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T would kick the shit out of Nash and prostitute him to black men to have sex with. Kevin knew the dangers of dropping alcohol cold turkey, but he still gave Tristen that advice so he would die and stop making a mockery of Kev's one true love, sex with black guys, by making it about money instead of passion
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bumpy wumpy wolfcoon grumpy!
kek this REALLY set him off. tristenposting irrirates the shit out of wolfbitch.
How mad is he?
okay how you know
bizzump for the rizzaped

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It's weird when he does his elbow drop without his taunt, anyone watching the show can tell something is off.
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>something is off
Dwayne's ego
If what I'm hearing is true... Poor Eli

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>I am Le edgy dark loremaster and I-
>sorry my sassy goblina Latina smol wife is calling me
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How do I find smol Latina who likes to dress scantily as a hobby
>Melikey Blacks
That was proven to be false
>"creator" agrees to a fee
>cries they weren't paid ot given more exposure after the fact

Skill issue
The lore of Malakai Black

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This was one of the first wrestling matches I ever saw
Big Daddy V was the 5th man.
Went by a different name then
And Mabel was proof that if sometimes even sticking around long enough isn't enough, and you have to die before fans pretend they always liked you.

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>Is the IWGP Champion
>Doesn't even main event New Japan shows cause he's that much of an anti-draw
Bet Gedo is regretting putting the belt on this shitter
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NJPW died with Shibata's injury.
Dominion is not the BoSJ finals you baka
>Tranny exposing xhirself for the 600000000000 time
>e-drone posting his fetish again
Why do you always so confidently talk about what you don't understand?
Pathetic cope
It's been 10 years since the IWGP champion defending the title didn't get top billing, by the way

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I am Marklar
I come from the planet marklar
Not to be confused with that planet marklar you marklars are always talking about.
I wanted to talk about my love of Marklar.
I have watched it ever since I was a wee little Marklar
My favorite Marklar is Marklar. Its the most popular Marklar in all of the
Marklar and is watched by millions and millions of Marklars. Other inferior Marklars cant even get 800 thousand Marklars to consistently watch their Marklar.
My favorite Marklar who wrestles for Marklar would have to be Marklar.
Why? Well Marklar has wrestled for many Marklars. Thats a long time to be wrestling for one Marklar. Sure Marklar briefly was in other Marklars before arriving to Marklar but once Marklar arrived at Marklar he never left Marklar and retired right there in Marklar.
Some would call him a Marklar leader
Marklar arranges Marklar Marklar and dishes out Marklar appropriately according to the actions of Marklar.
Marklar don't want to mess with Marklar.
Marklar now spends his time on Marklars Marklar complaining about the Marklars that are now in the Marklar he calls Marklar.
Do you Marklars know what I am talking about.
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Greetings retards from planet retard
What’s the n word? Can anyone say it here?
Also known as planet Edrone
Huge if maRklar.
What Marklar is this Marklar talking about

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Someone at Bing very deliberately put up a specific filter so you can't generate "Kevin Nash" with anything involving any afro or black nation.
Now why would someone go out of his way and do this?
Kevin nash paid them
You can't generate anything with anyone semi famous that didn't die a hundred years ago because then they'll sue because according to Taylor Swift ai porn is literally r*pe
based schizo bro
they are watching you

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bro this is just sad
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The opinions that a fatherless society produces
Then he became Mr 92'
Is this real?
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>>No. He was GAPED.
FTFY wolfpedo
Harsh but fair

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Ya seethe Tiffytrannies?
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Retarded faggot
Why are you so excited to see another man’s dick, faggot?
Reminder we DO NOT sign our posts here.
You know that hair smells like ass. Cut it you stupid bitch.
Based Briana Smith enjoyer. The ideal black woman.

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I'm too smart for this board.
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I’m too anti-smart for this board
yea fuckin right
I mostly just post in the Kevin Nash threads at this point.

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This charisma vacuum manlet will never be a draw I'm afraid
ok how u know

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Ridge Holland is perhaps one of the most captivating pro wrestlers in the world right now. How does he do it?
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Greek girls are BUILT for the Big Anglo Cock
It's a platonic hug you pervs
Nah, nah. Thea is looking at Ridge with lustful eyes
You just know

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I am not enjoying his title reign
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We've come full circle now, WWE fans now want him to do what he'd never do in AEW & one of the main reasons he left.

