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-Batman vs Bane 2 pack preorder still up at Game Stop and MTS (for now)
-Tim Drake Robin preorders still up at Game Stop (for now)
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack projected to be warming the pegs come summer
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers waves hitting stores
-Ed McGuinness Superman, Longbow Hunters Green Arrow, and Ray Palmer Atom announced
-Batman vs Bane 2 pack preorder still up at Game Stop and MTS (for now)
-Tim Drake Robin preorders still up at Game Stop (for now)
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack projected to be warming the pegs come summer
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers waves hitting stores
-Ed McGuinness Superman, Longbow Hunters Green Arrow, and Ray Palmer Atom announced
I kept an open mind on green arrow, and i do like this costume but i dont like the actual results here. Atom looks cool but its just paint on a blank body.
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Previous thread >>10987016
I didn't notice the unpainted threads until anon point it out. Now I can't stop seeing it.
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You'd think McFarlane would devote more of the budget to DC, what with all the licenses they have. It has to be more popular than like My Hero Academia.
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Trying too hard anon
I can get much harder
It's much better than this bullshit. Whoever oked the "D" belt should've been fired.
I miss DC Direct.
I miss DC Icons.
My Aquaman comes in today and that'll finish off the core 7 for me. I've got the Bane 2 pack on preorder along with Starfire. I might build out the main Titans team but I could live without them especially if the value for the pricing doesn't increase. Only thing left i really need from Todd is a comic Darkseid, kingdom come supes on earth 2 buck and maybe the batman v superman batmobile if that doesn't turn out shit.
The scalpers and whales can have Todd's scarce collectors items.
You've invested far too much into this line.
Yeah but still all together it comes in less than 1k total. I wish I hadn't started the line but at least I've finished what I started and I do genuinely like seeing the team on my shelf.
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I miss 90s todd.
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nothing like filling out a shelf to help you pop a heckin hefty chubberino am i right buddy
anyway i wish zsasz had more hands
The bicep swivels being so badly cut is a deal breaker for me. They didn't even try.
No I get full on erections leading to involuntary ejaculation. I have no wear a magnum just to touch my figgies, not because I have a large penis but because I cum buckets. There's no in between. I live for this shit.
didnt those retards in charge of the lines fuck up? toddy knows whats up, robo dont know really is a homosexual cowboy
Why did you post twice OP?
Plastic mans right fist would fit but not sure if the color would match
I just can't imagine how there are enough people who read these old comics who still care enough to buy subpar repaints of existing body molds made to look like a character from them. It's strange to me.
its clearly intended for shartimus prime collectors that need an epic marvel crossover display with every single comic book character
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Some people didn't like their Azraels at Target
I bet they all got the blue variant and dont know their luck
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>It looks much better in-hand
I ended up scoring the Superman Through The Ages four pack at a good price ($20 a figure, and I plan to sell the Byrne and probably the Jim Lee), so I am happy with that first appearance supes.

The face has grown on me, but I agree with the person complaining about the belt and I'm tired of having to kitbash Todd's shit over something like those over-sized hands.

If and when someone sells the head for under $10, I might buy that, or if I see the figure used for under $10 where I'm either combining shipping other stuff I need/want or postage is free, maybe that.
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I swear, every time I see a Toddy Supes, he gets more bloated and grotesque
Can someone explain to me how they fucked up the whole Page Puncher concept?

>>Basically comic pack in comics.... except they don't chose comics that are memorable AND they don't choose iconic looks for characters from the comic and the line is more Todd doubling down on non-representative, only appealing to Todd, who used private sketch book drawing designs that Todd knows will never actually fucking appear in comics since Todd doesn't work at DC, designs

This would have been the perfect outlet for classic evergreen designs for figures... Imagine:

>>Ted Kord Blue Beetle with an issue of Blue Beetle #1 from 1986 included

>>Electric Superman with JLA #7 (where Electric Superman stops the moon from crashing into the Earth then fights a fallen angel)

>>Azreal as Batman with an issue of Knightsquest where AzBats fights Joker

>>Ambush Bug with an issue of Ambush Bug in it

And so forth.
So I managed to score a Flashpoint Flash with unmasked head on Ebay dirt cheap ($40 shipped) BUT with the cavet that it only has the unmasked head. No masked head. Can I put the recent Gold Label Wally West Flash's head on the Flashpoint Flash and have it match? Or are the shades of red too different for it to match?
It'll work. Ignore the arms.
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Stock peg
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Shortest multiverse peg
Kinda like this more.
Reckon bbts got some blue in? Idc, but this would be the first platnium id actually want. Just glad i got the dsmn toy.
Is this supposed to be 90's show Flash?
>waaaaaaah why didn't they make what I want for ME
He can be whatever you want bby
It's Wally West as Flash (Wally as Flash has a mask that makes his eyes look pupil-less)
Probably OP was rushing to be the first to make the thread and wasn't ready with their shit, which is also why this didn't make the OP >>10993813 like it should have?

