subservient they've become to their new master.

Depending on their personalities, proclivities and power, a girl may turn one way or the other.
A kind and gentle giant can turn into a frightened mess, too scared of disobeying any order given and lavishly degrade herself in order to avoid punishment, like an elephant tied to a post since it was a baby, conditioned to believe anything but submission is impossible.
A proud and haughty echidna can become a passionate servant and slave, eager to worship her new master in order for a chance at a reward of gifts of pleasure from them, and taking pride in proactively looking for opportinities to serve them and facilitating their goals, even without the bounds of restraints and to the point of looking to opportinities to enslave fellow monsters, including her own wild-born daughters.

It is not a simple accomplishment, but managing to reign in a physical powerful race without the use of any restrains is the mark of a proficient master.
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I prefer my slaves thin and weak primarily for aesthetic reasons, but it's true that getting one of those large monstergirls to be absolutely devoted would be a huge mark of pride for any Master. I always say the most high quality slaves still obey out of fear of the whip, but the physical pain is minor compared to the emotional pain of knowing they let down their Master, and at the extreme end of this scale a slave would happily endure intense torture if it pleased her Master in any way. There is a erotica idea here somewhere of a super devoted slave being rented out to another dom for torture practice, maybe a femdom wants to try it out on a girl or something, and counter intuitively is far more calm enduring some of the most brutal pain in her entire life (so far) because it's in service to her Master.

Another erotica idea does relate to monstergirls. A Master orders a neko slave out of a catalog or something. It's shipped to him and perhaps this is kind of like ordering a slave from wish.com because she is 10 feet tall and is mostly thankful to not be drawing a cart anymore but thinks she wants to escape somewhat soon. Breaking down that resistance and making her realize that her brief thoughts of being free were a grave mistake both to her doing criminal acts disobeying her betters but eventually she realizes in defiance to what she is deep down, yeah that could work. Also make sure to read the dimensions of what girls you're getting shipped guys, it could cause problems.
I also enjoy more lithe girls, although if they are to be broken I'd prefer them to have been powerful in their own right, as mighty royals or nobles, powerful wizards, or corageous knights and soldiers. The taller they are, the harder (or in this case more deliciously) they fall.

For girls who are already weak or broken I prefer a more merciful method of building them up. If they've already had the stick, I do not mind giving the carrot, so as to develop their devotion to me.
Carrot and stick is kind of central to training those kinds of slaves. I'm big about doing this stuff IRL and I find a lot of girls who are the type to willingly offer themselves into slavery tend to be pretty broken inside already, so being their Master involves taking that huge emptiness deep inside of them and filling it with service and worship to me. Ideally a slave should be happy to have finally fufilled her purpose in life, after spending so long touching themselves to the thought of finally living this way.

A good way to say carrot and stick is also headpats and the whip. You always kind of need to give these things encouragement lashes even if they are absolutely perfect, which they never will be, but a good girl will get way more headpats than a bad girl who will just be covered in whip marks compared to her sisters who only have a few.

Lots of kindness but still in that degrading way also really helps. A good girl still has most of her food be gruel out of her feeding bowl, but she does get scraps handfed to her from the meals she cooks her Master. A bad girl still gets the gruel, but if i'm really upset with her service she might have some mud forced down her throat next time I take her for walkies. Even when being nice to slaves it's really important to reinforce their status as below all other free people, hence them kind of having a happinessgasm when they get a headpat.
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Lots of AI stuff out there, it's not too bad these days in terms of what it is able to generate. It does allow art of the kind the most degenerate of slave owners that occupy some small filthy niche enjoy: Actually happy slaves.

Slave anons reading this thread don't freak out, you'll still be able to cry and beg for forgiveness in the middle of submissive mental breakdown when you displease me, but imagine being out on the town in some BDSM colony somewhere, being naked just as you deserve, and being ordered to do some forced lez with your slave sister while I eat some lunch from a street vendor while I scroll through my phone. The absolute smile as you are finding complete joy in slavery, just completely at peace with who you are. You can still hold back tears as you need to suck my cock after getting 20 lashes for not making my coffee the absolute best it's ever been, don't worry.

