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Dear diary,

Today was not that good of a day. It all started with my mom and her botched breakfast. Or her drink of choice, to be precise, as the dates and the wheat pancakes were fine... it was the milk again. She always stores it 'for later use', without telling, and I had to spend my whole day at school with a tummy ache. How can you mess up milk, mom? Again!?!? ... Anyway, I got so mad at her I started calling her Lupa because she doesn't like it (hehehe take that mom :p). She says that was her maiden name before dad kidnapped her to introduce new blood to our settlement... not sure what that was all about but whatever...

Soooo, now school!

The history class went terrible! The teacher wanted everyone attending to give a brief summary of their family history and Etruria, this pompous bitch >:( !!!, started to berate me how I didn't have culture of my own and I stole a dress idea from her last week! While it was my turn to speak! Well sorry that I don't have rich parents like yours to fund my degenerate lifestyle and nightly drunken escapades, I can't afford to throw up my food yet (willingly at least... MOM!!!). I am so mad at her enabler too... Samnitia-chat or whatever, she is the new kid on the block but just because she is a sun-beaten tomboy with a fetish for horses she gets to play cool with the popular kids and I don't :(

Initially the P.E. class started great when I noticed that Grecia-kun was staring at my quads!!! It feels so good that my gymnasium gains are finally getting recognition... and from him at that! He is so cute, I want to get married to him asap!!! but then Samnitia-chat started flaunting her riding skills and he didn't look at me for the rest of the session :/ Maybe I need to get some tan too. Grrrrrrrr ... I try to get mad at him but I just can't... he is so cute, sigh... oh, Grecia-kun, one day you will be mine - I swear by Jupiter Capitoline! hihihihihi >:)

Anyway, that's pretty much it my dear diary, catch you on the flip-flop, muah-muah

680 BC, with love and many pilum, you trusted Rome-chan

PS. I'm so exited for the Saturnalia <3

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>>6003736 | >>6003742 | >>6003770 | >>6003898 | >>6003946 | >>6004741

Dear diary,

I fear that I might be too powerful. My enemies are defeated left and right, I feel an ascendance happening in my soul... Etruria the slut is now crying in the embrace of her protégé Samnita-chan behind our school, after engaging in valiant catfight with me and Celtica-chan. She said that Umbrio turned out to be a paper tiger since he didn't show up to our showdown ( she really likes the army lingo ), I just call him a giant pussy. Epirus took a literal brick to the head so he won't be a problem anymore and the whole latin neighborhood now swears fealty and undying love towards me (witness me, diary, witnesssssss true greatness). It can't get better that this, right?

Well, the issue with Celtica-chan's boyfriend still stands but she resolutely is taking his side in the matter, I don't know for how long I can trust her. Also, we have 2 new twins in our school - Teutonia and Kimbria-chan, and live in the houses north of Celtica-chan. And oh Jupiter, are they pretty!!!! They have silver hairs just like a noble elder, skin - white as snow and eyes more blue than afternoon tuscan sky! Mom says that I have to marry a man to continue our lineage but by Mars, I am tempted to steal one of them for myself :3 Grecia-kun, you might have competition... Now mentioning Mars, I remember hearing Celtica-chan saying that she doesn't like them in our neighborhood, they have been giving her existential dread... Because they are different looking than you, Celtica-chan??? Talk about being prejudiced...

She also mentioned something about them being extremely violent and berserk-like whenever the hairstylist doesn't do their braids right, but but but they are so gorgeous! Something so pretty can't be evil, Celtica-chan is just jealous that her freckles aren't good enough next to their moisturized porcelain skin.

160 BC, signed with the hand that united the neighborhood

PS. I had a weird dream about the twins not arriving for like another 80 years or something, kinda weird that they are here now huh, well, hopefully the Norns that spun the fate of all cute girls won't sperg out... Anyways, kisses from your trusted Roma Victor, mwah mwah

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>let Teutonia and Kimbria-chan to have their way with Celtica-chan, the boyfriend that she loves so much will surely come and help her
But feign ignorance.
>you have been having a philosophical itch to sleep in a barrel, threat yourself, you are now the ruler of all latins after all
>let Teutonia and Kimbria-chan to have their way with Celtica-chan, the boyfriend that she loves so much will surely come and help her
>>you have been having a philosophical itch to sleep in a barrel, threat yourself, you are now the ruler of all latins after all

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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

You had your hands full with the Stonemasons after their arrival. Fiercely independent and holding on to their own identity, it would be a while until you have managed to integrate them with the rest of the Alteracis, but you did manage to accomplish at least something. The welcoming feast seemed to be a success and you struck some understanding with the mercenaries they had brought with them. Now having them guard Sofera's Naze, you felt your right flank to be more secure.

