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US/UK accounts will no longer be able to see hentai on Pixiv as of April 25th. Go to your settings and change your country of residence if you're one of them.

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This is just dumb, I don't really get why they keep doing this
It's more so the fact they have something to argue and to woo at courts, bankers, and to congressmen.
careful, you'll attract the spammer retard deflecting to gay parades claiming conservatives have no bargaining power!

It's like an NCOSE shill ximself.
the problem is people buying porn and then whining it wasn't them or it was a mistake when their spouse, family members, coworkers find out.

i can't even charge back shit with visa. the laws in my country are shit.

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>manga, anime, video games, and other media IP etc. have beautiful strong and powerful female characters
>Said female characters have fans, fan art and of course; porn and doujins made of them
>Some artists choose to make the most depraved, fucked up, sadistic and generally out of character hentai, porn and doujins where the canonically and literally strong and powerful females get absolutely mogged, sexually assaulted and raped into submission
>Majority of the times it's always the "strong and powerful female character gets easily raped and enslaved by cartoonishly weak, fat out of shape ugly man who somehow through sheer contrivances, bastardization of canon and dumbass "blackmail"

Why oh why do artists and fan artists who engage in porn feel the need to do this? At least if the strong females who're be subjugated into sex slavery are either OCs or literal random Who's in a one-off or oneshot scenario or original setting. I can understand and not have that much issues with it. But how come Japanese made doujins manage get away with making beloved strong female characters into becoming easily defeated victims in this most vapid ways possible without being criticized or scrutinized for being OOC and badly written!?

Whereas if it were Western made it would face all the criticism and scrutiny for being badly written fanfics. Again, why do artists do this and how come Nippon-made doujins get a free pass without being scrutinized and criticized as badly written and OOC fanfics?
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What a bunch of faggotry lmao
Incel issues, man. Simply that.
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I've seen some NTR stuff, not proud of it. Some of it was well-drawn, some of it felt outright evil, but a lot of it is just really tacky slop. I guess all genres have slop, but NTR is especially trashy.
>bandwagoning faggots who knew jack shit about the source material
yup, happens a lot
You know any good Taiga ones?
I guess these can also be examples to moral fag about to:

It definitely has plenty of things OP is pointing and complaining about. Especially the really evil and vile malicious aspects, thought of course this may also just the author being a relatively immature edgelord. But just simply edgy none the less.

And as >>7903015 said;
>one thing that is for sure, or that willing to bet is that the moment sleazy hentai artists become professionals or enter the industry. They will purge their online, delete their social media. And attempt to delete all the trashy rape and moral degradation porn they've ever drawn online and might even go so far as to request all the hentai hosting sites to delete their work. All to save face and appear squeaky clean, and fearing HR might doing some background checks on their real lives and online presence, fearing the shit they've drawn might make them look bad.

Which is also why I assume sometimes Japanese artists just seemingly out of nowhere delete their social media, Pixiv and other online art accounts that contain their raunchy non-vanilla rape, NTR, ryona, scat, etc. porn. Basically its them deleting their previous not safe for work material as a form of rebranding and not have their previous work and other nsfw be associated with their new professional careers.

So chances are, if the artist of the hentaifox links related ever makes it big or becomes an industry professional. They might end up deleting and purging whatever socials they have and attempt to purge the very rape doujins they made to not have it be associated with him which may also jeopardize their new professional careers.
>It definitely has plenty of things OP is pointing and complaining about. Especially the really evil and vile malicious aspects, thought of course this may also just the author being a relatively immature edgelord. But just simply edgy none the less.

Maybe less of a "secret hidden woman hating misogynist rapist", and more of a; Nerd who was bullied and constantly rejected in highschool.

Maybe the seemingly evil woman hating rape is just a mix of simple long festered nerd rage mixed with the frustrations and expectations of Asian Society. Which in itself makes dating, marrying and starting a family near impossible or extremely difficult at best.

In other words: venting frustration... Don't show this tourists or the vast majority of normies who wouldn't be able to comprehend what goes on the mind of a weird horny frustrated but ultimately harmless Japanese male nerd.

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>DLsite page of the DLC with the PV:
>DLsite page of the base game:
>Seismic's twitter
>Seismic's blog

Cool down time. It's been a long and crazy yet rewarding ride over the last nearly TWELVE years. Yes, some of us have been on this ride since August 27, 2011. That was the date Seismic introduced his Liru on his blog. We can remember how it made our hearts skip a beat when we discovered his announcement and the flash and gif of liruspin. Can you really imagine how few things there are in your life that you stay up to date on for twelve years? Well, if you are like me, you have been looking, supporting and even (amateurishly) making Liru and Magipoka content since 2006. But this... this whole experience has been something I never dreamed I would experience. Checking the threads almost daily since the first thread is a privilege I will remember for the rest of my life. Here is the link from his blog.


"The Liru Project" (The name of the original threads) never ends. Liru is eternal and will always be with us. I believe that even after all of our lives have passed, Liru will still be remembered, discussed and content created in her name. The Liru Project goes on.

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It's almost as wonderful as I imagined.
that slutty look sucking on those dicks
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This is the stage where Uma did her magic for a less than enthusiastic audience. It was redone a few years ago, but it was right here.
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This is the table and chairs Uma sat on while resting. The top table is now gone.

