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Enough pussyfooting around with filling out with text pre-made rubrics.
TELL the world what it is that you want.
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chris chan if he joined andrew jackson jihad
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I hope thats a compliment. just saw them a couple weeks ago lol

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Lets start. What would I need to do, in addition to the obvious weight loss, to improve/be good looking?
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No Botox. I use a lot of sunscreen though. All natural lol. I don’t care if you don’t like my jewelry lmao. Style is subjective and I enjoy my earrings. I got 3 compliments yesterday at work with those exact earrings. I think they look cute and so do others.
>I got 3 compliments yesterday at work
And I got compliments on my braces. Doesn't mean it's true.
Haha pathetic
Whatever, gam gam

You want to date somebody? (Good luck…but hey u never know). Post your desperate plea for love below

>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
>What you look for in romantic partner
>Not looking for
>Discord Tag
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19m uk
>Random bullshit that describes you (interests, physical description,etc)
175cm , working on my physique I go gym, I work as a bartender , I like playing souls games and similar games.
>What you look for in romantic partner
Idk someone that's nice and that I geyt along with
>Discord Tag
Oh come on, I make one little joke and you freak out so easily? My next vocaroo was going to be the best one yet. You're not laid-back at all
really struck a nerve there huh

>Might pass out drunk soon
>I'm christian
Left wing woke white 27 year old trans girl from the uk, into masc, far right guys who hate everything "woke", politically correct etc.

I'm looking for someone who wants a relationship. I want something serious and meaningful and I'm open to relocating for the right person:l.

Interested in men who like being controlling and want someone who is obsessive and will fall in love with them quickly.

Discord: zarabp
Telegram: twb96
It wasn't just "one joke" suddenly at the end. You sent a bunch of fake vocaroos, which you've conveniently deleted now. Pass it off as whatever you would like, but you'll need to make another new account if you want to trick people now.

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Design YOUR ideal partner! The template as picrel if needed.
>DON'T: Argue and de-rail the thread
>DON'T: Make massive, "thirsty", or text-only posts

Things to include in your post:
>their qualities
>their interests
>their QuIrKs
>their location

Make sure to be UNIQUE! the best images will have:
>lots of color
>clear, legible text
>decorations and accessories

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>a trick somehow
I don’t think you know how hellish it is to live with someone like that.
F 22
Doing requests custom vids/pics
Sexting/video call
I also verify
Kik: sandraknight22
Telegram: @sandraknight22
Discord: berkhhh#8063
Add me on discord if we manage not to get on each others nerves in the first 10 minutes of conversation we might get along
- muddumstorm
Anon I'm 31 years old and I've been using /soc/ for a decade I know what bpd is.
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>be me
>19 M sperg
>inspired by thread
I sure hope she's out there, Anons...

My discord: anoddhermit

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Post, rate, appreciate.
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Haven't posted on here in a hot minute. Hello.
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Telegram: @MWTH1453
open to all
Here's another angle.

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Anime & Mental illness discord thread!

>Mental Illnesses
>Favorite Anime/Manga
>Describe yourself
>Looking for
>not looking for
>Discord tag
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mid-20s ftm usa
>Mental Illnesses
>Favorite Anime/Manga
Anime: Katanagatari
Manga: Clinic of Horrors
>Describe yourself
serious, paranoid, impulsive, weeaboo, pc gamer, artist
>Looking for
someone to casually chat with throughout the day and night
>not looking for
VC, chuds
>Discord tag
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>Mental Illnesses
diagnosed bipolar, something trauma related, possibly autism or a pd. in the process of getting an eval for the other issues.
>Favorite Anime/Manga
haibane renmei, texhnolyze, cat soup
>Describe yourself
I'm a pretty easygoing person, I love creative work. I write and play music but not exceptionally well. I listen to a lot of music, game, and wander around. My favorite artists include Car Seat Headrest, Duster, and ecco2k. big fan of soulsborne and weird finnish games. I'm fairly responsible with a stable life at this point but I like dark and obscure shit which makes it hard to socialize irl.
>Looking for
chill people who like to talk about their lives and go beneath the surface of things. be genuine and direct, it's the internet,
>not looking for
racists, homophobes, etc. people that need constant attention or validation. people with nothing in common. nitro users/friend collectors
>Discord tag
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cosy chatting server
Not accepting friend requests. Can you add me? Tag: stupidstupidface
>Looking for
someone to talk to me about suicide methods so i can gain some awareness, pick one, build up confidence, and make a plan when im ready.
>not looking for
people who will be outwardly transphobic, because that will make me want to live out of spite.
people trying to make friends or small talk.
chasers trying to knab a low self esteem girlfriend on the down low. (thats annoying and wont work)

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Let’s talk about porn/sex games. More specifically your favorites and the ones worth mentioning.

Hello everyone! Thank you for stopping by. I’ve been thinking about making a post like this for a while now.

I want to make a small little board that we can all discuss what games are good and worth the play time. Plus help others discover new games that they will love and remember for years to come.

