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JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — Israel-Hamas war demonstrations at the University of Mississippi turned ugly this week when one counter-protester appeared to make monkey noises and gestures at a Black student in a raucous gathering that was endorsed by a far-right congressman from Georgia.

“Ole Miss taking care of business,” Republican U.S. Rep. Mike Collins wrote Friday on the social platform X with a with a link to the video showing the racist jeers.

The Associated Press left voicemail messages for Collins on Friday at his offices in Georgia and Washington and sent an email to his spokesperson, asking for an explanation of what Collins meant. There was no immediate response.

The taunting brought sharp criticism on and off campus.

“Students were calling for an end to genocide. They were met with racism,” James M. Thomas, a sociology professor at the University of Mississippi, wrote Friday on X.

The Rev. Cornell William Brooks, a former president and CEO of the NAACP and professor at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, wrote on X that a white man mocking a Black woman as a monkey “isn’t about ‘Stand With Israel’ or ‘Free Palestine.’ This is protest as performative racism.”
Collins was first elected to Congress in 2022 and made several social media posts criticizing campus protests.

Nobody was arrested during the demonstration Thursday at the University of Mississippi, where hecklers vastly outnumbered war protesters. According to a count by AP, more than 2,400 arrests have occurred on 46 U.S. university or college campuses since April 17 during demonstrations against the war.

The student newspaper, The Daily Mississippian, reported about 30 protesters on the Oxford campus billed themselves as UMiss for Palestine. Videos and photos from the event showed the protesters were in a grassy area near the main library, blocked off by barriers erected by campus security.

They chanted “Free, free Palestine,” and carried Palestinian flags and signs with slogans including, “Stop the Genocide” and “U.S. bombs take Palestine lives.”

Student journalist Stacey J. Spiehler shot video that showed campus police officers and the dean of students standing between anti-war protesters and hecklers. After the Black woman protesting the war had what appeared to be a heated exchange of words with several white hecklers, one of the men made the monkey gestures and noises at her.

About 76% of the university’s students were white and about 11% were Black in 2022-23, the most recent data available on the school’s website.

University of Mississippi Chancellor Glenn Boyce said the school is committed to people expressing their views. He said some statements made on campus Thursday were “offensive and unacceptable.”
In another statement Friday, Boyce said one “student conduct investigation” had been opened and university leaders were “working to determine whether more cases are warranted.”

“To be clear, people who say horrible things to people because of who they are will not find shelter or comfort on this campus,” he said.

Republican Gov. Tate Reeves reposted a video on X that showed counter-protesters on the campus singing “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

“Warms my heart,” Reeves wrote. “I love Mississippi!”
Oh, looks like they've found someone who isn't jewish to crucify on the public altar. Expect to hear a lot about this one guy.
If only they knew about 4chan

Disgraced ex-NY Rep. released his first few Cameo videos dressed in drag
Charging people $275 for messages from his drag persona Kitara Ravache
READ: Santos announced his is bringing back his drag character to Cameo


George Santos put on lipstick, a wig and a red feather boa as he brought out his drag persona for the first time in nearly a decade.

The disgraced former New York congressman released his first five videos to a Cameo account for his character 'Kitara Ravache' after users paid between $275 and $350 for the personalized messages.

Santos announced on Monday he was bringing Kitara 'out of the closet' after 18 years for a 'limited time.'

The 35-year-old politician previously denied dressing in drag when images were first uncovered, but later admitted it was him in the pictures. Now, he is fully embracing the character to help bring in more income after he was booted from Congress.

'It's your favorite, Kitara. After 18 years in the closet, George Santos pulled me back out — whatever,' Santos said on one of the clips shared on his Cameo.

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>I wear woman's panties because they're so much more comfortable
Silk feels the best against the skin
> In Project GOP, we have no principles.
> In political death, a member of Project GOP becomes a Democrat.
> [all chanting] His affiliation was Democrat.
What a weird Fight Club ripoff.
Libtard fanfiction is wild
this is old news
>Saints are sinners
>Sinners are saints

I think in the right creative hands this will be a cutting ear worm. To cotton eye Joe lyrics (look at the original lyrics and it will be clear what verses the below correspond to):

If it weren’t for genocide Joe
We’d have a cease fire a long time ago
Now here the bombs come, and there they blow
Where do they come from? Genocide Joe

He came to town saying we would move on
He dropped scraps of food along with the bombs
But his tears were a mask and his words were a fraud
All he had come for was dropping some bombs

He brought disaster wherever he went
The bodies of children lived in hell, broken, dead
They tried to run away but there was nowhere to go

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In a shocking turn of events, a California Democrat legislator has a hate boner for gays and is running for Senate after maxing out their congressional term limits

What is not surprising, is that she's corrupt
Ex-Congresswoman Labeled 'Most Corrupt' and 'Anti-LGBTQ+' Is Now Seeking State Senate

Laura Richardson, a former U.S. Congresswoman from California, is now running for California State Senate.