You also had promised to yourself that you would take it easy and relax a bit. So you decided to go camping with Malevus. Your plan was to spend a day or two enjoying the beauty of nature, and maybe talk about Malevus kissing you earlier, but something completely else also happened.

You met Thrall, the escaped gladiator from Durnholde and a very good friend of Taretha Foxton. Avoiding conflict, the two of you worked together in finding and destroying death knight Umo Shadowheart and stopping whatever plans it had.

Now with spring having started to turn into summer, you had a feeling that the world around you would turn into a way more hectic place.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

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>Dress normally. You aren't expecting a fight and you don't want to make a huge scene out of this.

>what does he want to accomplish with the flute and these sessions?
to head south and seize karazhan to put on the best ghost musical ever
>>Dress for war. Aurvan'kal, The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.

Fun mostly being good with it would be a side bonus
Malevus had helped you to put on the Aurvan'kal and you had reminded her that both of you are supposed to be in the burial tomb for the first time. It was easier for you and her to be silent and allow Sir Gravis to go in first and make the discoveries.

It wasn't easy for her to lie like that, but she understood the reason for it rather well.

When everything was ready, you took the rations and other things you might need and left for the stables. Better to leave early as it would be a long day of riding ahead for you.

You had followed the road to the silver mine first, briefly meeting with one of your patrols there and the supervisor of the mine. But you didn't spend much time there as you wanted to find the tomb before the night arrived.

From there you headed further up the mountains and regularly checked the faux-map made by Eligius. Its instructions were simple, when the right mountain peaks were to your left and right, you were in the right place. So you just had to follow the sparsely wooded part of the mountains until you would find the burial tomb.

In reality you had a pretty solid idea where you were and where the tomb was, but you had to play a role today. You weren't supposed to have been here before.

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Walking to the entrance, you carefully watched your steps and tried to see if there were tracks on the ground.

Blasted, the rain hadn't washed everything away and you spotted several large footprints, clearly orc boots. And then you spotted a smaller one and realised that it shouldn't be spotted. Those were your footprints.

Quickly stepping over it, you turned your feet on the soft ground and muddied the tracks before calling out Sir Gravis.

"I think we have a problem." You said to him and waited for him to join you on foot. "Orc tracks."

"Boys, to the Prince." Sir Gravis shouted and the knights joined you, leaving Malevus to tie the horses to nearby trees. The knights with their heavy feets hopefully made spotting your earlier tracks a more difficult task.

"These tracks could be old, rain has washed most of them away." You said to them and played your role.

"We should still be careful." Sir Gravis said to you and looked at the entrance carved into the rock. "Orcs this close to Dawnholme… and this strange whatever this is."

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>>Malevus should go in first. She is clearly 'sensing something unholy' so the others seem to trust her.

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Your name is Blooming Dandelion, but most people know you by your street name, “Meepis”, you are a self proclaimed vinestalker nomad of sorts that decided to spelunk into a dungeon housing a mythical legendary amulet, this amulet is said to be able to grant riches or be worth a really good penny itself.

Having no place to call home nowadays due to your miscreant nature, this is a golden opportunity made just for you!

[ PREVIOUS THREAD: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5966131/ ]
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Adding a vote to throwing a dart, but maybe carefully rub the dart's tip on some of the exploded slime before throwing it to see what happens.
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Well you definitely won’t be using the wand on this sorry hellspawn, it’s got slime for one arm but still it’s a goddamn shambling corpse, it shouldn’t be too hard to outmaneuver it you think.

