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Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times after a government meeting and is in a life-threatening condition, according to a statement posted on his official Facebook page.

The Slovak leader was transported to hospital in Banska Bystrica, according to the statement.

The town of Handlova, where the shooting took place, is about two hours’ drive from the capital Bratislava. The government was in the town for an off-site meeting.

Several shots were fired at Fico, according to TASR news agency. Slovakia’s emergency medical service said it sent a helicopter ambulance to the scene.

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I didn't say they were smart German nationalists.

CIA the shooter is their asset.
>Archduke Ferdinand was a Hadsburg, meaning he was Austrian.

AKA; mountain kraut.
>How Fido elected?
Have you been to more than Bratislava? Slovakians are xenophobic catholic villagers
FSB. Shooter is Russian.

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The large network of Republican Domestic Terrorists being commanded by Trump to interfere in the up coming election are vowed to be met with by the Department of Justice


Top Justice Department leaders promised Monday to respond swiftly to threats against officials overseeing this year’s elections and to combat the increasing use of sophisticated technology to disguise the origins of any disruptions.

With a close-fought presidential campaign looming in November, high-ranking federal officials convened at DOJ headquarters to warn that threats of violence related to the election will be pursued aggressively and prosecutors will seek extra punishment in cases involving artificial intelligence and other digital advances.

“If you threaten to harm or kill an election worker, volunteer or official, the Justice Department will find you and we will hold you accountable,” Attorney General Merrick Garland told reporters at the outset of the meeting. “The public servants who administer our elections must be able to do their jobs without fearing for their sanity or their families. We will aggressively investigate and prosecute those who threaten election workers.”

Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, who is overseeing the Justice Department’s response to AI, said emerging technologies are increasingly involved in efforts to intimidate pollworkers and others who manage elections.

“A particularly disturbing trend across these cases is the way perpetrators use new technologies to mask their identities and communicate their threats,” Monaco said. “Today, criminals use a range of anonymizing technologies, not just burner phones and social media.”

Monaco called “artificial intelligence” the “most disruptive” of the new tools being used to disrupt elections.
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Is BLM in the room now?
BLM made the milk sour and made the horses sweat in the morning
>Use the federal government workers who are restricted by the Hatch Act to invent fake problems and proclaim them loudly to demonize political opponents in an election year
They're out of other ideas
Not true. You can see them posting ideas here and on /pol/ all day.

Please help find out what happened to snowflake. Save snowflake!

I cut her head off, so she would bleed out and make her meat taste better.
She WAS a fat and tender dinner for me and my refugee family.
Stupid people, where we come from, we eat animals, not keep as pets, even dogs (and i aint chyyyyNese).
the chicken was old, so tough.
I hoped you choked on it, Roma scum.
What the FUCK

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he world is at a startling demographic milestone. Sometime soon, the global fertility rate will drop below the point needed to keep population constant. It may have already happened.

Fertility is falling almost everywhere, for women across all levels of income, education and labor-force participation. The falling birthrates come with huge implications for the way people live, how economies grow and the standings of the world’s superpowers.

In high-income nations, fertility fell below replacement in the 1970s, and took a leg down during the pandemic. It’s dropping in developing countries, too. India surpassed China as the most populous country last year, yet its fertility is now below replacement.

Fertility is below replacement in India even though the country is still poor and many women don’t work—factors that usually sustain fertility.
Urbanization and the internet have given even women in traditional male-dominated villages a glimpse of societies where fewer children and a higher quality of life are the norm.

“The demographic winter is coming,” said Jesús Fernández-Villaverde, an economist specializing in demographics at the University of Pennsylvania.

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Well said!
kill them both. the greedy employers and landlords and the invaders
Oddly, exactly what Biden was campaigning for, way back in 2006:
Retarded economists are running the world and hand-wringing that the slaves aren't having enough children to serve in their hell.
want kids? let women be women, and pay men a living wage, you know, like it used to be, once you force women into the labour market, having kids will be the last thing she thinks she wants, give her an house, a decent men with a steady middle class income, and you will see just how much women love kids.. also if you are a men and want to have a lot of children, just make sure your wife doesn't have to work a day in her life, her focus shouls be you and the children

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VCU students walk out of commencement during Youngkin address
VCU students who walked out said they were demonstrating support for Palestinians and protesting some of the Republican governor’s crusade against efforts to promote racial equity in education.


