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With well done wired capes and superior availability due to preorders that only sell out in hours instead of minutes, is DC Multiverse your preferred line over Marvel Legends?

-Batman vs Bane 2 pack preorder still up at Game Stop and MTS (for now)
-Tim Drake Robin preorders still up at Game Stop (for now)
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack projected to be warming the pegs come summer
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers waves hitting stores

Previous thread: >>10978832
Oh... that's a good Bane. Now when will McFarlane go pinless? He'll unironically win once he improves his articulation engineering.
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Todd's Bane is for fake fans who only look at comic covers
Mafex Bane is for people who actually read the interior pages
Fuckin based and chadpilled
Honestly excited for both this and the Mafex. It's a great time to be a Bane fan especially when we've been starved of more vanilla renditions for a while now.
I've been out of toy collecting for a couple years... the fuck happened to McFarlane stuff? Why is none of it in stores and why does all of it sell out online in five seconds now?
>none of it in stores
there's a ton in stores, there's just more stuff online.
I never find McFarlane stuff in stores except the same like two shelf warmers that have been there for over a year. I still see Duke Thomas and Etrigan.
artificial fomo created by low production numbers. its about to get worse for them when stores stop ordering from them altogether after this platinum nonsense bringing in mass returns.
Is there any hope this shit will stop? He's been putting out a lot of figures lately I'd love to get but I can't get any of it.
No he’s found the sweet spot where he makes as much profit as he can without overproducing. He’s only making about four thousand of every figure, maybe only a thousand more if it’s a Batman.
This hasn’t been about making products consumers would want easily available for years.
Wouldn't he make a fuckload more money if he released a set time pre-order window and after the cutoff just produce however many sold? It creates the same kind of pressure, ensures everyone can get what they want, and sells way more.
thats not how mass retail works, genius. you'd just complain that it takes 9 months for your order to get fulfilled anyway.
It isn't mass retail when you're only making a handful of each figure exclusively sold online for ten seconds. And I don't care how long it'd take, if I was actually able to get it at retail price.
You’d think so but he wants scalpers to order whole crates of these fucking things because they know he’s making a limited amount. A kickstarter would absolutely make more sense and probably money but only if he delivered products that enough people would back. If he tried to do some faggot shit like green Superman and nobody backed it he would also have to report his public failure to DC who would probably ass rape him for tarnishing the brand by making it look like Superman figures aren’t selling. Or shit, maybe DC would notice failure after failure to sell a Mr Freeze figure and wonder why the hell he’s making yellow and pink versions as deluxe collector items instead of copying the Animated Series colors like everyone wanted from the beginning.
Yes in a sane world he would offer people a month to back a project and get a guaranteed product on a guaranteed date but he’s in reality he’s using bullshit sales tactics and forced scarcity to make it seem like he’s constantly releasing new products that always sell out. He doesn’t have any IPs of his own that anyone gives a shit so he has to do everything he can to make his corporate overlords happy.
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>No Bo staff
>No Batarangs
>8 extra hands
Look at your shelves of McFarlanes and ask yourself if you would have backed them in advance or if you bought them because it was a good deal and you didn’t want to get fucked trying to buy it a year from now?
Blackface Eradicator?
Lipstick Kyle Rayner?
Or would you have said, “No, make it right and you’ll get my money.”
You’re supposed to have four other Robins with staffs and a tub full of extra Batarangs by now.
>exclusively sold online for ten seconds
all of this stuff hits stores. you're just sick in the head and make up silly little theories to get upset about.
This. My GameStops and Walmarts have entire walls dedicated to rotating in fresh waves of DC Multiverse. Every week they stock something new.
I never bought any of those, even when I found them for good prices because I didn't want them.

Of some of the figures I've bought from him in the last few years though? Let's see

>Mega Violator
>Swamp Thing
>Manga Spawn
>BAF Atrocitus line
>PP Flash
>PP Reverse Flash
>PP Gorilla Grodd
>PP Captain Cold
>PP Heatwave
>Martian Manhunter
>Multiple Black Mantas
>Multiple Ocean Masters
>Damien Wayne Robin
>Rebirth Wally West

Every one of these I'd buy again at full price and be happy to do it. Every one of them I'd have backed. There's a fuckton of figures lately he's put out only to have them sold out of pre-order before I got a chance to click the button that I would have bought if given a proper chance, but he's never going to get that money from me because I literally cannot give it to him.

My GameStop and Walmart don't do this. They might rotate one new figure in every few months and just keep the old shit. They still have like ten of those fuckin Black Adams and they've been there since release. They never budge.

Just today I checked GS and the only new McFarlane they had at all was that shitty new Aquaman. Everything else has been there forever.
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His musculature isn't freakish enough to be representative of the comics covers either. Kelly Jones was on some shit drawing those things. It's still a decent Bane though, I like the look of the animated series one or the mafex better.