Not wanting to tempt fate in its unsettling presence though, you rummage through your sack to get a quivered dart out to throw it at the carcass, but not before taking out another one and rubbing it in some of the slime splattered…

Yuck, this thing is pretty thick! It also seems that the inner side of the slime that was directly attached or facing to the wall is more effervescent and still remains a little bubbly, since you rubbed it from the front and got the less bubbly section, you can notice that now. The added weight of the slime is definitely going to affect the distance it can be thrown but for now you hold on in your upper vine to this slimed dart, for now you get ready to toss the dart with the purpose of going straight at the monster’s head.

You grip the dart shaft and prepare your throw…


>ROLL A 1D7+1
Rolled 5 + 1 (1d7 + 1)

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And straight to the noggin! Its head recoils from the impact and it seemingly grimaces from the pain.


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Even if you’re already dead, that’s gotta hurt somewhat, right? It’s kind of hard to tell with this guy though. Its head comes back to its usual spot and its gaze once again meets you, you get to see it cock back its slimy arm before you step back into the tunnel outside its vision.

Right when you do that you hear an almost confused sounding raspy groan as the sound of the icy footsteps start again.

You lose sight of the living dead, but so does it of you.

>What’s your next action?

HP: 16/16 MP: 16/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.24/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 3 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2] - 1 Slimed quivered dart [Damage: 1d5+??? thrust + ???]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]

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In the year 2537, the dreaded hosts of Chaos descended down on the realm of Jekatarina Bokha the Great, the Ice queen of Kislev. The hordes of Kurgan marauders mounted on horses struck upon her majesty’s provinces east of the Goromadny mountains (how the Kislevites call the World Edge mountains) and plundered Zhitozemlye (the Wheatlands, or the farming provinces of her majesty’s realm located in that accursed plain). All my estimates place the initial invasion force at some ten thousand bandits that descended down upon those poor and unfortunate souls and suffered by their wrath, no doubt either killed off or enslaved and dragged off to their dark masters. The invasion happened in two prongs encircling the central hills and lake and plundering and enslaving the northern edges of the colony. It is estimated fifteen thousand souls perished in the raids of that year, with a great cavalry battle occuring in the west of the colony, where a Dolgan chief butchered a great many Ungols.
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Move into position.

Probably not, no.

A good idea.
Rue'Vahn, are you waiting for the results from me scouting the coast before you move?

Hangar, I wrote up a description of the accomodations along with an RP decision mini-qst thing if you'd be interested since you won't be raiding for a bit.
Oh right, I forgot to take my turn.
Here we go, the bondsmen will scout ahead and land the ships in those forests. If it's all clear, then the chaos warriors and manticores will follow suit next turn.

I'll also make sure to have our banners blatantly displayed (I'm thinking a claw with a ring on it), that way the Aeslings don't get my warband confused with Ivans.
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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I forgot the image. Fuq
Nice dubs, hopefully they bode well for a solid beachhead.

Magor hasn't gone yet either.

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Moon in prominence: ~~ 17th day of Rumina's last cycle
Orbital partition: ~~~~~~ exiting Volupta's last squadron
Epoch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yuga of Soranos

Location: ~~~~~~~~~~~ celestial body Providentia


start group listing...

... listing...

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>Your body fascinates me, tell me more about you and your kind...'
>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)
unwilling companion
>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)
Unwilling companion
Very intriguing story, getting some Fear and Hunger vibes. Glad the anons chose this character
>'Earlier it seemed as if the creature was targeting you specifically with its attacks, why?... Why were you chained when I met you?...' [Calculative], [Innocent face] (Killia gets information equivalent on the result of rolled 1d20, Rel leaves the party)
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>>'Earlier it seemed as if the creature was targeting you specifically with its attacks, why?... Why were you chained when I met you?...' [Calculative], [Innocent face] (Killia gets information equivalent on the result of rolled 1d20, Rel leaves the party)

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At last the familiar stone donjon of your castle looms above the horizon. You have journeyed long and hard and it is has been many years since you've seen its cheerful banners wave. Your companion, still dressed in his gloomy funeral clothes, shades his eyes and squints at something moving on the road. A procession of men with tonsured heads and plain white tunics fastened with nothing but belts of thick rope.