By Karina Elwood and Laura Vozzella
Updated May 11, 2024 at 3:58 p.m. EDT|Published May 11, 2024 at 12:05 p.m. EDT

RICHMOND — Dozens of Virginia Commonwealth University students walked out of their graduation ceremony Saturday morning as Gov. Glenn Youngkin delivered the commencement address, demonstrating support for Palestinians and protesting some of the Republican’s crusade against efforts to promote racial equity in education.

The selection of Youngkin as speaker drew criticism from some ahead of the ceremony. The university’s chapter of the NAACP this week urged VCU officials to rescind the invitation, and some students in recent days said they would hold a walkout during the ceremony.

On Saturday, attendees at the commencement were given cards congratulating the graduating class but warning that anyone who disrupted the ceremony was subject to removal.

As Youngkin began his speech, dozens of the graduates in attendance filed out of the Greater Richmond Convention Center, mostly in silence, some holding kaffiyeh scarves and signs aloft. “Teach Black history,” one read. “Book bans [do not equal] respect for learning,” read another.
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>f you assume that IQ tests are actually testing a particular mind/skillset that is valued by Western society, rather than acuity or intelligence as a whole
I'd rephrase that as intelligence in a form that is useful. I've heard people confronted by the IQ thing start to argue about all kinds of hidden intelligences that science has yet to explore, but this always came across as a way to ignore the glaringly obvious.
>Both Chinese and Japanese societies in the modern era are modeled after Western countries - it would make sense to think that their citizens would have similar benchmarks for success. Black people live in Western society and are somewhat accustomed to it; Africans do and are not.
What, asian countries are more modeled after western countries than western countries themselves are? Black people have been in western society for 400 years, they're less accustomed to it than recent Chinese immigrants? Black Americans and Africans are differentiated by genetic admixture and the IQ difference is what you would expect as a result.
I agree about intelligence alone not being the sole factor in certain achievements, although of course it is a large factor. Culture is another factor, but then again culture doesn't sprout from nothing, and raising different races in the same culture still leads to noticeable and consistent gaps between groups.

I get that you're not arguing these points yourself, but just presenting them as what people might believe. I'm just saying I find it hard to agree that these are beliefs people would come to naturally through logic, rather than out of desperation and a bit of fear, searching for any alternative answer no matter how flimsy. Maybe that's cynical, but that's the only way I can figure the intense opposition to even exploring these topics.
Since we agree that we're arguing in good faith, I'll continue.
>I'd rephrase that as intelligence in a form that is useful.
This is basically what is meant when it's argued that IQ tests are biased to Western conceptions. If we agree that IQ tests can only definitively said to measure usefulness (via scientific achievement, etc.), it should be said that "useful" is a cultural concept, as it's based around what is valuable to a particular society. I might be valued for my aptitude for conceptualization of ideas and imagination in America, and score high in IQ due to this, but these traits would not be valuable if I lived in a tribal village in Africa. Thus, maybe IQ tests, which were designed out of Western value judgements, are measuring aptitude to Western conceptions of success, rather than "actual intelligence."
You can argue against this fairly successfully: societies that value what Western cultures value outperform societies do not in health and warfare, therefore their values are better. However, there is the possibility that there are ways of success (and therefore types of intelligence) that were not able to be realized due to the dominance of Western ideals via colonialism - maybe subjugated societies would have succeeded in different ways without interference. I'd agree this is a bit thin, as it's based mostly on conjecture, but I don't think people believe in it solely as a coping mechanism. There's logic there.
Following that logic, Asian countries may have Western conceptualization of success with a culture that is more apt towards actually inspiring that success; the Chinese language lends itself better to math concepts, for example. Both Asian and Japanese cultures put more emphasis on educational success as well. To qualify: it's less that they model the particulars of Western society, and more that they value the same things. If we think that IQ is measuring aptitude for these particular kinds of success, this makes sense.
As for the question for Black people in America, this goes back to the cultural persecution complex and the lack of will to succeed because of it. This goes to an earlier point, but you mentioned that other cultures in Africa shouldn't have this - however, you could argue that they do, as a result of colonial-era exploitation. I've seen the argument made that European subjugation gave all of those societies an inherent inferiority complex in regard to Whites, and I think it's possible. To them, European conquerers were basically Gods; this makes a lasting impression.
> If we agree that IQ tests can only definitively said to measure usefulness (via scientific achievement, etc.), it should be said that "useful" is a cultural concept, as it's based around what is valuable to a particular society.
Isn't that particular set of values what is considered when we're talking about western civilization and inequalities? We're getting a little crossed between the local vs global talk, but when people are outraged that black students lag behind white and asian students in math scores, I've yet to hear someone answer that it's balanced out by the innate tribal intelligence of the black students, which would benefit them in a rural African village. If IQ measures aptitude to western society, the thing to figure out is still whether or not that is genetic. It's currently acceptable to say that intelligence is heritable, just not that this has lead to unequal distribution between racial/ethnic groups. If you told people that anyone can become a genius with the right culture and a positive attitude, there would be plenty of skepticism, and the idea of there being different types of intelligence that are all equally valid is a belief that only pops up, temporarily, when discussing race and IQ. We even determine the intelligence of other animals by our own standards, and a chicken is regarded as less intelligent than a dolphin, not equally intelligent in its own chicken way.
>the Chinese language lends itself better to math concepts, for example. Both Asian and Japanese cultures put more emphasis on educational success as well. To qualify: it's less that they model the particulars of Western society, and more that they value the same things
In an American school, where the asian, white, black, and hispanic students are from the same neighborhoods, speak English, and are raised in the same culture, and the same trends in academic achievement are found in virtually every district in the country, that has to get people thinking.
>this goes back to the cultural persecution complex and the lack of will to succeed because of it.
When asians are subjugated, it increases their aptitude to western civilization and makes them successful, but when africans are subjugated, it dooms them to never be successful? This is another instance where people have to reverse things they already believed in order to form a politically correct belief. Normally, adversity is associated with increased drive and motivation. When black people break that mold, the wisdom becomes that any adversity will permanently cripple a people, and no matter where they migrate, no matter what country they're born in, it will follow them everywhere so that they are always at the bottom. Every student in the US is taught about how America broke away from British tyranny and went on to thrive and become a global superpower.