A Democrat, Richardson formerly represented Congressional District 37 from 2007-2013. Now she hopes to be elected by the constituents of Senate District 35 — a district currently represented by State Sen. Steven Bradford, a Democrat whose term limits have hindered him from running for re-election.

Richardson’s experience makes her an ideal candidate for some, but her past could be coming back to haunt her.

In 1996, Richardson sent out a campaign mailer that accused her then primary-opponent, Gerrie Schipske, of being “committed to a radical gay rights agenda” and of backing “ultra-liberal” Sheila Kuehl, who was the only openly gay state legislator at the time.

Schipske, a lesbian, felt the attacks were directed at her in a very targeted manner.

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>Whoever smelt it dealt it!!!
Sure, boss.
What, precisely, implies that she is corrupt? All I'm getting from this is that she's flip-floppy whenever the wind appears to change.

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Texas wins bigly under the wise conservative leadership of Greg Abbott. He's single handedly nearly fixed the open border issue in his state caused by Biden. Illegal crossing encounters have plummeted by roughly 50% in his state, while simultaneously increasing by 50% in both Arizona and California, which still have open borders due to their democrat leadership.
Texas Is No Longer the Hotspot for Illegal Migrant Crossings

number of encounters between law enforcement and suspected illegal migrants across five regions of Texas fell dramatically in the 2024 fiscal year through March compared to the same period in 2023, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.

The figures depicted sharp declines in the El Paso, Big Bend, Del Rio, Laredo and Rio Grande Valley quadrants, which combined cover the state's entire border with Mexico. Over the same period, the number of encounters increased across both Arizona and California.

This is a significant win for Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who has introduced several measures to combat illegal immigration, including the deployment of thousands of National Guard troops and installing razor wire along the border. On April 12, Abbott said that 507,200 suspected undocumented migrants had been detained in his state since 2021 when he launched Operation Lone Star to combat illegal crossings.

During the same time, CBP data shows encounters in Big Bend plummeted 63.7 percent, from 1,200 to 436, while those in Del Rio dropped 52.8 percent, from 23,904 to 11,281.

The 2024 fiscal year through March also saw encounters in Laredo and Rio Grande Valley fall by 42.8 percent and 49.5 percent, respectively, as opposed to the same period in 2023.

Noticeably migrant encounters increased in Arizona and California, both of which are governed by Democrats.
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>There's nothing in the constitution requiring him to close the border.
Well then there's nothing in the Constitution saying Austin can't protect it, retard
>You see, Biden was commanded by constitutional law to let illegals thru the border.
>Because he just was, ok!?
How many hours of OAN do I have to watch before I become this gullible?
1, the effect is almost instantaneous
12% in one year, published by a Texas outlet no less.

Meanwhile the ones who are homed can't keep their fucking lights on for three months out of the year due to planned brownouts, even though they're paying fucking $400 on energy utilities now.

Meanwhile Abbot is forced to juggle the corporate demand for cheap illegal labor while also trying to appeal to the hogs' demands for that illegal labor (that they won't work, themselves) to fuck off back to Mexico - a thankless task, considering that the former funds his vices & re-election campaign, while the latter is who his campaigning is meant to target. Tough biz, that.

Trust this, though: Little other than GOP fags have been running Texas for the past century. If the border is porous, it is because it is supposed to be porous - the issue would have been resolved decades ago if the ruling minority had wanted it to be.
The siren's song of cheap Manuel labor has dictated policy, and will continue to do so.

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PHOENIX (AP) — The Arizona Legislature approved a repeal of a long-dormant ban on nearly all abortions Wednesday, advancing the bill to Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs, who is expected to sign it.

Two Republicans joined with Democrats in the Senate on the 16-14 vote in favor of repealing a Civil War-era ban on abortions that the state’s highest court recently allowed to take effect. The repeal bill narrowly cleared the Arizona House last week.

Hobbs said in a statement that she looks forward to quickly signing the repeal into law.

“The devastating consequences of this archaic ban are why I’ve called for it to be repealed since day one of my administration,” she said.

“Arizona women should not have to live in a state where politicians make decisions that should be between a woman and her doctor,” Hobbs continued. “While this repeal is essential for protecting women’s lives, it is just the beginning of our fight to protect reproductive healthcare in Arizona.”