At their head is a great red coffin borne on the backs of four men. You recognize the two in front as, Gamling, your father's closest friend and beside him your father himself, his mane of hair now white to the tips. They turn in a fork on the road, heading in the direction of the cairns in which several generations of your family are interred. They are too far and preoccupied to have noticed you.

"A bad omen," says your companion, spitting over his shoulder in the custom of his people when they receive unwelcome news.

>Continue to the donjon
>Join the procession at the back
>Ride to the front and hail your father
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>You came because your sister wrote to you
>>You came because your sister wrote to you
>the campaign against the heathens is over.
>>You've had your fill of the continent

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You wake up in the middle of a room, the bloomy ambience blurs your memories. You have absolutely no clue of where you are or what were you doing before you woke up in the room.
The ambience is cold and weird, you feel like you are dreaming or under the effects of a hallucinogenic substance, something that is weird because you have been weird your whole life.
You can:
Check your inventory
Examine (object)
go to (place)
use (object)
self inspection
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You inspect yourself.
I first check your face and shivers go down your spine as you feel you are not human anymore.
a pair of animal ears grew on your head and overall your whole physical apparience has changed and resembles an animal
Examine note and fridge
I found you
>Examine anal cavity
We might have a storage compartment in there since we're not human apparently... Fuck if I know how aliens anuses work

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Your whole life, people have called you a "downer". You're no fun at parties, you don't have any friends, you like to bring up morbid topics in conversation, and you have a generally gloomy mood about you. The reason for this is because since you were a child, you've known the exact date you and everyone you love, are going to die. Why, you do not know, but it's true. You know, and it's haunted you. You wish you didn't, you really do, but it can't be helped.
Your name is Fido Ballthrow. You're a college dropout, a failed musician, and a disappointment to your family. You have very few friends, you have no job, and you only have, from this moment on, five days to live.
You knew today was the day it all begins last night, and in an anxious frenzy locked yourself in your closet with all the essentials. Tissues, a gun, blankets, and a pillow. In a rage, you punched a bunch of holes in your wall, because of course, you did.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. What will you do?

DAY TIMER: 24:00:00

>Punch more holes in the wall (3 minutes)
>Go make breakfast (30 minutes)
>Cry (2-60 minutes
>Take the easy way out (End Quest)
>Call someone (2-100 minutes)
>Do something else (Time Depends)
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>Ask him if he wants to practice
>Offer to let him stay at Lily's place

New girlfriend? Empty mansion? Dudes, that place is OURS now.
We could even leave our old place for Ralph while we move in with Lily. But we'd have to talk about it first.
I hope you don't mean actually moving in, we're like 4 days from the world maybe(?) ending, we don't wanna spend that time moving.
What do we have to move really? But yeah if it takes too long then I agree it's not worth it.
>Offer to let him stay at your place

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Is it always this warm out here? The sun beats down on dust and debris and all the curling, serpentine line of soldiers strung out behind you. Each and all sweat-stained and wind-bit.

Six more miles and six more hills and then that'll be the camp and then - finally - this long, long wandering reconaise patrol can end, you can pry off your boots, sign off on the last reports and maybe at long last get some sleep.

Nothing ever happens out here, anyway.
It's always quiet on the eastern front. . .
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>Admin action: Me, Valas, the 789th and his peltats will go SW to hunt down the fleeing cavalry. If and only if neither Natalis nor Methodian object, take Methodian's cataphracts with us. Valas leads the way.

It's a good plan to force the crossing, but are we sure we want to force a crossing now? We are in better shape than the enemy, but not at top shape either and some units will be splitting off. We could just take the smaller spanway island for now, then reunite the cohort and have our new siege engineers lob rocks over rhe bridge to help us with a contested crossing.

I am just proposing the alternative, I'm not certain it's better either. The enemy is currently largely disorganised and giving him time to recover may be worse for us than pressing our advantage now.
"Maybe have the aspirants and chemicaes double check the work of whoever was in charge of policing the militia after the battle. Can never be too careful with these types, especially with the mothflower shenanigans. There's more than one reason I didn't volunteer to integrate these louts into my unit. Even if these aren't spies or part of some scheme, Regini told me that Cesteriphon had some tenuous connection to bandits."

A brief moment spent examining the roster.

