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post your wares
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>How long have you been playing?
My whole life basically, tho I play mainly classical and improvisation is instead something I've ventured into pretty recently. I think you can tell when listening lol.
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High energy shit!




Lyric video:



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the production is nice on this. wow. gritty and pretty distinctive too.
Yea your experience definitely came across, it's a really impressive little project, what do you consider to be your influences?


>Noise, Drone, Ambient, Electronic

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what language is this?
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If you're in a blizzard you're definitely worried about freezing to death, dummy.
>having a certain temperature in a blizzard helps you from getting pelted by ice
also he said storm, not blizzard, I doubt Sean Paul has ever seen a blizzard in his entire life
Ice melts in the heat, Einstein

Sean Paul is obviously referring to a winter storm.
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english. seriously i have no idea how but british niggas can understand Jamaican accents just fine from what im told

No meme answers please, so far this one's an easy contender
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They played the whole album on the radio in April, I was lucky enough to catch it
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Ekathe - 1686, great jazzy album
I haven't because I actually use the song "Alarm" as, well, my alarm.
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Cocaine is a terrible artistic drug. It's decent for finance/law/business, but artists who go on coke for too long lose any semblance of good taste. Their music sounds like polyester. So many careers have gone down the shitter seemingly inexplicably, until you find out that this is the reason in almost all cases. It's kind of scary. Shrooms, speed, acid, weed, even opioids and alcohol to a limited extent are ok for musicians to get involved in and continue making good music. But whatever part of your brain is responsible for artistic sensitivity/taste gets lobotomized by cocaine. This should be studied
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Had a near death experience last year mixing coke, alc, and wellbutrin. Been afraid to try it since
Alwaya felt my coke hangovers werent awful per se but there was this distinct feeling of soullessness, of being just there breathing, not tired, not depressed, just there.

that shit made me way too horny
Levelled off after a few months but yea, only time I ever fucked an escort
damn, how's retail work going for ya now

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White people are corny as hell. Turned on the pop radio today and listened to “Not Like Us”. It sounded pretty good in the car. Then what played next you’ll never guess-well you probably already have since its picrel. “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift. Kek
Was this thread just an excuse to post Kendrick’s height?

I like some black metal, death metal, grindcore, pornogrind and the like. But i wonder why in most of the releases the bass is basically inaudible (unlike this vid).
Don't you think the music will improve in general making it audible in the mix and live?

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i apreciate the rhythm, that's why hearing clearly a bass is important for me
>school encouraging the kind of drawings that got me in trouble as a kid
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First I'd like to make the distinction (assuming you don't know) that pornogrind and grindcore are not extreme metal genres, they are extreme punk genres. Second, if you like "some" of these genres you already concede that you are largely ignorant of the genres. Death Metal in particular has a lot of great tracks where the bass is completely audible. Black Metal, usually not so much. Drums and Bass are considered secondary to the Vocals and Guitar, which is where the signature sounds of the genres overwhelmingly come from.
Going back to DM though, here are some tracks that feature audible (even spicy) bass:

This is a very middle-of-the-road DM group from England; many of their songs feature heavy bass

A newer DM band in the same vein as above (very inspired by them as well)

The group that invented Slam (A subset of Brutal Death Metal) in a cohesive and fully realized way (inb4 MUH SUFFOCATION). The bass on this album is almost hornet-like and very freestyle in parts

And some good old Brutal Death Metal to round things out.