I really want a 66 Bane though.
What color is the sky on your world?
I don't collect McFarlame for the most part. I have a couple, but Mafex is my primary DC fix. I'm pretty happy. Can't wait for Batman later this month.
Entire problem with Mafex is that there's a fuckton of characters I care about they'll never make.
Wow, you ruined them.
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AHKCHUALLY McFarlane Bane is closer in proportions to the inner art than the MAFEX.

MAFEX is too wide/squat. More Hulk-like.
That head is way too small.
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Is this even human? Like wtf.
>"Oh boy! My McFarlane life-sized Batman came in at last!"
Yeah, but it's not like we have a better choice. McFarlanes are legit terrible.
DC Collectible and DC Universe Classics line were actually pretty good.
Less selection than Mafex

>DC Collectible and DC Universe Classics line were actually pretty good.
Too antiquated to fit into most modern collections. They were fine for what they were but the world has since passed them by.

lol, lmao even.
They're good but don't have the selection of Mafex.
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same energy
I don't like Revo's anime tendencies
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Will someone please buy these trashy things?
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Why would Amazon have a 2 pack up with the same figure?
Amazon is being really weird right now. Who needs a 4 pack of this awful Wonder Woman?
It's not sold by Amazon
>sculpted belly button on clothing
Didn't Todd design this one?
A higher up probably nixed a midriff.
It was a good design too.
No, it's not. Looks more like some generic fantasy anime chick.
>both mcfarlane DC designs shelf-warmed miserably.
Mafex Knightfall batman look a little too skinny to anyone else?
Yes, they're gonna make the same mistake with Batman as they did with Spidey in that they reuse the first sculpt/build they made over and over instead of starting from scratch when they need to.
Now it all makes sense. He’s just milking the line out of spite.
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mafex reuse the body for some characters
Do you guys keep these trashy hyper sexualized figures on display? What about when women come over? These seem like something you would keep in a locked room no one else is allowed to enter.
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I wish they redid picrel with ligther colors for the two-pack. The fact that Bane has cel-shading makes everything weird.
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>paint bare hands green
>you can see the fucking nails
>no staff
Thanks Todd.
Just because a figure can do lewd things, it doesn’t mean the figure is lewd. Also, any woman worth being with would appreciate a lewd figure as much as I do.

You sound like a nutcase puritanical american. Go back to jerking off with your gun while pretending it’s the trad wife that you’ll never get.
You sound perfectly healthy anon. Yup.
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my plasticman wave got delayed again
>"um that's what you get for ordering from target sweetie"
fuck you
every place is ass with McFartland preorders, i at least got a fat discount.
this would have been decent if that headsculpt wasn't absolutely awful
i was hoping for figs based off Dan Mora's art but if this is any indication on the quality then maybe not.
who's hands even are these? i can't think of any swappable bare hands off the top of my head
>this would have been decent if that headsculpt wasn't absolutely awful
the head is the best thing about it
Damn, Catwoman's head is HUGE.
>the head is the best thing about it
not with that natalie nunn chin and that receding hairline and fivehead
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maybe, but huge? nah
ignore him, retard just doesn't understand what perspective is or how things in the foreground appear bigger than things in the background.
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Fuck off faggot commie
No they don't
Production runs have been cut heavily because of pegwarming, so now they have gotten very risk averse and produce very little of each figure. Same is starting to happen with Super 7 and maybe Marvel Legends (look at Warbird and Carnage at Target)
>Wouldn't he make a fuckload more money if he released a set time pre-order window and after the cutoff just produce however many sold?
This is what Super 7 does, but McFarlane has never been about that. He's always been about preorders very shortly before release. I'd kind of prefer it if he did just make to order but I doubt he ever will.
actually the mafex poison ivy have a smal head
>You said you wanted extra hands, collectors.
>You said.
Target exclusives, or esclusives of any kind aren't a good indicator of regular production runs. Carnage didn't sell out instantaneously and I think Carol did because they have a sale going on this week on MLs. I do agree with you though that production runs in general have shrunk. The ML team has said as much in interviews and it only makes sense with all the pegewrming across multiple lines and companies we've seen the past year or two. I think the market was getting oversaturated and did need some course correction.
I mean, it'd be one thing if we were talking practically naked coomer figures like the Snail Shell succubus, but female superheroes basically as they've appeared on screen with slightly thicker thighs? If they take issue with that, that's a sign of problems down the road imo.
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My Mr. Freeze is delayed from May to July. He's an impulse buy so whatever, I don't even care if he doesn't show up. Hope your $85 order ships someday, anon.