The Flash rouges were a particular stupid and disappointing choice since I would actually like a Cold and a Heatwave but not the ones we got.

I can understand doing things I don't want but someone else might - like the Flashpoint ones but those seem inconsistent since Flashpoint Supes got made without a comic, etc.
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Idk why anyone would want this but I think it looks cool
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>People like to buy figures of characters they like that actually look like the versions they like
I'm shocked.
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Put Wally's wrest and hands on flash point after I realized I like the head better on this body. I regret not picking up red tornado for spare hands.
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Arkham on knightfall
Oh it's a fall all right
Soon we'll have a Superman Megafig that's just bloated tumoresque muscles and veins
>boring color by numbers league in static poses

>hoarder pile of generic batman villains

>mcdonalds yellow unpainted belt

>tasteless snyderverse cancer

>goth lipstick and eyeshadow
Fuck off, classic costume brigadier. You got your wish, DCMV only makes ML style garbage now. So now you want Page Punchers too? Learn when to stop being greedy as fuck.
>implying I can read
great use of your time, anon
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you rang?
why can't we have cool stuff like swimsuit version of characters
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I'm actually fine with this, but I ended up selling off the spare DCMV blue wally I had so I would need to order one of those heads, since I don't think he needs the glasses.

yeah, the lips are still problematic


>subpar repaints of existing body molds
I like Biz and Batzarro but I wouldn't buy Todd's subpar lazy reuse of existing body molds.
Todd doesn't like fun. Just weird garbage Metal.
The average Mcfarlane customer everyone.
I wasn't a toyfag at the time I started picking up multiverse figures. I'm still not at most of you guys autism level. I'll never understand talking shit and having a superiority complex on a fucking toy board. Get over yourself dude we're all collecting plastic.
You spent hundreds getting into a line that you regret buying, we are not the same. Sure, we all collect plastic, but it’s not all created equal, Mcfarlane easily offers the worst figures at this price point IMO.
Even if you don't count the DC Superpowers, I have about twice as many DCMV's as you, most of which I got loose and some of which are not fully 100% complete (missing cape/missing head) since they were parts of fodder lots but I still own twice as many as your picture >>10994012 and at least as many as those AND this batwank shelf >>10994045
and I didn't spend $1000 on Todd's slop.

Nah, I think most McFart fans are far worse.

While I'll shit on Todd, there's no point in being obnoxious for what someone pays money on. At least anon's not having to save his pennies so someone can give him a handsie at least once a month so he can pretend someone wants to lay hands on him.
Stop trying to police these threads telling what toys people should or shouldn't enjoy. Anon outright said he likes seeing his completed teams on his shelves.

