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and where to cop

Ai bros help out
/gd/ - AI Design
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use your brain and draw it yourself you fucking dipshit, if you cant figure that out, dont fucking bother
not a huge fan of ai art myself, but how is that an answer worth wasting time typing?

Another US state finally gets a decent flag: Minnesota.
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Beats the "state seal on a blue background" that too many states have.
and that is a good thing for all of us
lmao wait until you see South Carolina
it went from boring and bureaucratic to boring and neo-corporate

it's a lateral move
Old one had some history. This one is 2020s styled simple mess. My eyes get tired from looking at it for more than 10 seconds

Hey /gd/

I have a question, if I produce images using illegal versions of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign, do these images have any metadata that can be tracked to see if they were illegally produced?

and how do I remove such metadata, I tried googling this shit but it doesn't come up with any real answers on this topic

I'm just getting to the point of completing my 4th as well as 5th gd project for my portfolio and want to upload them all to Behance but also still not cause any problems for potential employers.


Also post your questions/queries
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Here are some examples. The left and right balls use the same exact masks. Only difference is, the balls on the right are using basic black and white for shading. Which of course looks like ass. And the left balls are using my set up. Notice how it clings onto saturation and shifts hues.
Beginner here, how do I generate this effect in Photoshop?
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apologies if I'm on the wrong board, 3dgd didnt seem like the right place for his.

Is there any software that could allow me to easily perform pic rel?

I and puppeteering all the images and using a screen recorder on the main, parent media at the moment. It works, but I wonder if there is an easier way
any places where you can find designs for flyers, posters, brochures as inspo that are actual real world examples, and not just a copllection of "portfolio works" that would never go past a client?

I know behance has some, anything else?
oh what the fuck, deja vu

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ITT: We post mid-to-late 2000s graphic design styles, visual trends, and aesthetics.

Anything between 2005 and 2012 (or anything that is reminiscent of that era) is welcome here. THIS IS NOT A Y2K THREAD. DO NOT POST Y2K HERE.

Previous: >>445568
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I have learned many things throughout my life, and i feel like i have never come across something so difficult for my nogging to go through as drawing. I cannot conceive how people get any joy from the learning process that i'm thinking i'm straight up built incapable of learning this trade. It's not like i can't brute force it or anything, but it feels like such a humiliating ritual to trace, copy, do and redo this over and over again, feels like my brain is simply blocking me to a point where i don't want to even try due to how hard it pales in comparasion to good drawings made by veterans. How do i learn this shit?I really need a light right here.
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what do you want to hear, exactly?
if you can't even stand the idea of spending time drawing then stop wasting time doing it...
>go watch some tiktok or youtube instead, I guess. that shit will provide the hit you are craving.

also. how about keeping such questions to ic, genius?
Give up and get AI pilled

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Request and share non-free typefaces and identification of typeface samples.

> Previous thread


> Older threads

archived <dot> moe/gd/search/subject/Font%20Share/

> Font identification

Before you request, do your due diligence by running your font sample through a font identifier;

whatfontis <dot> com

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anyone got the Berthold Black family or at least something close to it.
You need Glyphs or FontLab.
looking for Phonk Sans family
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anyone know what font this is?
looks similar to the Jolt Cola logo.
the 'font identifier' tools aren't really helping.

Is it retarded to use fountain pens?
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did you not even read the post, my man?
I think that it's just a correlation with neurological issues. The real thread might just be neurodivergence since a normal person would not be such a devilish deviant as to use a primitive method of putting down ink.
Same, I like the effortlessness of putting down the lines and the finality of each stroke.
Most of the comments I've seen of those kinds of people commenting on it had almost nothing to do with actually using the pens for putting ink on paper, and almost everything to do with the pens and related inks themselves being a perfect outlet for fixating on in a semi- healthy manner, and also to satisfy compulsive urges to collect and organize them andvengage in the ritualistic aspect of loading and cleaning them and disassembly/reassembly.