If he fails again, it's on him. He's the problem.
Last night's segment with Logang was so predictable
He's in a holding pattern because they're already set on him feuding with the Rock and that might not happen until next year. Really in a shit spot for now cause of that, I'm sure when they do finally get there it'll at least be interesting.
john cena could be stuck in any dogshit pattern vince put him in and he always at the very least provided entertaining promos
Nobody is. You are not special.

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>“But I will say, and again, I will say this is my opinion. I will say Cody (Rhodes) is a human being who is genuine and real and he wears his heart and emotions on his sleeve and I will say, in Alabama, certainly, even if you tell me, dude, that will never work. That’s stupid to even propose it. But the idea was supposed to be, again — it’s like a Nixon-Kennedy debate a little bit where it’s like if you read the transcript, you’re like, oh, Nixon kicked his ass. If you watch the actual footage, you go, ah, it was a sweaty, terrible mess.

>Because Cody, it was supposed to be, in some form, like, ‘Yeah! F*ckin’ A! Go get ‘em Rock! You’re gonna get your ass kicked Roman! Let’s do this!’ And kind of this uplifting promo and instead, he looked like someone shot his dog in the face in the parking lot. Like you said, just look at his expression and by the way, someone else who even when the team wins, sometimes looks forlorn and upset and despondent, Julius Randle. Hey. So yeah, that, I don’t think helped matters.

>It might not have changed, it might not have affected anything. But certainly on paper — and by the way, I don’t even blame Cody for that because he’s real, he’s one of the realest people I’ve ever met so yeah, it’s like, he said what he had to say in the promo. But you couldn’t mask what he was really feeling and I think the fans felt that a lot.

>I think the fans felt like he doesn’t mean a word of this. This is being forced for him to say. He’s despondent. He’s literally doing the Michael Cera-Arrested Development-Charlie Brown walk out of the arena, when he’s supposed to be on cloud nine so, I think that had a lot to do with it.”

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roman isn't much of a carny and he got 10 years of being a top guy just cause vince liked his look
Rock explained it in his fuck your story promo. (Where he already exposed the choad for making a boo boo face like Rock ran his dog over instead of what they just agreed to)
Netflix execs wanted to strap Rock because Red notice is their highest watched film. Ari too. Retarded fans assumed rock just elbowed his way in all by himself when TKO made it rain on Dwayne because they wanted him to be the face of the brand going into and on Netflix. But the choad had to be a bitch.
The real problem is that this switch was made in between the rumble victory and mania. Cody outpoliticked the Rock and the eyes of the fans was the real peoples champ because he got his tit ripped off and still did hell in the cell like a mark.
Overall I think Rock is a piece of shit roid head but he is the top actor in Hollywood and Netflix and a new conglomerate TKO wanted to push him.
He wanted to push himself too!
No shit . He was gonna go over Roman too .
Either way Rock is dimes and Choad is for lil girls literal crybabies .
Just go read a transcript of the fuck your story promo. This was when shit was exciting and I was trying to piece together what was a work and what was a shoot. 80% of the fuck your story was a shoot. And look how Rock took Seth’s belt away too. (He was shooting on Rock and his legacy in gay dirt sheet interviews and Rock fucked SETH like he said he would take that title off him and no one is noticing that at all which is the bigger story imo). You will see the dirtards write this in a month cuz they are that far behind me. I predicted the peoples champ belt before it was made because Rock got the copyright from Ari. He mentions that too in the fuck your story promo. Which Gewirtz no doubt cowrote. So why are we even needing Gewirtz to comment because all of you are too slow to just listen to what the fuck they said and understand it’s almost entirely a shoot and Rock telling you I’m not the asshole guys, I’m just dimes as fuck
You’re right and we all felt the magic and it’s all due to the Rock. And some of u fags are still crying about it like wtf haha . Like I get it face Dwayne is lame as fuck. I only booed cuz I wanted heel Rock. Choady can fuck in the direction of off.
This. Cody winning is the biggest scientific proof that God exists to ever be bestowed upon us.
Oh and Dwayne was setting his story up with Roman for over a decade. So, there’s that. But the Choad had to put on a pouty face and astroturf a hashtag twitter revolt. He a bitch

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someone post his faggy dance pls

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