What is with you pinheads today?
Because the articulation cuts would make them look bad
More like all the time
>aryan aquaman and hawkman
At which price point? Is anyone else still at 22.99? I guess masterverse?
What did you do to Batman?
Nice posing.
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Cyborg Supes is up for preorder in case anyone cares
First appearance diaper, animal man's ankles/feet and a mcfarlane cloth cape I haven't glued down yet.
Thanks bro
Turns out that promo shot was the prototype, or maybe a different version. If that right hand was articulated this would have been the easiest buy of my life. I still might grab it, it looks really good.
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and now wheres the silver/gold/platinum edition with the actual cyborg superman everyone wants instead of that inaccurate prototype
Even the edgy mcfarlane style designs sell out now. Really makes you wonder how low the quantities being made are
Just buy the mafex, they don't do entirely new molds for platinums
Mcfarlane has to be leaving money on the table with the artificial scarcity play. It really makes no sense not to expand production just a bit more so preorders don't sell out in 2 hours on the major sites
I took this yesterday and the same holds true online. Sure, some of Todd’s figures are still 22.99 or lower, but many sell at 25-30.
The cost of manufacturing is so low that he's making 20 times the production cost per unit on each sale. The scarcity doesn't hurt him at all; instead, it's guaranteeing stable sales.
DC Direct Digital is 25, McFarlane Collectors Edition is 30. Not complicated. I'm talking about the regular DCMV figures.
If the cost of manufacturing is so low why do they not paint their happy meal figures? Just to spite the buyer?
Paint isn't really comparable to molds and stuff.
Yeah the tooling for molds costs a ton more than paint. So why no paint?
Look at licensing fees compared to what they were like 20 years ago.
"Labor costs" are why we can't get extra paint apps. Why didn't we see an increase in deco or accessories when Hasbro increased prices and switched to all cardboard packaging? "Labor costs". Why did Hasbro lay off 15% of its workforce? "Labor costs". Why is Hasbro's revenue seeing a 9% decline year over year? "Labor costs". Remember if you're a corporate executive, there's nothing you can't blame on Chinese factory workers trying to make $4/hr.
>I'm talking about the regular DCMV figures
And we're talking about the line in the general. Doesn't make sense to assume someone dropping close to 4 digits on this toyline doesn't own at least a few of the more expensive figures.
Holy shit they're making that much now? Back in the 90s it was cents on the dollar.
He definitely offers the worst at the $25-30 price point but at this point I'm mostly out due to the huge drop in both quality and new sculpts, so most figures I have were 20 and some 23, with 2 $30 ones.
>why can't we have cool stuff like swimsuit version of characters
Are you homosexual? 99% of Mcfarlanes are of men
Why do you want to see figures of Batman and Superman in thongs?
Bro they’re men in tights and thongs that you’re collecting already, don’t act like you’re not gay.
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Heh, this really shows how messed up the leg proportions are.
heroic proportions have been around since tarzan, mcfarlane is giving us variety compared to the shrinky dink midget realistic marvel legends crap hasbro pumps out for that hunka chunka six inch 1/2 boners you so desperately crave
I'm not talking about the muscles specifically, just how long the legs are.
bruh, heroic proportions have long legs, but youre american so I understand how short everyone must be in merimuttland
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That is not Heroic proportions. Torso to waist should not be three heads, it should be 4 and a half like the waist to toe. The legs are too long.
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>heroic proportions have long legs
That's just for the women.
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Does a wetsuit count?
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Batman v Superman Batmans cowl is a completely separate removable overlay with a reservoir underneath to accommodate a wire cape.
Is Captain Atom worth buying? I know it's a Blue Beetle repaint but does the silver paint look nice IRL

Imagine if someone at mcfarlane actually buys into this and is intentionally making the figures too tall
better than gi joe classifieds thats for sure
The diaper ruins it but if you can get over that yeah it looks good
this looks like fucking dogshit
why are you so obsessed with the ugly ass BvS body?
better than dc direct and dc icons, those went bankrupt
It's the best build and articulation of any mcfarlane Batman.
Actually despite me not caring for GI Joe much as an IP (I only have 4 of them), GI Joe Classified is definitely higher effort and quality compared to most McFarlanes.
Not him but the knees are messed up due to being poorly cut into the sculpt. Can it at least crunch forward well unlike most mcfarlanes?
>but its just a six inch kino collectible line that delivers in quality with extra heads you dont even use with no extra bodies despite being a line where you army build and buy extras for that army building kino