I know you things long to toil in the hot fields for 16 hours a day under fear of the whip, but come on girls, rest your head on my lap and realize that your Master knows how you should live your life a lot better than that little thing between your legs does. You don't collect names like cumhead, mushbrain, and so on -just- because I like giving you those humiliating names. It's also because that's a big reason why you are destined to serve.

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-No furry
-No extreme gore
Previous thread: >>10820256
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Big thanks!
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PSA time friends!

If the filename looks something like "111358946_p0.jpg", that means it's from Pixiv and you can find the direct source by yourself!

Simply take an existing Pixiv URL, such as:

TRIM off the numbers:

Then ADD the numbers with the first part of that initial filename:

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>Are you saying that is the artist self inserting
In one case, yes. I think there was a photo link of him on danbooru somewhere.
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Terribly sorry, but I can't quite tell. Are you talking about an entirely different bit of art in which he self inserted or are you saying the boy from those two pics ITT is he? The later is what I thought you were implying, but I feel as though I am mistaken.
This is one of Ron Howard's most ambitious sequels yet
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Ambitious is anyone seeking to tame that bulge.

Back again
Show girls being protected at all costs
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Hololive Production (Japanese: ホロライブプロダクション) (stylized in lowercase) is a virtual YouTuber agency owned by Japanese tech entertainment company Cover Corporation. In addition to acting as a multi-channel network, Hololive Production also handles licensing, merchandising, music production and concert organization. As of January 2024, the agency manages 78 VTubers in three target languages (Japanese, Indonesian and English), totalling over 50 million subscribers, including several of the most subscribed VTubers on YouTube and some of the most watched female streamers in the world.

Upon passing auditions, Hololive members agree to be in an exclusive life-long polyamorous relationship with the rest of Hololive's talents. To facilitate this before their debut stream, the talent must pass an initiation test consisting of being gangbanged by the entirety of the previous talents before her, one generation at a time. She must succesfully make all of them cum before her scheduled debut stream. Each generation has one pure girl as the generation's designated hole with no futanari features whose job is to sexually satsify her generation members as a form of stress relief. All hololive talents are free to have sex with each other and frequently do so across generations during collabs.
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Hope you guys enjoyed my little flood.
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Actual sharkcock Gura best Gura
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Skipped on account of I prefer human cocks.
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But here's the doggo cocks for those who do knot.
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And back again.

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Last thread >>10824009
Post big people fucking or otherwise being intimate
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Another hot yuri composition with these two. It's got that pussy juice flooding I love. Sucking on the O'Neil cylinder is good too. Would also like to see it used like a dildo.
And is that the Pillar of Autumn in her tits?
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If you don't mind a decently long story, you might enjoy 'The Goddess' Retreat' on the Shrunken Woman Board website.

>Giant Hera-like Goddess goes back to her favorite world of her linking after making enraging her cheating husband.
>Meets a young, mortal boy there and decides to raise him as her passtime.
>Slowly and without her notice, she starts falling in love with him, something completely taboo for gods.
And, at the risk of spoiling the story
>Eventually through an ocurrence their positions of power and height eventually reverse.

It's a really good, but long read.
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What do you mean? This is the way it always has been.

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10876831/
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can you anons link me to some quality stories or doujins?
I usually prefer stuff in which the person is unaware or in a haze, but finding new quality stories is hard
no, it's inciting political shit
That may be so, but there is clearly a reality warping element going along with it.
It can be relevant and a bad idea to post it here. Honestly I think enough people stopped following the thread by this point that it's probably better to let this one die and make a new one.
Saucenao turns up empty, wheres that pic from?

Hello /d/. Today in "Niche fetishes you'd think they would have more art but actually don't" we have women "upgrading" men.
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how about unintended upgrades?
Here is the funny thing it just got uploaded
And it seems that these images that were posted seem to beat it by about a day
Potentially hot but personally I like it when the upgrading has a bit of a femdom angle to it.
enlarging this thread with a bump

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there was a thread like this up ages ago that never got a sequel. post stuffed sloshy guts that are loud enough to warrant noise complaints. bonus points for visibly rumbling tummies!
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