Dublin Portal changes after 'inappropriate behaviour'

Changes will be made to the way a visual art installation linking Dublin to New York is operated due to some individuals engaging in "inappropriate behaviour", Dublin City Council has said.

It allows people in Dublin in the Republic of Ireland to see what is going on in New York in the United States in real-time.

A similar screen and webcam in the Big Apple also means people there can see what is happening in Dublin, around the clock.

However, on Monday Irish and US media reported inappropriate behaviour over the weekend at the Dublin portal.

In a statement on Monday, the council said the "overwhelming majority of interactions are positive" but said "a very small minority of people" had been engaged in the "inappropriate behaviour" and that this has been "amplified through social media".

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Oh cool a schizo thread.
>schizo thread
I stood in front of this camera in NY.
I dressed as a 19th cent British entrepreneur, and i held up a giant potato carved in the shape of an naked irish lad and i fucked that tater til it withered.
I tossed the tater through the portal and it landed in the face of the constable who was trying to step through to arrest me
Yanks confirmed being unable to take a joke, we knew that already through which is what makes it funnier
too soon
Seinfeld: "Israel's just defending itself from the terrorist attack on October 7th"

Kramer:"yeah I started game of thrones halfway through the series and thought joffrey was the victim too"


Matzo ballers confirmed being unable to take a joke, we knew that already through[sic] which is what makes it funnier.
NYC creatures are not Americans

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>Chinese leader Xi Jinping will welcome Vladimir Putin to China on Thursday for the Russian president’s second visit in less than a year – the latest sign of their growing alignment amid hardening global fault lines as conflict devastates Gaza and Ukraine.

>Putin will arrive in China just over a week since entering a new term in office, extending his autocratic rule until 2030 – the result of an election without any true opposition.

>His visit, set to take place May 16-17, according to Chinese state media, mirrors Xi’s own state visit to Moscow just over a year ago, where he marked the norm-shattering start of a new term as president – like Putin, after rewriting rules around how long leaders can serve.

>Their meeting comes months ahead of the American presidential elections and as Washington faces mounting international backlash over its support for Israel’s war on Gaza. It’s set to provide a platform for the leaders to discuss how all this can advance their shared ambition to degrade and offer an alternative to American power.

>The visit also comes as the two leaders operate within what observers say is a loose but growing coordination of interests between avowedly anti-American countries Iran and North Korea. Pyongyang – which has an economy almost entirely dependent of China – is believed by Western governments to be aiding Russia with war supplies. So too, the US says, is Tehran, which is being bolstered economically by Russia and China and is a powerful player in the conflict in the Middle East.