>He's always been about preorders very shortly before release
Feels more like preorders then delays for six months and cancellations and random backorders fulfilled another six months later.
What makes you think women would ever come to the house of an adult who buys action figures? You seem to have some strange ideas in your head, anon.
Brian allegedly lost final decision making capabilities though so that could be a plus for them
I've had women come to my house. Some of them even thought specific properties I collected were cool. One girl was super into TMNT and loved my NECAs. What you come to realize is that if a girl is interested in you, she usually starts getting interested in your hobbies and other stuff. I had a gf that was never into toys or comics or anything, but when we were dating, she'd go out and actively toy hunt for me. Scored one of the Marvel Legends Venom since she grabbed it for me when out buying groceries. From what I can tell, some girls, not all, don't really have their own personality and just kind of mimic or take traits from the strongest one they know.
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I've heard women at work talk about burning their husband's figures, comics, and magic cards. Sometimes shelves just spontaneously explode, right?
>Statue Pedo shit

Fuck off pervert
To be fair I collect pretty normie tier shit. No coomers stuff for me since I'm at least not that much of a loser.
That's not the display of somebody with a girlfriend.
Women will destroy coomer toys but if you have superheroes and wrestling figures they'll just make you limit the display to three figures at a time. You learn to rotate figures every couple weeks.
>trashy hyper sexualized

>literally just an otherwise fully clothed normal woman with cleavage and a girl wearing what might as well be a highschool cheerleader uniform

do you have a panic attack any time you see ankles or something?
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>the head is the best thing about it
It reminds me of this Robin. Realistic body, cartoon face.
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changed out her shins for the ones from the 2022 movie Catwoman. really happy with the results
how were you able to do it?
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just dipped their legs in boiling hot water and they came apart real easily. getting them back together was a pain in the ass though. old shin on the left
How does she scale with the others
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makes a big difference to her proportions
shes considerably shorter now so id say she scales pretty well compared to how she was originally
I saw half the wave in store today earlier. You might want to go check out targets and see if they'll honor your preorder prices.
Neuron activation.
could you take a pic of her next a 1/12 fig?
Now replace the ankles with the ones from the teen buck
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The teen buck is male. Can't mix like that.
I respect your autism
Big ass head
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It's not as bad in person. Definitely sitting too high tho
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Looks miles better than the original, amazing
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I don't like McFarlane figures in general but the knightfall Batman head is exactly what I want for a 6 inch Batman, body is mafex Hush Batman
Too big.
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It's bit bigger that idea, but not bad seeing it in person, and I did a quick comparison the head to body ratio is about 1 to 8 so it's fine.
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The collar looks kinda weird honestly. Other than that i think it looks good.
He needs a big head for storing all those prep time plans
I don't see DC Multiverse peg warming anymore. I'm scared, DC gen.
im headed to a south texas target with my brother today, will report back on the warmest pegs i see. hoping to get lucky and find the black variant of knightfall batman

I also actually think the BTAS version I saw at the DC Shop looks better. Todd's Slop looks deformed. I mean, i get that from the comics but since I could really care less about batgod villains, this just is a really hideous figure.

I can find some of the stuff I might think about buying because I want to see it in person if I was willing to schlep my ass all over the county or spend every weekend hitting every game stop in the county and another day hitting the walmarts that are nowhere near me.

Your experience is neither the norm nor practical for everybody else.

And see, I would pass on 90% of your 'happy' 'full price' purchases based on this list, and remain still satisfied that this was a good decision on my part.
They're pegwarming real hard still
I was just boxing some shit up to stick in the closet because my unit is being 'pre-inspected' Monday and then a building inspector is coming on the 23 and I have crap like bubble wrap and toys all over the living room still.

I came across that Nightwing that I overpaid because postage. I'm stll happy to own him since it's possibly the only black and blue NW suit Dick I'll own.

I was at two Targets on Friday and my old Game Stop. Duke still warms pegs, son. And Target can't even sell some of the Mamoaman movie toys at clearance so that's technically a peg warmer.

GS still has DC Super Powers from last spring, because this is my old neighborhood store and I moved in May.
I've seen stuff like 90s Nightwing and BvS Batman just sitting at a few of my local Targets. May pick up Batfleck if he goes on sale.
I have doubts that Batfleck will go on sale unless more people have found out the back is unpainted
>I don't see DC Multiverse peg warming anymore
mostly just really old stock like the TDK Superman and movie shit like the black adam wave and dark flash are peg warming
any newer figs sell out because of the low amounts of figs Mcfarlane produces now
My Walmart got a couple cases of Vampire Nightwing and the Flash with the fucked up raccoon eyes. One Flash has sold in the last month, Vampire Nightwing is going to be there forever.
My store also reorganized their toy section to put Jurassic Park and Ninja Turtles closest to the end cap, followed by Marvel, the old hags and brown characters from Star Wars no one wants, then DC next to the dusty Pokemon and FNAF stuff. Prime real estate.
Nah man, I've seen him sitting at multiple Targets for several weeks now. One Target has fucking three of him.
Has this ever gone on sale?
I need the Action Comics 1000 Superman to complete my Justice League but I ain't paying $40
I've been able to find AC1000 Superman by himself for $30ish but at that point I might as well just buy the 2 pack for $40
>I need the Action Comics 1000 Superman to complete my Justice League
It's shit. Just wait we're getting more Supermen on the page punchers and earth 2 buck soon enough
AC1000 is the only good figure Todd has made. The reprints don’t have the shiny metallic shield and are made with a cheaper plastic that’s already turning the arms black.
Theres one flash left here. And yeah, nightwing is gonna be around for ages. The vampire stuff is stupid, except for hal since its cool.
It might go on sale. I've been eyeing the 3 Pack Vig/Peacemaker Judomaster because I've seen damaged card NEW for under retail and it would save me the shipping, but then Todd put it on sale for under $20, I think. But then you are stuck paying shipping fees.

