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Has anything happened yet?
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Weren't there some EFL guys who were fucking trannies and twinks in SEA a few years back?
Someone informed them that all of their fans are 3rd world Muslims KEK
Lovers want to have gay sex during halftime to revitalize their energy and fortify their bond of course, and if you aren't against that you are a chud
Gay sex with Kimmich
Journos really just make this shit up every year. "A high profile player is gay and will come out very soon, trust me dude".

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Christ forgives
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Pol is just r/The_Donald only with more blacked threads.
ward is match fixing
Is there a worse "musical" instrument than the niggeridoo?
the sydney skin flute
they blow that thing constantly down in sydney

>Week 5
4/27: SA @ ARL - 7:00 ET, FOX
4/27: BMH @ HOU - 7:00 ET, FOX
4/28: STL @ DC - 12:00 ET, ESPN
4/28: MI @ MEM - 3:00 ET, FOX

>Week 6
5/04: BMH @ MEM - 12:00 ET, ABC
5/04: HOU @ STL - 3:00 ET, FOX
5/05: ARL @ MI - 1:00 ET, FOX
5/05: SA @ DC - 4:00 ET, FOX

previous: >>140172656
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Odds for week 4: Panther -9.0, Stallions -16.5, Battlehawks -8.0, Brahmas -3.0. Tempted to put money on DC covering, since McCarron is out, but fuck me Ta'amu is also probably out. Tough. Anyone got anything they lean?
Marcell Ateman, Brandon Sebastian, AJ McCarron, Jahcour Pearson out for STL. Ta'amu full go for DC.
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>deep south spring weather
>3 consecutive winning seasons
>Holtz coaching
>5th in total attendance

Birmingham dosen't deserve the stallions
Now to be fair part of that is because they've only had 3 home games, but even averages they're only ahead of Arlington and the other USFL teams.

Who cares?
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Can't be worse than at home.
Parisians buttmad about Americans? That's totally unprecedented.
Indogs if the refball don't happen in playoffs
what's the point of your post
the Olympics is an abortion of what it's suppose to be and you have to be extraordinarily braindead to care about it as an adult

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If they ban USA they have to ban all of NATO as well
>banning NATO
no one will miss them
Palestino is still alive
Today I feel Qatari

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>Why can't I play farm girls again
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>Even the god damn sparks in Los Angeles play with 60% of the lighting in order to cut costs
HOLY FUCK I SAW THIS. I checked twitter and the internet and couldn't find out if it was a one time thing or what the hell was even going on. LMAO full shadows on the courts it was hilarious but in a weird way comfy. I'd like to play bball on a dark court
>A superstar can take a team full of bums to the finals.
not in the W. The bad players are REALLY bad and fat and slow and retarded. NBA even the bench can "Play" no matter what team. They can at least do the fundamental things the game requires. Aliyah Boston is the "Star" / ROY of the Fever, and she is pure dog shit. Can't keep up with people, can't catch n shoot. Can't catch desu.
>It turns out Fudd
She was the one who leaked Paige
She's averaging close to 10 assists if her fat teammates could catch the passes and or shoot them into the bucket right above their head
>political statements
These never leads to anything constructive.

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the best thing that happened to golf since Tiger Woods comeback win
makes golf look outlaw and cool

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Are NFL players the most atheltic athletes ? Saqon Barkely is just 20 years old here and power cleaning 405 lbs while weighing 220 and also having a 4.4 second 40 yard dash, 41 inch vertical leap and can bench 225 29 times at his body weight
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>the bacon bowl
Lol football is funny sometimes but its exciting to watch. soccer's still gay as fuck though
>4.4s 40 yard
That's not even 30 km/h over only 36 meters. That's slow as fuck. I'm literally faster than that
>225 bench at 220 lbs
Is this supposed to be good? I'm way lighter than him and bench more
Rest is good or ok
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>I'm literally faster than that
If you were faster than the fastest NFL athletes you'd be in like the 99th percentile worldwide, so unless you're on the fucking olympic team I kinda doubt it
>I'm way lighter than him and bench more
he doesn't mean he benches 225 max, he benched 225 for 29 reps. And before you indulge your delusions of grandeur again, no, you cannot do that either. Shut the fuck up
Whats his 10k time?
like 500 animals can obliterate all of these without even trying why don't you just watch a grizzly bear fight on YouTube if this is all that matters to what makes an athlete

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Previous: >>140912152

>May 18th DAZN PPV
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Tyson Fury
Jai Opetaia vs. Mairis Briedis
Joe Cordina vs. Anthony Cacace
Frank Sanchez vs. Agit Kabayel