I personally do not have a crazy amount of experience when it comes to these types of games. It all started for me with some RP that went dirty in both WoW and Final Fantasy. From there I was more curious to explore the other options for this style of gaming. I can’t say I know many other games whatsoever. But through twitter and searching I found lots of bad games but also a few I very much enjoyed.

My personal favorite is Panthea Act 1 & 2 by Leave2gether games. I found the story to be a fun little life sim with plenty of interesting interactions with the cast and very satisfying to progress through.
I love Casey as the main character, my personal favorite is Tuna the Bat though. (I wish we had more to do with her so badly.) I think the team behind the game does a great job at getting you attached to the characters, at least at a surface level and the art and sound team are just incredible. Getting to see the massive improvements they have made over the years of practice is quite a treat! Also personally only play any game from the female perspective (so only feminine main characters).

If you have your own person favorite, please post a picture and description of the game or just why you enjoyed it! Get the name out there.

Also if anyone wants to start a little community or even just add some friends to share games with and chat with about our experiences through them then feel free to post your discord!

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Something Unlimited is my current play. DC heroine trainer.

Heroes Harem Guild is probably all time favorite
I'd vouch for RPGmaker ero games, there's plenty out there, but the one I'd vouch for the most is called "black souls". 2 games in the series, or 3 including red hood's woods. It's really obscure but I promise you it's worth playing. The first one took me 20 hours just to get all the endings and sex scenes, including doing the new game+ option. The second game builds off the first one but never tells you what ending is canon, but it's got a LOT more shit to discover. The first game did have more endings, 1 good and bad for each companion you could get, a "normal" one, a twist ending, and a secret twist ending you get in the hardest, most obscured area in the game. I won't spoil too much but you have to defeat like, 10 bosses in the second game to progress enough to actually get an ending, there's also an endless dungeon and all in the DLCs, which I'll admit has doubled the amount of time I've spent on the first. IDK about red hood's woods, haven't found a link for it, but besides that both black souls 1 and 2 have the option to rape and kill everyone you find. Naturally you can just... avoid doing that entirely but you could also just disable it which makes it automatically funnier because it's just headpatting.
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Omg, thank you guys so much for actually responding! I thought this thread was just gonna die off with no interactions. This is actually the first board I’ve ever made so it’s super pleasing to see anyone take interest!

I checked out the 3 posts recommendations. I’m not usually crazy into any anime style stuff if it leans too hard into that aspect. But Bound by Love didn’t look bad at all!
Also Black Souls 1 & 2 looks pretty up my alley, the mechanics of the game seem actually fun and engaging for these which I love!

I will say the DC stuff looked fine, but I am very not into comic book stuff or hero’s & villains. I hope you and others find enjoyment in it though! That is all that matters.

I did get one other recommendation for a game called Eternum. It looks like a gorgeous, and fun visual novel with choice. (gif related).

I hope more people see this board and decide to interact! That would make me so happy! Thank you everyone for your input so far. :3

Also again if you wanna discuss more or just keep me as a friend my discord is Lunar_Secret
My favs:
Summertime saga obviously
My pig princess, short visual novel with good writing and art
Dandy boy adventures. Actual good gameplay and puzzles. Some quests are annoying but mostly fun
Aurelia. Fun gameplay, amazing art, good variety
Hazelnut latte. Cute medium length visual novel about femboys
Futadom world. Name should say enough
Domina. Nasty femdom game (i have more of those if anyone wants)
Wow! I just looked at every single one of these and they all look incredible! I’m adding every one to my library. Add me on discord if you’d like and I’ll update you on my thoughts if that interests you.

Either way, Thank you so much for such a large selection of quality recommendations!

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Let's get a thread going for all those people trying to reconnect after losing contact for whatever reason.

I'll start: I don't know if you still come around here at all. Your disc name was related to salt and injuries, and you told me you were a swamp witch. Last I heard of you, your grandma was having some issues, and you were struggling with some pet lizards. I miss talking to you. You're the only person I've ever talked to from here that's any sort of interesting. If you wanna reconnect, I'm still on discord : BigFingerRo#3014
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Miss you cursed one.
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this is a stupid drop in the bucket but i know evie is still out there, i just don’t know if she really lurks this website or not lol but she said she found someone off here before. we met on a different app and talked for hours straight and then just stopped talking recently, im not sure why. i have blonde long hair and i think she might know who this is if she reads it, my name starts with an A.
Kat from West Virginia, miss you after all these years, all the way to CR, i hope youre ok
Vee from Chile, I miss you mi niña
I know who that is, and I'm willing to bet I'm the one she found. She has a dog that she loves dearly and a tattoo just abive her left knee, and one inside her lower lip. She's amazing, but sadly there were some issues between us that we couldn't seem to work out and I flaked out of fear of being hurt. I sincerely hope she's doing great.

A, if you're lurking, I'm sorry for running away so abruptly.