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>wonder why in most of the releases the bass is basically inaudible (unlike this vid).
multiple reasons

1. loud and fast bass turns into mud
2. these genres like extremely dirty guitar tones that turn into mud when you put bass on top of them
3. bass is warm so it detracts from the cold atmosphere of black metal
4. americans can't mix bass for shit, the swedes have been mixing bass just fine since the late 80s
5. maybe your headphones are shit
because it's largely an afterthought. 95% of metal bassists just play the root of whatever chord the guitar is playing. here's an example of where an bassist adds another layer to the sound by not just following the guitar. the main bass riff here is probably my favorite in all of metal

>supposed greatest guitarrist of all time
>couldn't play a simple fingerstyle in his entire career
What does he mean by that?
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Literally just being contrarian. >>122058144
The Wigger Underground (otherwise known as Linkin Park)
Fenriz worships Jimi Hendrix actually so yk yeah,the only reason you have extreme metal at all is mostly The Velvet Underground and Jimi. Same with Indie Rock and same with like Thrash Metal.
>*the music abruptly stops*
>folx, ooga booga
>*the baby boomer audience gives a standing ovation*
>*attempts to play the e minor pentatonic scale in 1st position with his penis*
>*cuts a vein*
>*bleeds to death without writing a single second of good music*
Although technically "playing it" incorrectly Hendrixes music was insanely technical. He was yk a tweaker. He was both playing it completely incorrectly and as technical as possible all of the time.
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Actual Frusciante poster here
Don't associate me with any Hendrix hate or retarded internet slang like calling everyone a "boomer"
Fuck off faggot. Don't speak of me again.

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I'm going to rephrase the question. Does the simple act of creating ANYTHING mean at least some people will automatically like it? Pic related is basically unlistenable except as a concept. Nico is basically unlistenable. People in this board listen to autistic Japanese retards record an hour of power drills. It's seems like no matter how overtly, even intentionally, dogshit art and ESPECIALLY music is, it will have people who go
>you know what I actually like this
And they genuinely mean it. The only person who really ever accuses anyone of pretending to like something in the context of NOBODY enjoys it is nico tranny, but then he likes nico. Is it even possible to create a piece of music or art that everyone hates? Has it ever happened?
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>Trout Mask Replica

>not appreciating bush recordings
Bjork has tried. Merzbow exists (Japanese retard recording power drills). Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima is widely recognized.
I think Lou Reed and Metallica got the closest to universally hated music.

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>Every song on the album is named after a different book of the bible
Would only work for black metal
I feel like you could make a solid country album too
I think Emery did this once
66 song album?
Maybe back in 1960
Country music is beyond dead now

>Travis Scott and Tyga’s pal Alexander “AE” Edwards were throwing punches at each other at Richie Akiva’s annual “The After” afterparty in Cannes, France, early Friday, nearly injuring a bevy of beauties.
>“Models were flying everywhere in the melee,” a source tells Page Six exclusively. “Someone got hit with an ice bucket.”
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Kek, the fact that Europeans let a single dark skin cross their borders is so sad and hilarious. They deserve all the chimpouts.
>nearly injuring a bevy of beauties
>"Models were flying everywhere in the melee,"

God bless tabloid writers. Our last true artists
Female behaviour across the board. These faggots slapping each other like retards and you faggots caring about it like some housewives.
Everybody was kung-fu fighting
Those cats were fast as lightning
Not music

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First two Evan's Blue albums > Anything by MCR

Sad to inform Anthony Fantano woke up peacefully this morning.
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trying too hard to trash talk basses
>ah yes this one's neck is 1mm thinner so fuck that
>t. virgin
you should do a smoking bisquick out of a piece of tinfoil intro in front of spirit halloween
Die faggot

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Where but for /prog/ Would I edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Previous: >>121952246
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another based improvisation from the gods of concept albums
god, i love magma
it's wild how quickly tony williams become a god tier drummer. he joined miles' quintet at only 17 years old and within just 5 or so years he'd evolve into a beast of a musician. i used to be surprised by how many different kinds of drummers were deeply influenced by his style, like metal or hip hop drummers, but i get it now
I really like this album
Go figure he left right around the time he figured out that less (effort) is more (profitable).

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3x3 collage thread for recent listens
guess shoe style
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shoe style: neon colored high top osiris
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Wooden clogs
Low top Converse
what is manu chao doing these days

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>Band name starts with "Wi"
>musically ahead of all the punks
>Three first albums are regaarded as classics
>After their classic run the rest of their dicography/side projects is ignored

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