>Putin will arrive for the two-day state visit emboldened by the survival of his wartime economy and amid a major new offensive along key points of the front line in Ukraine. For Xi, freshly returned from a European tour, the visit is an opportunity to showcase that his allegiance to Putin has not broken his ability to engage with the West.
"Xi please help me!"
T Strongman Putin

May 12, 2024

‘Boardwalk Empire’ star Steve Buscemi punched by maniac in random NYC attack

It seems no one is safe on the streets of the Big Apple these days — not even beloved hometown actor and Brooklyn native Steve Buscemi.

Buscemi, 66, was strolling through Kips Bay last week when a brute walked up and struck the “Boardwalk Empire” star in a broad-daylight attack — one of the latest unprovoked assaults in the five boroughs, law enforcement sources told The Post.

The actor suffered swelling to his face and left eye and was taken to Bellevue Hospital for treatment.

Meanwhile, his deranged assailant took off and is still on the lam, police sources said.

“Steve Buscemi was assaulted in Mid-Town Manhattan, another victim of a random act of violence in the city,” Buscemi’s publicist said in a statement to The Post.

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but dems say the knockout game isn't real and was made up by fox news? why did they do this to Buscemi and Rick Moranis?
>but dems say the knockout game isn't real and was made up by fox news
Because it isn't, but not for Fox News lack of trying to create a social contagion and fabricate a moral panic.

Random acts of violence have literally always been a thing and there was no uptick in violence associated with the period Fox News reported on it, nor has there been any documented trend in attacks associated with a gamified form of random violence.

It was a dumber satanic panic. Trying to turn an urban legend into a crime wave.
>reddit spacing
>no the blacks randomly punching people and randomly force feeding women human shit on the subway is random
>It was a dumber satanic panic.
besides the video evidence? and massive cultural shifts around men (womens lib, automation) and social interaction in general (pandemic)??
the knock out game isn't real. ignore all the cases of blacks assaulting nonblacks

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When a children’s jewelry maker began advertising on Instagram, she promoted photos of a 5-year-old girl wearing a sparkly charm to users interested in parenting, children, ballet and other topics identified by Meta as appealing mostly to women.

But when the merchant got the automated results of her ad campaign from Instagram, the opposite had happened: The ads had gone almost entirely to adult men.

Perplexed and concerned, the merchant contacted The New York Times, which in recent years has published multiple articles about the abuse of children on social media platforms. In February, The Times investigated Instagram accounts run by parents for their young daughters, and the dark underworld of men who have sexualized interactions with those accounts.

With the photos from the jewelry ads in hand, The Times set out to understand why they attracted an unwanted audience. Test ads run by The Times using the same photos with no text not only replicated the merchant’s experience — they drew the attention of convicted sex offenders and other men whose accounts indicated a sexual interest in children or who wrote sexual messages.
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>Man continues to harass journos even after being explained to that it's not an actual child account.
>Is determined in court to be too stupid to charge.
Many mysteries in this universe.
we're better than burgers.
what a shit health system, political system, racist system, wealth inequality system. cop brutality system, and world dominating system
20% of chyyNese is scum
15 %of russians
10 % of leafs
50 % of israelis
55 % of burgers
2 % of danish
Found the British Colonialist. I'll bet your name is Jareth or Nigel.
LMAO, only child fuckers have accounts in that meta shit. Everybody knows that.

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Jerry Seinfeld Commencement Speech Spurs Walkout at Duke University
The comedian's steadfast support of Israel resulted in calls to cancel his graduation day appearance.

MAY 12, 2024

Jerry Seinfeld has steered clear of controversy for decades, saving his strongest opinions for the arguably mundane. But it appears his recent comments on what’s acceptable fodder for comedy, as well as his ongoing support of Israel, have prompted a new wave of frustration with the comedian. That aggravation boiled over today, in the form of a student walkout at Duke University’s graduation, just as the Seinfeld star took the stage to deliver the school’s commencement speech.

According to a video posted to social media, Seinfeld’s introduction by school president Vincent Price was “drowned out” by chants of “free free Palestine.” The rallying cries appeared to come from both the soon-to-be-graduates seated on Brooks Field as well as folks in the surrounding rows at Wallace Wade Stadium.

Another video shows be-gowned students standing, unfurling Palestinian flags, and leaving the stadium as Seinfeld prepared to speak. According to The Daily Beast, the livestream of the graduation ceremony cut away from the protest as it occurred.

