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Mine is The Best of The Beatles

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what is /mu/‘s considered option of the Icelandic artist and musical singer known as “BJORK” and the beats she produces on a PC computer over many years?
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Uh oh
She is and has always been a great singer, it's just that a lot of her tunes utilize rather unusual harmonic language and phrasing for this style of music.
>literally can not stop thinking about sex
Grow up.
she made almost the 80% of beats for Vespertine. Don't speak about things you don't know
i like the Sugarcubes

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In Odin Hour by Death In June, what's the lyrics for the chorus? It sounds like German but I may be mistaken.
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Gegen dich - Against you
Jeder Frevel, Verbrechen, jede Untat ist der Zweck” - every atrocity, crime, every murder is a goal
part of funeral march from Wagner The Death of the Gods
so basically it's just that faggot's old chuddy antisemitism
It sounds like shit for sure.
It's Hitler laughing at OP

>bases his whole career on "reviewing" (reacting) to music on a YOUTUBE without any backup plan
>is gonna lose channel because of breaking copyright laws
>immediately posts a mental breakdown for everyone to see

I mean i do enjoy his stuff from time to time but this was just a matter of time
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iirc YouTube has a 3 strike system for copyright and they go away after some time. Why is he reacting like he just got the news he's terminally ill, it's his first strike. Just stream on twitch like fantano, they couldn't give less of a shit about dmca
isnt the 3 strike system super inconsistent and some channels get deleted on the first strike?
Big ones of little ones?
You know what, I'll bring both.
does this nigga even talk about music he likes or try to deep dive/appreciate how genres and sounds developed?
seems to me his main schtick is just "haha these artists suck and I deserve to earn a living making snarky comments about them", then cry about mental health and toxic bullies when anyone has the slightest dig at him.
get a real job and please buy some shampoo you geek.
I'd be cool if his channel got nuked

>I then produced my rape her

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>still not wanting to admit that rap blew up n busted anything rock 16 years ago
Ironically, blacks don't care about your gay music and that's why the genre its a 100% stale
This been clearly a desperate marketing gimmick
>I wrote that song in 1981, and at the time, it was aimed at people who were really violent on the dance floor; they didn’t call it mosh pits yet. It began to attract people showing up just to see if they could get in fights in the pit or jump off stage and punch people in the back of the head and run away. I noticed some of the really bad thugs were clearly not teenagers, they looked quite a bit older, which makes me wonder if they were really undercover cops.
>People started asking me, “Are you down with this? Thing are changing, the audience is younger, hard core is coming up and it’s a more extreme form of punk,” and I liked that kind of music, but I thought if we’re gonna play this music, we need to distance ourselves from that side of the scene. The initial premise of the song was “You violent people at shows are acting like a bunch of Nazis,”
Jell-O was an equal opportunity offender…. back in the day. Those first couple of DK’s especially had a grudge an against EVERYBODY. Fucking EVERYBODY.
So sick, dude.

Unfortunately, Trump Derangement Syndrome comes for us all.
*Those first couple of DK records especially had a grudge against EVERYBODY
Trump sucks chud

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the voice of a generation
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All this sums it up. Gezabelle took this guy's extremelly mediocre version 70's punk and made it into something decent. His Gamer album was kind of cool, albeit only for the self-pity retarded lyrics, but he was as musically and artistically interesting as a mincecore band.
>The most prominent artist is a woman
The jokes write themselves
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is that charlyne yi
Honestly 13th Century Cowboy is the only "Incelcore " band I'll be like "yeah" too. Caused so much property damage while on drugs to them once.

Boomer Rock is good.
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True but nothing you've posted would indicate that
You picked the worst record out of the bunch, Beatles and Pink Floyd over VU always
safe as milk is the best one in that photo
This is not boomer rock
Piper is a hilariously awful listen. The last 4 tracks on that thing are terrible. I refuse to believe that anyone above the age of 5 genuinely enjoys songs like "The Gnome" or "The Scarecrow"
>I refuse to believe that anyone above the age of 5 genuinely enjoys songs like "The Gnome" or "The Scarecrow"
It’s a Bri’ish thing, la…. for King and Country

Do you like playing with a plectrum?
I don't know how to play with my fingers
i don't know how to play with a pick

Depends on the style of music and the sound I'm going for. Strumming definitely better with a pick though
I would prefer to play fingerstyle but my thumb is deformed so I can't
If you can’t fingerpick you can’t play anything worth hearing.

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we did it rodribros
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it was #1 for a while really, those Dua Lipa albums' totals are inflated by "deluxe" editions including songs recorded a year after, Sour should also be #5 in a few days and #4 in a few months

Bad Bunny - Un Verano Sin Ti 16.5b
Ed Sheeran - ÷ 14.8b
The Weeknd - Starboy 14.1b
Post Malone - Hollywood's Bleeding 12.7b
The Weeknd - After Hours 12.3b
Olivia Rodrigo - SOUR 12.3b
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Never underestimate the amount of girls with irregular, misshapen saggers. They will do anything for their leader.
based misshapen saggy tits poster

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What are the best chud musicians / groups?
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god I love prime Rose McDowell
Black Magick SS, Forseti, Sonne Hagal
>Aphex Twin
Fucking that Arca tranny is something a chud would do?
yeah, chuds are like that
source? i can only find a pic of them standing next to each other

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Always thought he said “sucks when I had enough”

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You now remember Beyoncé
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being a mainstream outlet for white guilt is beyonce's primary function
No, what I said is subtler
Normies are so mentally choked by the constant policing of what they're supposed to like, that when they find a target of public worship like Taytay that the mainstream media allows, they all flock to it. It really shows that they've been craving one but they weren't allowed to have it. Except for Taytay, which is promoted exactly for that reason, especially since she clearly leans one way politically. She has the stamp of approval for whites to worship their own in a form that supports the allowed socio-politcal narrative
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also because her music is quintessential Obamacore that has aged horribly in comparison to TS's universal themes
I get that the Obama administration inspired a modern wave of black empowerment, but this sort of Americanized Afrocentrism was hardly new.

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So why do people find this bitch hot again?
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You find sullen faces "aesthetically pleasing"? I certainly do not!
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She's attainably attractive.

She's not the most objectively hottest person in anyone's book. But neither is she the ugliest. And her looks are further downplayed by dressing pretty dumpy. She looks like someone you could actually have a chance with without feeling like you had to settle for less.
she has fat tittays and isn't afraid to show them.
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Because she is..
Man listening to those two side by side shows how underrated Alex James was as a bassist. The Lunch bassline is completely unremarkable but the G&B bassline is exceptional.

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Banger after banger on this one.
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forgot the pic sorry
Amazing album. Really kicked off the "emo in the mainstream" vibe of the 2000s, honestly a generation defining album. Got to see them perform Bleed American live about two months ago and they still sound great.
Clarity is significantly better.
I love this album but I hate how it solidified their album writing pattern. Every JEW album has
>fast heavy song as opener
>the hit pop rock single
>the acoustic ballad
>the dancey beat one
>the extra long ambient slow jam to end it
Maybe it's my autism but Goodbye Sky Harbor, My Sundown, and 23 all are good songs in isolation but by the third iteration it feels like they phoned in the pattern.
>pop band follows pop conventions

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