>May 18th Sky Sports UK ESPN USA
Emanuel Navarrete vs. Denys Berinchyk
Giovani Santillan vs. Brian Norman Jr

>May 24th Sky Sports UK Peacock USA
Lukasz Rozanski vs Lawrence Okolie

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Been watching Tyson fights more closely, he seems tailor made to dodge and deflect hooks and power shots. In the Whyte fight, early rounds had Dillian mix straights and hooks in the early rounds and the shorter punches seemed to have far more success, and he got steam rolled in later rounds after Whyte stopped trying to jab and throw shorter punches and started loading up hooks. I think this might be why shorter guys have given Fury so much trouble in the past, they kind of have to throw shorter punches down the middle to contend with Fury’s reach, and the nature of Fury being so big means he can’t move his center mass off the center line as well.
A spam thread with a tampered schedule and trolling subject matter that reveals your fetishes? Tsk tsk nonce
Tysoy Gypsy will be retiring after losing to Usyk in 17 hours.
I'm betting on usyk, because he's not a fat fuck who spent most of his life consuming cocaine and beer.
I thought Usyk had a really great chance right after the second AJ fight, but now I'm certain.

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>Telewila minions like Ochoa, Martin and Raul Jimenez out
>Cucky Pozano out
>Tata Martino's mercenary frauds like Funes Mori out
>Diego Cocca's mercenary frauds out
>that token Chishart log (Julián Araujo) out
that squad is not winning Copa America but it's a sign Mexico is finally healing
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See. youth movement
>No cordova
>Piojo who does nothing for 90 minutes
>Charly who also does nothing for 90 minutes
>manlet from Chivas that gets destroyed vs any midfielder over 5’6
>manlet from pachuca who doesn’t create anything or attacks
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Wooo mexicos squad looks stronger. USA and Mexico need to show up this gold cup! #teamconcacaf

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/hoc/ - Special Gary Time Edition
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>tfw I will never have Nickelback singing blonde avs fan girlfriend

Why even live?
Good job Stars. You deserved it. Congrats. Glad you didn't get Gary'd.

Its our year cats bros

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how common is women attending football matches in europe? do they get free tickets from onlyfan subscribers?

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Not everything is a fucking MLS conspiracy you fucking dunce
If Marsch had been the coach, would he not have been as MLS as Gregg?
There's no fucking reason that Garber would have supported Gregg over Marsch
Marsch is more MLS than Gregg
Oh yeah historically Mexico blows the US out of the water, but today they’re not even close. It’s not even a rivalry at the moment, it’s too one sided
so pulisic and the players basically got to pick their coach? That’s not unbelievable I guess, just a little surprising
Considering 3 of the players on the NT were also at Leeds with Marsch, doesn't seem that they rated Marsch that highly
In favor of mexico still

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I am pumped on the current squad and I am cautiously optimistic that we can beat Edmonton and eventually reach the Stanley cup

anyway i got lost in a vortex today (i didnt work today) and ended up binging a bunch of shit on utube about the 94 canucks. I was a kid when that was all happening but i was caught up in bure fever. loved linden, mclean, courtnall etc.

but i learned stuff. Like apparently bure was getting fucked around by the front office even before he got there. mickey mouse scammery like trying to pay him in CAD rather than USD. no wonder he doesnt give a fuck about vancouver. and linden apparently didnt really get on with him, in fact no one seemed to really but gino odjik (which makes senese - one hard core dude from USSR got along with another outsider from an aboriginal reserve - both outsiders).

anyway, linden is kind of a bitch. messier came to town and linden was firmly the captain (98 or w.e.). then to "do the right thing" he offered up his captaincy to mark. where are ur balls and a little ego linden? always the "nice guy". him doing that probably shows exactly why he SHOUDLNT have been captain ironically.

and the canucks coulda gotten gretzky in 98? but pat quinn called gretzky at 1:30 AM and DEMANDED an answer right then and there? why would he do that?

then u got the sexual assault rumors (messier on bure) etc. i believe them. bure was a damn good looking man and im sure the sexual frustration became too difficult for messier to deal with. but whatever. end of the day theres no hard proof of that everything is alleged

can anyone help me understand why they were like this? are there any good pods or docs about this shit? not clean sanitized bullshit put out by the organization but real deal content.

My country will never have pro/rel
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Yanks will never know the joys of shitterball pro/rel kino such as 01:42:11
I weep for your loss.
No we won't
Fucking hell
>if you ain't first, you're last
This os among the dumbest pieces of advice I've ever read on 4Chan
I fucking go to them
It's just boring
Lacks any of the fun and passion that I see the Yuros have with their teams

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