kek, mentally ill hoarder
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GI Joe Classified figures don't usually come with extra heads (or hands) actually. Usually it's just a ton of weapon accessories.
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Not great but better than most I've tried or seen reviews of.
I wanted to believe McFarlane could make genuinely good figures, but 2023-2024 have deeply jaded me. Latest being the paint scandal with Cyborg Superman
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Vs hush and knightfall
The articulation cuts are unfortunate
Yeah, Knightfall has an even worse problem with the elbows looking really awkward.
>cock vein legs
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I'm also trying to make a decent Alex Ross type Batman out of this. Excuse the dog shit posing but you get the idea.
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Torsos are longer than those on Mcfartlanes thats why they look better here
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there's already an alex ross batman...
Anon you know that's not the same
Why hasn't Todd produced more Alex Ross figures? Why does he suck Lee Bermejo and l Sean Murphy's cocks?
Because he would have to pay for Alex Ross' likeness rights.
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Well it sure isn't the DKR one.
Most realistic suit there is
Why the fuck would anyone want this?
I still have my old Kingdom Come figures where the metal isn’t just grey plastic. The Green Lantern from that set still swings some fat dick
It's about time it got here. What's a good Batman to pair with her?
Get a heroclix mini looking up. There’s probably one where he’s shooting his grappling hook
Look at how long the legs are. JESUS.
Not even the most offensive thing about that figure.
Like a lumpy peanut turd
the headswap guy complimenting his own posts is cringe as hell
Head swap guy here and no I'm actually getting compliments. It's okay if you don't like it.
>Inb4 instant reply
I'm high on meth
Coincidental that it's the same zoomer shit each time, right.
These threads have maybe 20 multiple post poster it's probably the same couple of people every time
we need board IDs
I agree. We don't even have IP count anymore.
you need AIDS
It sold out fast everywhere but gamestop, which almost never sells out fast due to their ridiculous shipping so someone wants it
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AY Joker Ver.1.5
Oh dang, is that a new face? I might actually pick him up this time. I have the Mafex and like him enough, but I was tempted by the AY.
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So what makes him a 1.5?
Shoulders make him look like he's wearing a cape.
Those are a lot of accessories
Why does he need TWO Tommy guns? I mean, I'm not complaining but...
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Anyone know of flight stands that'll hold up a mcfarlane?
I have the original one, so I'm not inclined to pick him up. But what is up with Warner Brothers? They gave him guns! But no guns on Mafex, and Mcfarlane releases??? What is going on???>>10996646
Pretty sure they're the same faces, just a bit more crisp.
>But what is up with Warner Brothers?
According to Todd they're lightening up on things considered "collector items" since it's in a different age bracket. That might be happening for every company doing DC now.
Additional accesories. The original didn't have the crowbar, cards, razor or knives.
That may be enough to justify double dipping.
still the best joker in 1/12, fight me.
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My Plastic Man wave was delayed by another week, from the 24th to the 31st
can somebody please post their complete Plastic Man so at least i know it actually exists.
>He thought plastic man was real
Is that why Todd pivoted hard to the Collector thing?
za woruldo
an attempt was made
I would take obvious ball joints over whatever those things on the shoulders are.
A for effort. I still don't like that Superman face.
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Thanks bro
It's much better in hand. Still not perfect but it's the only head that looked like it fit on the body. Action comics head looks like a peanut.
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someone stole my gold superpowers batman and now i have to buy a new one
Don't take you toys to school
did you host a house party or something ludicrous?
Or if you do, at least write your name on it.
wtf are you? 10?
DC Multiverse Power Girl when?
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she won't have the goods
this cannot be real

a fucking unpainted figure
How new are you?
I know it's surprising good
Learn English, please.
Maybe you should properly punctuate your comments the first time so there's no miscommunication about your tone. I responded positively to your comment as a joke at your expense, and you were too stupid to get it. Once again get the fuck over yourself.
The sentence syntax here is all over the place. Also, you forgot a comma in you last sentence.

So, again: >>10997301
Your either new or a total sperg
Done, lol
But anon, you're SO lucky, don't you see! Only twenty thousand of those exist! You got the RAAAAARE CHASE VARIANT! You're special now!
>According to Todd they're lightening up on things considered "collector items" since it's in a different age bracket. That might be happening for every company doing DC now.
Constantine came with his shotgun, so that rule has been in effect for... 2 years now? 3?

Weird disjointed engineering is why no one really talks about thsoe figures favorably outside of the circlejerk general.
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>Constantine came with his shotgun, so that rule has been in effect for... 2 years now? 3?
Wouldn't that have been when Warner was still allowing guns?
>Wouldn't that have been when Warner was still allowing guns?
2021 release along with flashpoint Batman so they were in production before. February 2021 they announced no more guns.
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So I have both the blue and black Knightfall McFarlane Batman figures and I wanted to see what taking away some of the plastic from the side of the pecs would do. I don't hate the look of it as it just looks like an action figure with butterfly joints, but I'm also not sure it's exactly worth it. What do you think? Here's the range it gets in comparison to before.
Here's how it looks in a neutral stance. I took a little too much from the right side but not a big deal. I'm debating doing it to the black one too. Already gave the black one better forward crunch range.
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Forgot pic.
Looks good dude I was thinking of doing the same. What exactly did you use?
I was thinking of heating it up and popping the arms off but I'd never done that before so I opted not to. I just used an exact and carefully cut a circular line from the shoulder to end of the bicep. I tried to stay with the folds that were sculpted there as well. If I had heated it up I probably wouldn't have nicked my thumb so I'd recommend doing that first.

The joint inside impedes it going any further. Like if it'd move just a tiny bit more I'd say it was really worth doing. As is kind of up in the air I think. Though I still do like the extra range. I'll get a pic of the forward crunch difference.
Oh and by heating it up I didn't mean remove the arms. You can do it just fine if you're careful but heating it up would make the plastic fight you less.
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It’s going to be canceled.
Why do you need them? You just stand your figures with their arms at their sides.
Put a nail in the wall and hand your figure by the armpit.
>I smell a clue
No, because the stupid rule was imposed in 2021. So quite a few figures were made and produced in those years without any guns before Constantine came out.