Seinfeld, who also received an honorary doctorate from the school, didn’t allude to the protest in his speech, which focused on general life advice for the graduates. WRAL reports that the still-working standup announced three keys to life: Work hard, pay attention, and fall in love. (All activities, one should note, that seemed to eternally elude his namesake character.)
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Glad their wasn't any bullshit happening when I graduated. I'd be pissed if a bunch of affluent sjws tried to ruin one of the biggest days of my lives, all because of some islamic extremists are being bombed somewhere.
>my lives
My phone either thinks I'm a cat, or hindu
you only have 1 life, genocidal scum, and then hell awaits you
They're just labeling the protestors as anti-semites and saying they'll have no career because jews control corporations and govt. Anything short of the Arab states intervening and the US cutting off all funding won't stop them. And the Arabs have a terrible history of fighting israel.
Fuck Israel and fuck Palestine. USA doesn't need to give either of them any money anymore. Let them all blow each other up into dust, I don't give a shit. Americans need American money more then either of those places.

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A federal judge in Texas has blocked a new government rule that would slash credit card late-payment charges, a centerpiece of the Biden administration's efforts to clamp down on "junk" fees.

Judge Mark Pittman of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas on Friday granted an injunction sought by the banking industry and other business interests to freeze the restrictions, which were scheduled to take effect on May 14.

In his ruling, Pittman cited a 2022 decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit that found that funding for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), the federal agency set to enforce the credit card rule, is unconstitutional.

The regulations, adopted by the CFPB in March, seek to cap late fees for credit card payments at $8, compared with current late fees of $30 or more. Although a bane for consumers, the fees generate about $9 billion a year for card issuers, according to the agency.

After the CFPB on March 5 announced the ban on what it called "excessive" credit card late fees, the American Bankers Association (ABA) and U.S. Chamber of Commerce filed a legal challenge.

The ABA, an industry trade group, applauded Pittman's decision.

"This injunction will spare banks from having to immediately comply with a rule that clearly exceeds the CFPB's statutory authority and will lead to more late payments, lower credit scores, increased debt, reduced credit access and higher APRs for all consumers — including the vast majority of card holders who pay on time each month," ABA CEO Rob Nichols said in a statement.
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No I mean when the Republicans file for a case in the jurisdiction of a specific republican judge who they know will rule their way, as in literally shopping for a judge.
>CFPB's statutory authority
You are OK with agencies potentially exceeding their authority?
Sucks to be you.
Republicans have had a hateboner for the CFPB since Obama created it and Elizabeth Warren ran it.
To be fair, it was created by Obama and run by Elizabeth Warren.
And that's a good thing.

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At the end of a tense court day in his criminal trial in Manhattan, former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday sent an email to his followers with a dramatic subject line: “I stormed out of court!”

The reality was far more muted.

When the day ended, Mr. Trump calmly left the courtroom, as is typical of many criminal defendants. He strode toward reporters and a camera stationed in the hallway and gave a minute-long statement attacking the case, the judge and the proceedings. Then he exited the building and went home.

Still, in his message to followers, Mr. Trump depicted himself as a firebrand who angrily fled the proceedings over perceived injustice. “I’m DONE with the election interference,” he wrote. “Joe Biden & the LIARS in the media can spread LIES LIES LIES — all while I’m stuck in court and GAGGED!”

Such exaggerated portrayals have become typical for Mr. Trump and his presidential campaign in the weeks since the start of the trial in which he is accused of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment to a former porn star.
As Mr. Trump sits in New York for the first criminal trial of a former president, he and his campaign have sent a blitz of emails and text messages to his supporters that depict a highly dramatized account of his actions inside the courtroom, where proceedings are far more prosaic than he describes.

The Trump campaign’s emails often contain kernels of truth. The former president is, for example, under a gag order that keeps him from attacking witnesses, jurors and others.

But the messages often elide details or nuances in order to support Mr. Trump’s broad assertions that his trial is a politically motivated “witch hunt.” Despite his claims of forced silence, the gag order has not prevented Mr. Trump from sharing his perception of the case.

And the fund-raising emails frequently insist that the charges he faces are part of a larger “election interference” effort orchestrated by President Biden, a baseless claim that lacks evidence. The New York case is being overseen by the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin L. Bragg, who operates outside the Justice Department’s purview.

Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, defended the fund-raising emails and said that “more and more Americans are chipping in every day to support President Trump as they watch him get politically persecuted by Joe Biden and the corrupt Democrats in this sham show trial.”
In the campaign’s telling, Mr. Trump is so aggrieved by the case against him, the conduct of the prosecutors and the decisions of the judge, Justice Juan M. Merchan, that he can barely keep himself from bursting out of his seat as each day concludes.

