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Where do I get cracked ae plugins now?
where can I get gfx packs?

Redpill me on AM and other similar programs. Do you get anything out of it that you wouldn't be able to learn on your own? Are you actually just buying connections? Have you done it? what did you think? I can already guess that the general opinion here will be pretty negative but I'm interested to hear your insights.
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Andrew, how many times do I have to remind you that you're not welcome on this board?
Officially from Maya and they work unlike Blender that removed buttons and stored it away.
What do yall think of something like https://www.toanimate.ca/
$500 for courses, rigs, props, scenes, professional feedback + discord
>Red flags
Only blender, discord (anything commercial tie with discord is bound to be a scam), if I’m read the jump reference right, it’s asking you for a perfect 90 degree? Let me tell you; people hate perfect things, walk cycle for bot is bad, it’s just a by product of https://teachable.com and no actual professional.

It’s a scam anon.
what courses/books would you recommend?

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>try to search for tutorials on modeling
>everything is a fucking youtube tutorial
Why are modellers so fucking ADHD brainrotted? Is there really no text resources for non retarded humans to study?
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it's much quicker to make a video than write an essay+take hundreds of pictures to explain where the button is+embed the pictures in the essay.

shit gets updated so fast it is just not sensible or profitable to spend a week on an tutorial with a glossary about how to use x software's latest update, which google search athagorithm will probably bury anyway, when you could bang a video out in an hour.
What did you want to learn? I'll tell you how to do it in text.
Blender experiment on it has proven that such concepts fail. Including on Maya, many things got removed and added. Anyone remember FBX converter, too bad it’s gone and I still see videos saying to convert certain blender models to it when such software is gone.
yeah, this. It's the same with the pajeets that do coding tutorials.
more like why are modellers so ableist against adhd retards who can only follow text (I'm the retard)

search before 2022

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So I wanted to specialize in Maya but I see a lot of tutorials in blender and 3ds max too, I would like to learn blender and 3ds max too is it coherent using three modeling package?
if you're just starting out it's not a good idea to try and learn multiple packages that do similar things.

what do you actually want to do?
3D modeler/generalist
i'd recommend blender or 3ds max, cuz modifiers make your life easier, maya isn't bad but without plugins, its modeling pipeline is destructive.
if you have industry ambitions
for film: maya
for aaa games: maya / max / some blender
for indie games: blender
for archviz: max / blender

this is assuming you actually want to be a modeller which is a very, very specific thing in some pipelines. most modelling skills are transferable b/w dcc's and it takes a couple of weeks to adapt.

if you want to be a generalist you need imo:
blender / maya
substance painter
houdini (after 1.5/2 years of the others)
experience with at least 2 renderers ( so you can realise they're all pretty similar)

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Would recommend you to try all, and see what software “clicks”. In my case, it was Max (for modelling) and Cinema (for VFX).

Regarding modelling: methods that you learn on YouTube are software-agnostic, and you can follow it on the software you like.

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how can i recreate 90s style 3d renders in modern blender? i know i could just learn bryce3d but i don't want to. ive heard eevee has phong shading but i can't find it.
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old cg doesnt gives a fuck about correct gamma calculation. also its the reason why constant ambient light is needed to "correct" the midtones.
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It's even easier than messing around in Compositor. Literally just setting the View Transform in the Color Management to "Raw" will do it. You don't even need to re-render, either, since tonemappers themselves use Raw data when they adjust colors.
It really is amazing how effective tonemapping is at selling compelling lighting. I've only been dabbling in 3D for the past week or so but I've been doing color-managed digital art for a while, now, and it's just as effective there as it is here, while allowing for comparatively simple Multiplicative shading setups, now unlike that of a deferred lighting engine.
You will not get good results using this

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i heard about CGPeers from people, but is it any good? should I buy it? there's this one guy selling it but he couldn't tell me much about the website, he just told me he sells the accounts or invites or whatever..

https://cgpeering.mysellix.io/product/63d3dac6543dd this is the website, is it the right one to get CGPeers?

and If I get it, do i have to maintain my ratio ? thanks a lot guys
Shit. Doesn't worth it.
You can find most of the torrents in rutracker or telegram channels.
Post the telegram channels

I'm trying to rip fortnite models I can put it into blender because I want to make some funny shit. There's this dude that runs a discord where he has a fortnite ripper program but I don't know if I trust that shit.

Sorry for the dumb question, it's just everything I tried looking up just sends me to this guy's discord to download his shit. Does anyone happen to know if it's safe?
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>Download file named "Virus..."
>It's a virus
No, Virustotal is a website that checks and sees if something is malicious by running it through multiple anti-virus. The file I checked was FortnitePorter
Sorry, speedread the thread. Pretty sure Deviant Art has Fortnite models if you can get the XPS importer.
>I want to make some funny shit
You're not foolijg anyone, you mean porn
get them from smutbase

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Plasticity surprisely hasn't been cracked neither has Fusion 360, Says alot about their product.
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1.4.13 on cgpeers is fine and it's not even from cgpeers or persia forums
It's a virus.
nah. but you do you.
It most definitely has a crack, but why would you?

