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Old thread: >>7856969

Fap Hero is hentai and rhythm based masturbation game that can be played for fun and challenge.

[How to play]
1: Watch a fap hero video
2: Stroke your dick one time each time a beat passes by on the beat bar
3: Do no pause the video, look away from the screen, or skip any beats
4: If you cum before the video says you can, you lose

Fap Hero videos can be found on most big porn sites, or downloaded from online communities (like this thread)
321 replies and 47 images omitted. Click here to view.
Thank you very much, anon
Seed please
new bread?
meme hero round 7 music is getting hardcore https://youtu.be/XPWg19ARqKo
Guess it only creates one, not modifies one.
The checkpoint stays the same after creation.

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The credit card company rejected DLsite's compromise request. It seems that DLsite will either completely surrender like Getchu and delete various "incorrect" works, or it will be completely unable to use Western credit cards. With Getchu's surrender, I am worried that DLsite will do the same.
I hope that DLsite will ban American users in the future, just like PIXIV, the Japanese should not be made to suffer from domestic problems in the United States.
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To be fair, it's kind of difficult to defend toddlercon sold one click away from the front page of DLsite.
I've seen this theory before. I don't know how true it is alone. Another factor maybe. I know there are people out there that think rule 34 is morally wrong on the basis of kids coming across it or being groomed and shit, and there is a heavy push right now for national and state governments to mandate age verification for access to porn. So yeah, there may be a wider "hermeneutics of pedophile suspicion" (instead of gay suspicion) thing going on here at play as well, particularly in America. Every year people get more and more paranoid of kids being molested or groomed online (even just playing video games with a minor is now a red flag to people, or adult men around kids even if he's a father) and take more and more rights away from kids and even teenagers "to keep them safe" and try to take helicopter parenting to insane extremes and even push against other parents that disagree with them, like wanting it to be neglect to let your kids play outside, walk places, and take the bus/train unsupervised. I would hate to be a kid right now, I'm glad I got to use the internet anonymously and unsupervised growing up. Wish I was allowed to leave the house to play with other kids though, the paranoia was real even 20 years ago.

I have been wondering about other possible reasons though, so I appreciate takes like that and the one about payment processor liability. I thought of some others.

One is how much money is being spent on JP media, if there is a financial factor. Are we hemorrhaging some percent of our money because American media is boring as shit right now and JP media is growing in popularity? I can't imagine this, as I still consume far more weebshit than anyone I know, even other weebs. I still hear people talking about Netflix shows and whatever movies are coming out. But a lot of fans of JP media tend to be less outgoing and more reclusive, or they hide their power level so you wouldn't know if they spend thousands per year on weebshit.
Then there is the matter of whether or not we are experiencing birth rate problems or mass death of old people impacting population/demographics. Is there a crisis looming that I'm not aware of and the powers that be are conspiring to try and raise birth rates? Banning abortion, contraception, porn, and sterilization (including transsexuals) would certainly do that just because policies work. Not everyone will go around the law, probably a majority won't. I've definitely seen lots of young people so deathly afraid of environmental fearmongering that they go full antinatalist "how could you birth a child into this world," same thing with COVID doomsday crazies. Even seen young people not wanting to have children with people that took the jab. Japan already has birth rate issues, and many have speculated about waifuism being the issue, so I wonder if Japanese content and things like AI girlfriends and the hypothetical for now AI robot sex dolls that are clearly coming in the future could be scaring them into action there, in addition to the usual "porn bad" or "the sex dolls almost always look too young" concerns most people parrot.

I'm sure there is also an element of "almost all adult men and over half of women consume porn, and if we require ID then anonymity is dead" because people will generally take the path of least resistance (although you can fap without porn or just make/share your own). I don't know if it would be much of an impact since most people already are deanonymized by now. And obviously that sort of thing helps to shame people away from porn for those that have a religious issue with it, or for corrupt politicians it enables blackmail of people that previously could have gotten away with only an IPv4 address.

It's difficult to know which of these are intended and which aren't.
>all that censorship and nsfw crackdowns can be weaponized and utilized by individual normal sfw artists and other independent smaller time creators to target nsfw artists who made porn of their OCs, series and other works
>are joining in and or weaponizing
>The seething individual sfw artists and creators can now tattletale to the payment processors
Any recent examples? Most I've seen are passive-aggressive "don't sexualize my OC!" posts. And isn't NSFW art protected by parody/fair use that barely get (if any) negative repercussions? I doubt the average OC drawthread will be affected given this site's anonymity.
To be fair, futafags should be inconvenienced and disenfranchised at every turn, if not outright exterminated.