But one of those electronic storefronts that resells overstock and remainder on-line but you'll need to set up an alert most likely.

I don't think it will necessary go on clearance. But he's warming shelves.

Ditto, haven't been back since the Guy Ritchie Henry Cavill movie came out, but had caught a movie the month before and the same two Batflecks were warming the same peg a month apart.
>One Target has fucking three of him.
almost as if it comes packed three per case. crazy
I've noticed this happening a lot with Black Series figures too. It's fucking cancerous to look at when you get a page and half of the listings are like that.
I bought this pack for Atomic Skull and sold the Superman once I found it didn't live up to the hype of people like >>10989099 who somehow thinks a shiny metallic shield matters more than 1% towards how good a figure is and engineering, articulation range and sculpt appeal are far more.
Yeah, crazy how no one purchased a single one in three fucking weeks. I thought this one was highly desired.
No one wants to hunt in stores anymore, especially when half the time most pegs are empty
I beg to differ. I see stuff like Marvel Legends, GI Joes, Transformers and other such things regularly moving. DC Multiverse does get new stuff too but I had a bad habit of having stuff longer w tad longer than others. I still have a fucking Nekron sitting at one of my Targets that no one wants. Meanwhile even the newest MCU evergreen wave of MLs that were just reissues with updated paint, have sold through.
Why are collectors crazy enough to accept any representation of a character even if it's a bad one?
Because not everyone thinks the same thing you do autist. What you may think is bad, someone else may think is good. You're talking about subjective opinions.

Why is it so hard for some of you to get this concept?
The "silver" plastic is unpainted. That objectively is subpar. It was objectively done to save money on paint. I'm tired of people pretending you can't objectively evaluate problems with a figure.
thanks, doesnt look too bad next to a 6 inch.
Yeah we know, they're basically the same line now except one is 6in and the other is 7
I know we've gotten civvies in MLs but has DC Multiverse put out any civvies besides the upcoming Lucius Fox?
Just goes to show the demand for female figures is there. I passed on it because of the lack of silver paint and all the gray in the uniform that should've been black. Overall, I'd have preferred if they made her in this costume from the same Titans run.
saw 9 copies of the rival, 1 cassie batwoman, and an animal man. slim pickings
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These are so ugly, bigger isn't better. Even DC Direct's 6 inch limited articulation line that pose like statues are so much better than McFarlane's attempt.
Are the new stand-alone Hal Jordan and Silver Age Aquaman figure from Todd worth buying? Local Gamestop has them in stock and thinking about getting them....
Aquaman now
How yes if you want a classic look but I'd get a John Stewart figure to swap the wrists with since the beetle buck wrists are shit. Return John after.
*Aquaman no
Hal Jordan yes, especially since the only other non-Parallax Hal figures available is a New 52 version that was only available with an evil GL Batman from Metal.

Aquaman, sort of but only if you are OK with a sissy boy head sculpt. Or if you have a Flashpoint Flash figure and can swap his head with the unmasked Barry Allen head.
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Is it possible to swap Cassandra Cain's legs with Gordon Batman's legs? I want to make her smaller and get rid of the bat-boots

You only need to swap the shins
ah, I didn't even see this. Thank you friends
If you only use one of the double knees on most mcfarlanes, most will look similar to that. You have to use a mix of both for it to look even remotely correct.
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Lowered the neck
>doesn’t have the shiny shield
You’ll never experience watching the light shimmer across that big red S as you walk across the room. Yours is just flat, boring, and dusty, like all the other Superman figures in your shrine. AC1000 is a centerpiece display figure.
I just said I sold it, so it ain't mine.
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The fumes off this golden supes really activates my cells
This better be the same one the wash was removed on earlier in a previous thread, otherwise we have a widespread lack of wash appreciation in this thread.
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It's the same. Decided I'm going to do my own black was now.
I wonder if people really would trade off and take availability and sloppiness in exchange for a stressful line where preorders sell out extremely quickly but has better articulation and design.
What is the best DC Multiverse figure for posing would you say?
None. They all snap like candy canes if you try to play with them. It’s a forever mint-in-box series.
does todd pose these promo pics himself?
Page punchers black Manta or earth 2 Superman
Opened Mafex TDKR Batman and his horse today. His cape is HUGE but it works well on the horse. The bloodied hand and the wounded abdomen piece work on the first TDKR Batman for anyone curious.
>The bloodied hand and the wounded abdomen piece work on the first TDKR Batman for anyone curious
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the top contenders i'd say are anything on the Jon Kent body buck or the bluester gold buck are generally the best you're gonna get from a Mcfarlane. Some of the movie figures do (for some reason) have better ab crunch though like Clooney or Bale Batman. Also this Superman on the page punchers buck is pretty decent too.
If only the knees and elbows didn't look shit
wtf is going on with that cowl?
mcfarlane has made knees A LOT worse than those.
I've gotta wonder how long these figure diapers are going to last. I wouldn't leave a figure posed with any diaper stretch, which kind of harms the figures' display options.
But not elbows
i worried about that at first but its been a few years now and one older mcfarlane i had posed with the diaper stretched is fine. it had warped when i checked but with a hot water bath it went back into normal shape no problem. long term i assume it'd be fine since imports use a similar diaper setup
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Just opened Page Puncher Brainiac and he may 'technically' have the best articulation of most DC figures from McFarlane due to the joints being openly revealed and not having to be hidden, leading to less impedance.
this is a pretty good buck, i wonder what they will reuse this buck for? from the looks of the neck line and molded cuffs i wonder if we'll get a leaner superman and if the infected buck is finally retired
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I bought the SP but haven't opened the package yet, I still prefer PICREL

