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The lack of regular pregnancy threads here in May is crazy lol. Let's get a preg thred going that isn't hyper preg but more full term based.

Big boobs, butts, muscles and short stacks are fine, ai too. Just no loli or underage shit please
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>one retard coming in and complaining about pregnancy in the thread about pregnancy
just hide the fucking thread or kill yourself dumbass, we just wanna jack off
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I feel the same way about futa, incest, NTR, furry, guro, loli and beastiality.

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This thread is dedicated to "Lift and Carry". What is Lift and Carry? It is a fetish revolving around being carried by someone, usually the opposite gender. Heavily associated with FemDom, much of LnC is based on the idea of being impressed with the woman's physical strength, usually with her being stronger than you.
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Oh, and I wrote out a couple of stories about my experiences with this stuff, but I couldn't really bear to keep going. Yeah, cocky athletes and obsessive lovebirds, huh? Sorry anons.
>I could never tell a girl about it.
Literally just let her get close enough to do and then say something like "hey baby do you think you could hold me in your arms this time I wanna switch it up"
No, you don't get it. It's not the case of an embarrassing fetish. It would be like if the girl asks to peg you. It just won't do. She could say she wants to smear herself with shit, and you could just say you're not comfortable with that and it'd be fine, but fuck with the relationship roles and it all starts breaking down.
I mean rationally speaking if you are strong enough, she should not get the 'ick' about being with a guy with that kink, right? Imagine being 6'3" 225 lbs, capable of physically defending your 5'6" girl whenever necessary but she just gets the ick from the big guy's lift carry fetish because... why? Women can be weird.
Just lie and say that you're still in control.

"Get over here and hug me, babe.", etc.

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I want more! edition
Massive pregnant bellies. Towering mounds of fertility.
previous thread >>10897627
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“can you make me even heavier?”
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Where did you find the alts?
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Post women that are too fat to walk or at least near that to as big as you can imagine.

Just as long as they are bigger than a SSBBW.
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Was looking for a story I'd read a while back. MC is a girl approaching immobility being fed by her GF, begging not to be fed anymore. Eventually she tries to get up, and realizes she barely can; and makes her way to her room knowing it'll be the only place she ever sees again. (Pretty sure she gets stuck in her door frame too) Ring a bell to anyone ITT?
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earliest fat burpjob art, kudos

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previous thread >>10948212
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He's only just on page 5? He was on page 5 the other day, is redoing the page again?
This is the other day's page 5 and right now he is doing another pose instead. Oh boy another long wait is coming if he keeps this up.
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And here is his current page 5.
He didn't redo he, he added a bit of her pushing the nun clothes thing between her boobs in the upper corner of the page. The first pose is just on another layer so he can draw

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Huge breasts / Slim ribcage back POV

Ideally iviudal tits are 1x to 2x the size of the ribcage. Can hang to belly button or waist. Nothing hyper that drags to the floor or fills the room or is just a big circle mass with no weight (looks like a balloon).

Wide hips / ass a plus
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Post Pent Up Overflowing Balls, fat, engorged, massive, swollen, pregnant, hefty, enormous balls. Or any other synonymous phrase for large balls.
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Hot stuff Anon, it hasn't been around in a while but a personal favorite of mine was always prostate expansion, of course behind the massive swelling of the testes and preniums themselves, but seeing it all together is wonderful.

>New day starts, she wakes up slowly to a tight feeling midsection and a morning erection that only manages to crest over her balls by the loop of her urethral beads...
>"But it is bigger!"
>Out of bed and into the bathroom, brush teeth, wash face, rethink eating habits, take a little longer to pee, a full 30 seconds of the gooey clear before her balls drop enough to let the urine out, and even that is thicker than usual...
>Her equipment is definitely more sensitive than usual, the beads never went in like butter, but now each hits that same little buzz in her stomach... It doesn't hurt but it does, sting kind of, in a good way. Like whatever it is is sore with pleasure, and really full with something thick, it doesn't really go away but it does at least fade enough for her to go along with her day as normal, even if she never goes below a half chub the whole day...
>"It's definitely bigger, this is probably just how it starts out."
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Theme Questions:
>How would you make use of exotic slaves like Centaurs, Harpies and other humanoids?
>What extra precautions need to be taken when training/owning dangerous races like Giants or Echidnas?
>Would slaves with magical powers be sold on the market or are they restricted to society's elite?
>What's the relationship like between normal human slaves and the more exotic ones?

Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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You've got the right attitude for a slave. I'm sure you'll never really get rid of your complex of your Master getting rid of your worthless hide one day, but eh, if it never actually happens then that's decades of service that never need to end.

Assigning a slave name is also a important stage of early slave breaking. If tomorrow you threw yourself at the feet of the man you're so scared to worship, then if he was me or training his property in a similar way then being renamed is a early thing. First few days are helping to get used to being under his dominion, you take pictures of yourself in pleasing poses, ask permission for what you are going to wear for when you're pretending to be human outside going to work or whatever still, but after a few days of this you're going to have earned your new name, and you are never going to utter whatever human name you had ever again. You had a name like Chloe or Sam? If you meet a free woman with those names it's Miss Chloe or Miss Sam, every part of you that was ever human deserves to be completely deleted from your brain, even if you do remember what your name is you would never once say that it was once a name belonging to a slave. That's for me to inform her if I think she'd be interested to know that bitch licking her feet once pretended to have a name that was shared with hers. Honestly wouldn't start with that, would be a bit insulting.

grovel is a good name for a lot of girls just starting off. You things tend to be all anxious and nervous, so lots of crying for forgiveness, lots of grovelling, it fits. You might earn a more positive name, or possibly some aspect of your body catches my eye. A particular worshipful girl is named devotion, you have a ass I like? Your name is assmeat now, get used to it.