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I'm into stats and looking at Google Trends and this is something I've been wondering.
I mostly reverse image search what I see on 4chan, dig through the pic's booru tags to see if I like more, add negative tags as needed, and add the link to a text file for downloading. (or an ever-growing "later" text file for tags I don't have the patience to sift through at the time). Sometimes I use Kemono as well.
Doujins are good too but I'd rather get to the meat of it than read a story, though sometimes story helps a lot.
4chan and Nhentai
a simple man
4chan and sadpanda

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low quality rule but the samples you posted doesn't really break that rule unless it was 200x300 size
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Time for a bump
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Seriously, why are 90% of male hentai protags these stuttering limp-wrist pansies? Why's it so hard to come across a story featuring a sexually dominant protaganist that isn't
>some faceless ntr protag
>an ugly bastard
>a blackmailing child
>a rapist
Is this what Japs like? To self insert as cowards? Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue of some guy stumbling their way into sex then protesting while some 10/10 is raring to suck him off. Is it that offputting to write someone with a little bit more confidence and initiative?
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>I mean, they are essentially marketed toward japanese NEET neckbearded virgins.
That's the annoying part. By all accounts the male insert power fantasy should be an absolute slayer. But the people who buy and make most of this shit are still just a pussified in their own fantasy as they are reality.
Characters like that DxD faggot are even worse if you ask me. Every other line out of his mouth is HEHEHEHE DRRR I LIKE BOOBIES!! WANT HAREM! And even though he's in a harem situation, with all the girls openly wanting to fuck, openly down with share and whipping their tits out at hello, he still acts like a massive pud. He's not different because he's a pervert and the openness of his perversion just makes it all the more galling when he pusses out to where I'd even prefer the retards who are oblivious.
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>dude that appears in one VN once that nobody remembers vs FUCKING SHUUSAKU
Seriously dude. This isn't even a competition.
>a rapist
Nothing wrong with giving women what they want.
You look at popularity, i look at performance.
Random fat ugly bastard pimps main heroine in record timing, while Shuusaku is till waiting help from his brother. Please tell me that you dude can at least solo someone other than schoolgirls, and i might reconsider.

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No Edition

Previous Thread: >>8009806




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There's literally none of that this entire thread, what are you on about
those panties took the hair with it lol
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looks like you missed one
based anon strikes back

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It's not cuckold shit in a sea of it

Aiue Oka is indeed a horrible person. Pays for Fakku's copyright thinking it increases profits (never does) and has been doing this for years.
Is it really that simple?
"Hey here's some money make some big anime titties from this doujin I like."
That's why I pirate all their shit
Of course not

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Due to pressure from credit card companies, skeb began to restrict viewing rights of some sensitive works
Some of the works that were once made public have been 404 unavailable for viewing.
Don’t know what the viewing permissions are?
Maybe only authors and contributors can view it?
skeb thread discussed this at length
You can no longer search for a lot of terms which is annoying as fuck for finding artists.
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no worries

I'll just stick to AI

its free
>I'll just stick to AI
Good luck with that >>8007744

>Viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kd2T9gVZtsoEHP9nIeDSIdLOnw4Xgt7
>Viewer Big Patch: https://mega.nz/file/glx0UQgC#QIeQmw5esGAH5Z2hpAME7HNb-rBHpRjt3eE9yovM31w
>Event Patches: https://mega.nz/folder/OuBwSajD#cRAyhgZtXTkBouEIREiz7Q
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snLByV1Jn4Y&list=PLWTepIlReBpnRRQcQMjQGxDo7whb4IxIe

>Game: http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/
>Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k22dzpoUyYc3dgqOeiYWf5aKdzcMTM-22PPZ15ePyiw/
>Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/9jN0RKrD#0sDHOUgClLaQH3MU7_eQgA
>Story TL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koBwcMlYnY5Z5gezuY9tbnBLWxQ9jByLbcO2A_ZGDwA/
>Translator Tool: https://mega.nz/file/dYN0WQLS#7nT4m6amxQvrasjvhQBxXs-3dPIXmwEnnC8wufL0UMY
>Translator Tutorial: https://files.catbox.moe/0toapd.mp4
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkX8aSzVqMg&list=PLWTepIlReBplP_mSvQ3_if7-A8In-45Nc

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Is the soon-to-die Extasy the only source for translated Taimanin RPG content, or is someone translating the stuff that Extasy hasn't and won't get to cover?
New Thread:

There's machine translation as well, but I don't know how to set it up. You'd have to ask around the thread.
Rattan man said that he would translate rpgx scenes and stoyrs. It will just take him some time to do it.
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Which taimanin series has the newer characters from the action taimanin game? Like Eleanorn.

