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Today I feel Qatari
They might have a vote on it, but Israel tends to win votes. They came third in Eurovision, despite being booed by literally everyone.
You know when an incel gets bullied at school, and instead of getting a gun and shooting the bullies, he shoots a bunch of random women he doesn't know on his local university campus? It's the same thing. Nobody would care if Israel went in and killed Hamas and everyone else was fine, but that's not what's happening; they're slaughtering women and children and not even bothering to ask for the hostages back.
I can't believe this. Six million israeli children are crying now, their hopes and dreams to become professional football players are in shambles.
What happened in 1948?

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whale edition
bws v western
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the freo jumper would look so much better if they filled in the top bit of the anchor
Basedipedia still has it as Fraser island. Abos on suicide watch.
friend's parents used to work in an aboriginal town back in the 80s and said there was this old abo that would just sit at the top of the water tower with a rifle all day taking potshots at people going in and out of the supermarket

whether the story is true or not still makes me lol
based sarajevonup sniper alley

Early predictions edition

>Group Barbarians
Huns, Picts, Saxons, Mountain Jews

>Group Swarthy Meds
Dalmatians, Lombards, Visigoths, Illyrians

>Group Tall Whites

>Group Core EU

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imagine if the finals is Germany vs. Turkey.
It is leaps and bounds better than the travesty of the world cup change. That one is irredeemable
Yeah but the format is the same as the euros now but with 48. They scraped the 15x3 groups because well, it was retarded
>They scraped the 15x3 groups
Thank heavens
As a yank I am so worried they are going to expand March madness. It's already bad enough with the play in first four but I know it's inevitable
Yeah after the last world cup they realised you need groups of four. But they kept the 48 and it's now the same as euros with the third place finish.

Mark my words. They'll want 64 soon and then euros will be 32. It keeps the same amount of ko stages so teams play the same amount of games, but obviously more groups. I can't see it being expanded further after that but you never know.

realmadridbros.... please win the UCL for him

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Pillow biting IPL chase edition.
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it'll just get saged by seething sebastian after he wakes up from his diabetic coma
based gooner
'chabin bla x

Who cares?
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While we have many good memories from this edition (one of those rare moments we didn't shit the bed with bad organization) London 2012 was also kino. It was right afterwards that the games became pozzed and started to gain a bad reputation.
what the fuck? they axe deathmarch and introduce fucking breakdancing? it's over
Oh god no
The only reason it was axed was literally because of gender equality
>The Olympic committee has decided the race does not fit with the organization’s stated mission of gender equality. It is the only event on the Olympic program that has no approximate equivalent for women. Rather than add a women’s race, the I.O.C. will introduce an unspecified mixed-team racewalking event.
Olympics were always somewhat globohomo-ish but it got worse since Bach took over in 2013.
Might come here to look at sexy Bunda and funny wembs but that's it. Might watc some of it randomly but I don't care

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According to the people in the Magic organization he left before they had a chance to actually sit down and negotiate with him. Him and his agent kept putting it off until he literally left
Jordan is being respectful of his elders while also looking somewhat annoyed
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>Irepoop waited till 3 am to respond
why don't team owners just sign players to cheap contracts and then embezzle funds from their non-NBA business to the player to get around the salary cap
They already do.

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france bans muslim soccer players from fasting
yay or nay
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had a muzzie mate who i did ramadan with once, wtf is with not being to even consume water
Grow up
Ramadan is so dumb. It's not even actual fasting. It's stuffing your face every night after working up a big appetite before lol. They actually get FATTER during Ramadan. Professional athletes obviously shouldn't participate in this nonsense and good for France for doing something.
Is fasting as an athlete typical western Muslim behaviour? I feel they mostly do it to feel special and lately it seems to be revolving into some kind of competition where they show who can suffer the most.
france shouldn't ban it, they should simply give clubs the right to terminate contracts with players who refuse to stay in the expected health/fitness/diet plans

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It's not fair that CR7 isn't the GOAT
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Holy shit did you fly from Brazil to Canada between these posts?
He's the GOAT (gayest of all time) though.
MADE FOR BCC (big conquistador cock)
Anon owns a private jet