Surrender is the central aspect of slavery, pushing aside all of your little slave thoughts and recognizing that you need a Master to organize your life for you. You'll figure it out eventually.
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oh my god MVP I cannot believe someone actually found it, thank you so much

and god damn it, it is on nhentai still. I searched pregnant+human cattle as well as pregnant+orc and couldn't fucking find it. There was no pregnant tag on it, just impregnation tag.

Was a shot in the dark, can't believe someone answered. Thank you!
Running hypno/brainwashing videos on a loop through the sensory suite is the best way to make sure slavegirl doesn't get bored during shipping.
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>Own one of those yandere slaves.
>She's really emotional but she has never once disobeyed a order. Would she try to kill herself if she did? Probably best not to give her ideas desu.
>Wake up late at night, want some water, usually would yell for the slave but am curious how she'd react if I was just right there.
>Walk out of the bedroom and she's awake.
>In full dogeza facing towards the portrait of me humiliating her in some awful way she has next to her sheet of cardboard. Softly praying.
>"Master i felt you stirring. i have put a glass of water next your nightstand Master. I await any command you have for me Master."
>Fucking slaves man. It's nice but they can get weird.
>"Footstool now, bitchmeat"
>Scrolls through social media a bit while drinking
>Does this thing just pray to me all the time, I just don't notice?
>Look down at my footstool, it's got that glazed over servile look.
>These kind of neurotic slaves are a bit weird but you can't beat this level of service. I should maybe give her some other things to worship.
>You want a cumrag of mine to pray to, slave?

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Boating Edition

Writers/Artists: https://pastebin.com/eSWSvJJ7

Previous: >>10980968
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Murderfaggot's monthly tantrum
Almost like this thread is for containing the worst posters (including trolls)
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Can't we get along?
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>giantess hiding behind a stern expression desperately trying to be dignified and maintain professionalism and not snatch and play with one of her "coworkers"

"giantess being stoic and aloof but actually super loves tinies" is something i can get behind, especially as they wrangle between being "professional" and wanting to smother the tinies with love and/or their various body parts.

>abducted by alien giantess scientist
>she performs "experiments" on you
>experiments like "snuggle the earthling and measure nervous system chemical and hormone changes," "examine effect of earthling skin contact on external and internal body temperature," and "determine effect of earthling pheromones on giantess mental state/determine effect of giantess pheromones on earthling"
>she's very adamant on collecting as much data as she can
>her face remains stoic and serene as she rubs your tiny body against her nipple with one hand, writes notes with the other, and speaks her thoughts and observations into a voice recorder all at the same time, with only the increased perspiration, husky breath, luminescent blush, and occasional body-wracking shiver of pleasure indicating that she's having fun while she works (as much as she denies it).
>she claims her licking all over your body after every "data set iteration" is another experiment on the "sustainability of using earthling sweat as an alternate means of electrolyte replenishment"
>you live in a "comfortable representation of earthling living quarters" most of the time
>unless she's conducting the "feasibility study of using earthling as sleep aid" experiment, which was her fancy way of saying that she wants you to sleep in her cooter.
>luckily your abduction didn't end up with -you- getting probed
>such is life as the tiny earthling lab rat

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victims being assimilated into other organisms, preferably Fleshwall, tentacle...
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Goddamnit, is it me or all of /d/ is slow these past few days?
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Fat Brats and Daddy's Girls
Immobile / USSBBW / Blob Thread: >>10903979
Slob Thread: >>10983108
Post your fat girls and women here. Keep 'em clean and relatively mobile. Wealthy fatties appreciated, but not required.
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I'm not even joking, once when I was at the dentist the girl looking at my teeth was chubby and had big boobs and they were pressing against the top of my head.
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Pampered pet or Genetically engineered catgirls.

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Especially if it's pegging, facesitting, cum/bodily fluids drinking. Whatever you have! Let's see some femdom!
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i know :(
Smh my head
[Hamao] diss
[Nikubou Maranoshin] Personal Butler
[Foot Croft] Castlevania
source on this?

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Thread for hardcore mechabare or robo-ryona. 2nd edition
Post and discuss mechabare that feels abusive or cruel and destructive treatment of robots.
Stories, edits and manips are welcome.

Last thread:

For mechabare that feels tamer you can use the main robot thread:
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It was fine, I'm glad to see more robot boys but I don't feel strongly about this one.
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Good ol' body's art. He has been doing this for decades.
I really love on how in Body's stories, it takes a small damage for the robot girls to start destroying themselves since they convert the damage into pleasure and they would want it so much they continually break themselves while in the middle of orgasm.

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Futas and/or dickgirls/newhalfs topping men. DO NOT FIGHT OVER TRANNY SHIT. If you absolutely must, at LEAST have the decency to contribute in your posts.
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Oh. Sorry, anon.
I want to have at least 10 kids, though.
Don't be. I have a nephew who's like a son to me.
But it's already the most common futa/male combination, what more do you want?
For it to overtake the trash that so often fills /b/. Just being the top among a fringe is not enough.
That will never happen. Any kind of futa on male is always going to be a niche interest. Surprisingly seems to be more popular with women than men, though.

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Men and women being turned inanimate objects of your choice. What will you turn them into?

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10960804
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I love that show, but I don't remember anything like that happening in it. Which episode are you referring to?

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