Constantine came out in Dec 2022

Also, pretty sure Mafex did Ledger Joker revamp in the past few years, which came with guns too.
Perhaps he doesn't dynamically pose them because he has no flight stands.
Forgot to say that the pecs and ab crunch thing aren't hard to do and it makes me wonder why they aren't designed with them already made that way. Extra range for nothing more than a slight change to the mold or design.
Constantine preorder launched January 2021.
Flashpoint Batman came out came out August 2021.
The no guns announcement happened in February 2021. The mentioned figures were in production before the ban.
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Tried the nail in the wall. Actually not bad advice. Good looking out bro.
learn to paint
I fear for that Flash figure's diaper with that type of stretching. I'm going to run an experiment on a 6 dollar MK11 Joker and try to keep is diaper flexed like crazy for awhile and see if it ends up getting stuck that way or tearing ,etc.
Amazon? I'd be concerned.

This is another way Todd is screwing with us by making the figures sell out due to low quantities. If you wait on preorders and then they delay them and eventually cancel them by then the figures won't be available anywhere but ebay.
Indeed brother we should all post mcfarlane figures static due to rubber diapers. Sadly these are the hands we were delt as DC fags.
This. Use GameStop especially if it's a build a figure wave because you get free shipping after $75
Well if you're reseting him to a neutral after you're done then its not an issue. But leaving it for days with that much stretching could cause a tear
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Yeah, no.
Here's another figure from 2022 that came with a gun.
There's also Dceased Red Hood that came with his guns in 2022 or 2023.
What do all these figures have in common? Collector market aimed at adults. So it's likely WB/DC changed their gun ban for just children toys in 2022.

We also know that Constanstine was supposed to be released earlier, so maybe Mezco delayed the figure until they could release it complete.

NEvermind we saw McFarlane release figuers trigger fingers (back when they were uniquely molded), so figures that were planned to come with guns were cut. No reason they couldn't have cut guns from other planned figures. If McFarlane did announcements like Hasbro/Mezco/Bandai, where they show off figures about year before release, it's likely we would have seen those guns. See McFarlane's Cyborg Superman, where we saw the prototype over a year ago and it barely got officially announced.
Look up "running changes," which are pretty common, where shit that gets announced needs to be cut right at the last minute, because that's the licensor's right.

In addition, figures like Flashpoint Batman can't have been changed, because it takes almost a year and a half to produce a figure. An announcement in February is too late to make changes for something to be released in August. Shit's already finished production and just being packaged at that point.
I know. The one and only Spawn figure I owned was gunslinger. Soft plastic diapers are Todd's worse decision. I compulsively change my figures poses at least once a week if not more.
Cool wall of text for some gay shit nobody cares about. Idk what Warner's is doing but it's inconsistent and can't be pegged down.
>inconsistent and can't be pegged down
Picture of another figure that came with a gun released in 2022 and after, for the collector toy market aimed at adults.
>No guns
No different than the vampire line that started last year
Oh I'm retarded yeah you are correct. Still inconsistent with the rest of m
*Inconsistent with the rest of the mcfarlane offerings
Although the fact it doesn't have mcfarlanes articulation setup implies it was designed before mcfarlane had the license and before the gun ban. >>10997499
Yes, that Mezco guy is just a retard
This has long been in production, dumb fuck
Just checked a the sculptors for this line never worked for mcfarlane
It's DC Direct, not McFarlane.
Collector market, aimed at adults.
McFarlane Toys branded stuff is in the childrens toy aisle.

>no guns
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>It's DC Direct, not McFarlane.
>Collector market, aimed at adults.
>McFarlane Toys branded stuff is in the childrens toy aisle.
Holy shit give it up retard
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Wow almost like he inherited this stuff that was grandfathered in
>links have DC Direct on them
>giant DC Direct logo on packaging
>not in the children toy aisles
way to show you're blind and retarded.

It's no secret McFarlane took over the production/management for DC Direct, as announced way back when, and their toys obviously for a different market, hence Mezco, MEGO, and DC Direct figures coming out with guns since 2022
These retards pretending that there isn't a separate Collector's section in most major stores like Walmart or Target and that certain figures are specifically placed there is hilarious.

Probably the same fat disgusting looking losers that refuse to actually leave their house to buy a toy, maybe they truly are just ignorant of it.
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just got these generic stands in from amazon and threw the heaviest figure near by on it
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Again, see >>10997492
>NEvermind we saw McFarlane release figuers trigger fingers (back when they were uniquely molded), so figures that were planned to come with guns were cut. No reason they couldn't have cut guns from other planned figures. If McFarlane did announcements like Hasbro/Mezco/Bandai, where they show off figures about year before release, it's likely we would have seen those guns. See McFarlane's Cyborg Superman, where we saw the prototype over a year ago and it barely got officially announced.
>Look up "running changes," which are pretty common, where shit that gets announced needs to be cut right at the last minute, because that's the licensor's right.
There would have been figures "grandfathered" in for an entire year if it worked by your rationalization, but McFarlane doesn't show figures until they're already being shipped.