/hoc/vious: >>140926735

2nd Period
Florida Panthers - 0
Boston Bruins - 1

10:00 PM ET
Dallas Stars @
Colorado Avalanche
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I have a hard time assessing how good is this guy meant to be. He doesn't score that many goals, doesn't have flair or any spectacular skills, he's got good assists but nothing extraordinary, yet he is a starter in the biggest club in the world, fans and pundits seem to like him, and he's a contender for the Ballon d'or. Is he actually that good?
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No no
Rodrigo is good but inconsistent, Vini try and try again until he get to shut
But enough about Guardiola
I have a surprising idea. Look some games when he plays
delicious butthurt
The media needs another La Liga hero to shill. Picking a Brazilian from Real Madrid sounds good on paper, and we can't say the marketing isn't working. But he's a decent winger at best.

Why do the Americans want to see him fail so badly? He is literally zero threat to their precious gold medals.
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Shut the fuck up, you worthless and pathetic excuse for a hominid, you pacific monkey. You have no rights to discuss here.
What has your monkey "nation" ever produced of note? Certainly no sportsmen, you disgusting, brown, stubby, colonized human garbage.
I'll come over to your house and make you a few monkey hybrid siblings to play pickup with, you smelly little piss-cooked monkey adobo. He exposed your fakers for the overrated nepotist jersey shop franchise that they are and now you shit you loin cloth with monkey guano every time his name gets mentioned. Jokić singlehandedly put a dent in the ph*lippines jersey manufacture industry and GOD bless him for that, you worthless island monkey.
God bless Jokić just for the seethe he causes daily.
how is ayton so bad?
is it the progeria?
> Someone is beating the game with brain alone and doesn't have to apply even 25% of their actual physical force
>what ever shall we athletic blacks do, now that it's clear that Slavs are superior in every regard
Remember who the physically most dominant player in the Minnesota franchise ever was, you groid. Nikola Peković. A Montengrin man, a Slav that would have put Shaq and Wilt to shame so bad, they'd both still be on anti depressants. Shame only he injured himself, you lot would be crying to this day about how he made all of you look like school children with juice boxes.
why are americans so focused on how high the players can jump, when they're all taller than the basket anyways?
>Praising Yurop
>From country who is going to be "West Turkey," by next generation.
>Also gigantic fucking vaginas whose defense strategy is either "hide behind America's skirts and try not to pay for anything," or "spread boypussy for Russia and let them nut in us and hope that satisfies them."

I do not care what a person from a cuck nation with no military and no will to fight has to say about their "superiority "

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Battle Mage edition

Gold Coast Titans v Newcastle Knights
3:00pm AEST on Fox and Kayo
Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
>Super Saturday begins with a matchup between big improvers over the past 3 games. Who continues their 2024 resurgence, Titans or Knights?

Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks v Sydney Roosters
5:30pm AEST on Fox and Kayo
Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane

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The NBL had a brief hot spot in the early 90s but has been struggling ever since. The NBA is far more popular here.
just realised Fatty will die in our lifetime lads :(
That meme is a bit over the top, but I still reckon he had the best peak run of form of any player in history that year when JT went down and he moved to halfback and carried the Cows to the GF after that massive winning streak.
Haynes run in 09 is still the best m8
Jokes on you. I plan on driving me commodore into a brick wall at 160km per hour tomorrow night.

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What's your opinion on MLS salaries?
I don't care
Pretty grim for the guys who aren't European washouts. Bench players in the MLB make the kind of money these top dogs are earning. They went into the wrong racket. Soccer truly is a low IQ sport
>$1mi+ to play against u15 level defense
Sign me up
I have no way to gauge the level of play in MLS unless they go against real teams in Europe. Is the defense really as shit as /sp/ keeps saying it is
>way to gauge the level of play in MLS unless they go ag

Unfortunately MLS defenses are not that good anon. They are not tactically good (lack of concentration and positionning)

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The Eternal Fire edition
heemvious: >>140922986
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I can't wait bro
Is it “Schaub”?
Its out
Oh so this is a boxbong's proxy

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