The revival of the 19th century law had put Republicans on the defensive in a battleground state for the presidential election.

“Across the country, women are living in a state of chaos and cruelty caused by Donald Trump,” Vice President Kamala Harris said in a statement on Wednesday.

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Yes but you're more of a reactionary shitflinger than a proactive one.
>That pic
Man, killing babies is linked to being gay? The fucking mental gymnastics is astounding.
>Man, killing babies is linked to being gay?
Yes. Conservatives, generally speaking, do not support abortion or the homosexual lifestyle. Its a very easy connection.
When did they become the morality police?
a hundred years ago

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More than two dozen Republican senators are calling a potential proposal by President Biden to accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza a national security risk, following the administration’s acknowledgment that discussions are underway to help Palestinians in the U.S. bring families over from the region.

A letter rejecting the potential proposal was led by Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), the number three GOP leader, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and 33 colleagues.

It signals another avenue Republicans may try to attack Biden ahead of the November election.

The Biden administration is considering welcoming certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees as they seek to escape war-torn Gaza amid the ongoing war in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas.

Senior officials across several federal U.S. agencies have discussed in recent weeks the details of potential options to accept Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family members who are American citizens or permanent U.S. residents, internal federal government documents show, according to CBS News.

One proposal involves using the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program to bring Palestinians with U.S. connections who have escaped Gaza and entered neighboring Egypt, the documents reveal.

U.S. officials have also considered welcoming additional Palestinians out of Gaza and are processing them as refugees if they have American relatives, according to the documents. This proposal would have to rely on coordination with Egypt, which has thus far been reluctant to welcome large numbers of people from Gaza.

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What's wrong with keeping them at your house, faggot?
You're supposed to say I live in a tent behind Starbucks, remember? It's in the campaign memo.
>It's in the campaign memo.
Jeez schiz, that meth you smoke in your tent behind the Starbucks is fucking up your brain.
What other conspiracy theories you got? Post them on >>>/x/
>conspiracy theory
haha fat chance, chuddo
Why should the Palis have to leave Gaza at all?
Israel loves this.
1 state solution.
S African model.

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/pol/ fucking LOST
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>Anti-discrimination laws don't take things away from you for being discriminatory

That isn't entirely true, if there's a strong case of wrongful termination based on discrimination you can expect to be called up for mediation where you will be offered to pay for lost wages + suffering. If you decline then there's a chance that the case will move forward to a court where you will be personally liable.
A shining example of why democracy cant work
you are in serious denial
Protests only succeed if they are backed by the government and oligarchs in the first place. Never has there been a peaceful protest that accomplished anything the power structure didn’t want in the first place.

The appropriate move for people who want a better future is probably to just continue mocking the 2 party system and the moderate whites who still want to participate in it. Quit playing pretend with these soft losers and just constantly tell the truth to these kinds of people. In a mocking way, so that the simpler ones in the audience can follow along.
>be magat
>be retarded
>say easily disproven retarded shit

I guess you haven't seen that traitor and Army Ranger cosplayer Tom Cotton's faggoty letter to the ICC threatening shit he can't and won't do.
Both sides suck, but only one is profoundly retarded.


Megacorporations openly murder whistleblowers now.

A whistleblower who accused a Boeing supplier of ignoring manufacturing defects on the 737 Max died on Tuesday.

The former Spirit AeroSystems employee Joshua Dean, 45, died after contracting a sudden illness, The Seattle Times reported on Wednesday. Dean's aunt, Carol Parsons, told the outlet that Dean went to the hospital after he had trouble breathing some two weeks ago.

Parsons said her nephew was intubated, and his condition began to worsen. Dean developed pneumonia and MRSA, a serious bacterial infection, The Seattle Times reported.

"Our thoughts are with Josh Dean's family. This sudden loss is stunning news here and for his loved ones," Joe Buccino, a spokesperson for Spirit AeroSystems, told The Seattle Times.

Dean testified against Spirit in a shareholder lawsuit last year, with the former quality auditor accusing the company of poor quality control in the production of Boeing's 737 Max.

The company's unorthodox engineering practices came under scrutiny after The New York Times reported in March that the Federal Aviation Administration had seen it use liquid Dawn soap to lubricate a 737 Max door seal.

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If someone finds some evidence they, too, will be found with a self-inflicted gunshot to the back of the head.
>MRSA, a serious bacterial infection
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Staphylococcus aureus (staph) is a type of bacteria found on people's skin. Staph bacteria are usually harmless, but they can cause serious infections that can lead to sepsis or death.