"Might I also suggest organizing some supplies for the 404th, before the crossing begins. I assume there will be some time before the pursuit, but if not, then this needs to be taken care of right away. If everyone is too occupied to reallocate the material, then I can delegate some contractors to handle the necessities."

Another moment spent in thought.

"Really, I'm getting ahead of myself, before I go any further, I should ask about the timetable of this assault. Is this to take place concurrently with Echo and Valas's southern operations, immediately after, or after a operational pause where we rest and resupply? I assume the latter, given the supply situation for some of our units, the shape Koras is in, and the fact that units that are in the middle of getting ready for jaunts south are listed as being in the reserve. You don't intend to have us rush all the way to the spanway if you're in trouble right? Dumb question, I know, but it needs to be asked."

When Natalis unfurls a map, I stare.

"Okay, so which of the goals you mentioned is most important. Securing the crossing? Whereby merely pushing the enemy back with minimal casualties inflicted to Glimini would be fine. Are we focused on destroying the formations currently occupying the spanway? Meaning the enemy matters more than the area. If that is the case, maybe Mandy or Publius could hire some river boats, horse-barges with oars to be specific, just in case you were wondering how we get boats upriver, help us land the 404th and 82nd on the northern crossing. That would trap all the formations in the spanway, allow us to destroy them completely. Methodian could put those engineering skills to work and dig in to prevent a breakout or rescue attempt. If our goal is just to keep the fleeing formations disorganized and off balance, perhaps it is better if we just harass with raids and sabotage (outlanders and military affairs), this would be the best choice if the assault isn't being delayed for a resupply or to wait for current missions to finish."
It;s not as if my weary light horse would contribute much to storming a beachhead.

Otherwise, though, a grand idea!

(Koras IC is drunk and unconscious.)
Sailing behind them to trap them in a killing field on a forested island? Excellent idea, we can annihilate them right there and then and make our ultimate objective much easier.
I assumed you were coming because Natalis's image just says + cavalry, no individual horse unit listings. So, I guessed that meant you as well.

Though you and Tessa could really use a lot of...everything. You need everything to get back into shape. Time, rest, supplies, manpower, prayer, everything.

(I'll wish Koras happy dreams.)

Magical girls are believed to spread light and fight evil but they're actually racist, bigoted and corrupt! And you're going to prove it to the world! You've evidence of
>Sakura Kinomoto on a deeply racist anti-immigrant rant
>Usagi Tsukino driving around beating up homeless people
>Madoka Kaname accepting bribes from Boeing
>Nanoha Takamachi shooting heroin and drunk driving
>Ichigo Momomiya at Diddy's parties
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Rolled 1 (1d20)

"Wait FarmersOnly.com is actually a Mahouist honeypot?!" You gasp in shock as the magical girls track your IP and teleport behind you. "Always has been desu" - the last words you hear before you're shot dead.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

c'mon bro
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Knew we should've joined them instead.
Tfr, QM.

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You are Charlotte Fawkins, dashing heroine, detectivess, adventuress, heiress, sorceress, etcetera. Three years ago, you drowned yourself in a quest to find a long-lost family heirloom; nowadays, you're just nobly c̶a̶u̶s̶i̶n̶g solving problems with the help of trusty retainer Gil and MIA snake/father Richard. Inexplicably, many people tend to "dislike" you, though you've never done anything wrong in your life.

Right now, you're wrapping up the final bits of pre-planning before you blow up the sinister company Headspace. In other words, you're speaking to Eloise.

"Charlotte! Always nice to see you." As always, it's impossible to tell whether or not she's joking. How does she do that? "I keep my promises! Got you the info on the Headspace locals. Alleged Headspace locals, anyway, they don't usually make a habit of publicizing the thing. I suspect it's the contracts. Here's all that... let's see here..."

Eloise pulls a folder out from under her cloak and presses it upon you. "I hope it's helpful! What happened to your hand?"

Your hand? You sliced it open so harvest blood for a cultish effigy. "Uhh... accident?"

"Quite an accident, if it hasn't healed yet! I hope it's not too painful. And, oh— hello, Gil. Nice to see you too, of course. Didn't mean to—"

"Hi," Gil says. He is standing behind and a little to the left of you.