Just because shit was planned doesn't mean it can't be cut. See pic on how Grifter was originally planned to come with guns.
There's a difference when something is already in production though and already in the packaging phase, like Flashpoint Batman. Too late to make the cuts without delaying its wave, which would fuck over McFarlane and retailers.

And again, the fact that at least 3 figures from 3 different companies came with guns from 2022 and on proves they were allowing guns.
>But leaving it for days with that much stretching could cause a tear
yet it doesn't, autist.
>face covered
>NEvermind we saw McFarlane release figuers trigger fingers (back when they were uniquely molded), so figures that were planned to come with guns were cut.
literally every mcfarlane figure for years had trigger fingers you retard
I forgot to cover my bits
>See pic on how Grifter was originally planned to come with guns.
not it wasn't, retard. even mortal kombat figures had trigger fingers. why do you insist on being so confidently wrong so constantly for YEARS?
He was clearly a Twink anon
Thank bro
>zoomers cant search "action figure flight stands" on amazon
Jesus Christ no wonder your women search out men my age
No I can search it but I'd rather have peer reviewed results
T. 31 year old male
>i dont know how reviews work
Also, the ones with circular bases are shit.
You don't seem to understand I want reviews for the use case I'm looking for. So a thread about mcfarlane toys is the best place to ask. Why are you all so argumentive for no reason?
Stop being retarded and learn how to read.
Shit was planned, because it takes a year and a half to produce a toy.

There's no such thing as being "grandfathering" because we see running changes all the time. Only figures like Flashpoint Batman slipped through because they were already finishing production/getting shipped after the gun ban was put in place.

Again, the fact that three different figures from three different companies released in/after 2022 proves the gun ban was already lifted for collector figures.

>literally every mcfarlane figure for years... except for the ones that didn't
PS, i already referred to the McFarlane and their reuse earlier. >>10997492 Again, learn how to read.
>Also, the ones with circular bases are shit.
Okay then enlighten me. What is the best stand I can get for a mcfarlane figure on Amazon?
Now that the dust has settled, how many Bane 2 packs did you preorder?

I managed to get 23 across a few stores, will likely cancel any that get delayed.
That mego deathstroke was a recent release. Mego turn around is short. I'm going to play devil's advocate and say it guns got okayed around the time of it's production started. Any before that with guns to disprove that theory?
8 on Amazon and 2 on mcfarlane
Didn't want to take any chances on this one
NTA but I prefer these knockoffs
Anon are the multiverse pictures from you?
If you mean am I the headswap faggot, no.

To be perfectly honest I have so few flying figures posed now that they all just use the Mafex stands I have, the bootleg ones are in a drawer.
>recent release
>bunch of video reviews in 2022
Again, 2022 seems to be the date when they lifted the ban.

Since there's so few DC characters that use guns and even fewer popular ones that collector toy makers want to make, it's hard to know anything more than this simple pattern of 3 figures from 3 different companies that were released in 2022 and 2023.