But not a figure I'd consider buying. It's like saying Ford made uglier cars than the Pinto, but I want a Mustang that's not designed to be ugly.

That does look particularly awful from the waist down. Timm's designs don't really lend themselves to massively articulating toys - not when the toys are poorly made, at least.
Pretty sure omega from last knight on earth is the best articulated figure from mcfart
Do you have the Jason Todd or original Nightwing head from the Bat Family 5-pack? Could you put one of them on that Superman figure? Thinking about a custom.
>Production runs have been cut heavily
Yeah, they can only cut just so far
Good! Superman is too tall compared to actual Super Powers figures, this Brainiac is more in scale with classic SP, as it should be
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my first experience with it was the smiling superman and hated it for the stupid head, cumbersome cape, and the clown sized hands. this release fixed all those problems and now i can see it as a pretty solid body buck. a cloth cape would do wonders for it too.
>i wonder what they will reuse this buck for?
Hopefully a nightwing
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Get fucked
>They removed most of the paint from the proto
They're still above MOQ but below demand for standard figures (not repaints). Look at the limited pieces repaints from bbts and ee, some have been as low as 3000 pieces.
>Hand painted prototype looks different than the end product
Disappointing but not shocking and was expected
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They didn't even try to paint parts of it that are painted in the prototype. No wonder the guy showed it, because he knew it'd never get approved and no one would see it otherwise.
How long has this thing been sitting in prototype purgatory?
Nevermind they're just well hidden in the arms
Proof a figure can be ruined without paint.
The left arm is, much like with Mr Freeze.
>Look at ME I still know everything!!!!
Okay son.
Why can't they do that for all the figgers?
Most McFarlanes lately use paint to make up for the same tooling, like MLs do.
It's over.....
Is that just metallic silver paint or is there a hint of another color there? It seems to have such variance in color.
IT's a blak paint that's dry brushed over silver.
There looks to be black pen marks outlining the S. You can see where they screwed up at the right inner edge.
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>that's not real!
>it's a custom!
>it's never coming out!
>i-it's bad!
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Sculpt looks pretty good, paiting looks like shit. Gonna have to wait to see the articulation and the state of plastic, after that bendy hammer from Steel I can't trust Todd with anything.

>at select retailers!
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The black on the prototype is waaaaay better, but the painted lips are even worse. Gonna have to repaint the this if I get one.
>at select retailers!
Literally all their posts say that even for mcfarlane store exclusives
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Our time soon super bros
Thanks, that's a relief.
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At this point it'd be better if it never came out unless the buyer takes the effort needed to customize it to look like the prototype. It's basically released unfinished and trying to scam people with a mostly unpainted figure.
>the painted lips are even worse
Why do they do this? It makes male figures look like they're wearing lipstick. It's bizarre.
>But I like coostomizing
Fantastic Todd should rebrand these as model kits and not action figures then
It's super sassy
Meant for>>10990402

McFarlane Toys should change its name to Super Sassy Model Kits
>it was real
Holy kek.
They flew too close to the sun and bit off more than they could chew as far as paint. Really dumb to release it in that state. Should've just made it a $30 collector edition and advertise the paint job as SUPER SASSY or something.
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They had to keep the metalic parts black, or at least dark grey. Also they seem to have painted the jaw like flesh, so only the lower teeth and the chin are metal now. Pretty weird decisions since it takes an extra effort to do that + the lips like this >>10990358
>this would have been decent if that headsculpt wasn't absolutely awful

Story of this line.

