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How to block images on a catalog with ublock or 4ch x ?
I just want to block images on a specific catalog but not images in the threads.
I tried reading through dynamic filtering or making my own filters but nothing works how I want it.
I'm not a programmer so this is just too much for me and asking chatgpt didn't help.
do you use the regular catalog or the 4chx catalog?

Either way, this CSS blurs thumbnails, if you set the 9px to something silly like 100 it might just blur them out completely.

div.post div.file .fileThumb img:not(:hover), .catalog-thumb:not(:hover) {
filter: blur(9px)!important;
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I just asked the bot how to apply it to a specific catalog and after I removed a symbol from its code it fucking works. Now I can blur specific catalogs without blurring stuff inside the threads. Ended up using tampermonkey. Thank you again.
No worries, if I recall right I actually picked that CSS from /wsr/ some time ago myself.

Also for reference, 4chan and 4chanx both let you natively use custom CSS so you don't need tampermonkey for this, but tampermonkey is handy to have around anyway.

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Where can I find Total Eclipse (1995)?

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7 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
wow thanks
can you try this one
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What are you trying to do?
Webm related won't save with gridlines, but you can screen shot it which is what I did with >>1464008
If you are trying to get a clean upscale use the cropped image that you make with >>1464559
and use https://lospec.com/pixel-art-scaler/ (maybe you did?)
trying to recreate them in a game like old wwe games

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Is there a particular name for this genre of piano/classical music? Sometimes with synths added?




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Basically what the subject says, looking for a PDF download of the artbook for the Mullet Mad Jack game
self pity bump

What are some games where I don’t have to worry about anything and can just kill people?
games having IDDQD and IDKFA
Just cause 4. There's enemies, but fighting them is trivial.

Doom on easy mode

Saints row 4

Titanfall 2. I haven't felt like that while playing an fps since cod 4 and cod mw2 back in 2009
I haven't played it, but heard the Postal seroes is like that
Oblivion if You turn down the difficulty or use the console to change the game.

i wanna dump 69 pics to later use on 4chin without the hassle of uploading 1 by 1.
any ideas?
buy a passu
get 4chanx
set up auto-upload

that's how the spammer on /ck/ does it in webm threads
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dont wanna ruin my dropbox acc, also it isnt exactly close to anonymous
free pls? if i have to pay for it, it isnt anonymous
pic unrelated but funny bc my friend's gf uses it and i keep on imagining bukkake on that asian ass
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>dont wanna ruin my dropbox acc
You can make a public Dropbox folder while keeping the others private.
Google Drive is also an option
hmmm... what the hell, i have so many unused google accounts, why the fuck not
thanks for making me do what i shouldve done from the getgo

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i'm not sure what you mean
i removed the noise on highest with this
- https://www.waifu2x.net/

it seems to be from a youtube video or something
so you might be able to take a screenshot of it that would be high quality too
the song appears to be called "money" by "lisa" from "blackpink", but i can't find that shot in a music video
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I'm looking for an upload of the track that plays at the one minute mark in this video. By itself, no dialogues over it.
It barely lasts a few seconds, that's probably all there is for it. I don't think it's a full track.

That said, feel free to look through one of the many RDR2 OSTs on youtube, might find it there

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can you guys request some anime/manga that is LIKE trigun but not a complete rip off of it?
Cowboy BoopBeep

in what way?

>bumbling hero
>buddy cop
>annoying sidekick
>unknown villain for 90% of show
>episodic human condition shit

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Anyone know what song this is? I like the bassline.
Partial lyrics found from "Andy Ashley - Hope You Understand" which sampled this song:
"But here I am anyways
You see...
You were digging in my case so bad
That I just had to split
But when I got out there
I found out
That I really love you"

how do I make it so that good people are protected from those that mean them harm?
Kill them
Then they will be immune from all kinds of harm
what you said made me think you believe that there is just science. that you may be atheist and believe in the big bang theory. but, I looked it up and all I can think is how can something come from nothing? a dense ball of fire? where did that come from? why is this a theory? I may not know much but please tell me if it can answer this question, "what was the beginning?". I believe in magic :P
>>Say thing
>Response ignores thing and replaces it with made-up nonsense and a nonsense attempt to argue the nonsense
I'm done with this thread

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Anybody have a working/tested Saw (2009) Windows 10 repack/zip?

I tried a standard install (from archive.org) and a repack (myabandonware), and once they were all set up, they both crashed after the intros. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Could it be my multi-monitors??
If not, I'll probably just pirate and load it up on my 360 with SAW II.

Does anyone know where I can download these files from OMNI, the 3D Printable Modular Display Case, for free

does anyone have a torrent or download link for this?
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
LLL, FLUX, SiGLA are the groups that released this series. Shouldn't be hard to look desu
Sorry ive tried searching with those names and couldnt find any. Can you help?
Sorry lad, I don't care for the series or I would download it and put it in some host for you.
I would suggest asking someone in >>>/g/100563938
Alright thanks

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