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Why should I use Zbrush instead of sculpting in Blender?
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At this point, it doesn't matter. We have been robbed and taxed like a big titty dumb blondes first time at a frat party.
Nothing matters anon, I sell my left testicle for 5000 USD last month.
And I spent it on my waifu new skin.
She looks so cute with her new wings.
Nah, there are things in life that matter, but the society that we live in at the moment, doesnt.
better tools overall, but if you just want to practice fundamentals blenders sculpting is more than good enough. don't use 3dcoat btw
Blender does not chug at millions of polygons faggots just dont know how to use the Multiresolution modifier

My chitubox pro sub just expired and I dont want to pay for it again.
Where can i get it at a 100% discount?
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I have a Chaturbate accounts if you need one
I'm glad you are outraged but I'm not even OP, stay mad
To be sure, you don't want the Chaturbate account anymore?
Did your mum find out what you were asking on the internet?
just pay for formware, it's a one time fee, none of that subscription bs
No, I want chitubox pro anon.

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Rate my babe. Also post your lowpoly babes!

You do model lowpoly babes, don't you anon?
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Nope, I love being a man who's been allowed to bask in the glory of gay sex;-)
Trannies should all kill themselves.
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holy shit this is somehow more dead than i when i left for a bit.

pretty good. can we get a side view?
Cute slut, feels like she's come out of a cyberpunk setting
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Thanks guys. Will post texture wip tomorrow. in the meantime here's topo

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Previous: >>968906

Daz youtuber's and general guides:
Travis Davids (Marvelous designer)
Kelvin Jin

Bridges: https://www.daz3d.com/daz-bridges
Suggested Blender Bridge: http://diffeomorphic.blogspot.com/

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well ironically you need to add a lot more light sources as you cant rely on bounces to fill up the scene. So think like the angle you want and then where you want the darkness / shadows. Then add soft lighting to about 3/4 of the entire 360 angle. That way you only have one hard angle of complete darkness.
if you look at these Mass Effect renders they are really not that dark. Its more the tone.
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Using my original .OBJ as a morph and dialing all hidden morphs to zero fixed the symmetry issue, but now the pants don't fit. A smoothing modifier at a high number just messes up everything, and playing with the scale also doesn't work.

So, maybe is not the bones after all.
when you're using transfer utility, are you setting the source to "current"? this is assuming your loading the pants onto a model with custom morphs already in use.
Yes, and yes.

How to get good relatively fast for props and weapon modeling? I need to get decent fast for personal reasons, any tips? I use maya and I understand 2D lighting and perspective in a mid level
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Realistic weapons for games
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check boltondynamics
when he's not schizoing, he actually post some good tips on modeling weapons
Hes going to have a massive schizophrenic fit again when his latest abandonware game collapses in on itself when he has to do any actual work on it instead of the shittiest possible low-poly assets and rudimentary path-finding
I find his schizorenting funny
>How to get good relatively fast for props and weapon modeling?
By modeling props and weapons, there is no shortcut, you can only roll up your sleeves and get to it, you'll get better with each new model

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Hopes for Maya 2025? It should be dropping in a matter of weeks.
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no professionals browses this shithole website
there's nothing here anyone can learn from
Dd they fix the accursed crashing issues and instability from 2023 and 2024 yet?
it only crashes if Your system is unstable. If you dont upgrade your motherboard BIOS and your RAM timings are unsupported you will crash maya. If Your system is stable, it wont or will very very rarely crash.
I feel like even though Maya receives next to zero publicity or tutorials these days on YouTube that doesn't necessarily mean the software is dead
>all of us
>retarded zoomers who use whatever youtubers shill

ill use both

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Asymmetry = Soul

just turn it off. Unleash yourself. Be free
Be free
It's been almost a decade. The delegates, Dahnald. Hand them over.
>have to weight paint and texture paint twice because you can't use symmetry
How do I get around this?
work symmetry then move things slightly when done like the pros

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He taught me Blender when no one else would.
Doughnuts, anvils, chairs, you name it.
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Cycles is only slow if you're using a 20 series card/equivalent or lower. You're making industrial level complaints about something that only occur when you lack industrial level tech. Also the rest of your post is completely irrelevant to the topic you complained about, which is rendering times, which tells me you realized I'm right and tried to move the goalposts. Sorry poorfag but your shitty argumentation is too obvious.
Your parents pay $10 to $20 per month to let you run your video card, which effectively qualifies video cards as a subscription service that you also have to buy upfront. Just so you know.
Even middle ground graphics cards can’t do enough in Blender. Shut up about your imaginary specs.
>Your parents pay
I make in a month what you make in three years. The only reason I'm not charging you for replying to me and wasting my time is making fun of you makes for a fun break.
You make a lot of money and you also want to charge me. What are you a bigot or something?

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Desktop PC Core i7, 16GB RAM, 1TB HDD + 240GB SSD, 24" monitor.
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I have no idea what 3Dlight is but I don't work with Daz so I don't know if your beefed up gtx 1650 is gonna be able to handle the load. think GTX1650 is designed for 3d work, but perhaps it will due, budget cards are usually designedfor gaming but not production, that doesn't stop you from working on it tho.There is no "too much" when it comes to specs. Somebody mentioned that you could just render on a CPU, that's true, but don't forget that a desktop is more than just a CPU, RAM, GPU, if you don't have good cooling it will throttle your CPU, good cooling for a CPU can be expensive. I assume you are buying a prebuilt pc so they might fuck you on the cooling and case. Motherboard is important, it's the core of your pc and imo mobo maybe a worthwhile investment for future upgradability.