Just consistently ugly faces, either by sculpt, paint, or both.
This Cyborg Superman is probably one of the final figures from the sculpt era of McFarlane Toys. I doubt they'll make the mistake of making a figure so detailed again, since they clearly can't afford to paint to make it look right anymore.
where have you been throughout the entire history of toy production?
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Not collecting Hasbro figures, that I can assure you.
People keep saying prototype, but wasn't this said to be a 2-pack at some point? Could well be 2 versions.
The 2 pack was canceled in favor of the awful Ultraman vs Superman pack and Cyborg Superman was to be packaged individually after that
looks pretty sick
I'm just glad it's getting released at all, and while the missing paint is obviously not ideal in any way, silver drybrush on black is one of the easiest things to paint.
Now look at >>10990192
Does it still?
Another guy seems to think its silver with a black dry brush. You believe it is black with a silver drybrush. I am confus.
Creating the perception of scarcity may seem like a short-term strategy to boost sales and hype around McFarlane Toys products, the potential long-term consequences far outweigh any immediate benefits. Building trust, maintaining transparency, and delivering value to customers should always be the top priorities for any company, especially in the competitive world of toy manufacturing and collectibles. Todd is a retard.
I think MCF basically being forced to do this because retailers had too many pegwarmers and told them that was not acceptable.
>Creates collectors edition
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Being a Bane fan is suffering. I refuse to pay the prices fuckers are charging to get a Bane megafig second hand.
>great comic-inspired Batman
>shit coombait Catwoman and Harley with AY's signature "western studio trying to copy anime" faces
My disgust is palpable.
Why would a Bane fan use a reaction image from a source that famously hated Bane
My bad…better? I don’t know if I could live with myself without your approval.
I don't like marijuana either but that's what led me to discovering I like micro dosing meth.
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Forgot pic, you made me so nervous.
Micro dosing meth and seeing this Bane made me realize I like men. Figure when?
girls need to be cute and sexy
I’m honestly annoyed it wasn’t the BAF for Batman and robin wave.
oof yikes fr fr like ugh I can't even with this shit it's so heckin problematic that they're shaped like that. Like i mean doesn't their back hurt?! ugh
Im no pot head but ive learned to enjoy the benefits of marijuana over the past few years. But, id really fucking enjoy getting high instead of getting stoned every once and awhile.
See, weed is a gateway drug. A gateway to gay.
b-but the toddfather said target LOVES mcfarlane and they always sell all year round.
>at select retailers!
that's code for "online stores only"
ie amazon, EE, BBTS and MTS
anything is a gateway drug to gay
for me it was comics and seeing Hal Jordan slutted up in every single panel he's in
KEK the snow makes it look as if hal just got splooged on.
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How is the DC Multiverse Red Tornado?
hahaha I knew this figure would suck ass if Todd made it
Shitty and greasy like all the rest. I’ve heard that one snaps under the chest and breaks really easy.
A lot better than the shit Todd is putting out nowadays.
Who's Red Tornado?
DC's Vision basically.
i like it, it's pretty cool and looks nice in my classic Justice League display
it's also an Alan Scott repaint and further proof that the collector line is a fucking scam
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I award you the 'i spend too much of my free time keeping up with memes specific to the /toy/ board on 4chan.org' award of 2024. Congratulations.
Hush faggot
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I don't think Todd's making him.
>first A-list beaner in comics
>created by le racist conservative Chuck Dixon
>Bruce Timm hates him so much he does this to him
>Bruce Tim is a sex pest lib
they say it about literally everything you retard
Thanks for the tip, anon
I could give you another tip
Uh, Zorro?
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Aside from the laces on everything this is Damiens best look and should be the default for him. I hope we get a figure.
Ok, second in 100 years.
W-white Tiger?
I’ve never liked Damien and I never will.
Damien is a bad character though who shouldn't exist.
damien was okay in precisely one story that's being generous to Morrison but he should have stayed dead. He's easily the worst Robin and turns every story he touches into cancer
I don’t want Batman to have an actual son. He keeps adopting Robins because he doesn’t have a family of his own so he finds companionship and purpose in guiding someone who went through the same experience as him. Having a Robin who’s Bruce’s flesh and blood ruins that dynamic.
To make it worse, Damien is an obnoxious shitty faggot trained by the best ninja assassins ever. The whole character is fucking stupid, I refuse to read or watch anything with him in it.
Same with when Superman has a biological child. Stupid fucking garbage that ruined comics. I’m glad DC is dying and their only money makers are going public domain in a few years and we’ll get decent Batman and Superman stories again.
I agree
It's gonna be a Mickey Mouse type of thing where only a specific version of Batman and Superman will be allowed in the public domain, just wait.
I will happily support someone who wants to make a comic series, movie, game, and toys set only in 1938 featuring first appearance designs and lore. Do like a BTAS style project where he busts up bankers, businessmen and corrupt politicians. Hell yeah, that sounds fucking amazing compared to anything DC would do with the character.
That would be cool for Batman. Early Superman was lame.
Tim Fags
Damian is only good if Bruce is dead and under the care of Dick.
Personally I think Bruce should've stayed dead and that the title should've been Nightwing and Robin with Tim taking over as Batman.
Nah, the only time Superman or Batman have been interesting in decades as actual people was when they became dads. Actually develop these stagnant fuckers. Also mommy Lois was best Lois.
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Many such cases
Also the whole bat family thing is gay. Apparently in modern comics dick, jason and tim refer to Bruce as dad. Fuck that shit.
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Better without the gay laces
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Wut u thing
i want to beat you with a baseball bat
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Wut u mean cuh
It looks kinda shitty, and its cause Battinson has a huge forhead and the ears are too far back.
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Dem fighn words cuh
i think the head and the claw hands are pretty neat. if i had a battinson id probably try this out myself
Let’s not forget his obsession with shipping Bruce and Barbara. It’s fucking disgusting.
>where only a specific version of Batman and Superman will be allowed in the public domain, just wait.
Laws are so pesky, right? It's annoying when poor, innocent people can't come up with creative ideas and have to settle for a cage match between Steamboat Willie and Winnie The Poo, right?