And since it takes a year and a half to produce a figure, companies are going to be slow to react to changes... if they even knew those changes were made to the ban.
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you are a fucking retard, subby. it has nothing to do with reuse. even multiverse wave one figures with unique sculpts had trigger fingers, like nightwing. they gave superman trigger fingers. the superman unchained armor even has trigger fingers. kill yourself you know-nothing imbecile.
these are way too small. i have plenty of these and they're barely able to handle marvel legends. basically useless for multiverse.
They're the exact same size with a different base LMAO!
>subjectanon spends a Friday night arguing about toys on 4chan
And I thought I was a loser lmao.
Le epic troll
You're here too faggot
>we saw McFarlane release figuers trigger fingers (back when they were uniquely molded), so figures that were planned to come with guns were cut.
can't believe they planned guns for the witcher figures but were forced to remove them
>doesn’t chrome his Steel
>doesn’t nail flying figures to the wall
Those toys should have gone to someone who would’ve really appreciated them. Anon with the delayed Plastic Man wave will never has his order fulfilled because of hoarders who use clunky hideous doll stands instead of a simple nail like a real man.
Do you own both? I do, they're the same size with a different base.
Now that’s how you properly display a goddamn figure. It looks like he’s really flying. No thick plastic claw squeezing his ass, no compromised balancing, there isn’t even an obtrusive shelf distracting from the figure and taking up space. It’s just the Martian Manhunter, no other unnecessary clutter. Perfection.
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wrong again, dumbass
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Best mcfarlane line going atm
That's a Mafex stand and not the bootleg I linked, anon.
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I'm not engaging with him though.
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wrong again, dumbass. it's a tamashii act 4. you know, the thing you posted a bootleg of?
If you're going to suspend them from something like that you might as well use string
they look better on that base and you can fit two, just sold me. thanks anon.
Or fishing wire or guitar string.
...fuck, you're right. I just put it there after it took a shelf dive.
here's the thing: the one that goes with that base is just barely holding up robin, and batman is on the larger stand from the circular base. i put them both on there to illustrate the height difference. you can even see in the picture how the clip isn't even holding robin on after i put it around his waist seconds earlier.
yeah but two on one base is a big seller for me. seeing them like that is too good to pass up. thanks though!
as long as you don't intend to use them on anything much heavier than shf like they were designed for then yeah, go for it.
do you get a commission from the others or something?
i literally just got the other ones in today because i was tired of the act 4 not holding up 99% of multiverse figures. heaven forbid someone who actually buys toys and knows what they're talking about bothers to help you retards.
Well, at least you're not being a total spaz lol
does it hold up beefier figures like the TDKR Superman?
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dunno where my tdkr superman is right now, so you'll have to settle for this
Actually McFarlane Toys has indicated for them it takes a bit less than a year. This was awhile ago however so it may have changed but it makes sense for a smaller, more agile company to have a slightly accelerated timeline over large companies.
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okay last one because i have places to be. both types of stands here, both up straight.
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I wish Mafex included these plastic draped shoulder cape pieces with all caped figures. Sometimes I don't want the big dynamic cape that's difficult to lay flat. Took this one off McFarlane Battinson.
>gee Joker, how come Harley lets you have TWO tommy guns?
>we have no idea what we're talking about
No shit?

Do you even own any toys that use swords n shit? Some of the better ones have extra hands that look like trigger fingers, but they're not, because it's an actual way that people hold their swords. If you've ever watched any fantasy movie or katana vs long sword videos you might notice this.

If you guys actually had brains, you'd understand that context matters. Obviously I was referring to gun happy characters having their trigger fingers who came with jack shit, because guns were banned. Some even had ALT hands with trigger fingers. Actual uniquely molded extra parts made specifically to hold guns... but no guns.
Obviously, these figures were going to come with guns, because toys take a year and a half to be produced and anything after February 2021 for about a entire year and a half would have been planned to have accessories that make sense for the characters. Thus, guns for gun characters that got cut out.
How many figures were released from Feb 2021 til July 2022? A lot.

But whatever, you guys are retard and the fact is that it that the gun ban ended in 2022 when DC collector figures started coming with guns again.
It depends on the complexity of the figures and the property.
Licensed properties need to be checked, rechecked, and checked again by the licensors, because there's various standards and whatnots that need to be followed. So this takes up quite a bit of time.

If you're making your own toys, like McFarlane does Spawn, it takes about a year, because they don't need anyone's approval and it's all in house.
Go see their Spawn Kickstarter as example. They started showing shit off at Toy Fair (Feb 2020), so that means they were already working on it before. Then another two months to have it ready for Kickstarter in April. Timer stops for that month for funding, but they likely fiddled with it still. From there it took 7 months for production and China shipping it to the US (dec 2020), and another two months to finally start shipping Spawn to US customers.
So it took at least an entire year (before Feb2020 til Feb 2021) to produce and ship a single figure from an experienced company. They saved about 5-6 months from not needing to get approvals and the fact that they're not making a wave of 4-8 different figures.
even baraka has trigger fingers you dumb fucking faggot. you type paragraph after paragraph and never once have i seen you come to the realization that your incessant ignorant blabbering only further establishes you as the town jester of /toy/ you absolute fool. we all hate you. if i were you, i'd have already killed myself. you're like necanon, but instead of bending over backwards to suck dick for a company, you put in extra effort to look like a retard.
I will never understand why you people cross post the same images on reddit

And stop creeping on the underage tiktok stars, dude. Also also MGK is a faggot lmao
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>retard still arguing despite being proven wrong
And you're also fucking retarded for saying these neutral hands are trigger fingers.

What's wrong with you that you don't even know what a trigger finger looks like? Do you have hippie parents who raised a retarded faggot that never got to play with any toy guns or played video games?
Gun toting figures like Grifter have fingers that curl INWARD, a proper trigger finger. Pic has them splaying outward.