"Hi! Have you two had a busy day? I heard there was something going on with Madrigal's new friend— was it Pat? Sounded like you were involved? No need to dish if it's not important, but..."

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>[1] You haven't been noticed. Now is the absolute best time to take over, before Virginia can mount any resistance. Shove her in a mind closet and assume control.
>[B] ...Then get out of these restraints before whoever-it-is comes back! Summon Gil— he can cut you out. Hopefully you both can scram before anything happens.
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Got home late from a concert. Update tomorrow.
Update tonight!



>Stay put

If Richard would here, what would he say? Would he want you to take over fully and get out as soon as possible? (You're certain you can get out of these handcuffs, if only you applied yourself. They don't look all that sturdy.) Or would Richard tell you to shut up and stay silent until you know what's happening?

...You don't know. You're not sure what he'd say.

Okay. Try something else. If Gil were here, what would he say? He'd probably be all nervous. He'd tell you to sit still and hope to God the situation resolves itself on its own. You're not all nervous— positive thinking— but you don't have a better idea at the moment. Virginia's probably too distracted by being zip-tied to notice you. You'll be fine.

She isn't really struggling against her bonds, though, or looking around, or doing much at all but staring at the join between the wall and ceiling. (Her head is tilted back— is she on a table? A reclined chair?) Is she drugged? Resigned to her fate? Or is this situation not as bad as it looks? Maybe she's used to being on a table-chair with her hands ziptied together. Maybe it's a normal thing inside Headspace. How are you supposed to know?

A door to the left opens, and a man enters the sterile room. A man...ager? No. Your gut tells you no, long before you can formulate a reason. "Hello, Ms. Shearer. I apologize for the hold-up. There's been some— there's some ongoing difficulties right now, I'm afraid. Nothing related to you directly."

Virginia's voice is husky, for a woman's. Or is it because you're hearing it from the inside? "Difficulties?"

"Plural, yes. The subversives at it again. Talk of an intruder. It's all due to the launch, I'd imagine. And the visit. Too many things at once." The man, bespectacled and balding, has his back to Virginia. He's snapping on gloves.

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"I— I didn't."

"Of course you didn't," the man says soothingly, and turns. He is wielding a syringe with a hideously long needle. "Of course you didn't. It could be argued it all turned out for the best, from the perspective of the higher-ups. They're very grateful for your involvement. They've expressed interest in capturing as high-fidelity a version of events as they can."

Virginia doesn't say anything.

"They're concerned that they might be subject to degredation if kept inside your mind. Memory is lossy. Are—" There's a brief commotion from outside. The man looks toward the door, but doesn't move. "Oh, dear. Are you comfortable?"

Her gaze flicks down to the zip ties. "I..."

"Required precautions, Ms. Shearer. I hope you understand. Otherwise?"

"I'm... I'm okay."

"Excellent. I'll go ahead and get started."

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Welcome into the stone-ice age of a far away unnamed star. After evolving in The Crack, the species known as Under Hunter reached Sapience and organized in tribes.
7 remains :

The fire-mastering Blanks of GrassGreen
The Assassin-tamers of Holey Moley, Tool-wielding shamans of Ghostclaw
The StrongHunters Armored feodal lords of BurningGrass
The Tzeench-touch blanks, Potters, winebrewer, cheesemakers of Jupiter
The Archers, Merchants, Slavers and Warptrailers of BadBack
The Lunar Dahu and Stove Grove farmers of Whitemane
The elusive trapmaker, History-recorders and pacifiers Cerulean

For those of you which held a tribe's fate in your claw...
>How should your tribe develop? (don't forget to claim a name and a trip)
Reminder that Bacback have 2 turns thanks to last thread's last action.

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Or maybe I'm looking at it all wrong, Holey-Moleys, Dahu, Under-Hunters, Glasshouses...this isn't the Path. Nononono. The Path lies in the dead. Yes. I know what I must try next. Clearly this generation is worthless.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 10 (1d100)

come one 88. bless this roll khorn.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

I had intended to make a better version, but this will do for now
High effort enough coupled to the roll to get a bit more on the way - like a small enough development embedded, or a shamanic use, or something

Your car has broken down on the road.
The engine is pouring smoke.
There is a light mist in the air.
You can see the town ahead that you were driving towards.
[You] -> [Red Bottlecap]

You are a:
>Fog Spirit
>Write In
In addition, you are a:
>Townie. I live here. I am returning from an extended leave. I know the town and people. Easy.
>New Arrival. I moved here recently. I don't know most of the town or people in it. Medium.
>Out-Of-Towner. I do not live here. I know barely any of the town. People distrust me. Hard.