You'll get a shitty story where Dick and Alfred doesn't exist and Bruce is a sex-crazed incel rapist who murders women because they want to abort their innocent babies.

The comic will only be available print to order from Indy Planet for 5.95 AND by the time you get that, Joker will be public domain and someone like Tidal or Caliber Comics will already do their bromanace serial killer incel boyfriend take instead.

And no one will spend the time and energy not to mention money on a game they can't trademark or even call The Caped Crusader or The Dark Knight and only use BATMAN without using the style or logo design - since they won't be able to do THOSE.

And as far as toys, get ready for really cheap Chinese knock-offs of the batgod, just wearing PURPLE GLOVES!
That's not Damian. Please read this shit before commenting about it. Jesus.
Have you been to America? they’re all furries and faggots now.
>With well done wired capes and superior availability due to preorders that only sell out in hours instead of minutes, is DC Multiverse your preferred line over Marvel Legends?
Only for MCU figures, otherwise I prefer to get my Supermen and Batmen from the old Toybiz Marvel Legends.
>Please read this shit before commenting about it
Then keep looking like a retard I guess.
It's a cool suit with a "R" on it and has Damians head. Don't care about the source I just want a figure of it.
Why do you guys spend all this money on toys you don't even know? "It looks cool" is probably the most infantile answer you can could say so come up with something better faggot.
>infantile answer
They're toys. Get the fuck over yourself spergs.
Yeah anon nobody would every buy a fucking toy just because it looks cool. That'd be so childish.
No. Stop being ignorant of the source material before commenting on it you secondary cuck.
>secondary cuck
You're not emotionally stable and you spend way too much of your time online worrying about shit that doesn't matter. I'm happy you're passionate about something anon but don't feel the need to assert your sensibilities on others. You come off like a little bitch. Lighten up it's just toys.
We have these fancy things called search engines. You don't even NEED to read the comic. Goddamn it's embarrassing how willfully ignorant you nincompoops are. Grow a brain you fucking swine.
It's okay anon.
You're safe here.
>Low brow contrarian response to make himself feel better about being a willfully ignorant ignoramus that jerks off to children's toys all day.
You nitwits are benerhe me.
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Great post.
You got the last word in and that means you won the argument you're having in your head.
Do you really need somebody on an anonymous toy image board to refer to a modern slop-character with a proper title?

>This Robin looks cool!
Is this somehow inexcusable for you?

You would prefer:
>This Zur-En-Arrh Robin, who is the new partner of Zur-En-Arrh Batman, who is a violent and deranged backup personality of Batman, that was created to solve dillemas that Batman couldnt solve, that recently downloaded his conscience into the "Failsafe" android, that was itself a creation of Zur-En-Arrh Batman as a contingency plan against Batman in the event that he turned evil, is pretty cool!

Just let people think it's Robin. Modern comics are retarded, people shouldn't know about them. I wish I didn't know these things.
Are you in the military or something? Whats it like collecting figures while deployed?
Holy shit, is it possible for you guys to not fall for such obvious bait?
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is this even.. real?
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>Begins Batman
>BvS armored Batman
>Legends of Dead Earth Batman
>still no Returns
Fuck off
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I got my mister zsasz figure finally in the mail yesterday
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"Ill get you batman!"
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"I love ta stabbin' folks!"
That looks like something I'd see at the dollar store. Todd couldn't afford to do more realistic looking scars?
Yeah, palpably reddit.
>only modern comics are retarded
They have always been retarded, it’s what makes them great and bad.
Now they're gay and retarded
No one is forcing you to read\know what’s going on in modern Bat books. I made myself a post crisis to new 52 Batman reading order that will keep me plenty busy.
I know that's why I'm not.
You can't stop people from enjoying toys for whatever reason they want
The silver base would have to be very shiny for the metallic luster to come through though, plus you'd have to do a full black wash to even achieve a similar effect if you're starting with a lighter base. Based on experience, a darker base color with liberal silver drybrushing on top is also much easier to get that weathered look right than doing the opposite.
Neat. I've been thinking of doing a generic Batman using Battinson parts and maybe repaint the eyes white, so this is actually pretty useful as a reference.
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Good head
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Ok Todd you did good
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Looks good for the buck
they gotta do something about the limbs on this body. the boots and the wrists are so bad
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>Painted on belt
not liking whats going on with the ankles here. doesn't seem promising
the flapping fabric look is interesting but kinda looks like moldy brie cheese tbqhwydesu
>stupid sexy ray palmer
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Choppy as fuck but good head sculpt.
I'll wait.
>Still using the DKR Supes
Lol, lmao even.

Nice knees Todd.