So the effin' killers put some Methicillin-resistant Staph on his face mask and killed him?
Evil scum.
Smart though, better than shooting one's self in the back of the head or falling out a window
underrated story which everyone will forget about by next week
The staph wasn't introduced by a face mask, but by an aerosol in a small bottle sprayed in his face
Remember when they used to have insurance vendors at airports? Of course not. Why would you? But they did, because terrorism and US labor relations were a trip in the 70’s. It was also really hard to fly to Cuba without making some creative alterations to the flight plan. So some enterprising agencies started selling insurance at the airport, through something that looked like a post office box, so you could have a little peace of mind about your family’s well being if the worst happened. It feels like that’s the world we’re heading back to, what with airplanes almost falling out of the sky, politicians relaxing regulations cuz they got the industry’s back, farmers threatening to keep health and safety inspectors out of their barns as a new pandemic looms, cities turning back into wretched hives of scum and villany, a mad Russian and a Frenchman pointing nuclear weapons at each other, Jimmy Carter returning to office…

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Here are the top American cities Joe Biden is sending hundreds of thousands of paroled migrants - so is YOUR home town on the list?

The Department of Homeland Security revealed that it sent over 200,000 migrants on a controversial parole program to 45 cities across the United States between January and August 2023.

The policy, which was enacted in October 2022, allowed migrants who had not entered the country illegally to fly directly into America.

Migrants were also required to have a sponsor in the US and pass various vetting tests.

It was initially announced for Venezuelans, before adding Haitians, Nicaraguans and Cubans amid one of the worst migrant crises in American history under President Joe Biden and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Around 80 percent of the migrants were sent to four cities in the state of Florida: Miami - which got 91,821, more than any other city - Fort Lauderdale, Orlando and Tampa Bay were among the top 15 destinations, according to the DHS.

Under fire Secretary Mayorkas says the program led to a reduction in people from those nations illegally crossing the border.

'It is a key element of our efforts to address the unprecedented level of migration throughout our hemisphere, and other countries around the world see it as a model to tackle the challenge of increased irregular migration that they too are experiencing,' Mayorkas said.

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DailyMail is the pinnacle of journalism.
Quit being an anti-mailite.
you lost
You're lost. /news/ has always been a DailyMail board.

Who do you think you're fooling? There are no newfags here except you.

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Former President Trump on Wednesday confirmed he told Secret Service agents he wanted to go to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, while he mocked the claim that he lunged at officers in his vehicle when they refused.

Trump, speaking to supporters in Wisconsin, complained at length about his legal cases when he began attacking lawmakers who probed the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol.

“Remember the person that said I attacked a Secret Service agent in the front of the car? It’s not my deal. I’m a lover, not a fighter,” Trump told supporters in Waukesha. “Remember that? And these are tough guys. You know these Secret Service guys, I hate to admit it, they’re slightly younger than me. Just slightly.”

Trump continued to mock the testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, who told the congressional panel investigating that day she had heard from others that Trump “lunged” for the steering wheel following his speech near the White House in an apparent effort to veer toward the Capitol.

“This is crazy stuff. I sat in the back, and you know what I did say, I said ‘I’d like to go down there because I see a lot of people walking down,’” Trump said Wednesday. “They said, ‘Sir, it’s better if you don’t.’ I said, ‘Well, I’d like to … whatever you guys think.’ That was the whole one of the conversation. These people are crazy.”
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This level of cope
Because murderers, pedos, and con artists are the only people trying to get into politics and business.
So if I run for office does it mean I'm automatically a pedo and a con artist?
No, but if you’re a demoKKKrat it does.
QAnon is Donald

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I worry this could inspire further antisemitism among the younger generation (which, even before the war, was shown to be growing increasingly antisemitic).
>Critics argue the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which gained overwhelming GOP and Democratic support, is an effort to silence criticism of Israel

>House Republicans are seeking to unite their unruly majority around an evergreen conservative cause, devising a strict response to the wave of pro-Palestinian protests that have roiled college campuses across the country in recent weeks.

>GOP leaders this week announced plans for new oversight investigations of elite universities where - in the words of House Republican Whip Tom Emmer (Minn.) - "pro-terrorist anti-Semites [are] taking over." And on Wednesday, they passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which its advocates said would empower the federal government to crack down on anti-Israel protests on campuses by codifying a definition of antisemitism that encompasses not just threats against Jews, but also certain criticisms of Israel itself.

>"We must give the Department of Education the tools to ... hold college administrators accountable for refusing to address antisemitism on their campuses," said Rep. Michael Lawler (R-N.Y.), the bill's lead sponsor.