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To discussing anything from e-hentai and exhentai
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>site is filled with MTL trash
>still uses an UI older than OP's grandmother
When will another site overtake this one, it's clearly ran by subhumans.
The same way you bypass ads every. A DNS sinkhole on your network, and a VPN to your network while You're away from home.
So is there any update on kemono? I assume the importer is still off because lots of artists are months out of date.
It's not off, you are free to import the content you paid for.
I don't pay for any content, I would but hentai is such a gray area I don't want to buy something that might fall on the wrong side of it.

Why is Marin drawn as a cuckhold so much?
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All niggers should be gassed.
All cucks should be shot.
Not apart of this argument, but this is a actually a good question. There's nothing about Marins character that would ever suggest she would cheat on MC if they became an item. Shes super into him, where did all these pictures legitimately come from? I don't hate them, I just don't understand the connection with using this character for this particular fetish.
You don't try to understand apes
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>vanilla cuck obsessed over faggots
Come out of the closet already lol.
i really couldn't tell you, but there must be something extremely wrong with cucks
i have never seen any other fetish group deny their fetish so much, for example if you love big tits and jerk off to some paizuri doujin you don't turn around and deny that you love big tits
but cucks will deny to their dying breath that they are cucks and will even use their own fetish as an insult like this fag above this post

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Singing Edition

Previous Thread: >>8008026




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1038 replies and 300 images omitted. Click here to view.
New Thread:
Nah, Cascade training starts in a week ish once caching completes. Pony who in no time
cascade is a pipe dream
it will never beat pony/sd3

screenshot this
What are we going to do when they try to censor free AI? When they start banning prompts? When they start deleting LoRas and models and requiring us to upload to them?
this thread is dead, ask it in the next one
and the answer is that as the pandoras box has been opened and it's too late, this is impossible to regulate, the worst they can do is limit things at hardware level but then everyone is just going to buy chinese shit

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Previous Thread: >>7969830

Discuss all forms of NTR themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc.

Guide & definitions: https://0.0g.gg/?bedca3ad8a4a1172#A5z1AGQ2oXhT7mqYPJw7WzSjRGTsqz9AQM6a3iDrY3St
OVA recommendations: https://0.0g.gg/?446cfca32ab56eb4#GQE5Hak9CNfDMYuEbDvVZc69jSADoNso5pgt6kSxa3bP
Smut recommendations: https://0.0g.gg/?c309281c91d381b8#3zBp9sCFVKunFVdznViTmBhddWqmiWcBDs9QU1uvtWov
RPG Games List: https://0.0g.gg/?ad1c22e289965ec9#stkeZnFja8tTsPpKtNR7U8m8dRY9CR879NJinrjYdVn
Translated Visual Novels List: https://0.0g.gg/?75a3e0947ee7b1c4#JyQQrYuexGkvW8ffLLJqTSLBktXDW48JquFNUuTEQ8r
Untranslated Visual Novels List: https://0.0g.gg/?4e51920cbbe437c4#8VZG1MwUf7mWbC5QQsE6gpVT1EmXyLi4R4pzDesm8m94
Game Devs List: https://0.0g.gg/?f7796007c13bf01e#HsyXuCEemKX2ah1iePzKubTaHTdKQnmMBDgGuxCCQP9t
369 replies and 141 images omitted. Click here to view.
>loses his shit at the mere mention of Terasu
BBC surely did a number on you, huh?
good morning sir
>One day, Yuuka is called by Noah and goes to the petri dish, where she witnesses Noah having sex with a strange man.
>Noah assumes that the man is his teacher, and says that he is serving him as part of his seminar duties.
>Even when Yuka tries to stop her, a special app is placed in front of her...
>"Mama-san...be quiet. If you speak too loud, everyone will hear you.."
>Their only daughter is in love with a handsome foreigner, Roberto, who suddenly decides to do a homestay with her!?
>When she tries to wake him up after he falls asleep on the sofa at night when everyone else is asleep, he suddenly hugs her...!
>"Mommy... just a little longer... just a little bit like this..."

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Previous >>7841763
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Not even close.
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Next >>8015977

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