What do you plan to do in Daz? If you do complex effects on meshes with high resolution renders and 2k+ textures it might not be enough. I would honestly say you should go to


And test your specs. It's mostly for games but I think it will give you some idea of what your setup is capable of, if your setup cannot even run games at mid settings and you intend to do shit in 4k with effects and many (or complex) models you are just going to buy something your are going to regret. Also somebody said RAM speed doesn't matter but I disagree, it's not crucial but it's noticeable, everything depends on your goals. Imo get a CPU with at least 8 cores and not something from 10 years ago, get at least 32 gigs 2600mhz RAM, get good cooling, get a 500gb SSD and put all your important shit on it, make sure your PSU is enough both to power your current setup and is going to allow to upgrade and install better parts later on, never fun to realize you bought a new GPU but your PSU cannot actually power your setup, gonna have to buy a new PSU, I'd get 600 watts at least.

God speed, have fun morphing women into cows

>I don't think the GTX 1650 is designed for 3D work*

Sorry for my rambling and typos, the point is that you can definitely run Daz, but depending on workload and intentions you might run into problems.

Also this post is fucking based.
I do love my similes and metaphors.
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>but I plan to buy it at christmas
>a gold one.


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Thought this video was pretty fascinating. Very rare to see this kind of early CGI at such high fidelity.
This but ironically.
is..is that....dare i say, S-S-S-SOVL?????????????????

uhhh ughhh UGHHHH SSOUVL!!!!




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Which VR device has the most accurate/precise controller tracking for modeling in VR?
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Moth :D
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guys i'm never on this channel but i wanted to know something maybe some of you who play tarkov or arena breakout infinioty have heard about it
BSG the company that develops tarkov says the game arena breakout has stolen their assets including not only models but also sounds etc. you are experts in 3d modelling what do you guys say? i really wanted to hear from experts what is true or not here are two videos one says it is stolen the other says it is not stolen


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Tarkov runs on unity so it's known what the format looks like, I dunno if file rippers are readily available but it's not super hard
for any savvy programmer to find the mesh data and write a custom exporter, has been done for tons of popular game engines in the past.

If all else fails there are interception software that dumps whatever is rendered on screen by directX open GL etc from memory to a 3D mesh file
so if Tarkov has say a mode to spectate the gun it'd be trivial to rip it that way with software like DX Ripper in a 'ready to use' kind of state.

It's sorta like how no matter what kind of protection a website run so you can't save their images by right click there is no guard against 'print-screen'. If it renders on your system it must be available in memory in a un-ecrypted format your graphics hardware can understand.
You struggled at school didn't you
sorry english is not my main language. i try my best to improve my english sorry

thank you for explaining it to me
there's programs that scan things directly at directx level
At some point these models end up in RAM and VRAM in a format optimized for speedy reading (=not secure at all and easily readable), that's where they get copied and written to disk.

Post anything Plasticity related. Whether it be questions or your work, everything is welcome.
This is so cool! I wonder what the best method for these semi-organic hard surface models is between poly, nurbs and sculpting?
I'm not very experienced but for a helmet I guess you would import your head mesh and model over it. Nikita Kapustin's latest tutorial is about that on how to model anything over your head.

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I need 25 experts on 'flesh animation', and some assorted artists for 'FX'.

I'd like 10 programmers, and one that's actually good. We'll do 'stickman-extremes' and adapt ML to produce neat novel rendering methodologies.

Basically, choreography is always screwy, but we need it to be 'adaptive to LLVM output vectors', and then maybe there'll be experiments for attention-retention-to-conversion-ratio. If you know what I mean, you can sign up as a 'partner'....

If you're the kind of party which entirely manages websites and communities for communication, You can sign On as much As you Like.

Basically, ain't gonna be disappearing genitals. And the 'storyline factor' you can actually achieve, instead of someone 'rapes you for storylines' and then feeds them back to you with the best parts stolen.

So if you have concepts, that's neat too. Like IDK. Maybe that's a customer already... I kinda thought, maybe, maybe, we have real artists somewhere, but the angel of choice never cared to have his own creative industry...
He just wanted to show me 'foreign ladies'.
But I never knew; they were already 'His'....

THE POINT IS; we'll make this stuff finally work! Like really work! You can finally have a proper interactive narrative, and tell it what to do, and it does it all fair and square; no 'uhgh we hadda break ur LLVM xprnc'..

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nobody e-mails the great master

even the googer no eat
OK. Do you have like contact info or are you larping? A website? a PO Box?
I make flashlights for a Japanese company, does that work?
You can find me at YouTube. com
Please contact me there for more info
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I see a lot of people saying that they don't need topology in Maya. How does that work? How does Maya handle subdivision? How do meshes generated by Maya look like? What does Blender lack in terms of modeling tools since its users need to resort to topology knowledge?
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>No. There is no such thing as "edge flow". The deformation is entirely defined by [proceeds to give a roundabout definition of edge flow]
wtf I thought the newest Maya solved topology?
If you don't want to understand, you're not going to understand. It's fine with me.
That's a nice showcase of how little topology actually matters for animations or anything else really.
He won't because it doesn't exist
>I see a lot of people saying that they don't need topology in Maya
Nah, it's just one troll messing with my topology thread.

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