But the kinds of outbursts he describes would be violations of expected decorum. During court proceedings, Mr. Trump’s demeanor has been relatively restrained, even if he sometimes appears irked by testimony.

Mr. Trump has on occasion conferenced with his lawyers, once making comments that were audible enough to draw an admonition from Justice Merchan. But he has generally kept still and quiet, even appearing to nod off or close his eyes.

At least five fund-raising messages have claimed that Mr. Trump has “stormed” in or out of the courtroom. Reporters covering the trial have said that his movements are more subdued.
Is this a spam bot?

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California is reeling from huge spikes in illegal immigration after Texas secured their border.
Texas, home to about 70% of the US-Mexican border, decided to secure their border against illegal immigration against the mandates of despot Biden.
While this has directly resulted in a large overall decrease of illegal immigration nationally, California quickly saw their illegal immigration rise by roughly 50% as smugglers now use California beaches for entry
California Beaches Are a New Gateway for Illegal Immigration

Enright was swimming off the coast of La Jolla, Calif., just north of San Diego, on a sunny Tuesday morning in January when he spotted a boat racing toward the shore, headed straight for him.

As he swam out of the way, Enright said, he initially didn’t know what the white pleasure craft was doing. “But when I saw there was a boat full of people,” he said, “that’s when I knew.”

It was, he realized, another smuggling operation carrying migrants into the U.S. illegally via the sea. When the boat ran ashore, about a dozen people ran out and up a rocky walkway toward a nearby street, where they disappeared.
While illegal immigration by people crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has risen to record levels in recent years, seaborne smuggling of migrants has surged as well—particularly in Southern California.

Their dramatic arrivals, some of which locals, including Enright, have caught on video, have become an increasingly common sight for people who visit or live by beaches, sometimes sparking fear and anger.

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post medical credentials, faggot. no one who has interacted with illegals likes illegals
You're right. That's pretty moderate.
Imagine burning your life away attempting to troll people, unsuccessfully, on 4chan.
Every time. Democrats think like children and just assume everyone else does too.
Yep, it's spamming noise to get people not to discuss Biden's Border.
because dems include shit like this as riders in bills that have like 200 things in them and like 75% of the things in the bills are forced castration of children and sending money to afganistan women's studies programs

I guess he was playing the knockout game. what a fucking shithole
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No one else here is as racist as you are.
Liar. I'm ten times more racist.
Democrats tipped over my garbage cans last night
I'm as racist
Well, most of them are homeless.

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Biden leads Trump in Quinnipiac Wisconsin poll


A new poll from Quinnipiac University finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump in a head-to-head matchup in Wisconsin, but the two are about even with an expanded field.

The poll found 50% of registered voters backed Biden, compared to 44% who supported Trump.

In a five-person race, Biden was at 40%, Trump 39%, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 12%, Jill Stein 4% and Cornel West 1%.

Eleven percent of those who supported Biden in a head-to-head race backed Kennedy in the expanded field, while 7% went to Stein and 2% to West. The president retained 80% of those who backed him head-to-head with Trump.

The former president, meanwhile, retained 87% of his supporters. Of the rest, 10% went to Kennedy, 1% to West and 1% to Stein.

In the Senate race, the poll found incumbent Dem Tammy Baldwin led GOP challenger Eric Hovde 54-42.

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>Remember when Hillary was 99% projected to win.
It was about 70% two weeks before the election. Also, learn how odds work. Just because the statistically unlikely thing happened doesn't mean the odds were wrong.
>No poll shows Trump up 5
>Average is Trump plus 5
Not how averages work.
>It actually does include Rassmussen.

Other RCP averages might, this particular poll does not. The polls it uses are publicly listed and Rasmussen is not among them. Go to the link and scroll down to find the listed polls and, look! No Rassmussen!

>averages are only real when they show what I like

A few days ago they most definitely had polls showing Trump +5 and higher. Now it's showing him at +.6. Almost like polling can change, weird.

>Just because the statistically unlikely thing happened doesn't mean the odds were wrong.
It actually does, it also means there's something inherently wrong with the way the polls were being conducted because it overwhelmingly showed a favorable bias towards one candidate that as it turns out, didn't exist in reality. So where did the data showing it existed come from exactly?
You are missing the point that RCP is not trustworthy, which is why they have become the laughing stock they are today. Every RCP polling average uses Rassmussen whether they admit it or not. RCP is (in)famous for using them with every poll average. That's their shtick. Just because they purposely omit that they're still using Rassmussen doesn't mean they aren't using Rammussen.
The average is not Trump +5 like you were led to believe.

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