Legs for days.
they'll surely release a kitbash of this new one with tights and bare arms to match your picrel
Supposed to be a 2 pack with black canary
Cool, i suppose that is the route i am going to be heading with the figure
I agree except batman inc. was kino
They will keep using it until the steel tool degrades beyond usability
What hands are those
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Yeah, he should keep using this awful body instead.
You tell me
Batman beyond
Batman Behind
it's the perfect body for that figure you retard
>Red Hood as Joker

What the fuck
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It's red hood joker
Wouldn't be Joker as the Red Hood in that case?
It should be but it wouldn't be the first time a leaked listing was labeled wrong
>6 Batman figures
>jokerized shit
Sounds real enough to me.
>all those pubes

Please dust off your crusty sheets anon
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eww, of course he's not in his classic Neal Adams costume because why would Todd give us a fig in their most iconic costume?
whatever, still getting it because i love Ollie's stupid libtard ass
Looks better than the actual DKR head and more passable to that comic than the shitty one we got
>Supposed to be a 2 pack with black canary
??? elaborate
was this leaked or something?
Can he even rotate his head without looking like shit? Remember when they acutally put effort into the sculpts. The hood on azrael from white knight was excuted perfectly and now we get this shit
The same brand manager willing to give you classic costumes is not the same one that oversaw figures like WK Azrael. You made your choice. You wanted Marvel Legends for DC and that is what you have. Too late to change your mind. The pennies must be pinched, sculptors straight out of college must be used.
>Can he even rotate his head without looking like shit? Remember when they acutally put effort into the sculpts
this design in general is dogshit for a figure, past figs using this design all suffer from the same problem with their head. either the hood is connected to their body and head rotation is almost non existent or like with this mcfarlane fig seems to be doing the hood is glued to the head and completely detached from the body so he can rotate his head.

there is absolutely no good solution with this shitty design unless they make the costume completely out of soft goods.
You're complaining about the hood and not the bicep swivel? Holy shit that looks 100x worse
wow nice poses
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kek they cant afford paint?
>doesn't think longbow hunters is iconic or classic
Yeah fuck this. Glad I have a decent enough core 7. Darkseid and maybe some parademon army builders are the only things Todd could shit out of his ass to get me to buy at this point.
Nta I love longbow hunters but aside from the hood it's a gay suit.
>doesn't think longbow hunters is iconic or classic
Please learn to read you retarded ESL.
I literally just said his Neal Adams design is classic and his most iconic costume.

Plus basing the figure off his Longbow Hunters design makes no sense when they released a classic Hal Jordan fig in the last wave.
>I literally just said his Neal Adams design is classic and his most iconic costume.
longbow hunters is classic and the most popular green arrow run, making that the most iconic costume, retard
>Plus basing the figure off his Longbow Hunters design makes no sense when they released a classic Hal Jordan fig in the last wave.
what doesn't make sense is you thinking the waves have anything to do with eachother, retard
>Plus basing the figure off his Longbow Hunters design makes no sense when they released a classic Hal Jordan fig in the last wave.
No decision made at mcfarlane toys makes any sense
>longbow hunters is classic and the most popular green arrow run
>making that the most iconic costume, retard
>Guy Gardner stuck behind a 2pack
gay, so it must be real
>Mister Miracle
>Green Arrow/Black Canary 2pack
>Mirror Master
here's hoping they don't look like shit
>Plus basing the figure off his Longbow Hunters design makes no sense when they released a classic Hal Jordan fig in the last wave.
also, that hal isn't even the costume from green lantern/green arrow. its from years prior, retard.
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I'm hoping they do the peacemaker show design instead of just putting him on the beetle buck
>It's the sperg always screeching about casuals
Of course
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Is this our cruel and unusual punishment for bitching about the infected superman buck?
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I want to fuck the autistic Vigilante from the Peacemaker show as much as the next guy but I really hope it's his comic design.
They'll have a chance to release a live action Vigilante in a year or two once S2 is out.
And I'd love to watch
I understand the want for a classic version of him in multiverse but it's just going to be low effort and disappointing.
Just noticed it and yeah thats terrible. Reminds me of the old mcfart spawn statues with cut joints
This is growing on me
You should prune it off. Eaglie isn't worth that buck.
This is the only time this bucks looked good
Does this Superman look as goofy in person?
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Looks like any other Todd figure. So yes.
Just wait on another Superman on the buck.
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>why Todd only makes roided, edgy 90's designs?
It's a mystery
Never put teeth in a genuine smile, sculptors. Only lunatic Joker smiles.
That's not a good classic Superman. Belt is messed up.
>waaaaaaah i was wrong

because it matches the source material you bum
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You first, Bendis.
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I love it and its one of my favorite supes. It looks much better in-hand and even better once you swap out those terrible giant hands
>Batman Christian Bale (Batman Begins)
>Huntress Helena Bertinelli
I hate that it's an even 50/50 on whether it's the mid-90s look, or the modern version.
It's going to be Lana instead of Kristin Wells, isn't it?
>Dan Garret
Most likely going to be as easy a repaint as Atom, but I'm honestly kind of excited to see the original Blue Beetle get some love.
New: >>10993687

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