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New Kik thread.

> Asl
> Your interests/kinks
> What you want
> What you don't want
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showing off tight girlfriend for HUGE cocks my kik is catalyzt1
Just looking to see some nice tits and have good conversation. Maybe have my orgasm controlled.

Kik superanon102
Kik- Macemaceyy
Tele- Maceyy2023
Discord- MaceMaceyy

Wanting to have some fun
Someone message me
I want to know if I have a chance with my crush, I’ll answer any questions. Who is my competition for her?

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Indian cuck with very hot gf

Kik eeevolutionnn tell me what you think

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Haven't seen one in a long time.
Where are you guys at? Sudacas are welcome.

>about you
>looking for
>not looking for
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chill talking server

Welcome to the ERP thread!

Rainy Edition

Previous thread: >>32800935

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where anons can freely share their contact information, characters, solicit roleplay, share fantasies, discuss kinks, and everything else related to ERP.

>What's ERP?
Erotic Roleplay is text, or voice, based conversation where people build towards "sexy time" that's usually more structured than dirty talk. For many, the plots, settings, and characters in ERP allow for fantasies to be more fully discovered, explored, and fulfilled.

>Where can I ERP?
Pretty much on any medium that allows for communication, including KIK, Telegram, Discord, Skype, and even Twitter/Instagram DMs.

>I'm looking for something more advanced.

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exactly what i'm looking for! added you, i'm leo
Throw some ideas at me, I'm willing to try basically anything at this point if it's something fresh and doesn't disgust me
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19 Female Single Asian
Filipina / German Nursing Student

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
Hypnosis related? That seems to be popular depending on the method.
19 trans girl au
>Sexual interests
frotting, humiliation, bwno, sissification, farts, piss, cumflation, ageplay, petplay
>Looking for
older master to serve and break me in
>Not looking for
other subs


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Many threads are about kinks that are extreme and hardcore. These threads absolutely have a place here, but I can imagine there are a few like me who have kinks that while not super intense, are still very obscure and peculiar. This thread is for all of you.
So please, post:
>Age, sex, location (optional)
>Your kink
>Where it came from and how strong it is
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Allow me to begin it with:
seeing women eat sandwiches
despite writing out this questionnaire, i dont know where this kink came from, but i do know that it wildly turns me on for whatever reason.
looking for women who would be interested in fulfilling this kink, i have really gotten into posting here, for better or for worse
not looking for dudes or irl meetups, sorry
discord - uberhiccupz
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19f I got two!

I like guys that can yap about a sexual topic in a very clinical or like logical way.

Another is tattoos! But not just tattoo but stories behind them. Hearing a someone's stories behind why they got a tattoo, why they chose it, their feelings behind it, etc. Just hear them yap... it really makes me want to cuddle up on you and inspect your tat :3

Snap only if you wanna share :333 I'll show you mah boobies
I'll bite lol. I do like to talk about fetishes and all sorts of sex stuff with staying more logical about it. Like understanding where the kink stems from.

SC ub3rshadow
Sure why not, I've done a lot of traveling and have picked up tattoos all over the country


You can add me if you like to yap

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5 I guess
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Thoughts on mine?
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18 femboy
Cute boys and cut cock flood my dms
Hmu kik crabcogg
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New York state thread

Utica here
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22 m bi average build and height
Looking for males in the 716 who want their dicks sucked
Whats this
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19 Female Single Asian
Filipina / German Nursing Student

Kik/Telegram: ladybabes69
Snapchat: flowergirlkiffy
25 m Midtown Manhattan
Usually around midtown Manhattan. By the afternoon got nothing to do but walk around and get the occasional bite to eat or drink. Down for anything really, hookups or just to chill it really doesn't matter.
Just do be weird and preferably be in the city as well as reply often (don't really like anyone who take 2 weeks or a eternity to reply)
Happy Friday to everyone
Meant to say DONT be weird

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Secrets thread
I am in a long-distance relationship, we cannot meet nearly as much as we want, and her enthusiasm for sexting isn't nearly as great as mine. I'm crazy about her, she's so loving and we have great sex when we're together but to keep myself satiated I do a lot of sexting through soc. Mostly men, femboys, sissies, and trans women. I love sharing my cumshot videos and tributing boi pussy. I would prefer cis women aa partners but they're rare here and some of these bois and mtfs are so fucking cute and slutty, I'd keep them in a harem if I could and breed them daily. Been doing this for years but in the last few months I started testosterone therapy (I'm pushing 40, this shit happens) and my sex drive has been fucking crazy, so I've been at it even more. For weeks I've masturbated two or three times a day, sometimes more. I came seven times one day. I have been jerking off and precumming writing this, I am going to go watch creampie vids and fantasize about filling up my girlfriend.
34 m bi curious
Must be 18+
I love hearing about peoples kinks n fetishes and how they got into them. M or f gay, straight, bi all welcome. The more taboo or wild the better.
Kik snap seattledude90
I'm scared of women

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