Where ink on paper is even mentioned its usually still in that context, obessively fixating on the color or sheen...the act of writing or drawimg is mostly just a means to that end, or an afterthought.
I don't think you've ever tried a fountain pen before and seen how they differ from ballpoint pens. I think they're especially good for the few of those who write in cursive
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How the fuck do you conjure up that bullshit based on anything said in the post your are responding to?

I've owned and used plenty of fountain pens, as well as Rapidographs and other specialized ink pens like picrel for drafting and calligraphy and other artwork since back before you were born.

what software do you use to design your own custom notebook pages?
Microsoft PowerPoint and LibreOffice Impress. I know there are better ways, but I sold my brain on etsy.

I like to use the templates on here https://www.lulu.com/create/notebooks
The book creation template stuff comes with a neat pdf guide. It's aimed at people who want to make books though.
cool site, looks like they have calendar stuff too, not sure if it will fit on A5 paper but i'll check
was for >>454824 , obviously

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do any of you guys draw, like regular normal drawing? post your drawing?
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thats crazy, reminds me of terriblegodlike on instagram, you do any graffiti ever?
Didn’t use any reference for that one, but there’s a lot in Pinterest. Just takes a while to train the algorithm to return useful stuff
Learn the names of the main bones and muscles. Proko yt channel is perfect and he tells it like it is. He knows the main artists and interviews them. There’s no easy way.
Mary the Anime?
Looks like it.

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Put anything your heart desires into his hands, I just need something
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ae5yhtae5ytnjwy6f yfwe6rs r
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>inb4 banned
Skibidi rizzler delivers
Fuck this board.
Well played, dude.

Is Fishtank funny?

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Post'em (extra points for foreign /rare)
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ITT: /gd/ that looks like a... you know...

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What is this æsthetic called
Hard Classic Rock 99.5 KBBL
Shit was all over the 1970s to early 80s.

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Can I talk about video editing here? I really want to talk about it but I don't know what board really suits it, people at /tv/ just aren't interested at all

Nowadays, the only thing Premiere has over Davinci right now is the AI shit and communication with After, which is very useful, but Davinci is so good, is Premiere only so hegemonic because it's adobe?
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>is a professional editor
>doesn't know how to use professional editing software
>tfw don't know how to extract mp4s from mkvs so I end up using Shotcut for all my webm memes because I don't want to put more effort into a 5 sec joke than I have to
I've always pirated Premiere. I'm too good at it to swap to DaVinci without it being not only painful but money loss. I really wish I had a free year and a half to get as good in it as I am with Premiere.

Also, is there a torrent for the most recent Premiere with all the TTS and AI modules? It took a while for the TTS modules to show up and the only thing stopping me to pay for a subscription is my despise for Adobe as a corporation

Is'nt Resolve opensource? Shit, I'm not paying them either

I can afford it, but you'll catch me dead on a curb before giving money to such a filthy corporation

As far as I know, proper coloring, proper audio engineering and instant multicamera. It can cut a day or two from a workweek, but I don't care because I'm never tasked nor paid to do it more than the basics. If they can do cutting I'm buying tomorrow, no matter how much hypocrisy it will show, I'd rather have more money and get a week's work done in a single day, I'll even charge extra for the "coloring" and "audio engineering"
Low IQ too stupid to use other programs.
Thinking a hobby grade editor has a chance against Resolve.
We understand that you are decent with adobe pr ae. But seething because of a superior program BTFOs what you use. Adobe hasn't made any improvements since 2016. But that's a you problem not being able to switch.
>Resolve MIGHT be used to do color correction by some professionals
No, it is the most used software by professional Colorists to color correct and grade digital media, ever since around the Da Vinci 2K System was released; especially since Adobe shat the bed with Speedgrade, and while Avid is keeping Symphony in Media Encoder on life support. The editing features were added onto it later, but it already had mass market share for color correction way before it was bought by Blackmagic, and the fact that you downplay this obvious industry fact in order to strengthen your opinions on the software as a whole makes me doubt your credentials as a professional in this field. We've been using Resolve in our Post-production house for years now as our online conforming and finishing tool and we've had no problems regarding the quality of the final exports it spat out for our commercials, television, and film restoration work. We still use Media Composer for feature-length productions or during offline editing though, to accommodate our editors still familiar with Avid.

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