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Hey /mew/ I have a question about loop pedals.

My drummer buddy suggested playing through some metallica, just for funsies since we have an sort of ideal setup. Thinking about it, I realized it would be possible to faithfully recreate the song Master of Puppets with just a drummer, and a guitarist/vocalist. The only part which couldn't happen 100% would be the lead part during the interlude, since two parts playing harmonies are introduced at once, but it would sound okay the second time through if I were to take the higher harmony the second time.

My question is this: Can a single loop pedal memorize multiple different parts? I would need to have the first verse saved for later, as well as a couple other portions to make it happen. Would I need multiple loop pedals? Ignoring all logistical issues (such as tempo), is this a remotely doable idea? I think it would be very impressive and also immensely satisfying to achieve.

Have any of you done something like this?
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>But think about it for a bit. Do you need to loop riffs and FX to gig? Or do you just need a backing track to play with your buddy?
A backing track would be the obvious choice, yes of course.

But it would be much more impressive to loop the whole thing live. The structure of MOP makes it possible, aside from that one portion I mentioned, which would be forgivable.

For our own sake a backing track would work, but say we were to ever perform this live, it would be SO IMPRESSIVE to do it all on the fly. It would take lots of practice of course, for precision's sake, and we'd have to have rock solid tempos between us.

There are easier solutions for sure but I'm much more impressed by musicianship of this sort. It's aspirational, and if even remotely doable something I'd strive for, if we're just having fun here.

I'll shop around. Thanks, anon.
Yes, everything you want is possible. I have 2 looppedals, a small nuxx one and a bigger boss one. That boss has 2 pedals, which makes it easier to operate. But every looppedal can record a phrase and do overdubs on it. Don't know if they have a hold function. That boss one i have can have 8 tracks programmed in it. Don't know if the nuxx can tho
>can have 8 tracks programmed in it
Oh. Okay. Yeah now we're talking. I only need like 3 or 4.
Is it difficult to cycle through to the one you want?
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No, i was wrong tho, it can have 11 phrases in memory. But i have this one, its pretty old. Boss probably makes a newer model nowadays.
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Okay this looks pretty kino. Thank you anon. Thank you.

are you guys ready for when fantano gives this a 10/10

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I know a lot of you are used to old heads talking about how great music used to be. Well, I'm an old head (62 to be exact), and I'm telling you right now Doja would've held her own in the 70's and would've been on of the best artists of the 80's. I notice this young lady (Doja Cat) gets a lot of hate. I have no idea why. She's beautiful, sexy and very talented. What am I missing here?
How often do you jerk off to JC Pennie's Doja Catalog?

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Are there any modern bands making trip hop music or anything similar? Feels like post 90s the genre is kaput.
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>trip hop and psychedelic rap are two different things
I’m getting too old for this shit and I’m a zoomer.
One isn't an exclusively rap genre while the other one is, not complicated in the slightest. Also Trip Hop is more dependent on explicit Electronic sample/instrumentation

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gowon looks fine, cute and pretty as always
What's that supposed to mean?
top 5 for sure


Politics aside.
I can only tell you that Serbia's songs of this year and last year qere really, really good. They are fantastic artistically speaking. I don't know about other countries' songs but the one Croatia sent this year was horrendeous.

ok why is Drake gaining more followers than Taylor Swift
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He’s a better artist
I can't believe /mu/ actually likes this normalfag shit
We went through a small little "dark ages" the past 40/50 decades, but men are slowly doing it, we are normalizing baning hot teenage girls. Never should have let that escape our grasp. We will reclaim it
Deepthroating skills.
Because he's the better musician
t. incognito chud
You can't believe the music board likes music?
Nothing to own the OVHoes like endlessly fantasizing about homosexual acts

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Post covers that are better than the original song:
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This cover annoys me because the chords are wrong and are much more simple than the actual song. Its as if they're mocking the song but aren't good enough musicians to even hear it properly, just a self ownage there.

They also misunderstand the song and think Dire Straits actually mean it, as in they're the ones saying 'chicks for free' but they're quoting some hooligan who was talking shit to them.

In conclusion, Royal Trux absolutely suck and should give up.
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you're leaving now
it's in your eyes,
there's no disguising it
it really comes as no surprise,
to find that you planned it all along
oh romsae..
Yeah and they are astroturfing Seventeen out the ass atm while BTS is on hiatus
why does hybe fumble the girl group bag every time

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FAQ: https://pastebin.com/sEYhBJPU
old: >>121945016

festival season edition
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His kids will probably kill themselves before they can
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based https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR6YMIbbV2A
ok satan

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My gfs music taste is fucking atrocious (nickelback, imagine dragons, mumford and sons) and i cant even pretend like i like it anymore. We’ve been getting in arguments because of this and she tries to play that shit during sex and it literally makes me go soft. I didnt wanna breakup over something like this but it’s actually making me start to hate her. Ive tried putting her on to some of my music but to no avail, what else can i do?
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there’s nothing you can do. break up
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if your girlfriend doesnt basically become you in terms of tastes, interests, social circles shes probably not that into you
>nickelback, imagine dragons, mumford and sons
Have you tried hitting her?
>op: intercourse with woman
>poltard: TRANNIES
Love is about giving, not taking
Break up, I am not joking

It should be
>Wow she likes imagine dragons? weird, but I'll play it tonight during sex because she likes it
and if it's not like that, break up. that's just friends with benefits, not a relationship

Rest in Peace Rylo Huncho
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Famous last words right here
>Be looking at that 30 on here nigga yea, fuck y'all niggas
"Fuck y'all niggas" before blowing your brains out is actually kino. Props
it was live you fucking nimrod
who ended the video then? where is the full thing
Its posted as an Instagram story

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>Sometimes I wish I was a pretty girl
>So I could fuck myself in the shower
What did he mean by this?
I think that sometimes he wishes he was a pretty girl, so he could fuck himself in the shower. I might be reading a bit too deep in there though.
You don't have to be pretty, or even a girl, to fuck yourself in the shower though.
But you can't grab the detachable shower head and, yknow,

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