It's only $150 for a perpetual license with 12 months of updates, an absolute steal for such great software that doesnt nickel and dime you with subscription bullshit.

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Its over

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4chan not archiving only inconveniences people who shouldn't be here.
The most ironic thing about their whole temper tantrum is that most of the people they claim would "take advantage" of them were arguably some of the best ways to bring obscure game formats into the limelight.

Although, xentax will be probably remembered for a long time to come. Not for the wealth of information it once held, since that's long gone. But because it was a forum that had so many resources archived by what the major users of the forum would call "digital pirates". Most of whom never bothered documenting the original creators of the tools largely because there was no time to do so it seems. And the xentax discord server itself may one day be seen as a poor man's imitation of a digital archive.
>What exactly on a forum needs to be maintained besides paying for hosting and the domain?
The hosting itself is dirt cheap. A legible domain name is max 20$/year if you don't use a meme TLD or one of the scammy "promo" domains. The VPS itself can be very cheap as long as it got decent I/O. €5/month should be plenty as long as the forum software itself isn't garbage.

To keep it secure, just keep off as much bloat off the server as you can, have a crontab entry to keep the TLS cert up to date and it'll be good for pretty much forever without needing to touch it. Best to subscribe to the security mailing list of whatever distro you use just in case you really need to update.

Biggest issue is spam. Especially pizza spam.
Pizza spam is so persistent and obviously unprofitable it's almost certainly something trying to take down smaller websites.
And god forbid if you leave up pizza spam just a little too long.

t. selfhost website, mailserver and occasionally something else. My website used to have a comment system but it only ever got spam, thankfully no pizza spam but I know other admins struggle with it.
>€5/month should be plenty as long as the forum software itself isn't garbage.
I'm generalizing too much here.

If you host a lot of images, let alone videos, then storage costs will go up a lot obviously.


According to this archived page from the forum, money wasn't the issue. It was time. Because, as Mr.Mouse put it "The biggest problem is the cost of time. Time costs a lot of money and energy. That cost is not reimbursed.". Granted, saying that and then shutting down the forums comes across as pretty hypocritical considering that action, alongside stopping archival efforts of the website, wasted the time of everyone who ever took part in the forums, regardless of their intentions.

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/beg/ - Beginner's General -
Free chicks edition
Previous thread: >>960431

Last thread was a success and reached img limit, guess it'll be helpful to continue.

Beginners, feel free to post any questions, issues, projects, or anything you want looked at here. There's no stupid questions, we were all beginners once.
Other anons that are willing to try and help out (if you want), explain things as simply as you can, and try to be patient with the people just getting started.
Going by the OP of the last thread,
>You are a beg for at least 2 years, depending on software.

This also might be helpful for anons just starting out and want to know some different places to get textures and other resources.
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB

Feel free to check out some of the other generals as well

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retard here.
I can model but I can't texture. I keep seeing things about "handpainting" but it's all flat texture-less colors.
I want to hand paint textures because it's more intuitive to me but how can I go about adding basic materials/textures to my brushes?
I literally want to paint muh models
noob question: low poly also works for character sculpting?
Is there a reliable source for Adobe Creative Cloud 2024 or just Substance Painter 3D torrents in general? And which version should I be looking for?

Beginner trying to get into texturing.
>getting a job is hard
>most people quit
Is getting a job in 3d modeling/animation really that bad? Is it just over saturation atm due to covid? I see a lot of schools hiring professors for 3D these days and it makes me feel like going in now might be stupid
Very nice

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You guys have like a difficulty progression of modeling tasks for a beginner?

Like, cube, doughnut, teapot, fully modeled anime tits...
If you have to ask, you probably can't do it.
what kind of dogshit take is that?
You'd just do it if you could. There's a million fucking tutorials now. If you're here asking silly questions like this, just give up now.

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basically stuff like beyond the minds eye
ive been watching a lot of 90s 3d demo videos lately and i just love it, but im having a hard time finding similar stuff
please post them here if you find any
this subreddit has a lot of videos:

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Any anons make a living out of this?
Yah, as of this week, but I don't require a lot
had a full time job modelling and animating boats for a local maritime college, left it to move into ict though

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I do 2d, but I need a model. Anyone got the bazarr shop from Ocarina Of Time?
I don't have it, Cris. Sorry.
Im sorry that you don't have it Cris, maybe someone else?
Op here. I found this. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/oot-shop-scene-fd8172bedf5c4af197d97dc6b73080eb
But am I allowed to use it?
How do I download it?
How do I make the room a little brighter?
Anyone willing to help?

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>See modern game
>It has mocapped animations without weight that seems like the character is under water
>Character moves a slow speed
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more like vidya animators are bottom of the barrel amateurs that don't understand basic animation principles
Nobody understand. But you understand, Cris. You understand everything.
shut the fuck up, I work in the industry so I know most people here are talentless film industry drop outs
I don't know Cris, how I dry my computer?
Yes Cris, I understand more than you, go back to your containment thread

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