Your lucky your parents didn't have a pool when you were growing up, but that's bad luck for the rest of us.
idk look like trigger fingers to me, deffo not neutral
no, you're wrong, they're fucking trigger finger hands. i know because i have the figure, and i spent time cutting the fingers apart to glue them into fists, so stop yapping your dumbass mouth off
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scientists should study you when you die to figure out just what exactly is wrong with you.
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Look at the tip.
These are going inward, more rounded.
Baraka's are going outward.

His can point, abeit at an awkward hand position.
This one can't, no matter what position it's in. Instead it's in a come hither pose.
Discussion over.
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>th-th-th-that's not a trigger finger! it's just sculpted completely separate so it can hold swords!!
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>only grifter has REAL trigger fingers, nevermind that his hands are the same as everyone else's!!! he was clearly meant to come with guns and not his comic accurate sword!!
>retards who can't comprehend a simple pose
might as well be telling me 2+2=5.

Again, here's an example of actual trigger fingers, that curl inward, looking like they're going to pull the trigger. Came with no gun, because of the gun ban.

But you know what did come with guns in the same year this figure was released? MEGO Deathstroke and Mezco Constantine, because the gun ban was over for DC collector figures in 2022
>actual trigger fingers, that curl inward, looking like they're going to pull the trigger.
exactly like the ones i posted you dumb fucking windowlicker. you'll notice i actually own these toys, AND guns to put in their hands with trigger fingers. i don't have to desperately search for pictures of them online.
already addressed here >>10997492 , retard

yes, those are proper trigger fingers and i mentioned him and posted a picture of him multiple posts as one of those figures that were obviously planned to have guns. Completely unique mold made just for him.

Why can't you retards learn how to read? oh right, you retards find it too difficult.
nothing in that post has anything to do with a uniquely sculpted kyle rayner figure with trigger fingers you moron. same with the dr fate figure with a trigger finger. same with parallax. all figures with "completely unique molds made just for them." you fucking fool.
you know mezco and mego figures always take long er to make than the mcfarlane ones right? lol
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>people haven't been complaining for the last five years about unnecessary trigger fingers hands on mcfarlane figures! they've been complaining about neutral hands, come hither hands, and melee weapon holding hands!! pay no attention to the fact that they're specifically sculpted to hold firearms and squeeze triggers!!!
>retard still proving his low IQ
holy shit, when you're posting EVERY figure that has a finger slightly out of alignment for holding pose, you're eventually going to come across figures that have actual trigger fingers.

You're like a monkey who's pressing every button on a keyboard and saying you're smart because you eventually spelled a single word.

You're completely hopeless and your retarded ass is going to continue arguing 2+2=5, when this entire argument lost its point 20 posts ago.
Seriously, go drown in a pool, retard.

>mego figures take a long time
Also, read the thread. Already been discussed.

I bought him and the movie Penguin because of those hands. Fucking amazing.
>it's not curling inward, looking like they're going to pull the trigger, its a finger slightly out of alignment for holding pose!!!!! nevermind that it perfectly holds guns with the finger curling inward like its going to pull a trigger
and way to skip over >>10997916 you fucking idiot.
Does no one understand why mcfarlanes, before they caved to fan pressure for multiple hands, had the separate index finger hands rather than just a gripping hand? With imagination (which I know most people now largely no longer possess), that hand can be a melee weapon holding grasping hand, can be a pointing hand, can be a trigger finger hand, and can even be a fist. It is the most versatile formation and can largely do what you need it to, if imperfectly.

Back in the 80s or 90s when we had imaginations we didn't need swappable hands on figures. Action figure hands were close enough to be whatever they needed to be. A grasping hand for example could still pass as a fist for a punch even if it had a hole in the middle to also put in a weapon. It didn't actually need to be entirely closed.
>Guy Gardner, best Lantern, front and center
Muh man, you have taste.
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Yeah, like side eyes, it's more expressive, and natural looking.
Does it work all the time? No, and might not work if you want to do straight up and down poses, hence people not liking it and preferring the most generic option.

And I'd like to say that C-cup hands are the worst. ugly as fuck and does nothing right. Can't believe some companies were still using them into the 00s
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I believe anon was being sarcastic

True >>10996078 about >>10995278 and >>10996536 Silly Scalpers


like the old-timey guns and the knives, but that's about it

Todd makes flight stands

NTA - I don't mind the head and I like the shield but I don't regret not getting that - but wouldn't say no if I got it at auction under $10

Do you think Todd will ever go back to normal production numbers?
dont worry anon, at least they painted the horse tail : )
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I didnt buy it because im not interested in it but i dont know if anyone else has seen the joker mobile in the wild yet or not

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