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Wait, are we a weird fog monster? What do we really remember before we arrived in this town?
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>>Keep it to yourself, for your own safety
i feel reminded how chatGPT cant write evil/blood thirsty characters because at the first chance given they become cartoon villains who deep down only want love and acceptance
>Keep it to yourself, for your own safety
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You are a Beast, not a Fog Spirit! You can remember being a student with a management degree.
...OK? It was never indicated we were evil, and people haven't taken it in that direction yet.
You decide to keep your beastly nature to yourself. After all, what benefit could you gain by getting these people to distrust you?
Janine makes a passing comment to you about how "things used to better" in this town before they "started letting all the foreigners in", which elicits a skeptical look from most people in the room. She leans over a small display of plants to look out the large window, seeing that the fog has started thinning slightly.
Axel joins her, nodding his head enthusiastically.
"This cruel force should be back to manageable levels soon, or so I hope..." he says to nobody in particular.

>Just wait until it dissipates and head outside
>Leave and go somewhere else (Where?)

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>Check out the bathroom

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Welcome, one and all, to the triennial (though one hopes perhaps we can do this more often in the future) QUEEN OF /QST/ TOURNAMENT!

For those of you just joining us, this a celebration of some of /qst/’s greatest girls. It’s a successor to The great /QST/ Waifu Tournament of 2021 (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/4999756/), meant to bring together our creative community of QMS and their most passionate participants to select a single sweetheart to represent our board for a year! Alongside the KING OF /QST/ (thread pending), the winner of this thread will be undisputed (read: very disputed) supreme grand poobah of all females and femmes until whenever someone opts to run one of these again!

In our preliminary thread (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5961634/) we whittled down our contenders to a nice, manageable TOP TWELVE. Ranging the gamut from young and old mortal and immortal, organic and inorganic, magical and mundane, they represent a wide swathe of what our board has to offer. Some are sexy, some are cute, some are both, and some (if you’re a filthy pleb) are “abominable freakshit”, but every single one of them was SOMEONE’S favourite, with enough interest to appear here today. So, how about we make some (re) introductions, huh?
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>Question 1#
>All the main nemesis of the waifus from their worlds team up to kill them. Do you think the waifus would be able to beat them?
The human professors and arena owners have shown themselves capable of great works and terrible deeds. Fortunately they're prone to infighting.

>Question 2#
>What waifu do you think would taste the best?
I assume Sigrid's marbling would be like Cypher eating a steak in the Matrix, but 50% of a Cutémon's attacks are bite-type so it would be easy to arrange circumstances where everyone is "sampled."

>Question 3#
>Would your waifu entry make a good mother?
The first rule of mon training is "They get fed before you do."

>Question 4#
>Who among the waifus do you think your waifu would get along with best?

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Canonically, Rosa never actually had sex, she's a virgin. Knows how to flirt, but absolutely no practical experience, it's all theoretical. And only in her dreams.

Uncanonically, though... it can be any position. Yes, even that one. Or maybe that. That? Why, perhaps!
>it can be any position.
It cannot be the double yolk flying princess tickle. She doesn't have the extra nipple necessary. Does she?
I suppose we get to pick what it is..whanever we get around to her doing it. Whanever we get more threads.
By the looks of it, thread 7's gonna arrive sometime very late May or early June. Keep an eye out.

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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

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Yes, that is what tends to happen when you have a recurring pattern of killing quests that people are invested in in the most obnoxious manner possible. People get assmad.
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Horsequest is back!!

And if you don't feel quite like reading, that's cool! Watch this little thang I made instead :)

Fair enough, I never really got into his quests. I preferred the Saiyan Conqueror Quest by GrandDragonQM

Here's the PDF, as promised! It's still a first iteration, and I definitely didn't intend on having it be a whole 13 pages, but hopefully this provides a good reference for running similar quests.

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