>The bill was approved by a vote of 320-91, with a majority of Democrats - 133 - joining Republicans.
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no, the jew worshipers, aka christians, did this
jews hardly do anything on their own, they just gladly take whatever their christian slaves offer them
>I definitely think a lot of religious zealots in America think we have to support Israel taking more territory so that Jesus can come back and that is fuckin insane
Yes that is insane.
You are insane to believe that.
Online propaganda has turned your brain to mush
Is this actually the best /pol/ can send?

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once again, jews are shown to control DC, the police and colleges
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the jews did this
/news/flash, the government of isr*el is completely controlled by the jews
Why does no one post the article on this bill? What are you hiding?
the article is in the OP
There is one stubborn /pol/tard here who hates the board and all of its traditions

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New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan determined Tuesday that Donald Trump violated the terms of a gag order intended to prevent him from lobbing public attacks on people involved in his criminal hush money trial, warning the former president he could face jail time if he continues to ignore the order.

Trump “is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment,” Merchan wrote in his ruling.

Merchan said the former president would be fined a total of $9,000, as the prosecution met the burden of proof for nine of the 10 incidents that the they alleged had violated the directive. Trump would need to make that payment by Friday, the ruling states.

Merchan said while the fine in this case is not sufficient to achieve its purpose given the wealth of the defendant, he does not have the discretion to increase the financial penalty, requiring him to “consider whether in some instances, jail may be a necessary punishment.”

“While $1,000 may suffice in most instances to protect the dignity of the judicial system, to compel respect for its mandates and to punish the offender for disobeying a court order, it unfortunately will not achieve the desired result in those instances where the contemnor can easily afford such a fine,” Merchan wrote.

Prosecutors argued at a hearing with the judge that Trump violated the order 10 times through derisive social media posts and posts to his official campaign website, putting witnesses in the case at risk of feeling intimidated.

“What happened here is precisely what the order was designed to prevent and the defendant doesn’t care,” prosecuting attorney Christopher Conroy said during the hearing last Tuesday.

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Not him but there will always be contrarians. There are still people alive who think Richard Nixon did nothing wrong.
>If I keep pushing the lie that Trump conspiring with the Russians didn't happen it will come true!
Just ignore stuff like Trump's family conspiring with the Russians at his Tower, or his campaign head handing over campaign information to the Russians to use in their election interference.
>demoshill libshit pissbabies mad no one believes in Hillary's conspiracy theories anymore
Troon headcannon is wild
Why do terminally online conservatives continually bring up trans people?
Are they obsessed with them?
Projecting their own insecurities?
Anyway, it's good to see that Trump is starting to face consequences for his many crimes. $9000 here, $450 million there, $5 million over there, $83 million around there somewhere. More to come too I hear! Possibly jail! Maybe even an execution (firing squad, bing bong pow x_x)
Here we see the chud coping.

Fed chair Jerome Powell: No sign of stagflation in US economy
Even as inflation remains stubbornly high and some signs of slowing growth emerge, today's economy can't be compared to the problems of the 1970s, Powell said.


May 1, 2024, 4:31 PM EDT
By Rob Wile
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Wednesday there was no sign of stagflation in the economy, even as inflation remains stubbornly high and some signs of slowing growth have started to emerge.

In remarks following the release of the Fed's decision Wednesday to leave interest rates unchanged, Powell said he didn't "really understand where talk of a stagflation scenario is coming from" given the preponderance of solid economic data.

Historically, stagflation occurs when high unemployment, slow economic growth, and high inflation all happen at the same time.

Powell compared today's economy, with both inflation rates and the unemployment rate below 4%, to the 1970s, the decade when most economists consider stagflation to have taken root.

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such as?
You seem to confuse approval rating with approving of Trump in comparison.

I hate Biden as a leader, I would choose almost anyone else for that job. Anyone else but Donald Trump. The only person who I could think of that would be worse for the job of president than Joe Biden is Donald Trump.

Not trolling you or being a wise ass. This is my honest feeling and the feeling of the majority of people I speak to. Of course this is a small group and will suffer from confirmation bias, but this is still the main discourse I hear about our upcoming election.
>You seem to confuse approval rating with approving of Trump in comparison.
Naw, you're just butthurt. At this point in his Presidency, Trump had a higher approval rating

>The only person who I could think of that would be worse for the job of president than Joe Biden is Donald Trump.
The polls and comparative approval ratings between the two men seem to disagree anon.

>Not trolling you or being a wise ass.
Of course not: you're just full of shit and given by the way you type, an out of touch boomer.
Source for any of this shit? (besides your ass)
Wow, you are so deep inside Trump’s ass. Can you breathe in there?

Wish you could spell out why you like Trump so much without resorting to hate speech. But we can’t expect a rational response from irrational people.

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