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I can't stand reading books, but I'm addicted to manga. Does anyone know any good manga alternatives to popular self-help books? It can be related to anything. Just share any manga that has helped you or that you'd find useful.
The only one I know is the Life changing manga of tidying up.
All good, thank you

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what is the name of the song please?
>what is the name of the song please?
All I can tell you is that it sounds like a gritty hardstyle.

Maybe this is a question for /3/, but... A while ago, I used a 3-D model making app for mobile devices that let you draw three 2-D images that represent the front, side, and top-down profiles of a model that you want to make, and the app would generate that model. The results weren't great, but I thought it was pretty cool. And I don't think it was AI powered, either. Anyways, does anyone know the name of that app? I seem to have forgotten it.

Pic represents the reverse of what the app could do.
What kinds of keywords have you tried? Seems like "isometric" + "drawer", "Sketcher", "model maker", or "to orthogonal converter" might jog some memories.

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Haven't been back to Germany in 12 years and looking to make the most of my two weeks there, planning to hit a bunch of different cities. General plan: Spend early morning driving to new place while everyone is closed, sightsee, sleep in new place, repeat.
>Friday - Landing in Frankfurt, driving to Köln
>Saturday - Aachen
>Sunday - Düsseldorf
>Monday - Bremen
>Tuesday - Hamburg
>Wednesday - Leipzig
>Thursday - Dresden
>Friday - Würtzburg
>Saturday, Sunday - Darmstadt to Stuttgart
>Monday to Sunday - München and surrounding towns like Innsbruck, Salzburg, and Regensburg.
How feasible is this, and are there any attractions in the general areas that are definite spots to visit? I have a few lined up already, but like I said, I haven't been back in over a decade, and that trip was mostly spent in the same region since I was a minor with a grade school grasp of German.

I need to download the 6th edition of 'The Norton Anthology of English Literature' by WH Abrams, volumes 1 and 2. Anna's archive did have links, but they either didn't work or were insanely slow and absolutely undownloadable when I tried them in Tor. Plz help
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I couldn't find the 6th edition but this is the 4th edition

thx, but I already have it. The problem is there's no volume 2
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I was going to say skill issue, but you're right. It downloads 5-10MB more or less fine and then it drops dead. Resuming the failed download seems to work, managed to get 30MB so far.

I bet the best thing would be learning how the torrent thing works:

>- Option #2: Bulk torrent downloads (experts only) torrent file file “aacid__ia2_acsmpdf_files__20231008T203648Z__mTtgGiV8MUrDztCLCvKr6B”

That's the real skill issue.
not much idea about it brotha

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Looking for Action (J (optional))RPGS. I recently 100%'d Granblue Relink and would really like something similar. I especially value games that offer aa wide variety of character playstyles and builds. I don't like Monster Hunter (too clunky). I'm willing to emulate.

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does anyone know what character is in the reflection of the glasses? thought it might be Eliza from skullgirls but I'm not sure.
Could be Candace from Genshin impact due to the Egyptian theme going on, but I couldn't find the right image.
You were right. It's Eliza from Skullgirls. This is the original image.

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Can someone edit this to work as an iPhone 15 wallpaper. I would like both sides on each edge. It should fit on each side on vertical mode on zoom but I don’t care if a snip or two is cut off for the sake of ease

You may notice the lines in the pink background. You can include them or not if you’re skilled enough but if not keep the same tone of pink please
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Good enough?
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Sorry, the middle was too cramped, this is better
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whats this music called?
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my question should've been what song it is, i know its an organ and what time period it comes from but my question was a bit vague
i'm looking for the specific name of the song
Sounds a bit like Bach, or some amateur trying to imitate him
coincidentally, i've been listening to air on a g string a lot recently
Froberger or earlier?

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I want to say I've seen a picture of Midoriya and Mirko from My Hero Academia in that pose, but I can't seem to find it.

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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu: Dai-3 Shou - Truth of Zero

It's edited.

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I'm looking for information indicating that the section of the building that was struck could have been intentionally chosen by the CIA or whatever.
I had read it once but don't remember where, maybe something about there being nothing really important there, or maybe documents that needed be detroyed, and something about an officer coincidentally not showing up to work inside it when it happened.

Or was all of it revealed to me in a dream?

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frens only
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/ck/ reporting in
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I see you lost the battle.
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Need some help finding a specific music track. In FF7 Rebirth, every big region has two "versions" of its theme. When you first enter the region, it will play the first version of the theme. After your do so many overworld quests (not sure but I think maybe the Towers quests will drive it), the theme will change to a different version. Usually more instruments added, more vocals, more bombastic, etc.

The Corel region has this happen. No matter what "Corel theme" music I find, I can only find the second version of its theme. Even the official OST that I found seems to only have the second version. I found several YouTube videos of the Corel theme, but they've all been the second version. I can find the first version of so many others, like the Grasslands and Junon, but not the first version of the Corel theme.

Can anyone help? You'll know the first version by comparing it to the second version. The first version is more low key, has less instruments and key notes, etc. Please, someone help me track this particular track down.
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