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Drop ur favs full nelson, anal, DP... All of them
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I found this work a while back and love the concept of a harem but it’s just one girl with D.I.D.


I started looking for anything with a similar concept but I don’t even know what tag I should be searching for assuming it even exists.

Anyone have any works that are similar or any tags that might be semi-relevant in looking for more?

Gonna storytime this while waiting for replies.
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One more bit I found.
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And that’s it.
This is all I could find that directly addresses the whole multiple personalities thing.

So can anyone else think of any anime/game characters that have multiple personalities?
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I appreciate that someone finally attempted to answer the original OP question after a full month.
Hot as fuck. Anyone know about sny other doujin with DID?
This fetish is rare to find anon

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Kicking it off with Iria from the Zeiram duology and her eponymous prequel OVA
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Maze: The Mega-Burst Space
not much here
Rapier Sarris
The thumbnail she looks like the Wendy's mascot
GTO has 75 pics on paheal. Sadly more than a 1/3 of it is bara and yaoi.
I would ruin Midori
Metal Gear porn is either extremely rare or all gay..

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All porn is bad. 2D doesn’t avoid the consequences.
speaking of cumshots, i can't stand western 3dpd creampies that are the dude leaving only the tip in
What in particular?
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Because 2D is much better at conveying emotions, not saying all 3D are stiff but most look "off" to me, even the Koikatsu stuff is like that, I instantly recognize them.
Good artwork

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Will it ever be topped?
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Why not both?
What game?
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Short hair is a bigger size queen.
His artstyle just tick all my box. Even if he doesnt do more work, I would love to get some artbook or something... really need to find his ass, he probably has a social media or something.
>Will it ever be topped?
Yeah about that...

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One camera angle, and multiple panels(or pages) across which time passes(fast or slow).
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Why doesn't he wake up with all that moaning?

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Kurashiki Reina's onee-chan, finally.
>The sisters get along quite well, or rather, the older sister is one-sidedly very protective of Reina, and Reina is slightly annoyed because she has a hard time with the older sister who is a genius.

>Design A
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What does it say on the "product" page I want whatever those bonuses are
they will reveal that in later date
Ah... that's unfortunate, I wanna get all the tapestries too for the specific storefronts, but I don't wanna buy three copies of the game
Nobody talked about "amazing standout unique personalities", it's just that both her mother and her sister have a strong personality while she seems lacking.
I disagree, the real point of the saimin genre is not just to fuck the girls as soon as possible, but to make them do various erotic acts they normally wouldn't do and to people they don't know or even despise. They don't need to have a deep personality, just a good contrast between what they normally do and what they do under hypnosis.
I liked both pretty equally.

Girls at the club, working two poles at once
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i've busted so many nuts to her on Meet N fuck detective rpg
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Starting this discussion because no one else seems to be talking about it. Surely others have noticed gelbooru has been nuking a whole bunch of stuff? No, I don't have 'Display all site content' disabled, and I've tried turning a proxy on to check if maybe it's a location thing. It's a definitive fact they are purging a great deal of content from gelbooru, and I have no clue why.
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why would you even think that
How does gelbooru compare to jewkaku, content wise?
I have been using sankaku for years, tolerating their bullshit by script blocking their garbage, but the search timeout bullshit now happens with 2 tags only, fuck these cunts.
>Western crap
Good riddance. It's high time these boorus did some pruning.
this is a bit off topic, but does anyone have a booru that they actually like atm? i like translating booru pics and used to use sankaku and liked it a lot for the volume of content before it reached the state it's in now. i've looked at danbooru (small content pool, loli is locked) and gelbooru (does not seem very active)
take this as a grim reminder to save everything that you like and to make back-up copies of it

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Standing is best position.
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Good shit
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>What is Honey Come?
It's produced by illgames which is illusion in disguise. It's pretty much the anime version of Honey Select 2.

Buy it here:https://www.dlsite.com/pro/work/=/product_id/VJ01000786.html
Official Site:https://www.illgames.jp/product/honeycome/

>What is Honey Come Dolce?
It is Honey Come's new upcoming expansion which released on Dec 22. It includes new personalities, clothing, maps, animations, items, and studio. (Yes, studio is not free anymore)

Preorder here: https://www.dlsite.com/pro/work/=/product_id/VJ01001173.html
Official Site:https://www.illgames.jp/product/honeycome_dolce/

English support + available on Steam.

Pirate the game here.

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HoneyCome is more simple, looks better, and runs faster.
Koikatsu has more stuff and is superior in pretty much every way. It has a community as well unlike HoneyCome.
With that said, if you want a quick fap go with HoneyCome since it's easier to get started with.
For fuck's sake why doesn't F snap to FK/IK nodes anymore. And where did the axis rotation ball go?
I hate Illusion.
>normal asian height
>it's le child!
dumb westoid
It very much isn't. It's a full 10cm below average. Japan's height averages are only 3cm below America's anyways.

It's not child-sized though, just very short.
>over 18


>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX20
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

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Did you check SideLoader?
Unfortunately BonChuArchetypeHeadmod is not an option

squirt is just piss and I'm tired of pretending it not. You like piss.
im awake
I shouldnt have said "finish the thread if you want", it always ends up with me going to sleep and the thread dying naturally when Im asleep. get in

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